A/N: The basic makeup of the Yukimura family came from some friends on LJ several years ago. I'm just taking the idea and running with it.
Meet the Yukimuras
Chapter 1: Hired Help
It was business as usual at Rikkai Corporation. The young president was planning a hostile takeover of a rival company when his personal line rang. Very few people had access to that line and most knew not to bother him with anything trivial. He was a very busy man, after all, and his time was expensive.
"Code red," the voice on the other side said curtly, considerately dispensing with common courties like 'hello.'
Yukimura swiveled his chair and smiled serenely, not really seeing the panoramic view of the city outside his window. "Do it, Sanada," he gave the order and hung up.
He should be getting a visit from his lovely wife soon. What a wonderful day.
Low level paper-pushers scuttled out of the way as Mizuki rampaged down the hallway, not sparing them a second glance. They stared in awe after the rare beauty, struck once again by how fitting a partner he was for their beloved boss.
They seemed unfazed by the fact that said beauty had a rake in his hand and murder in his eyes.
Mizuki slammed the rake down on Yukimura's desk, scratching expensive maple and sending documents flying. Yukimura smiled and rested his chin on laced fingers.
"Hajime, how pleasant to see you," he started.
"Don't give me that," Mizuki snarled, beyond outraged. "You fired the gardener! How dare you!"
"Well, yes." Yukimura let his smile slip and his eyes turned to hard flints. "Sengoku was tending to more than my garden now, wasn't he?"
Mizuki sputtered, unable to deny the claim.
"And the pool boy?"
"Akazawa didn't get his full body tan by keeping his swimming trunks on."
Mizuki sputtered some more. There was no way Yukimura could know something like that! Unless... damn it all, that sneaky Sanada must have tattled! Mizuki had never liked their maid; he was creepy and skulked around the house as if he thought he should be in charge.
"That makes four servants you've fired this month," Mizuki sulked, mourning the loss of his latest boytoys. "Do you know how hard it is to find good-looking help these days?"
"Don't you mean good help?" Yukimura corrected, amused.
Mizuki crossed his arms. "No. Have you seen Atobe's manservant?"
If Yukimura was going to keep firing the help, he should go ahead and give their maid the boot. Even worse than Sanada's attitude was the atrocious way he filled out the French maid uniform. His arms were too muscular, his legs were unshaved, and he insisted on wearing an unstylish cap even in the house. When Mizuki had objected on aesthetic grounds, Yukimura had sent the cap away. It came back with pert bunny ears stitched in the seams, accompanied by a puffy bunny tail to attach to the rump of Sanada's skirt.
It wounded Mizuki that Sanada got to keep the cap. Honestly, he sometimes thought that Yukimura cared for that stupid maid more than him, his adoring and adorable life partner.
Yukimura watched his beloved wife pout and pulled out his chair so that he could pat his lap invitingly. Mizuki frowned and ignored the gesture.
"Sanada's been slapping around the nanny again," he informed, putting a hand on his hip. "Kuwahara threatened to quit."
Now that was help Yukimura couldn't afford to lose. Their Akaya tended toward mischief, with an evil streak that Mizuki claimed was all Yukimura and zero percent him.
"You should fire Sanada."
Yukimura chose to ignore the suggestion. "I'll double Jackal's salary," he said nonchalantly. "If that doesn't appease him, I'll remind him that I can yank his working visa and have him deported."
"I guess blackmail's one way of handling it."
"It's never failed before," was the placid reply. Nothing ruffled Yukimura, not even Mizuki's indiscretions. It invited Mizuki to try even harder.
"And what about the garden?" Mizuki returned to the original topic which had brought about his visit.
"I'll pick up gardening in my spare time. It's a relaxing hobby."
"The pool then. We'll need a new pool boy," Mizuki reminded.
"Why not let Sanada handle the interviews?"
Mizuki wasn't about to fall for that trick again. Yanagisawa was a fine driver, and he did nothing better than drive Mizuki insane with his nonstop 'da ne's. "I sit in and make the final call," he counter-offered.
Yukimura shook his head ruefully, conceding defeat. In the end, he didn't have the heart to directly deny his Hajime's wishes. "I get veto rights."
"Now will you please come sit in my lap, Hajime my sweet?"
"...I hate you."
"I love you, too."
Akaya peeked out from under the bed. No Jackal or Sanada in sight. Whew. He scrambled out of his hidey-hole and poked his head out the door. All clear.
He pitter-pattered down the hall and down the stairway, keeping a lookout for his dreaded keepers. The front door opened and Mizuki came in.
"Mommy, mommy!"
"Don't call me that," Mizuki said crossly as he took off his coat. "I'm not a woman."
"But Daddy says you're my mommy."
"Your daddy's a liar. You're not my child," Mizuki denied vehemently.
Akaya looked up at the dark black curls, the special way the lips curled up into a cruel smirk. Akaya was definitely his mother's child.
"You're being mean. I'm telling Daddy."
Mizuki rolled his eyes. So uncute. Well, okay, it was kind of cute how Akaya's lower lip was trembling like he was about to cry.
"I'm sorry, Akaya," he apologized, not really meaning it.
Akaya jumped at the bellow and dove behind Mizuki.
"What did you do this time?" Mizuki sighed as Sanada came clomping in, looking absolutely furious.
"I dug up Daddy's tulips and buried Sanada's cap," Akaya confided in a hushed whisper, looking both proud and scared at the same time.
He squeaked in surprise when Mizuki pulled him in for a hug.
"Oh that's my Aka-chan," Mizuki crooned, with an extra loving pat on the head.
Akaya beamed and stuck out his tongue at Sanada. Now that he had his mommy on his side, there was nothing Sanada could do to punish him. Poor Jackal would probably end up whipping boy for his little prank instead.
"Now now, Sanada," Mizuki sing-songed, making no attempt to hide his grin. "Akaya meant no harm. Did you, Akaya?"
"Nuh-uh," he said obediently.
Sanada glowered as he shook his dirty cap at them both. One day, one day he'd be emperor of the house and then they'd get what's coming to them.
"Did you set up the interviews yet, Sanada?" Mizuki inquired, mood much improved.
"The first should be arriving soon."
Maybe there would be a prize or two in this crop of candidates.
The first interviewee was Mizuki's type. He had long silky hair and delicate features. The only hitch was that he wore a cap. Mizuki hated caps with a passion.
"We'll let you know," he said, putting the resume in the 'maybe' pile.
The bleached-haired boy was gorgeous, with dark blue eyes and an easy smile. "You're hired," Mizuki said immediately, standing up and extending his hand. The boy clasped it warmly and held Mizuki's gaze.
"We'll let you know," Sanada corrected. He threw Saeki's resume into the trash. Yukimura would definitely use his power of veto on this one.
Kajimoto knew how to accessorize and he was definitely hot. However, he seemed indifferent to Mizuki's flirtations so Sanada initially decided to give him a chance. But then he reconsidered.
If Mizuki could hook his claws into Yukimura, then no man was immune. His resume joined Saeki's in the now overflowing trashcan.
"You've already interviewed."
"No, I haven't," Atsushi denied with a shake of his head. "You must have met my twin brother Ryoh."
Mizuki cast him a suspicious look and opened a drawer. "Come here for a sec," he ordered, rummaging around.
He snatched off the cap and flung it to the floor. Atsushi stared in bafflement as Mizuki tied a red ribbon around him like a headband, then stepped back to survey the change.
"Hmm...mmmm... not bad." Mizuki rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"We'll let you know," Sanada said, not even bothering to wait until Atsushi left to toss out the resume.
"I have two years of pool cleaning experience!"
"He seems good."
"No. Definitely not. NEXT!"
They finally reached a compromise. Yuuta was the most attractive of the candidates who weren't so attractive that they had to be vetoed. He had no sense of fashion and a disfiguring scar, but he didn't make Mizuki's eyes bleed like the ones Sanada would have preferred.
Sanada watched from the window as Mizuki sashayed out to the pool area in his swimming shorts, a bottle of sunblock lotion in hand. Yuuta blushed and stammered when Mizuki approached him and Sanada pulled his cellphone out of his apron pocket, ready to make the call.
Tarundoru, being a maid at the Yukimuras came with so much responsibilities.
Coming up - Chapter 2: Charity Ball
July 5, 2008