![]() Author has written 15 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, Inuyasha, Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hey whats up? I'm 82and9make91, or just Matt for short, and I'm into alot of Animes and Mangas if you can't tell, and its seems like the list of my favorites keep growing, I enjoy reading and writing about them and if you like my stuff please let me know! And if you have a request or just feel like chatting feel free to send me a message. :) Couples I Support And Why: IchiRuki (Bleach) - 15 episodes in I decided I thought they'd be good together and all 300 plus episodes, and hundreds of manga chapters later that hasn't changed. ByaYoru (Bleach) - I suppose its fair to call this a "crack" pairing but I just like the chemistry these two have! Plus they both have to get married at some point right? :3 Zoro and Nami (One Piece)- When I first got into One Piece after about 40 episodes I liked Luffy/Nami and I still sometimes do, but slowly over time with some great fanfiction influencing me I started to like Zoro/Nami, they just seem to go well together and they argue like any good couple should. Goku and Bulma (Dragonball) - The first anime I watched besides Poke'mon and Yugioh was Dragonball, and I remember thinking that Goku would end up with Bulma in the end, that didn't happen of course but I've always liked the unique relationship they've had and I could see it becoming some kind of romance, (Plus Toriyama said he meant for them to get together at first ) NaruSaku (Naruto)- Ok I'll admit Sakura has her moments when she is really annoying in many ways but I don't hate her, however I don't think I like her as much as I should and thats really sad when shes the main female character, I support this pairing really more for Naruto because I think he should get what he wants and its pretty clear he likes her. Inuyasha and Sango (Inuyasha)- Ok, this is probably the one that I'm least informed about, to be honest I've only seen about the first 40 episodes of Inuyasha (although I will watch the rest some day) but I just really liked how these to interact with each other, they've both been hurt but came through and its clear Sango respects him a lot. Also, Kagome can be like Sakura sometimes and get on my nerves. Rin Okumura and Izumo Kamiki (Blue Exorcist)- I really didn't like the anime after about 15 episodes but the manga is still good and I like these two. I don't dislike Shiemi, but she wears all of who she is on her sleeve and with Izumo there is a little more mystery, Plus She's so definite and arrogant and his so clueless! They just work for me. Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)- I've never read a manga or watched an anime that shoved which couples the author likes into your face more then Fairy Tail! Seriously can't Mashima be subtle about what pairs he likes? At first I really HATED Jellal, now its just a mild distaste, but thats not the reason I like this couple. Gray and Erza have that cool old friend relationship going for them and its clear that they care about each other a great deal. Gray always seems to be thinking of Erza when shes in danger and its clear he holds her in high regard, and the same can be said about how she feels about him. I swear if Mashima wasn't making Erza Jellal's fangirl 24/7 she would totally be dragging Gray back to her house :3 America and Belgium (Hetalia)- I never thought I would ever ship anyone from Hetalia. The shipping communities are kind of..."cluttered", I don't have anything against people that like Yaoi because I believe every fan should ship what they want but its kind of to prominent in the Hetalia fandom to me, I've always followed the rule that unless the creator says directly what the character's sexual orientation is, its assumed they are straight. Believing in that I went to see who I liked my favorite character America with and Belgium just seems to fit for me. They have similar personalties and even semi-similar histories, and I could just see them getting along well as friends and then as lovers as well. Spike Spiegel and Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop)- This one is just about self explanatory, haha. I debated with myself for a long time weather I liked the ending of the series and I concluded that I both did and didn't. A part of me feels like Spike kind of needed to go out like that...and another part of me thinks he should have survived and gone back to the Bebop to have more crazy adventures and eventually get with Faye because they have great chemistry and pretty much from the first time they are in the same scene with each other I was like "Yeah that could work". So this paring is one of those that will always live on in fanfics.
Other Anime/Mangas I like Fullmetal Alchemist, Durarara, Lucky Star, High School Of The Dead, Black Butler, Persona 4,Tiger and Bunny, Attack on Titan and some others. MUSIC I LIKE: Linkin Park, Matchbox Twenty, Three Doors Down, The Offspring, The Killers, The Fray, Foo Fighters, Snow Patrol, Simple Plan, FLOW, Asian Kung-fu Generation, Within Temptation, just to name a few of the artist I like. MOVIES I LIKE:The Dark Knight Trilogy, Spider-Man (just one and two), The Amazing Spider-Man, Man of Steel, Raiders Of The Lost Arch, Jurassic Park, Star Trek 2009, The Lord Of The Rings (all of them), Remember The Titans, Rudy, Forrest Gump, Star Wars, and October Sky, but I have others. If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be? 2010- Edition. Opening Credits: "Those Nights"-- By Skillet 2011-Edition. Opening Credits: "Song For..."--By Rookiez is Punk'd |