Greetings from Yuukie Jun!

Well, hello! I haven't updated in like... a forever?

Sorry... sincerely, I am. There are those out there that do enjoy this story. And some of you that hate it. But that isn't the point.

This story is poorly written. - that's the point.

And to be honest, I've just been busy with other stories or writing oneshots and the like. So I'm here saying I am so very, honestly, and truly sorry, that I haven't been updating.

... and that I probably won't, for a while.

So, so sorry.

I will update this when I have time and inspiration. In all honestly, I've completely forgotten where I was going with the story. I lost my notes a long time ago. So in short, readers:

This is not the end, just a very long break.

Keep reading, keep reviewing... and I'll be back one day soon. Once I get my act together, see where the hell the story was going and re-write the notes.

- Yuukie Jun