If you haven't read this story before then ignore this part and go straight to the Prologue and enjoy.
Where do I begin? Well a good old fashioned apology seems pretty good. I truly am sorry for making any one who has read this story wait so long for me to update. I know what it is like to read a fanfic and then having to wait for an update. I feel it is only fare that I explain myself and tell you why it has taken this long for the story to continue.
When I first started writing 'Something I Can Never Have', DBZ was the center of my anime world. It was the only anime I really had watched a great deal of (expect for one's from my childhood like Poke'mon, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc.) and at the time it was my all time favorite anime. But eventually I got into other animes like Bleach, One Piece, and Naruto. Once that happened I started to lose interest in DBZ and since then my love for it has steadily been decreasing. I still like it of course but it isn't my favorite of all time. For that reason I stopped writing this and I stopped reading or watching it almost all together. I've been busy with work, school, and other fanfics that I've been writing for other animes. So that's why I haven't updated.
I am re-uploading it as well. When it was first up I had a lot of comments about my grammar and spelling so I went back and corrected everything that I could. The story is the same but hopefully it will make more sense. In truth this was the first multiple chaptered story that I ever wrote. I had written a few one-shots for live actions TV shows and believe me they were really bad, both in grammar and the stories them selves. But through reading and writing more fanficion my abilities as a writer have greatly improved.
I can't promise that I will update the story soon or that It will even be this year, but I do promise that I will eventually finish this story and hopefully you will like it. So once again I'm very sorry for making you wait, but here it is at last. Enjoy!
The entire city was buzzing in preparation of the 23rd world martial arts tournament. The streets and sidewalks were as crowded as they had ever been. It rained off and on through out the day, but at this moment the down poor had stopped.
Among the various groups of people crowding the sidewalk walked one group in particular.
In the back walked a young man with spiky black hair and a young woman with turquoise hair that rested on the sides of her pretty face.
"So Goku are you going to order everything on menu when we get to the restaurant?" The women asked playfully.
"Oh...well no Bulma" Goku said and put his hand behind his head. "I know how expensive that could be and I don't have any money. I don't want to cost Master Roshi too much, so maybe I'll only get half of it."
Bulma giggled and said "Well I'm sure he'll appreciate that."
The whole group continued walking until they reached there destination. It was the same restaurant they had eaten at the two previous times they were there for the tournament.
"Oh it's you again!" The man at counter said the moment he saw Goku walk in the door.
"Oh you remember me?" Goku said sheepishly and looked at the ground.
"Remember you! You ate almost all our food supplies that last time you were here!" He shrieked.
The whole group except for Goku laughed.
"I'm sorry sir, I promise I won't order nearly that much this time" Goku said as kindly as he could.
Yamacha walked over and placed his hand on Goku's shoulder. "Yeah, but I bet that will still be about half of what they have, huh?" The whole group laughed twice as hard as before.
"Well I've never turned down a paying costumer and I'm not starting now" he said and motioned for a waiter to come over.
"Thank you" Goku responded with a huge grin on his face.
They were all led to a table towards the back of the rather large restaurant and took their seats. Like most of the restaurants in the city that night, it was as packed as it could be.
At the head of the table sat Master Roshi with Krillin on the opposite end. To the old master's right sat Launch, Puar, Yamacha, and Bulma. To his left sat Tien, Chatzou, Oolong, and Goku, with Bulma sitting directly across from Goku.
The whole gang began digging into there dinner and true to his word Goku only order about half of the menu.
As the meal neared its end the whole group, except for Goku of course, was engaging in conversations. When he didn't hear her voice among the chaos Goku looked up at Bulma and saw that she was starring at him.
She quickly looked away and pretended that she hadn't been looking at him.
Goku smirked. "Are you all right Bulma?"
She looked back at him nervously "Oh yeah…umm…I just still can't believe how tall you've gotten!" She said with a smile.
"Well just wait Goku I'm going be taller then you some day I just know it…" Krillin interrupted.
Way to go girl genius, make it obvious She thought.
She noticed that Goku was now looking away and talking with Krillin. She again began to stare deeply at him.
It was still hard for her to believe that this young man that was sitting across from her was the same boy she nearly ran over with her car.
Gosh, has it really only been three years? If it wasn't for his hair and his appetite I wouldn't know it was him! She continued thinking.
She also couldn't help but notice that he was one of the most handsome men she'd ever seen. That's when her thoughts stopped being innocent and her mind started to go different places.
Oh come on Bulma, its still Goku. What would you do? Wait for him to ask you out or something? He may be older but I doubt he's even interested in you that way. Besides his not really my type…well maybe he is, if I was into the kind, good natured, handsome, strong, heroic, selfless type. Which I could totally get into!
"Bulma are you sure you're alright?" Goku's voice dragged her out of her day dreaming.
"Oh…yeah Goku, I'm just kind of tired" she responded as quickly as she could.
"Well we better get you to the hotel so you can rest" he said and stood from the table. Everyone was stunned that Goku would be the first to finish.
"It's fine, really! You're not even done eating yet!" She said franticly.
"Yes I am" he said simply.
Everyone looked down to see that Goku's seven plates were empty. Goku looked around quickly and noticed that he and Bulma were the only ones that were done.
"You and me could go back and everyone else could stay and finish" he said cheerfully.
"Uhh…Okay I guess" she said without thinking.
"Well come on then" he said and extended his hand across the table to help her up.
She took his hand and he helped her to her feet. Then they both made there way down the two sides of the large table.
When he reached the end Goku turned around and decided to tell the group what was going on.
"Me and Bulma are really tired and we decide that we better get back to the hotel. Good-bye everyone. I'll see you all in the morning!" he said finishing with a wave.
The group said there good-byes and Goku started heading for the exit with Bulma on his heals.
Hmm…this is weird. Wait, why do I think that? This is something Goku always does. Putting the well being of someone else before his, why is it different now? Oh come on Bulma I think you get why. He isn't that nice little kid who use to follow you everywhere anymore. Bulma's mind raced.
When she looked up again she saw that Goku had stopped in front of the door, and for good reason. It was raining again.
"Oooh it's coming down harder then ever" she proclaimed.
She stood next to him and at that moment remembered that she had left her umbrella back in her hotel room.
Man Bulma, you're batting a thousand tonight she mentally slapped herself.
"Forgot your umbrella, huh?" Goku asked happily.
"How'd you know? Did you learn how to read minds?" She asked extremely afraid if the answer was yes.
"Oh no, I just noticed you didn't have it with you, but that's okay you can use mine"
Goku swiftly took the red umbrella he had from its resting place on his back and handed it to her.
"You're a little taller then before Goku. Both of us won't be able to fit under it" she said rather matter of factly.
"Well yeah, your using it by yourself I don't need it" he said while taking off the blue robe he had been wearing reveling the black shirt underneath.
"Wh-what are you doing"? Bulma blurted out.
"Its really cold out there Bulma and you're not wearing much. You'll need this to keep warm" he said and extended his hand to her with the robe in it.
She looked down at what she was wearing and she had to admit the small blue dress she had on wasn't going to protect her much from the elements.
She looked up again and stammered "Oh I couldn't!"
"Its no problem" he smiled.
"But Goku you have the biggest tournament of your life tomorrow. You don't want to get sick the day before do you?" She said with concern in her voice.
"Bulma I swam in the coldest part of the ocean for three days strait, I think I can handle this. Besides I like the rain".
She looked down at the robe again and with every thought of the cold rain it looked warmer and warmer.
"Please…for me" he said and gave her the best puppy dog look he could muster.
"….Oh all right" she said and took it from him with a hint of defeat in her voice. She placed it over her shoulders. Wow! It's really warm.
"Great! Alright let's get going" Goku cheered.
They both walked out the door and Bulma was instantly grateful for the robe and umbrella.
They walked swiftly through the pouring rain. She looked over at Goku who was looking at the sky with his hands at his sides and one of his trademark smiles on his face. She also couldn't help but notice that he was completely soaked in water.
She looked down at herself and was shocked by how dry she was.
"You know you're too nice sometimes!" She shouted to which he gave her a puzzled look.
"Your going to get sick, and then your going to lose tomorrow, and then it will be all my fault!" She screeched.
By now her screams had attracted the attention of a few people passing by.
She glared at him and he gave her a confused look for a few seconds before he burst into laughter.
"What?" She asked with the venom coming out of her voice.
"Well even if I get sick, as long as you're in the crowd cheering for me there's nothing I can't do" he said as if she should have known.
At first Bulma thought that statement was silly, how could her screaming voice matter among thousands, but then she realized the deeper, almost poetic, meaning behind it. Even though she doubted Goku meant for it to sound that way, she still didn't know what to say.
"….I guess" she decided on.
They continued walking in silence for a few minutes and Goku could tell it was bothering her.
"So Bulma what have you been doing lately?" He asked politely.
"Well I've been working with my dad. I'm becoming more involved in actually running the company".
"Do you like doing that?" He asked.
"Sometimes I do, but sometimes it can be a real pain in the neck."
"Well I hope it gets better" he tried to encourage her.
"Yeah…what about you? What was Kami's training like?" She was trying desperately to get the topic off of herself.
"Oh it was hard!" He said with a chuckle. "Kami said it's the hardest kind of training anyone on Earth has gone through."
"Well I bet your really strong now!" She said with her words full of cheer.
Goku rubbed the back of his head. "I may be a little stronger" he said nervously.
They continued walking down the sidewalk. The rain had slowed down but was still coming down fairly hard. Now it was Bulma's turn to come up with something to say.
"So…" her mind was drawing a blank. All she could do was ask him a question she had on her mind from the moment she realized he was Goku.
"Did you think about me?"
Goku took a moment before he responded and hoped she didn't notice. She did but thought nothing of it.
"Well yeah, everyday!"
"Oh…what did you think about?" She asked desperately trying to hide the fact that she was blushing a little.
"What were you doing? Were you happy? Were you sad? Pretty much everything" He said looking to the sky again. "Yeah, I thought about you and everyone during the hardest parts."
"I thought about you a lot to" she said and looked down at her feet. They continued on for a few steps.
"Bulma, I think this is it" Goku said as she walked passed him.
She turned around to see Goku standing in front of the entrance pointing a fingerer at the door.
"Duh" she said to herself and slapped her forehead.
They made their way inside and took the stairs up to the floor their rooms were on. They walked down the hall and made it to the two doors that were entrances to there separate rooms.
Bulma had both keys so she unlocked her door on the left first and then Goku's on the right.
"Well I guess this is good night" She said.
"Yep"! He agreed.
She started walking inside and then she remembered. "I still have all your stuff". She took off the robe and tried to hand it to him, but he put his hands up in protest.
"You can keep it! The umbrella to, I won't be needing them"
"Are-are you sure?"
"Yeah, it could be a cold one tomorrow to and I don't want anything to happen to you" he said quickly with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Well see you in the morning" he said suddenly and waved as he closed the door behind him.
"Huh, that was weird" she whispered to herself and closed the door softly.
...I wonder.
He couldn't take it anymore. Goku couldn't sleep and it wasn't just because of Krillin's snoring.
He pushed the covers off and rubbed his eyes with his fist. He got out of bed and walked to the window where he saw the rest of the gang arrive two hours ago, just about fifteen minutes behind Bulma and him.
He looked out at the bright noisy city and wondered why anyone would want to live here, but that wasn't the reason he couldn't sleep. It was far from it.
It was because of a certain blue eyed girl that was sleeping in the next room.
He felt everything build up inside of him and he thought he might go crazy if he didn't tell someone soon. In the end he knew there was only one person he could think of who might have some answer.
He moved quietly to the door and opened it. He took one last look at Krillin to make sure he was still asleep then walked into the dark hallway and closed the door softly behind him.
Goku took a left making sure not even to glance at the door on his right. He got to the last door in the hall and knocked on it softly.
"Master…" he whispered.
When he didn't hear anything but snoring inside he became impatience. With no effort he pushed the door and shattered the lock.
Something else Master Roshi will have to pay for he thought with regret.
"Master?" He said in a louder voice.
"Oh yeah baby…I'm the turtle hermit. What's your name?" He heard the familiar voice mumble. Goku looked down to see the sleeping Master Roshi with a smile on his face.
He smirked at least some things never change.
"Master Roshi" he said in his normal speaking voice.
"What-where-who?" The old master blurted out and fell out of bed. Goku caught him easily with one hand. Then he placed him carefully back on the bed.
By now the older man could sense that there was no danger and he flicked on the lamp on the nightstand and grabbed his trademark sunglass.
"Well it's just you Goku!" He said after putting them on.
"I'm sorry for waking you master…I just wanted to talk about something" Goku said while looking at the floor.
"Well sure. Are you nervous about the tournament?" Roshi asked.
He looked up and said with confidents "No, that's not it; actually I've never felt better about a tournament before".
"Then what is it?"
Goku let out a sigh and started passing back and forth. "It's…Bulma"
"Please, I don't mean to be rude but I just have to get this out first" Goku cut him off before he had time to speak.
"Kami's training was the hardest training I've ever been through. No offence of course"
Roshi nodded in response.
"And when I wasn't training all I could really do was sit there and watch the clouds roll by. I thought about everybody, but mostly I thought about her…"
Roshi had a feeling deep in his stomach about where this was going.
"…you know how much I care about her. Heck, even now I see Bulma as more of a god then a girl, hmm… I guess she isn't even a girl anymore. I can't help this feeling I get when I'm around her. I'm nervous but I'm also excited and happy. Sometimes I just stare at her. Like early today, the whole lipstick thing, I had to make that up because she noticed that I was looking at her lips". He ran his hand through his hair and looked down at his former master.
Roshi opened his mouth to say something and Goku cut him off again knowing what he was about to say.
"But I know why I did that. I remember the talk you had with me before I left. I know there are other reason's for the way she makes me feel. Its strange…it always felt like Bulma was at the top of this latter that I wasn't tall enough to reach, but now I think I've gotten tall enough, I mean physically and uhh…I'm sorry I'm probably not making any sense".
Goku laughed softly and sat down next to the older man. Then he laid down with his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling with content.
"No Goku…you make perfect sense. What do you plan to do?" Roshi asked.
"I'm going to tell her! I don't know what I'm going to tell her or what I'm going to say, but tomorrow morning before the tournament start's I'm going to talk with her and tell her everything!" With that Goku hopped up and started to walk back and forth again, but this time he had more energy in his steps and he was smiling uncontrollably.
Roshi thought long and hard for a few seconds before he decided on what the best advice would be. Once he found the right words in his mind he knew that they could be hurtful but he also knew that he had to do what he thought was right.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you Goku" Roshi voiced was as serious as Goku had ever heard it.
"What? Why not?" He responded in utter confusion.
Roshi let out a sigh and began.
"Please don't take this the wrong way Goku, but…you were right Bulma isn't a girl anymore she's a young women and you…well I think your still a boy. Not that you're not worthy to be with her, but I don't think you're mature enough to handle something like that. I'll be the first to tell you that I'm no where near a relationship expert, but I've been around long enough to know that if you start one at such a young age it won't be as strong as it should be. My best advice for you would be to wait a while. Maybe in a few years you're be ready. Until then I suggest you remain silent about what you feel".
The old turtle hermit had to take a long breath after that speech. When he looked up he saw Goku motionlessly looking at the ground.
Goku's mind raced. How could he keep what he felt in? It was the strongest feeling he had every felt before. In the back of his mind however he knew that his teacher had never led him down the wrong path before.
"I…guess…" he was able to force out after about a minute.
"It won't be easy, but it's for the best" Roshi tried to reassure him.
All Goku could do was stand there. He felt like he had just been kicked in the stomach and it felt worse then any blow he'd been hit with before. All the happiness and excitement that had been building up inside him since he started to talk was being drained away.
He gathered himself together and said quickly "I'm sorry for disturbing you, I'll go back to bed now".
"Oh…okay" was all Roshi could get out before Goku started for the door.
Goku smirked and headed out the door. "Oh and sorry about your lock" he said sheepishly before he shut the door behind him.
Some of the bad feelings he had were gone but they all came back when he looked at the door next to his. He looked down as quickly as he saw it, but it didn't help. He went into his room swiftly and silently. He looked over to see that Krillin hadn't moved an inch.
He crawled into bed and look at the white chipping ceiling.
Again his mind was racing. Every part of him told him that Master Roshi was wrong, but he also knew that his wise teacher had always done what was best for him even if it hurt him at first. Through all of the chaos in his mind he wondered how he would ever get to sleep. Then he remembered an old trick he had learned during his traveling. All he had to do was think of one fact in the whole argument and focuses on it. He found one and it made him smile. And he quickly began to drift to sleep.
With all of his heart, he was in love with Bulma Briefs.
"I'm sure you've heard it all before
But you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels
The way I do about you now"
-Wonderwall, By Oasis