I feel so f*cking bad for taking so f*cking long to finish this. I have no excuses, I was just being a lazy MoFo bitch.

But AHHH! The final chapter! I know it was like pulling teeth for me to finish this, but I did it so!

I REALLY hope you enjoy this because after this we will once again be separated!

So super enjoy chapter 10!

I stand there for a couple of minutes, not moving a muscle. I stare at the object right in front of me. I see it's there, I know what I need to do, but…I'm hesitating. Sweat drips down the side of my face and the air that's trapped in my lungs slowly forces its way out as I roughly exhale. I raise my clutched fist and hold it steadily in front of the object. I take another deep breath and sigh, 'no turning back now'. I firmly knocked on the bright red wood door that stands before me, and stand there as I consider walking away. But time was not on my side as about 5 seconds after knocking, the resident of the house swung the door open in glee.

"Hey Paul!" Ash yelled with about as much excitement as he usually has. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Ummm well…" I trailed off.

I looked in a different direction from him and didn't really answer his question, I didn't want to look him straight in the eyes. We stood there for a good 3 minutes before Ash broke the silence.

"…don't tell me…" he said.




"Dawn seriously kicked you out?!"


Ash's face lit up with joy as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"My, how the tables have turned!" he joked.

'This is so degrading…' I thought to myself

"You can definitely stay at my place tonight buddy! Misty is away with her sisters, so we have the whole house to ourselves!" He said as he walked me into his house.

"So, what did you do?" he asked me.

I sighed, "Well…I came home, and saw some guys leaving the house. I might have jumped to some very negative conclusions and as a result, we sort of got into an altercation and in the end I MIGHT have mentioned her recent weight gain."

Ash's mouth gapped open at my final statement and he burst out laughing, "I can't believe you called her fat! I mean, come on Paul. I might not be the smartest, but even I know NEVER to call a girl fat." He said as he wiped the tears out of his eyes.

"Yeah yeah I know." I scuffed.

"But seriously Paul, you should probably go apologize." He suggested.

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, "I'm NOT apologizing. She was the one being sketchy. She wouldn't even answer my questions. So she has to apologize first."

Ash sighed; we've been friends for years, so he wasn't all to surprised with my stubbornness. "Well if your not going to apologize, then you can just stay here and chill with me!" Ash yelled.

-Day (night) 1-

Well...we got drunk, and through a long chain of events we ended up getting in a fistfight, nothing big.

-Day 3-

We stood on opposite sides of the field as our pokemon were caught in an intense battle. And even though Ash's Pokemon fought hard, I ended up winning in the end. I smiled in triumph and prepared myself to gloat when Ash gave me a thumb up and congratulated me. I frowned at his gesture and sighed. It's hard to insult someone when they have already accepted defeat. Damn him and his good sportsmanship.

-Day 5-

Ash and I were walking down the street headed for some burger spot when we passed by that Billy guy from down the street. He walked over to us and smiled,

"Hey, you're Paul right? Hey, I'm Billy, I live down the street from you and Dawn. You've got a really beautiful wife, you really are a lucky guy." He laughed while nudging me.

'Why you son of a…' I growled to myself.

"You look like a nice guy, I hope we can be really good friends one day. Well I'll see you around, have a great evening gentlemen." He said before walking off.

I clutched my fists, 'I hate you so much…'

-Day 7-

We sat on the couch eating chips and drinking soda while simultaneously watching television. I was having a decent time, I kind of missed home but I refused to be the first one to apologize. And I wasn't going to go anywhere…that was until Misty returned. She walked through the front door and was a bit surprised to see me.

"Paul, what're you doing here?" she asked.

I wasn't even given a chance to speak before Ash decided to answer for me. "Dawn kicked him out because he called her fat." He said.

She gasped at his words, and shot dagger eyes at me. "Paul! Well did you apologize?!" she yelled.

I crossed me arms and shook my head. "No. I'm not apologizing until she apologizes first."

"What are you, like 5?" she said as her eye twitched.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Misty pushed me out of the house first. She looked me straight in the eyes and roughly sighed. "Look Paul, considering I know what I know, trust me when I say that you two REALLY shouldn't be fighting at a time like this." She stuck her hand out and pointed towards the road, "Now go say sorry to Dawn!" she yelled before slamming the door in my face.


I put my hands in my pockets and casually started making my way down the path. I don't see what the big deal is, couples argue all the time, ESPECIALLY Dawn and I. We are ALWAYS arguing, so why is this time any different? We actually had an apartment before we had this house. Do you want to know what happened to it? How about you watch Cops: Late Night Brawls episode 74. Hey, I didn't fight her, she came at me. Either way, the police were called and one thing lead to another annnnddddd…..Dawn ended up setting the apartment on fire. So us having arguments isn't anything new to ANYONE.

I sigh, "Well it HAS been a couple of days, I better go home." I said to myself as I make my way to the house.

I walk up the stone path leading to the front door. Honestly I was a little bit nervous, she might still be mad and sleeping on the couch does not seem ideal to me right now, and neither does being on another episode of Cops. I dig my hand into my pocket and search around until my fingers wrap around the silver pieces of metal called keys. I find the correct key, slip it into the door, and unlock it. I step into the front hallway, but I strangely don't hear anything, was she even home? I scan over the entire house and concluded that she wasn't here. She probably went shopping or something. I jumped onto the couch and gladly made myself comfortable. I had forgotten how comfortable this couch was. It's so much more comfortable then Ash's. It's so soft and warm and…I'm kind of sleepy and…I…think I'll just rest my eyes for a second and…

My body jolted up as I realized that I had completely fallen asleep. I rubbed my head, damn I hade fallen asleep with my face up against a crease, now my skin has those weird patterns on it. I yawned and scratched the back of my head, it's gotten darker since before, a lot darker. I looked around and realized that the house is still really quiet.

'Dawn's still not home yet, I wonder where she is.'

I decided not to dwell on her where abouts and grabbed the remote to flick on the television.

"We have more updates on the hospital hold up in downtown Solaceon!" The news reporter shouted.

I didn't even need to hear the rest of the story to know that Dawn was MOST LIKELY caught up in that, she ALWAYS is. Without hesitation, I grabbed my jacket and began making my way to the hospital.

Crowds packed in front of the building, trying to get a look at what was happening inside the hospital.

"Who the hell holds a hospital hostage? That's like the lowest thing you can do." I said to myself.

The blaring lights of the police cars light up the night sky, and the sound of Officer Jenny yelling into a megaphone cut through the chilled night air. As I looked at the building, my heart rate started to pick up.

'Maybe Dawn wasn't in there.' I tried to reason with myself. 'Maybe she is just hanging out with May or something.'

And…that's when Billy showed up. "Oh my God Paul, I can't believe Dawn is one of the hostages being held inside the hospital!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a deep aggravated sigh. "Why? Why must she have a knack for getting herself into these types of situations?"

We were there for HOURS before they were able to apprehend the criminals and release the hostages; luckily, no one was hurt, well…except the criminals, they were hurt pretty badly. I scanned over the groups of people until my eyes caught a certain blue haired woman timidly making her way through the crowd. I pushed past groups of people until I was within range of her and I called out her name. She looked over at me, took a deep breath, and then started walking in a different direction. I rolled my eyes and decided that I'd better go after her.

"Dawn, Dawn!" I grab her arm, causing her to stop. "Come on, you can't STILL be mad." I said.

I could tell that I wasn't helping my case, so I decided to…suck up my pride and...be the bigger man. It took a second or two, but I was getting there.

"Look, I'm…sorry that I…over reacted." She raised an eyebrow at me hinting that I was forgetting something. "AND…I'm sorry that I called you fat."

Satisfied with my answer, Dawn smiled, but then immediately frowned and broke out into tears. "Paul! I was a hostage and I felt so mentally violated and I missed you so much!" she cried as she buried her head into my chest.

"Why were you even at the hospital in the first place?" I asked.

"Because I had a doctor's appointment!"

"Couldn't you have just rescheduled?"

"Oh yeah, I just woke up this morning KNOWING that the hospital was going to be robbed!"

I grabbed her face in my hands and looked her in the eyes. "Look, we're not going to fight, ok? We just got out of that, let's just be glad that you're alright. You had me worried sick." I said as I kissed the top of her head. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her cold shivering frame.

"Come on, let's go home."

She nodded her head in agreement and I assumed that this was going to be a normal walk home. Nope. It really brought back some childhood memories because she made me carry her home. It reminded me of the years back before I really cared, I mean, now I care; I care a lot. She's my whole life now, which I'm ok with, I don't mind. We do argue a lot, but I still love her, she's my wife. I walked up to the front door and Dawn, still on my back, leaned forward and unlocked it. I put her down and closed the door behind us. I pushed the hair out of my face and sighed, it's been a long week. I was about to head for the kitchen when Dawn suddenly wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my chest.

"I thought you weren't going to come back." She whispered.

I curled my finger underneath her chin and lifted her gaze towards me. "I would never leave you." I told her. "Understand?"

She nodded her head and leaned in as I planted a deep kiss on her lips. As we pulled away, I noticed the blush lining her face. Years together and I can still make this little thing blush. She smiled her usual platinum smile and tried to hide her embarrassment. She interlaced her fingers into mine and started pulling me,

"Paul, I have to show you something." She said as she dragged me down the hallway.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You'll just have to see when we get there."

As we walked up the stairs, a question came to my mind. "If I might ask, why DID you have Billy and his friends over?"

"I told you, they were helping me with something."

"With what?"

"They were helping me move some things."

We stopped in front of a door, this room was the guest room, why were we at the guest room? "What could they possibly have been helping you move that you would need 3 men?"

She turned the door knob and swung the door open relieving a room that was no longer the guest room. It had…baby stuff? It had a crib and toys and all those kinds of things. It took a second for it all to sink in. I mean it REALLY took some time. Then…it hit me, HARD, REALLY HARD. My eyes widened and my mouth gapped open as I realized the situation.


Dawn slowly nodded her head and nervously giggled. I…I didn't know what to say…I was so shocked. I looked back at the room, and that's when I noticed it. There was two of everything? I looked back at her and she held up two fingers. Twins? I took a couple steps back and used the wall for support; this was a lot to take in. I mean…I'm…I'm going to be a dad, ME, a father, WE'RE HAVING KIDS! PLURAL! All that time she was trying to tell me and I was being a stubborn jerk. I know I'm usually so emotionless and cold and mean, but in this very moment, it's hard to be the normal me. I grabbed Dawn and caught her in a deep passionate kiss, running my fingers through her hair and holding her body extremely close to mine. I spun her around in circles and honestly, I didn't want to put her down. I never would have thought that my life would ever turn out like this, and...I'm happy, really happy. My kids are going to dominate over all of those pathetic trainers and coordinators when they grow up. This is really exciting, you have no idea.

This is unbelievable. This is crazy. I must be dreaming. I must be dead. I must be in heaven. This isn't a feeling I can explain. And it's not something I can show. Maybe it's because I'm so callous, I guess we'll never know. Imagine how Reggie will react when I call him on the phone. Telling him he'll be an uncle, I bet you he'll break a bone. I'm so happy with my life, so much I can't explain. How I'll finally be able, to end this silly game. We are not kids anymore, that much you can see. It's almost so funny, how this all started on the sea. I will never regret, meeting her on that boat. Or that one time, where I lended her my coat. Or when I scared off that guy Pierre, or when I carried her through the rain, or when we fell in that pit, or when we crashed in that plane. Or when I told her that I loved her, or when I gave her the ring, or when we had our wedding, in the early spring. Look at us now, I can hardly contain this grin, look at this new chapter, God we're having twins. Now I have my own family, one I made with my wife. But I guess it's not whatever, its just me, my kids and the love of my life.



I really hope you liked reading my story. Thanks SO much for all of your support, it REALLY makes a difference.

I hope to see you guys in the future, but for now we must say good bye and part ways. There is absolutely no plan for a sequel, just throwing it out there, but hopefully I will come up with another Ikarishipping story.

But for now, I say my farewells! -tears-

Good bye my loves!

-Love VideoGameChic