Chapter 5

The First Level

"So Ryuuzaki...want to be in my game?" Matsuda asked L. His voice full of glee. "If you say will enjoy it...and lets say if you do it right...everything will fall into place." He then said as he walked up to L and pressed himself close. "What do you say...wanna join?" He asked. Matsuda was going to enjoy this game..."lets say it's a game of snakes and start at square one and work your way up."

L didn't flinch nor did he look different as this 'Evil Matsuda' pressed up against him and then a smile came up on his face. "Maybe I will does seem intresting but I have to say...if this is just a way for Kira to kill more people...I'll kill you myself." He said quietly biting his thumb a little. "Now tell me...if this is square one what I do to move to square two?" He asked quietly. His eyes coldly staring Matsuda but even he felt a cold shiver of fear slowly going down his spine. "I don't know what has happened to you but I promice to set you free from whatever is holding you this way." L then told him.

Matsuda sighed and backed off. "You are so not fun half the uncool and always straight to the you ever take a rest?" He asked before laughing. "Oh well...just solve my riddle...Tick tock Tick tock...that's my song hear me chime...tick tock tick tock beware beware I'm quite a shock...I feel crowded I feel unsafe...Amongst all the items around me...tick tock tick tock oh look at me here is the big finish..." He said happily. "There is my riddle...this game can have as many players you want...though if you lose...65 of the total population of this planet will try not to lose...and also your on a timer...starting in" He said before he walked off laughing.

L's eyes widened at that. Now? right now? this very second in time? and what time did he have left? Too many questions! He calmed down. Where is the bomb? "I have to think...items...could be shop...A big store...yes a big store will house many people...feeling crowded...hmm..." A sigh escaped him. "I didn't want to do this...but I'll have to show myself to Kira..." He stood up and just nibbled his thumb. "I'm sorry...everyone in this team...your not here yet if your not careful you will not be here no more." He then muttered walking out. Then he found himself outside. He never went outside much. Maybe because people always pushed him out of the way but really it was because he couldn't really think about a case when loads of sounds and voices bothered him. He walked barefooted towards Light Yagami's house. Then he knocked on the door. 'I didn't want to do this...' He thought to himself quietly. 'I've known you was Kira for a very long time...the rest of the team based that on just me needing someone to be Kira...but...I'm not stupid...I know you knew about the devices in your room which is why you acted like a normal teenage student...though you acted too normal...the fact you once read a over 18 magazine proved aren't the kind of the person to read one of did it because it was a normal thing to do and also you missed one fact...' He thought to himself as he waited for someone to answer the door. He heard footsteps and then smiled. "You forgot to mention the fact I kept a listening device in your room...I hid it in the door in a small gap in the one would find it without destroying the door and the lock itself...Light Yagami-san...Kira...hello." He said happily to himself.

Light Yagami couldn't move now. His hand holding the front door as it slowly opened. What...did...he...say? "L..." He muttered. He couldn't hide now. If it was true that is. "But doesn't that mean you also had to destroy my lock to get it in?" He asked with a smirk. The teenager wondered what L would have to say to that. He doubted he would come up with anything good. He remembered everything about his room and he knew nothing was different. "L...why are you visiting me?" He then asked letting L inside as he went into the living room to make some tea for him and some coffee for himself.

L just smiled at him. "The door handle...on the bottom right hand side once had a small stain left by chewing had a layer of cleaning solution on it to show the stain couldn't be removed...I had the lock removed and fitted with another one also putting a chewing gum stain on it and even the same cleaning's easy." He said happily. "It was a ten minute job with the right pair of hands so you wouldn't have noticed...also when I had to remove my cameras I was able to change the lock however I needed like putting the secret one inside it..." He told Light before he walked in and then grabbed his tea pouring a lot of suger before drinking it.

A cup fell to the floor smashing it and Light quickly bent down to pick up the pieces. "Gomen." He said quietly frowning as he didn't look at Ryuuzaki. How the fuck could he do that?! He was completely pissed off before he put the pieces in a bin nearby and got another cup putting coffee in it and then sat down in front of L staring at him. "That sounds like that would do it...though I'm not Kira..." He said softly. He was now on paper thin ice and anything else could destroy his plans. He tried his best to hide the anger inside him from the ever knowing cute eyes of Ryuuzaki...wait what!? He blushed faintly looking away. "D-Damn..." He muttered. "Sorry...I've been having trouble sleeping." He said trying to make a quick excuse.

L just smiled and stared at him constantly. "Just say are Kira...though right now I should arrest you because of it...I can not...for I need Kira's help..." He frowned and bit his thumb. "It disgusts me to even say it..." He said angerily.

Light stood up and bowed a little. "Sorry but my family will be back soon so could you kindly leave?" He asked.

L nodded smiling once more. "Think carefully...your answer must be correct." He then said before he walked out of the house an headed back to the Inventigation HQ, though as he walked towards it he turned his head to a small Television in a small cafe. The person on the tv said: Terrible news here at the local mall...I am afraid we have a real armed bomb...and for some reason to disable it we have to answer a one is brave enough to try as it says the bomb will explode with any wrong answer and what's worse we only have one hour left before it goes off.

L's eyes widened and he ran back to HQ already grabbing his phone from his pocket and calling Watari. "Watari...get me photos of the bomb and meet me back at HQ..." He said sprinting back.

The whole investigation group had also heard the news and ran back all exept Matsuda since no one could reach him at the moment.

Light turned on the tv needing to calm himself. He watched the news and heard of the bomb. His fists clenched as he saw the question. "That son of a bitch..." He muttered.

The bomb's question was: WHO IS KIRA? Y/N?

Gomen everyone T.T I have been on holiday and I had to re-watch Death Note to get my ideas back up. Sorry it's so small but it was the best I could do so I hope you guys forgive me.