Sarada frowned at the dinner table. It was one of those rare accessions that her father was home for a few days and they were all sitting down to have a family meal. Normally she wouldn't mind what they ate. They could be having mud pies and dirt cakes for all she cared. All that mattered to her was the fact that she had both of her parents sitting together across the table from her, but she was beginning to notice a pattern.

The day of his departure they'd have onigiri with bonito filling. Her Mother would always make sure to have enough for him to take with him, but the first day of his arrival they would always have. . .salad.

Sarada frowned at her dinner plate. They had a huge tossed salad with lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cabbage, sliced tomatoes, carrots, boiled eggs, fried tomatoes, cheese, and of course breads sticks and dressing. It was beginning to make her wonder about the origin of her name.

Sarada looked up at her parents with furrowed brows. "Why did you name me Sarada?"

Without missing a beat, her father looked up at her with the most serious expression she had ever seen and said, "Because your mother wouldn't let me name you Tomato."

There was a pause as the two ladies stared at the male Uchiha before her mother let out a very un-lady like snort as she tried, in vain, to cover her hysterical laughter. Sarada sweat dropped. Sasuke gave her a small playful smirk and she shook her head in slight amusement.

Her father wasn't one for jokes but she guessed that even he couldn't pass up the chance to tease his daughter. She looked back down at the table with a smile that quickly turned back to a frown. There were an awful lot of tomatoes on her fathers dinner plate.

She looked back up with trepidation. "Seriously?!"

Sakura laughed harder, nodding in affirmation as she leaned onto her husband, who was now chuckling softly while also nodding. Sarada frowned at them both.

At least they didn't name her Onigiri.

Note: Onigiri is rice balls. Bonito is a type of filling in rice balls. Onigiri with bonito filling is one of Sasuke's favorite foods, other then Tomatoes of course.

Okay, so this idea came to me when I actually looked up what Sarada's name meant. I was wondering why translators kept getting her name mixed up with Salada. I was like, 'Why the hell would Sasuke and Sakura name there kid after salad?'. Turns out Sarada means salad. . .Why the hell did Sakura and Sasuke name there kid salad?!

Thus, this one shot was born.

Sasuke: I *glares at Sakura* wanted to name her Tomato.

Sakura: *rolls her eyes* We had to compromise.

Me: *shakes head* I'm just glad they didn't name her Bonito.

Edit: I had a spelling error. Bonita is actually bonito lol but a guest pointed out that Bonita means pretty in Spanish, so that wouldn't be such a bad name. Thanks for the review guest! :)