Warrior school

(A/N: And this is the end...)

Chapter Twenty-nine- Epilogue

3 Years later…

Blah, blah, blah, and more blah! Mother was going on and on again. I think she was rambling about the lack of studying. Gee isn't it obvious that she likes the sound of her own voice or something? I sure do wish that she could hear how much she nags! I bit my lip and held back the urge to role my eyes. Of course my eyes weren't focused on her; they were looking straight past her and at the party progressing in the back garden. And every time I did manage to meet her features all I saw was lips moving, plus that annoying sound ringing through my ears.

"Gohan!" she hissed at me. Lazily I looked at her properly. "Are blah listening blah me?"

I nodded numbly. I tell you what, if my eyes could have drooled at the look of that hotdog my father was eating, they would have. Oh the party… Whenever I did want to go to a party my mother would be standing there, in the way. I have concluded that most of the Z-fighter's bashes suck; c'mon I'm being blunt and honest here. All they do is talk about the old days and what it was like when they were kids. Alright, I'll give them that they do some sparring; but that's only rarely!

"See your not even listening to me!" my mother exclaimed, pointing a finger in my face. Damn she caught me. "If you have any thoughts about going to have fun at that party then you have another thing coming, mister!"

"But mum…" Did I just whine? I don't whine!

"No buts!" I hated it when she cut into my sentences like that, even if it only involved two words. "Now go back up into your room and finish those papers! When and only when you finish you may come back down and enjoy your friend's company!"

"But I got A's on the tests that I did in school," I pointed out almost pleadingly. C'mon I had far too much pride to beg on my knees if that is what you expected.

She put a finger to her chin and frowned. Rubbing it thoughtfully she sighed. "Fine. B-" Before I let her finish I was off. I disappeared so fast that I nearly knocked her over. Man, I was going to hear about that later.

Oh, I'm sorry! You must be thinking 'school?!'. Well, um yeah. I started at Orange Star High last year. It's alright but it can be so boring, and that's boring with a capital 'b'! On the other hand, I have made a handful of friends, all different types of people. You have the knucklehead jock; Sharpener, the stereotype blonde; Erasa and… Well Videl. Videl is Hercule's daughter. Do you remember that idiotic fool that took my credit for killing Cell? Yeah that's him. He's an alright guy though, but he's really overprotective of Videl.

Anyway I don't think you want hear about that junk. Henran yells at me more than enough about drabbling on about Videl. Man, did I just say that? I think I have to be more careful with this mouth, I never know when to shut it these days. And don't get anything in your head about Videl and me. We're friends… just Friends.

Speaking of Henran, I think he is somewhere with Goten and Trunks. I swore he mentioned taking the two fishing by the river. Gee I seem to love confusing you, don't I? Well since being on Omda fighting against Dye Henran comes round here quite often. Yep, I was forced to introduce him to dad. Henran is like part of the family now, even mum likes him! It was about two years ago, when I was sixteen, that I introduced him. Since then he is a frequent visitor!

And before you ask; yes they know everything.My mother was sure to hell not impressed. Actually, most of the memory is a blur. I remember… shouting, lots and lots of shouting. Now look what you've done; I'm physically shuddering!

Now dad has gotten over the fact that I lied to him, for practically two thirds of my life, he loves to spar with me. I think a big part of him is happy that I can still fight, and between me and you, I fight so much better than him. I never remembered my dad being so sloppy when I was a small kid. But then again, I never really fought with my father at the age of five. Just the other day I floored him, man it was funny. He shouted out that I'm a cheater! Humph, the sore loser!

Sensei still trains with me daily. I think that I'm better than him now, but that's only physically. He still has quite a bit to teach me about the universe, I should be graduated by next year.

I haven't seen Senka and Julie in ages. The last time I saw them was a year and a half ago when they were organizing another attack on a planet in the west quadrant. They seriously need a hobby.

"Gohan!" I turned speedily to see an orange blur heading in my direction. About a second later I felt like I had been shot in the stomach by a wet cannon ball, did I mention wet? My head hit the floor and I found myself looking up into a pair of large, eager pair of coal orbs. "I caught the biggest fish so don't listen to a word Trunks says 'cause he's a big liar!"

"Am not!" A new voice joined the get-together as I felt another body take a seat beside Goten on my legs. Goten… Trunks…

"You so are!" Goten protested, frowning in disagreement.

"Your fish was only this big;" Trunks argued, making the smallest gap possible between his thumb and first finger. "Mine was this big;" he then outstretched his arms.

"Ouf!" Now this came from me when I felt, yet again, another figure pull up some space on my stomach.

"Wow guys, this sure is comfy!" Henran…

My eye twitched. I felt it. I then began to speak with a stuttering voice, with a dangerous tone also added; "G-get… Off m…m-menow!"

"Gee Gohan, you don't have to get your knickers in a twist," Henran commented. Remind me to add him to my hit list. "Plus I find this seat awful comfy, what'cha think guys?" he then turned to my brother and his best friend.

"Heh, heh. Sorry Gohan; didn't mean to bug ya. You have my a thousand apologies!" The lavender-haired boy speedily jumped off of me and backed away. Good thing Trunks knew his place; I wouldn't want to hurt the kid too badly.

"Yeah big brother, please don't show me anymore training methods, 'cause I really, really love you and you really, really love me!" Goten quickly scurried off behind his friend in aid of protection.

Gosh, it's great to be me.

"And there was only one," I said to the useless lump of lard sitting on my stomach. He sheepishly grinned and followed suit, jumping away from me faster than I could blink. I then stood back up and dusted myself off with my trademark smirk. The thing with my smirk is that it fits so well on my face, but whenever my brother tries to use it he makes everyone laugh. Like I said, it's great to be me.

Eventually we began to make it towards the other Z-fighters. I always earned a smile or nod from everyone from the team, it was great. I mean, it wasn't that long ago that they used to accuse me of being jealous and weak. Now I actually feel like part of the group. Sure, I still keep the cool guy, badass type attitude and I can be pretty arrogant. But now I have friends and more importantly; family.

"Hi kids, what ya been up to?" My father said, walking up to us. He was still wearing that overly enthusiastic orange gi. Even when I look at it I get a headache, ditto goes for that ridiculous outfit my brother wears. I think I'll keep to my Black one thanks.

I shrugged and folded my arms. That was my favourite answer, it doesn't start a long line of conversations and it's plain and simple. Unfortunately Henran and the others don't like plain and simple.

"We went fishing, Daddy!" my brother informed him. "I caught a huge fish!"

"Yeah but I caught a bigger one!" Trunks then added.

"Pft, everyone knows that those shrimps were nothing compared to what I caught!" Henran laughed. Ugh. You'd think I'd hate Henran or something wouldn't you? No I just enjoy badmouthing my best friend. He's actually a really, really great friend. Perhaps he is clumsy and rather simple-minded but he is a strong opponent and a funny guy.

"How about you, Gohan?" my father asked me with that raise of an eyebrow-thing he does.

I shrugged my shoulders once more. "Na, mum was onto my back about studying again."

He laughed. What? That's not funny, it's annoying!

"Don't worry Gohan," he reassured, to what he was reassuring I don't know. He then slapped a hand onto my back. "Hopefully your mother will realize that fighting is more important one day."

"Yeah when pigs fly…" I muttered under my breath. It was intended for everyone to hear, so when they did her it they just chuckled.

"Hey," a new voice greeted. "What you guys laughing about?"

"Ah nothing really Krillin," Henran answered. "We're just talking about Gohan's issues."

"I don't have issues," I said sharply, eyes burning into Henran's.

This was just a normal day in the not-so-normal life of Son Gohan. However, things have been really going up for me in the previous few years. I'm glad my parents found out about WS because, if not, I would never be so close to my friends and----

"Gohan! Put your stupid diary down!"

The pencil snapped in Gohan's hand out of pure shock. He swiftly turned his attention towards the door of his bedroom and sighed.

"Actually Henran, I prefer the term 'Log'." Gohan then replied coolly as he begun straightening himself out.

"I bet you do, you big girl!" he laughed from the doorway, leaning against the frame. "Whatcha' writing about? Videl?"

"Um… So are you staying for dinner?" he asked his friend as he stood up and walked out of the room, his journal in a firm grasp. Unfortunately not firm enough. Speedily, Henran snatched the book from his left hand and ran out of the room and opened to the last entry.

"Aww, feeling sentimental?" he sniggered as he sprinted out into the garden. He then flipped back to the previous page and continued to read.

"You give me that back or you're dead meat!" the hybrid called out after him.

This was just a normal day in a not-so-normal life of Son Gohan.

End of chapter

End of Story

Well… This final chapter isn't full of action as it just explains what has happened to the characters and whatnot. I hope you enjoyed the story even if half of the story is badly written. If I have the urge in the future I'll rewrite some of the chapters. Thanks to all the reviewers who have helped me continue and I'll see you in the future with new stories!
