Author has written 5 stories for Dragon Ball Z. Well hello there... You've clicked onto my little piece of the website! Fancy that! About Me:Well, I'm a pretty boring (normal?) person to be honest...I'm a 20 year old female from the the U.S. who likes to write about fictional anime characters. Other than that? I dunno, I like to act a bit, read, write, day dream, watch wrestling, and the news actually, that's a bit wierd isn't it? Uhhh...anything else? I'm a Junior in College. And simply because I like seeing the length of the list (it IS my bio. and how many of you actually waste the time to read it?), I'm also into anime and here are the shows I've seen: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Slayers, Slayers Next, Slayers Try, Vampire Hunter D, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Escaflowne, His and Her Circumstances, Hamtaro, Speed Racer, Sailor Moon, A few episodes of Kodoma No Emocha, Tenchi, Tenchi Universe, Tenchi in Tokoyo (waste of my time), Princess Mononoke, El Hazard, Spirited Away, InuYasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Kikaider the animation, Record of Lodoss Wars, FLCL, Wolf's Rein, The Master of Mosquiton, Witch Hunter Robin, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Reign (didn't like it much though...ugly animation), Serial Experiments Lain (I'll never see the internet the same again), and Cowboy Bebop. My favorite character is Vegeta, I know played out...but I have a thing for bad boys and for those of you who know me well, I've been RPing on-line for 3 years, and after that long you grow attatched to a character. A few of my other favorite characters include Hiei, Kurama, Sesshoumaru, Miroku, Vash the Stampede, Son Goku, Lina Inverse, Nicholas D. Wolfwoods and wow...too many to mention and keep you reading! ^.^ Just know its alot. Oh! I just got into the Harry Potter Series and WOW! I should have read those a loong time ago! Remus Lupin is just so cool and Servus Snape...Now THERE's an enigma! I can't wait to see the role he's gonna play in the next two books. I tend to write and post DBZ stories...*shrugs* current obsession I suppose but I do write a bunch of original work and eventually plan on writing a Slayers or Yu Yu Hakusho fic. or a story for some other anime but alas I have all these DBZ idea swimming in my head at the moment. My Stories:What Would Tenshinhan Do?: *complete* My first fic...pretty much a silly song parody on the song 'What Would Brian Boytano Do?' It's a quick read... Behind The DragonBalls: The Histoy of Vegeta: *incomplete*'s a story of Vegeta's past but I don't know...I think it still needs some work and revamping. It's on hold until I get a chance to fix it. Cross Road: *complete* I was bored and wrote a story from Vegeta's point of view...a quick read and *shrugs* I like it. Being that Vegeta's my favorite character and all...Complete for the moment, I might add more too it when I'm done with Lonely Hunter...we'll see... All That's Left Behind *complete* A Goku/Bulma romance...set during the three years before the Android saga. It's my first attempt at a romance fic. and an odd couple one to boot! The writing isn't up to the par of Lonely Hunter but it was my first serious fic. and it taught me alot about plot development and all that other good stuff. The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter: *complete* It's a Vegeta/Chi-Chi romance. There aren't many of them out there and mine was kinda a pioneer, not that I'm egotistical or anything. The writing is my best to date, there's room for improvement of course, but bear with me, I'm still learning after all. I figure this fanfiction experience will help me if I ever consider to pick up the pen as a career. So constructive criticism are welcome. Rebuild: *complete* A Vegeta/Bulma one shot song fic. What was I thinking?! LoL! God knows how many of these are floating around but I've been itching to write this for a long time now and I think it turned ot rather nicely. What's Next?:Well...I have a few ideas after I'm done with Lonely Hunter. I THINK I'm going to write a spin off where Goku tries to pick up the pieces of his broken heart and life. Then, I dunno maybe a Bulma/Yamucha fic. since I gotta give the blue haired genius a happy ending too. And I was thinking of expounding on CrossRoad but I'm not sure...time permitting I suppose...and maybe a Goku/Vegeta shounen-ai...nothing explicitly yaoi maybe not really shounen-ai its more an exploration into their feelings for each other, because if you see movie 12 or the unedited series, it just seems like there's a deeper...something there. Updates: 12/27/04: Well, I have a new story in the work guys...believe me or not. AND if you check out my account you'll see I'm hosting an orignal work for a friend that I personally recommend and think you will all enjoy. It's called Mr. Grey and hopefully you'll all have a chance to go check it out. Mr. Grey 12/3/04: *blinks* Been awhile...LoL! I've been asked alot lately about doing a part two to Lonely Hunter. I'm honored that so many people liked it! ^.^ I'd be happy to do one, I just need time. I might start one during my winter break. It would probably circle more around Goku and Dragon Ball related stuff but Chi-Chi and Vegeta would be featured in it. We'll see. I might also be hosting one of my friend's fan fiction which won't be DBZ related but which I am assured and certain are good. 5/18/04: Here's an Update for the sake of updating. Heh. I might get around to having a few one shots this summer, since school is out. I'd still really like to do a Goku-Vegeta Shounen-ai but time constaints have been killer and RPG's are so much more low maintence (I'm lazy people!). Anyway, I guess I'll just stick to reading fan fic.s for awhile at least! ^.^ 1/30/04: Aheh...I do realize I haven't updated in like forever! And I'm VERY sorry! Hopefully, I'll be able to get out some sort of one-shot sooner than later...Something Vegeta related I'm sure. Or maybe I'll start my Goku fic. I need to think on it some more and do some planning...but yeah I was just saying Hiya! To everyone out there! I'm still around...trying to keep up with everything! I HATE Statistics!!! 7/29/03: Uploaded a new one shot fic called Rebuild. It's a Vegeta/Bulma fic. but hey, give it a chance guys. ^.^ Please? I like my reviews. 7/5/03: UPDATED!! And so ends The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter...Enjoy! Oddly enough if you look at when I started the fic. and when finished, you'll see something freaky. I started it on 5/7 and ended it on 7/'s like destiny or something and I swear I didn't even notice it until I had already uploaded the file...wierd Anyhoo thanks for all of the kind reviews, they made me smile! ^.^ and read the new Harry Potter book! It's awesome! 5/12/03: Well I finally finished my second semester...oh my gawd! I was so bogged down with work barely had a chance to think about finishing Lonely Hunter and then my computer crashed! What a cruel cruel world!...but I'm on break now and I plan on getting the last chapter out soon. Sorry for the wait guys!! |