![]() Author has written 34 stories for Prince of Tennis, La Corda D'Oro, Fruits Basket, Gokusen, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Ouran High School Host Club, Code Geass, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Gintama, and Legend of the Legendary Heroes/伝説の勇者の伝説. Hello! Thanks for visiting my profile :) Name:Seriously, you don't need to know. But you can call me ceru-chan. =D Birthday: 22nd April! YAY for April babies! Anyone wants to write me birthday fics? ;) Country: The sunny Singapore. More like sweltering, though. Global warming sux. T.T Likes: The only relevant one here is... I LOVE BISHIES/BISHOUNEN/PRETTY BOYS. I'm a total fujoshi - yaoi fangirl. Yeah. And I think twincest rox. XD Soooo... the animes that the great ore-sama has or soon will have conquered. And the dramas, just because I need a list of them somewhere. And now, because I have finally acquired the ability to read them without getting a headache, the manga. XD The watch list is just a reminder for myself, though if anyone would like to recommend, feel free to do so. :) Everything's in chronological order except for the watch list. Underlined are those I've completed; italized are those I'm currently watching; and the titles in the watch list that are neither underlined nor italized are those that I haven't started watching yet. OTPairings are the pairings I totally LOVE and fangirl over; Fave (Pairings) are like ones that I think are quite nice and don't mind reading; Disliked (Pairings) are those I absolutely cannot stand and will never read. Fandoms with listed pairings are those I'm more familiar with; fandoms where I list characters are those I don't know so well. Fave and Disliked (Characters) have the same respective standards as pairings. Animes Prince of Tennis (Anime+OVAs) OTPairings = Platinum, Dirty, Alpha, Silver Fave Pairings = Tango, Imperial, Perfect, OT5/6, Waltz, Sweet, HaruMaru, Data, Royal, MomoRyo, Mischief (SaekiXFuji Syuusuke right?), MizukiXYuuta (do they have an official pairing name?), GakutoXHiyoshi (I hope the order is correct), Telepathic (AtobeXYuushi), Kisarazucest Disliked Pairings = Dream, Pillar, Thrill, Uke, Fujicest, other random pairings like Chocolate (JackalXAkazawa) and... yeah, generally most random pairings... Ouran High School Host Club: OTPairings = Hitachiincest!! -squeal- Fave Pairings = Hitachiincest with -ahem- extra (e.g. TamakiXHitachiinTwins), TamakiXKyouya, TamakiXHaruhi, KyouyaXHaruhi, MoriXHaruhi... Disliked Pairings = Any pairing involving Hani, any pairing that diverts from the twincest... Gakuen Alice: Fave Characters = Natsume, Ruka, Hotaru, Tsubasa Disliked Characters = Mikan (ugh). La Corda d'Oro: Fave Pairings = YunokiXHihara, TsuchiuraXTsukimori, ShimizuXFuyuumi Disliked Pairings = Anything involving Hino. Rurouni Kenshin: Fave Characters = Kenshin, Soujiro, Sano, Megumi, Saito, Misao, Aoshi, Hikou Seijuurou Disliked Characters = Kaoru... Makoto... Death Note: Fave Pairings = LXLight, MelloXMatt Disliked Pairings = LXMello, LightXMello, and anything involving Near... or Misa... or any other female characters... Saiunkoku Monogatari I (II) : Fave Pairings = ShuueiXKouyuu, RyuukiXShuurei, SeiranXShuurei, maybe EnseiXSeiran... Disliked Pairings = Anyone other than Ryuuki XShuurei. Muteki Kanman Musume: Ahem. This was complete and utter randomness that absolutely confirms that violence is indeed a sign of simplemindedness. It's just here because I happened to have watched it... right, so let's move on... Fruits Basket: OTPairing = YukiXKyo (of course.) Fave Pairings = ShigureXAyameXHatori, KyoXArisa, HatsuharuXYuki Disliked Pairings = Anything involving Tooru Pretear: Fave Characters = Hayate, Sasame, maybe Fenrir Disliked Characters = Himeno, all Awayukis, and... Takako. (I know she's also listed up there in the faves as Fenrir, but there's the difference - she's cool as Fenrir and uncool as Takako. Got it? Good.) Vampire Knight (Season 1 and 2): OTPairings = KanameXZero. It rulez and you can't deny it. Fave Pairings = Kiryuucest (ZeroXIchiru...? Whatever, it's still awesome twincest XD), IchijouXShiki, KainXAidou, KainXRuka, ShikiXRima, maybe KanameXAidou and KaienXYagari Disliked Pairings = Any involving Yuuki or the Day Class apart from Zero. Nabari no Ou: Fave Characters = Miharu, Yoite, Raikou, maybe Kouichi Disliked Characters = Thobari, Fuuma (Kotarou) Shugo Chara (Doki): Fave Characters = Ikuto, Utau, Kuukai, Nadeshiko (or Nagehiko... I still don't really get that...), Yoru, Dark Jewel (Dia) Disliked Characters = Amu, her charas and family, Tadase, Yaya, Rima, Kairi, and all their corresponding charas Special A: Fave Characters = Kei, Tadashi, Ryuu, Yahiro, Yamamoto Jun and Megumi Disliked Characters = Hikari, Akira (-cough- total yuri moments everywhere between those two - Tsubasa Chronicles: Fave Characters = Fai, Mokona, Yuuko (Dimension Witch) Disliked Characters = Sakura Princess Princess: Fave Pairings = TouruXYuujirou (or YuujirouXTouru; either is fine ) Disliked Pairings = YuujirouXMikoto, TouruXMikoto, TouruXSakamoto, YuujirouXSakamoto, ArisadaXSakamoto (Seriously, these just don't work. DX) Samurai Deeper Kyo: Fave Characters = Akira, Hotaru, Kyo, Mibu Kyoshiro, Sasuke, Yukimura Disliked Characters = Yuya, Benitora Kyou Kara Maou: Fave Pairings = YuuriXWolfram, SaraleguiXYuuri, ConradXYuuri, ConradXYozak, ShinouXMurata/Sage, GwendalXAnissina Disliked Pairings = MurataXYuuri, MurataXWolfram, anything involving Cheri, Greta or (heaven forbid) the maids. Junjou Romantica: Fave Pairings = AkihikoXMisaki, AkihikoXHiroki (chibi!) Disliked Pairings = NowakiXHiroki, MiyagiXShinobu (Don't ask why. T.T) Gravitation: Fave Characters = Yuki Eiri, Touma Seguchi, Fujisaki Suguru, Nakano Hiroshi Disliked Characters = Shindou Shuichi Toradora: Fave Pairings = RyuujiXTaiga, RyuujiXAmi (Yes, they're het... for some reason yaoi doesn't work here) Disliked Pairings = KitamuraXTaiga, RyuujiXMinori Kuroshitsuji: Fave Characters: Ciel (duh), Sebastien, Pluto Disliked Characters: Greil, Elizabeth Gundam 00 Movie Fave Pairings = Lockon(Neil)XTieria, SetsunaXTieria, HallelujahXAllelujah (I'm twisted, I know), AllelujahXMarie, Lockon(Lyle)XAnew, RegeneXTieria Disliked Pairings = Lockon(Neil)XFeldt, SetsunaXMarina, RibbonsXSetsuna, AllelujahXSetsuna Gundam Seed: Fave Characters = Athrun, Cagalli, Muu La Flaga Disliked Characters = Kira, Lacus The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Movie Fave Characters = Haruhi, Kyon, Koizumi, Yuki, Mikuru Disliked Characters = Asakura, Taniguchi Loveless: Fave Pairings = SoubiXRitsuka, SeimeiXSoubi, NatsuoXYouji Disliked Pairings = SeimeiXRitsuka Code Geass (R2): OTPairing = SuzakuXLelouch. It can't get better than that, seriously. Fave Pairings = LelouchXRolo, LelouchXKallen, LelouchXCC, ToudouXNagisa Disliked Pairings = SuzakuXKallen, MillyXLelouch, RivalzXMilly, MillyXNina, LelouchXShirley Yami no Matsuei: Fave Pairings = TsuzukiXHisoka, MurakiXOriya Disliked Pairings = MurakiXTsuzuki Gakuen Heaven: Fave Pairings = OmiXSaionji, KojiXIwai, HiroyaXJin Disliked Pairings = NaruseXKeita, NakajimaXOmi, TetsuyaXSaionji, KazukiXKeita Hetalia (World Series) Fave Pairings = AmericaXEngland, RussiaXAmerica, ChinaXJapan, GermanyXItaly, RussiaXChina Disliked Pairings = ItalyXJapan, EnglandXFrance Bleach: Fave Pairings = HichigoXIchigo, IchigoXIshida, UraharaXYoruichi, RenjiXRukia, KyourakuXUkitake (ShunsuiXJyuushiro) Disliked Pairings = IchigoXOrihime, IchigoXRukia, RukiaXOrihime (never liked yuri), ByakuyaXRukia, ChadXIchigo, IchigoXHitsugaya, HitsugayaXRangiku (Matsumoto) Tactics: Fave Characters = Haruka, Kantarou, Youko Disliked Characters = Sugino, Muu-chan, Erin Heroic Age: Fave Characters = Dianeila, Age, Lechty, Iolaus, Anesha Disliked Characters = Karkinos, Mehitaka, Yuty, Atalantes Fate/Stay Night: Fave Characters = Saber, Archer, Tousaka Rin, Ilyavicht Disliked Characters = Shirou, Lancer\ xxxHOLiC (All): Fave Characters = Yuuko, Watanuki, Doumeki, Mokona! XD Disliked Characters = Himawari Tears to Tiara: Fave Characters = Arawn, Arthur, Octavia, Taliesin, Pwyll Disliked Characters = Rhiannon, Morgan 07-Ghost: Fave Pairings = MikageXTeito, HakurenXTeito, FrauXTeito Disliked Pairings = Anything involving Castor or Labrador (They both seem asexual O.o) Black Cat: Fave Pairings = CreedXTrain, SvenXTrain, SvenXEve, CreedXEchidna, JenosXRinslet Disliked Pairings = TrainXSaya, SvenXRinslet Kaze no Stigma: Fave Characters = Kazuma, Ren, Cui Ling Disliked Characters = Ayano Natsume Yuujinchou (Zoku): Fave Characters = Natsume Takashi (Duh...), Nyanko-sensei, Sasada, Tanuma Disliked characters = Natsume Reiko, Natsume Takashi's friends Darker Than Black: Fave Characters = Hei, Yin, the cat guy (does he even have a name?) Disliked Characters = Hei's employer (no idea what his name is either) D.N. Angel Fave Characters = Dark (again, duh), Riku, Hiwatari, Wiz (so cute!) Disliked Characters = Daisuke, his mom and grandpa, Risa, Krad Scrapped Princess: Face Characters = Shannon, Raquel, Pacifica, Christopher Disliked Characters = Leopold, Zephiris Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei: Fave Characters = Itoshiki-sensei XD, Chiri, Komori, Kaere Disliked Characters = Fuura, Matoi, Maria Hakushaku to Yousei (Earl and Fairy): Fave Characters = Edgar (KYAAAH), Raven, Ermine, Cain(Kelpie) Disliked Characters = Ulysses, Nico, Paul Sukisho: Fave Characters = Yoru, Sora, Sunao, Ran, Matsuri, Shinichirou, Nanami, Ryouya(Ayano) Disliked Characters = the Chibis, Ichikawa, Kano-kun, Soushi, Hiromu (puke) Papa to Kiss in the Dark: With only two episodes, it's a bit hard to have a deep impression of any of the characters. Basically, I was on a yaoi spree to get ideas for Tears of the Sun as i had to write a pairing I wasn't particularly fond of. Kirepapa: Same as above. I like the way the whole family acts the same, though XD Saint Beast (All): Fave Pairings = JudasXShin, JudasXGou, JudasXLuca, LucaXRei, GouXRei, KiraXMaya, maybe even LuciferXJudas -shifty grin- Disliked Pairings = JudasXShiva (Shiva sucks!), PandoraXCassandra, GouXGoddess, GouXGai (Gai should remain innocent, he's cuter that way XD) ZeusXPandora, ZeusXJudas, ZeusXLucifer, LuciferXGabriel (because Gabriel is kinda creepy), and AnySaintBeastXAnyGuardianAngel because those girls don't deserve them. Bus Gamer - Only three eps! It could totally have been longer! T.T WHY DIDN'T THEY MAKE IT LONGER?! Fave Characters = Mishiba, Nakajou Disliked Characters = Saitou (I don't see how he got the other two to fall for him! He's butt-ugly and the others are so hot! T.T) Spice and Wolf (Ookami to Koushinryou): Fave Characters = Horo, Lawrence, Nora Disliked Characters = Chloe Bokura ga Ita: Fave Characters = Yano, Yamamoto, Takeuchi Disliked Characters = Nanami, Nana-san Shakugan no Shana (All): Fave Characters = Shana, Yuuji, Margery Daw, Wilhelmina, Keisaku, Ogata, Alastor, Marcosius, Pheles, Johan, Hecate, Rammie Disliked Characters = Yoshida, Tanaka, Ike, Tiamat, Sorath (Aizenji), Tiriel (Aizenta), Sydonay, Bel-Peol, Friagne, Marianne X/1999: Fave Characters = Kamui, Subaru, Arashi, Aoki, Karen, Yuuto, Satsuki, Nataku, Kakyou, Disliked Characters = Fuuma, Kotori, Sorata, Yuzuriha, Sakurazuka, Kusanagi, Hinoto, Kanoe, Magami Kimi ni Todoke: Fave Characters = Kazehaya (SO CUTE), Sawako, Ayame, Chizuru, Ryuu Disliked Characters = Pin, Kurumi, Shino To Aru Majutsu no Index (A Certain Magical Index),II, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (A Certain Scientific Railgun): Fave Characters = Kamijou Touma, Index, Railgun (Misaka Mikoto), Accelerator, Himegami Aisa, Konori Mii Disliked Characters = Kuroko Shirai, Saten Ruiko, Kazari Uiharu, Kongou Ritsuko Gintama: OTPairing = HijikataXOkita - they are so amazingly cute together! even though Hijikata gets bullied a lot by Sou-chan... XD I think it must be something to do with the Shinsengumi uniform, it's COOL. Fave Pairings = GinXKatsura, GinXHijikata, OkitaXKagura, maybe even KyuubeiXTae Disliked Pairings = ShinpachiXOtsuu, KondouXTae, GinXKyuubei, ToujouXKyuubei, GinXTae, ShinpachiXTae (gags) Monochrome Factor: Fave Characters = Akira, Shirogane, Shuichi, Disliked Characters = Kengo, Aya, Kaichou wa Maid-sama: Fave Characters = Misaki, Usui, Yukimura, Suzuna, Aoi, Maki (Miyabigaoka) Disliked Characters = Sakura, Shizuko, Igarashi (Miyabigaoka) Angel Beats!: OTPairing = OtonashiXHinata. It's practically canon, dammit! Fave Pairings = OtonashiXKanade(Angel), OtonashiXYurippe, OtonashiXNaoi. -why on earth do all the pairings I like involve Otonashi? O.o- Disliked Pairings = HinataXYui, OtonashiXYui, HinataXNaoi, NodaXYurippe, OtonashiXShiina Working!!: Fave Characters = Takanashi, Taneshima, Kyouko, Yachiyo, Inami, Jun, Souma Disliked Characters = Aoi (she is indisputably superfluous), Otoo (same), Matsumoto (same!), Takanashi's sisters (they're plain weird). Yozakura Quartet: Fave Characters = Akina, Hime, Kotoha, Ao, Gin, Kyousuke, Yuuhi, Yae Disliked Characters = Tooka, Rin, Juri, Mariabelle, Enjin (duh) Hakuouki (Hekketsu-roku): Fave Characters = Hijikata, Okita, Saitou, Shinpachi, Harada, Kazama (he's actually kinda cute XD) Disliked Characters = Chizuru, Kondou, Sannan, Heisuke, Kaoru Shining Tears X Wind: Fave Characters = Souma, Zero, Kiriya, Mao, Shiina, Ryuuna, Lazarus, Elwyn, Blancneige, Clalaclan, Caris, Rouen, Xecty, Disliked Characters = Kureha, Saionji, Hiruda, Shumari, Houmei, Zeed, Killrain, Jin-Crow, Lassi Seitokai no Ichizon (The Student Council's Discretion): Fave Characters = ALL! I LOVE ALL OF THEM THEY'RE SO AWESOMELY CUTE AND FUNNY!! ^^ Fave Pairings = Ken-harem (XD), Echo-of-Death-nii-sanXKen, KenXNakameguro Tytania: Fave Characters = Jouslain Tytania, Ariabert Tytania (they work as a pairing too XD) Disliked Characters = Ajman Tytania, Zarlish Tytania, Idris Tytania, Lydia, Fan Hyulick, Lira Florenz (the last two because they're the resistance not because I really don't like them O.o) Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: Fave Characters = Hibari Kyouya -squeal-, Reborn, Gokudera, Bianci Disliked Characters = Lambo (god he's annoying), Tsuna, Yamamoto, Ryouhei Get Backers: Fave Pairings = BanXGinji, JuubeiXKazuki, AkabaneXBan, AkabaneXKagami, ShidoXBan, der KaiserXPaul, AmonXEmishi, MakubexXSakura, ShidoXMadoka (yeah, some het for once O.o) Disliked Pairings = AkabaneXGinji, AkabaneXHimiko, BanXHimiko, GinjiXNatsumi, ShidoXEmishi, AnybodyXHevn (She should just remain sexy and tempting XD) Uragiri wa Boku no Name wo Shitteiru (Uraboku) (Betrayal Knows My Name): Fave Pairings = LucaXYuki (duh), HotsumaXShusei (kyaah!), TsukumoXTouko (somehow they don't seem very sibling-ish), SenshiroXKuroto Disliked Pairings = KanataXYuki, TakashiroXYuki, ToukoXYuki, Any other ZweiltXYuki, TakashiroXFuyutoki Seitokai Yakuindomo: - Pure brainless fun liberally smothered in dirty humor. Entertaining, though XD Fave Characters = Tsuda, Suzu, Shino, Aria, Yokoshima-sensei Disliked Characters = Kotomi, Hata, Mitsuba, Igarashi Sengoku Basara (II): Fave Pairings = DateXYukimura, SasukeXKasuga, ChosokabeXMouri, InuchiyoXMatsu, (onesided) HanbeiXDate Disliked Pairings = KenshinXKasuga, SasukeXYukimura, OyakataXYukimura, Maeda KeijiXAnyone, and any other pairing that disrupts the above fave pairings ;) Durarara!!: OTPairing = ShizuoXIzaya (Shizaya). THE EXEMPLARY RIVAL LOVE. Hee. -drools- Fave Parings = KidaXMikado, ShinraXCelty, ShizuoXKasuka (to a certain extent), maybe MikadoXAnri Disliked Pairings = KidaXSaki (can't stand her!!), ShikiXAnybody Full Metal Panic: Fave Characters: Sousuke, Tessa, Kurz, Mao Disliked Characters: Gauron, Chidori and the rest of her friends Eureka 7: Fave Characters: Eureka, Holland, Talho, Hilda (Oddly enough, I like more female characters than male characters in this anime...) Disliked Characters: Renton, Eureka's 'children', Matthieu, Stoner Ai no Kusabi: (This was absolutely amazing. Like, the paragon of dark yaoi. Honest. -dazzled by glory-) Fave Pairings = IasonXRiki (duh), GuyXRiki, DarylXRiki, RaoulXIason Disliked Pairings = KatzeXRiki, IasonXKatze, RikiXMimea The Legend of the Legendary Heroes (Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu, aka LOL Heroes or DenYuuDen): (This is also seriously awesome. The art is drool-worthy, the seiyuu cast is amazing, there's plenty of opportunities for BL, the plot is many-layered, and its characters are complex. What more can I ask for?) OTPairing = RynerXSion. Come on, it's practically canon. =D Fave Pairings = MiranXSion, RynerXTiia, RynerXFerris, LucileXSion, ClaughXNoa, RefalXKiefer. Disliked Pairings = LucileXFerris, RynerXMilk, CalneXEslina, SionXFiole, FatherXMiran, LukeXMilk, RynerXKiefer, SuiXKuu, LieralXLucile, anything involving Iris (god her voice makes my ears bleed). Broken Blade (aka Break Blade): (Another great show. Nice mecha, art on par with LOL Heroes, interesting plot. Main character is a bishie ^^) Fave Characters: Rygart, Zess, Sigyn, Hodr, General Baldr, Disliked Characters: General True, Cleo, Lee Saiyuki: Fave Pairings = GojyoXHakkai, SanzoXGoku Disliked Characters: HakkaiXYaone, KougaijiXYaone Ore no Imouto ga Konna nii Kawaii Wake ga Nai: Fave Characters: Kyousuke, Kirino, Saori, Ruri (Kuroneko) Disliked Characters: Manami, Ayase, Kanako Togainu no Chi: Fave Characters: Akira, Rin, Shiki, Motomi, Disliked Characters: Keisuke, Arbitro, Kau (the dog), Kiriwar and Gunji Bakuman.: Fave Characters: Takagi, Mashiro, Miho, Kaya Disliked Characters: Niizuma, Iwase Shinrei Tantei Yakumo: Fave Characters: Yakumo, Haruka, Detective Gotou, Isshin, Disliked Characters: Yakumo's dad and his cronies. Otome Youkai Zakuro: Fave Characters: Zakuro, Agemaki, Susukihotaru, Riken, Ganryuu, Hanadate, Disliked Characters: Bonbori and Houzuki, Mamezo, Sakura and Kiri, Daidai and Byakuroku, Rangui Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai (The World Only God Knows): Fave Characters: Keima, Ayumi, Mio Disliked Characters: Elsie, Kanon, Shiori Fortune Arterial - Akai Yakusoku: Fave Characters: Kouhei, Iori, Tsukasa, Erika, Kiriha, SeiichiroKanade, Haruna Disliked Characters: Shiro, Kaya (the mom) Fafner in the Azure: Fave Pairings = KazukiXSoushi. It's practically canon XD Disliked Pairings = Everything else, I guess. O.o Pandora Hearts: Fave Pairings = GilXBreak, GilXOz, OzXAlice, GlenXJack, EliotXReo, perhaps BreakXReim Disliked Pairings = Anything yuri, JackXOz, JackXAlice, GilXAda, GilXVincent, VincentXEcho, BreakXSharon, JackXLottie J-Dramas (and associated movies) Gokusen I - Matsumoto Jun actually looks quite nice here :) Gokusen II - Ah... AKAME... -faints in delight- Gokusen III - Admit it, Takaki is cute! ;) And there's an awesome RenXYamato pairing Yukan Club - If only Taguchi didn't have to go blonde -sob- He was a total laugh as a himbo though XD Nobuta wo Produce - Yamapi and Kame!! -fangirls- Kurosagi (Drama and Movie) - Whoa, this really got me to become a Yamapi fangirl... -bang- IT'S AWESOME!! Sensei wa Erai (Movie) - The obsession over underwear and the weird devotion to that teacher is just weird, but Nakajima and Chinen were cute enough to be forgiven. XD Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (HanaKimi Japan) - Hmm... Maki's a really good actress... Oguri Shun also looks better than in Gokusen I :) Plus, Nakatsu's weird pink vision thingy... LOL! Hana Yori Dango I - I never want to watch Season II. This absolutely destroyed my image of Matsumoto Jun. T.T He looks terrible and so does whoever plays Makino. The saving grace was the absolutely gorgeous Oguri Shun... -dreamy- or I'd never have gotten past the first episode... Attention Please - More plot than the usual drama, but Misaki does provide some comic relief sometimes. That pilot who likes her teacher is also funny. XD Tatta Hitotsu no Koi - Kame was totally awesome... pulled of the role really nicely... -fangirls- Nao's quite pretty too, and so are the other characters, so it's easy on the eyes most of the time. Though when he went and let the guy cut his hand in episode... 7 i think... oh god I was cringing. -shudder- In any case, it has one of the better drama endings, so yeah. Sapuri - Yes, yes, I watched it for Kame's sake. So kawaii! He was better in Tatta, though... maa ne :) Nodame Cantabile - Let me just say that it took great effort to refrain from smashing my computer's screen whenever Nodame appeared. But Chiaki's cool, and the music was great; just NODAME... grrr... :-S Anego - Terrible ending!! Jin got stuck in Mongolia herding sheep in a suit!! I mean, WTF?! But watching it was definitely interesting... and educational... :) though I suppose it's probably not supposed to be for us kids to watch... -coughs sheepishly- My Boss, My Hero - I maintain that Tegoshi looks like an older version of Yamada here - which is NOT a good thing. His makeover was absolutely neccessary. O.o Proposal Daisakusen - For Yamapi's sake, I battled through the whole thing. It wasn't worth it. Oh god the girl... I seriously want to wring her neck!! -strangles air- Tantei Gakuen Q - This totally made me a Yamada fan. -squeal- doesn't anyone like RyuuXKyu? Scrap Teacher - I'm watching for the sake of Yamada.. and Chinen. That's all. O.o Ryuusei no Kizuna - OMG I've been converted to Ryou! He's awesome! As always, Toda Erika remains my favorite actress... and Nino really seems so pathetic. XD BOSS - Interesting female protagonist and mystery series. Mr Brain - I am now a Kimura Takuya fan! He was totally awesome as a neuroscientist - cool and crack at the same time XD Liar Game - This is one of the best dramas I've ever watched. Really. It's absolutely amazing. And Erika Toda just happens to be one of the actresses I actually like, which is an added bonus THe guy who plays Akiyama is pretty cool, though he isn't good-looking, precisely. He's the sort that either grows on you or you get sick of him. :-X But overall still awesome! Liar Game II - Complete! Plus movie! ^^ That mushroom guy seems to be getting close to Nao (Erika); it's creepy. Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge - None of them can act well, but for some reason I'm still watching. Oh, the little kiddo is cute XD and he CAN act. O.o Watch List Broken Blade (aka Break Blade) (1/6?) - Wish it was an anime and not a movie series. Then I could get my fix of this awesome show more often. I think a new movie comes out, like, once a year. That is SO not enough. -bawls- Gundam 00 Movie - can't find this anywhere, anyone knows where to watch it online? Sengoku Basara Movie - yay there's a movie for this one too! can't wait to watch it :) The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya - is there no non-fan-cam version of this movie? T.T Gakuen Alice II - Is there even a Season II? Everyone says there is, but I don't see any... :-X [Just for fun...] Ranking of Anime/Manga by Category: Action Psychological Mecha Samurai Fantasy Sci-Fi School Life Slice of Life Vampire Yaoi/Shounen-ai Romance [Note: Just because I write mostly from Prince of Tennis doesn't mean it's the best anime ever. Nor does my not writing for other fandoms mean they are bad. Prince of Tennis just happens to be the fandom offering the most writing freedom since the characters are not very clearly defined and thus more easily manipulated to the needs of the writer. :-X Now, for another ranking, me being the voice-fetish fangirl that I am...] Ranking of Anime by Seiyuu: Top 10 Seiyuu: 1. Daisuke Ono (Heiwajima Shizuo from Durarara!!!, Koizumi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) (Sion in LOL Heroes) 2. Jun Fukuyama (Lelouch from Code Geass, Watanuki from xxxHolic) (Ryner in LOL Heroes) 3. Tomokazu Sugita (Gintoki from Gintama, Kyon from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) (Lucile in LOL Heroes) 4. Kazuya Nakai (Hijikata from Gintama, Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara) 5. Miyano Mamoru (Light from Death Note, Tamaki from Ouran High) 6. Junichi Suwabe (Atobe from PoT, Grimmjow from Bleach) (Miran in LOL Heroes) 7. Takahiro Sakurai (Suzaku from Code Geass, Yuuri from KKM) (Tiia in LOL Heroes) 8. Akira Ishida (Katsura from Gintama, Athrun from Gundam SEED) 9. Souichirou Hoshi (Kira from Gundam SEED, Kazuki from Get Backers) 10. Kishio Daisuke (Kaname from Vampire Knight, Yunoki from La Corda) Read the wikis for the full list of their voice roles. Heaven knows there isn't enough space here. O.o See what a stellar seiyuu cast LOL Heroes has?! Go watch it. NOW. And anybody who has never heard the voices of the first five of the list are seriously missing out on life. DX Anyone else who (like me) has a voice fetish, likes the seiyuu I do and are generally proficient in Japanese (at least enough to read untranslated manga and get the gist of what's happening) should check out this game called Starry Sky. There are four installments, Starry Sky in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Read the Wiki for more information. Suffice it to say here that it is paradise for people who fangirl over voices. The art is pretty good too. Okay, done with the advertisements. ^^ Disclaimers: THIS APPLIES TO ALL MY FICS, since I don't post disclaimers with them... yup, always forget... I own nothing. Not even my life. Yeah. Wait, no - I DO own my plots... apart from that, nothing. T.T Hang on - I don't ALWAYS own my plots. But if I don't, iIll credit whoever gave it to me. XD So, the point is, I don't own all these awesome anime/manga/drama characters - no matter how much I may wish I did... -sigh- |