![]() Author has written 18 stories for Naruto, Prince of Tennis, Death Note, and Eyeshield 21. 'Allo, Salute! Hi! It's teh wonderful Seran Hawthorne! Muahahahahaha...DBCA is muttering to herself again XD And is now protesting the fact. LMAO. Gotta go, now. Luff you peoples. I dost protest!! I do not mutter to myself!! And...erm...I got nothin'... Oh the wonderful links!...err...link... My space is on MySpace MAJOR COOLNESS My friends and I have an online story called TheFoctetProject that I write, Seran Hawthorne edits, and our friend Steph-o makes pictures for(manages the website and is GOD) The story is about a very colorful octet(Skitz, Scraz, Cras, Crasi, Sini, Seran, Bilar, Dess) that get into mega huge trouble at school and are taken via ROFLcopter to the ForestJungle and left for dead. While trying to save Seran after she gets bitten by a snake, they run into a creeper(later named Doc) that changes them into different half animals. Except Seran who gets changed by the venom of the snake that bites her. The now half animal octet must travel across Diamond Island AKA Death Land mapping out everything they come across in order for Doc to return them home. Let's just say there's a reason it's called Death Land. Before you ask their is a bit of slash, and bits of hetero(kyute hetero though!) Over all it's a humorous story meant for my entertainment and yours! Hope read and enjoy! Sincerely, MAJOR COOLNESS ENDS Lets see here's a little info about me: Name: Emmy! Age: 54 no not really Geez... Likes: Stuff~ Dislikes: The stuff I don't like. State: Texassssssssss!! go Lone Starss let your youthful flames burn brightly!! City: Sugar Land Gender: Depends on your definition. Friends who have a profile, profile's name: Seran Hawthorne, Miss Strange...thats it...I'm lonely... LISTEN TO ME RANT...IF YOU WANT TO... Meow :3 Fav Parings and/or Anime/Manga: Naruto: SasuNaru, SasuGaa, GaaNaru, NejiGaa, NejiNaru, NejiSasu, SasuSai, SaiNaru, ItaSai, ItaSasu, KisaIta, ItaNaru, KakaSasu, KakaNaru, KakaItaKaka, SasoDei, SasoDeiTobi, KankuGaa, KankuKiba, KibaShikaKiba, KibaNaru, KibaShino, NejiShika, ShikaShino, ChoShika, LeeGaa, KakaIru, LeeSasu, KakaGaiKaka, OroMin, OroKabu, OroSasu, OroJiraOro, OroJiraNaru, OroNaru, KyuuNaru, ItaKyuu, SuiSasu, ZabuHaku, ZabuKaka, MinaKaka, KonohamaruUdon, JiraKaka, PeiNaru, HidaKaku, HidaAsu, HidaShika, AsuShika, NejiLee Prince of Tennis: Thrill Pair(FujiRyoma), Pillar Pair(TezuRyo), Perfect Pair(TezuFuji),Endurance/Emerald Pair(InuiKai), Dream Pair(FujiEiji), Golden Pair(OishiEiji)OT3(TezuFujiRyo), MomoKai, Ah-Un Pair(MomoRyo), Burning Pair(TakaFuji), TezuInuiTezu, EijiRyo, KaiEiji, KaiRyo, KachiroKatsuo, TezuOishi, Royal Pair(AtoRyo),Sleepy Pair (JiroRyo),Silver Pair (ShishiCho),Dirty Pair (OshiGaku), Imperial Pair(AtoTezu), GakuJiro, AtoJiro, KabAto, AtoOshiAto, HiyoGaku, ShinjiKamio, ShinRyo, KamioKai, TachiFuji, ChitoseTachi, Recruitment Pair(MizukiKajimoto),Sweet Pair (BuntaJirou),Uke Pair(YukiKiri) Death Note: L/Light, Mello/Near, Mello/Matt, Mikami/Light, Matsuda/Light(there was this one fic DON'T HURT MEEE!) Eyeshield 21: Hiruma/Sena, Shin/Sena, Juumonji/Sena, Musashi/Hiruma, Musashi/Sena, Monta/Sena, Sakuraba/Shin, Takami/Sakuraba, Takami/Hiruma, Sakuraba/Sena, Habashira/Sena, Hiruma/Habashira, Panther/Sena, Mizumachi/Sena, Kakei/Sena, Kakei/Mizumachi, Riku/Sena, Kid/Hiruma, Kid/Sena, Akaba/Koutaro, Akaba/Sena, Akaba/Kakei, Agon/Hiruma, Agon/Sena, Unsui/Agon, Ikkyu/Monta Ouran H.S. Host Club: Kyouya/Tamaki, Hikaru/Kaoru, Mori/Hunny Full Metal Alchemist: Roy/Ed, Envy/Ed Hikaru no Go: Akira/Hikaru, Sai/Hikaru D.N. Angel: DarkDai, SatoDai, DarkSato, KradDark, KradSato, KradDai GetBackers: BanGin, AkabaneGin, AkabaneBan, JuuKaz Yu-gi-oh: Atemu/Yugi, Joey/Yugi, Kaiba/Joey, Kaiba/Yugi Yu-gi-oh GX: Chazz/Jaden, Zane/Jaden, Aster/Jaden, Zane/Sirus Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei/Kurama, Hiei/Yusuke, KuramaYusuke One Piece: Zolo/Luffy, Ace/Luffy, Shanks/Luffy Bleach: GrimIchi, HichiIchi, ChadIchi, AizenIchi, RenIchi, GinHitsu, AizenGin, GinMatsu, UraharaIsshin, UraIchi, IchiIshi MAR(Marchen Awakens Romance) AlvissGinta, PhantomAlviss, TomGinta, NanashiGinta Shamen King: HaoYoh, RenYoh, HoroYoh, HoroRen, RyoLyseirg Gravitation: YukiShu, HiroShu, RyuShu Final Fantasy: Seph/Cloud, Zack/Cloud, Kadaj/Cloud/Kadaj, Loz/Yazoo/Loz, Yazoo/Kadaj, Cloud/Rufus, Rufus/Reno, Rude/Reno, Reno/Cloud, Vincent/Cloud, Cid/Vincent, Seph/Vincent, Vincent/Yazoo, Seph/Zack, Cloud/Denzel, Seymour/Tidus, Auron/Tidus, Wakka/Tidus Kingdom Hearts: Riku/Sora, Leon/Cloud, Sora/Roxas, Axel/Roxas Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack/Will, Jack/Norrington/Jack Lord of the Rings: Aragorn/Legolas, Aragorn/Haldir, Aragorn/Frodo, Frodo/Sam, Merry/Pippin, Boromir/Legolas, Eomer/Legolas, Faramir/Aragorn, Gimli/Legolas Harry Potter: Voldemort/Harry, Draco/Harry, Fred/George, Oliver/Percy, Lucius/Severus, Seamus/Dean, Draco/Neville, Bill/Charlie, Bill/Harry, Charlie/Draco, Blaise/Draco, Lucius/Harry, Cedric/Harry, Blaise/Harry, Blaise/Seamus Black Cat: Creed x Train, Sven x Train D. Gray Man: KandaAllen, LaviAllen, TykiLavi House: HouseWilson, ForemanChase, HouseChase Spiral: Eyes/Ayumu xxxHolic--DouWata Dexter--Brian/Dexter Criminal Minds--MoRe, HoRe, HoMo (best pairing names ever right?) TheFoctetProject--Skini, Bras, Skinic, Soc, Brins, Deran, Cra-cest Hmmm you know I don't think I've ever had the main character be Seme...oh well Soon(hah I'm funny :3)-to-be-Posted Stories: Yu Yu Narusho: AU Naruto, Yu yu Hakusho has been recast! With who you ask? Why Naruto-tachi of course! Cast_Away_Thy_Childhood: Yusuke's father came for him when he was little brought him up the Urameshi way. What exactally is that way? Yusuke is about to find out. And with new places and people to meet how will his destiny change? Naruto on PoT: AU Prince of Tennis, How different would the Naruto world be if all the character were from Prince of Tennis? Well with Ryoma as Naruto you know it's going to be amusing. Natural Selection: AU Prince of Tennis, To survive people have to adapt to their suroundings. Through centuries of peace the abilities of the past have been lost. Some are able to bring out this 'lost' part of humanity in order to survive. In order to continue through the hardships to come. Kira Note: Death Note, Light kept a journal. Read through his thoughts from the beggining to end. L had notes. Notes of his life. Explore his thoughts from the start of Kira to L's death. Lies: AU Death Note, The first rule of everything is 'People lie' Why should Shinigami be any different? Light obviously didn't take this into consideration. So what will ge do when his memories of Kira don't return? Is this his chance for happiness?...only time can tell... Maou Devil Bats: AU Eyeshield 21, What if the Devil Bats met before High School? Join the Maou Devil Bats rise to fame! First Steps: AU Eyeshield 21, Aww ain't they cute?! See that one has a toy gun!...or not... Deimon as Elementary kids? -shiver- Ummmm...there is something I really don't want to tell anyone who read my storyies and has decided to read my profile as well...the thing is...I'M ON INDEFINATE HIATUS! There I said it T.T DUN MAKE ME DO IT AGAIN!... You see the thing is AP CLASSES ARE HARDER THAN I THOUGHT!...so if you were wonder 'QUE ES' when you saw no updates for like a year...that's why...I'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSORRY!! But if you miss my writing lots you can visit my Original Story that is updated every weekend -grin- |