A/N: And here is the story I mentioned about earlier :V I am actually quite excited about this one, and yes, I know I need to complete my other ones but tomorrow I'm updating both Breaking Through Her Walls and The Different Love Interests Of Gray Fullbuster! Exciting, isn't it? Um... okay... maybe not... ANYWAYS so I'm pretty sure that this plot line is extremely overused and all, but I always wanted to write stories where the girl meets the guy of a famous boy band (in this case, plural) and they fall in love and blah blah blah usual cliche stuff. Yes, this is also going to be extremely cliche, but I hope to add some twists and make it my own :) Oh, and, in case you don't know; MAJOR GRAYZA STORY RIGHT HERE! There will be plenty of side pairings, including NaLu and LyVia. The other's I'll make by as the story goes on, and... yeah... No OCs because I don't exactly like the idea of an OC with an existing character :/ So... yup!
I already have some stuff planned out in my mind, including a few twists in the love lives of the FT characters. And isn't it cool how Fairy Tail is their band name? xD That's probably overused too but, oh well! I just didn't want to name their school Fairy High since its supposed to be all strict and the name 'fairy' doesn't seem all that serious and all to me. Magnolia High doesn't sound that strict either, but I ran out of names. So yeah, really excited about this one! And I hope you all like it as well :) This is the very first chapter and any kind of criticism is appreciated. Thank you!
Disclaimer: Fairy Tail is not owned by me.
Chapter One: A Night Gone Wrong
The music was loud, the room was crowded, everyone was drunk, and Gray Fullbuster's sight was completely blurred. He'd had so much of alcohol that he wasn't in his right senses… at all. In fact, he didn't even notice when a random girl – wearing an extremely short miniskirt, may I add – walked towards him and jumped in his lap, whispering some things he couldn't catch in his ear, definitely trying hard to be seductive. This would've been a major turn-off for Gray, but since he was just so drunk at that moment, he didn't even know what he was doing. And he regretted that right the next morning.
Out of all the people in the party, he was the one to wake up first. And thank God for that, because he knew that the rest of the boys wouldn't know what to do in this position. Thanks to his quick thinking, Gray didn't waste a minute getting off the bed, wearing his shirt, and covering the half-naked girl on the bed before leaving the room.
The first thing he did when he was out was go to look for the boys. It was hard to remember just where they were, because the previous night was a complete blur and he couldn't even remember when the party started. But he didn't try hard, because that would just make the hangover a lot worse. When down the stairs, Gray spotted a bundle of pink behind the couch and immediately knew who it was. Carefully, he tiptoed his way there to block the empty bottles which were all around the floor to not break them. Once there, the figure with pink hair was found to be asleep, as expected, and sprawled on the floor. Gray gave him a small nudge, and when he still didn't wake up, kicked him hard for his head to bump against the leg of the couch nearby. The young boy immediately opened his eyes and started rubbing the corner of his forehead where he'd been hit. It didn't take him long to spot his raven haired teammate sitting nearby.
"Natsu," Gray hissed, "Get up, you moron."
"Gray?" The boy wasn't fully awake yet; maybe that was why it took him a bit long to understand what had just happened. But when he did, his eyes widened as he cursed to himself, "Oh shit, Hilda is so going to kill us."
"Now you realize?" The raven hair was obviously annoyed, and after waking up one of his friends, he left to look for the other two. He knew his one womanizer of a teammate would definitely be in a room, sleeping with someone. If he tried to remember, then Loke had left with someone not more than fifteen minutes of when the party had started. He even was the one to come up with the idea and pursue the others.
After checking the fifth room in a row, he finally saw the orange haired boy who was responsible for all of this. He was asleep, as expected, and with an unknown girl sleeping soundly beside him, same like Gray's position. Careful not to wake the female beside him, Gray went over to Loke and shook him awake before leaving for the last hunt, noting that he was awake and would now probably get down to help Natsu clean the mess.
Going over to the washroom at the very end of the hall, Gray opened it only to find his white haired teammate and cousin sprawled asleep on the floor. He had no idea how he got here, but Lyon Vastia always seemed to end up in positions like these whenever the team had parties which got out of hand. Now, waking him up, Gray Fullbuster set off for downstairs, with the boy trailing behind. Even though cousins, they had different surnames, and that was because Lyon was related to him maternally.
Once both of the boys finally reached their destination, they started to clean up to give a hand to the rest. At times like these was when Gray absolutely hated their extremely large penthouses. But being the most famous boy band in all of Fiore, and the current musical sensation, that wasn't something that could be helped. They were the current teenage heartthrobs, and also every girl's dream. It wasn't surprising that young women gave them their private belongings at signings, and it wasn't surprising that they couldn't even hear their own voice in concerts sometimes because of the fans' extreme screaming, even though with microphones attached to themselves. None of it was surprising, and they were supposed to be used to all of it by now. And they were… slightly.
"Okay, this is taking way longer than I expected," Loke spoke suddenly, breaking the silence and everyone's attention from their work.
"Did you even expect this?" Lyon retorted, "I doubt you thought twice before setting up the party."
"Hey! You all agreed, okay? Don't try to make it my fault and mine alone!" The boy defended himself, still doing his work. None of them could afford to stop right now, especially if they wanted to clean all the mess before a certain extremely scary manager came up to find out what happened behind her back. They didn't even check the time; they were afraid of how less time they had in hand since Hilda arrived every morning at seven thirty a.m.
"He is right," Gray spoke, "We all agreed to this so this is our entire fault, not Loke's only."
For a minute, the orange hair thought about sticking it up to his teammate who had previously insulted him, but then quickly dismissed the thought since they had plenty of work left. No matter how much they fought with each other, they feared their manager even more, and none of them would want her to know about their recklessness.
"How long do we have since she comes anyways?" Natsu asked, all of a sudden. But right after, he, along with everyone else, regretted that. Because no sooner than those words left his mouth, the door opened as a gray haired woman came walking, her eyes turning wide as she screamed.
They were all seated down on the long couch in her office as she paced around the room. Her eyes face the floor, and she was waiting for someone to come with the reports. They didn't dare ask about what their punishment would be. Because ever since Hilda had discovered what they did, she didn't speak a single word to them, minus the screaming. Instead, she got people to come over and clean up the place as she told them to meet her five hours later in her office, and there they were. Her not talking only made the situation scarier than it was ought to be, and none of them were prepared for what came next when the door opened. Someone quickly handed her some files and whispered in her ear before she nodded and discharged him. Then, the woman made her way to her chair as she sat down and arranged the files. They held their breaths as she cleared her throat before speaking.
"I believe you all are aware of just how disappointed I am in each and every one of you," she started, "and so is the rest of the team. This recent schedule you boys have made has been affecting the reputation of the band, and this cannot keep going on. You do know that you are yet to have your biggest record deal yet, once that will make you even more well-known than you are right now. The label has taken a huge interest in us, and if this deal works then things will go even better than they are right now. You boys are still on the rise, and you've only had two albums released and three tours around close areas. You still have much far to go, and this deal can really help in that. I know that you are all aware of it, but still you are being so reckless lately. May I know the reason for that?"
Her tone was quiet, yet deadly and professional. None of them dared to speak, but when she raised her eyebrows in a way that sent shivers through their spines, they got the sign that at least one had to answer. So Gray took the risk, "Um… actually… we are still… um, we are still adjusting… with the fame and all, you know. Like… we are, um, getting used to it. And this is how we used to be before it all so… it's taking some time for us to, like, get used to all this serious stuff."
"But you should know that this isn't a time for you to be 'getting used to' things. You all need to take on a much more organized route, and it doesn't seem like that will happen anytime soon. Which is why I have decided something everyone else agrees to." And there it was; their punishment. They all expected the worse of the worse, but they definitely didn't expect what was about to happen.
"I'd like all of you to mend your ways, and I have decided just how for you to do that. There is a private school in Magnolia, called the Magnolia High School. It is a strict and punctual school which mostly helps for students to get in the right track of their future. I am in good forms with Mr. Makarov Dreyar, the principal of the school, and we've adjusted some things in there for you all to go to. Yes, you will be going to this school for six months, and we are going to see if your attitude is better or not. If it is, then great. We are going to continue the work and hope for the label to sign their deal with us. If, however, you don't show any improvement, then the team is not going to work with you anymore. This has been our back-up since you started your mistakes, and this is the final action we are taking."
It took them a while to register her words, but when they did, they all started going at it, protesting that none of the team could do such a thing to them.
"This is so not fair!"
"Are you serious? Away for six months?"
"No! This is absurd, I reject to it."
"I cannot believe you all decided this! I will not do such a thing, no."
"What about the fans? What happens when they find out?"
"They will definitely find out! And what about us adjusting in there? People will be after us 24/7."
"This is sudden, and totally unfair!"
"Say something for God's sake!"
The woman only smiled at their actions, before smirking, "Good Luck."
Ta-Da! There it ends :) Whatcha think? Good or bad? Interesting or boring? Cliche or unique? Tell me by leaving reviews! And I really didn't know what else to name the story so... yeah...
I am also crying right now :'( This is 1,812 words, my highest so far! Isn't that just awesome? I think it is :V I hope to increase the words as the chapters go by :)
P.S. The cover isn't what I had in mind, but it's slightly close. What do you guys think of it?