Rating:: K

Disclaimer:: It should be obvious by now, but I guess I'll say it again. I don't own 'em.

Note:: This pairing always makes me giggle! Sorry it's day late, but I had to much stuff going on yesterday to log on and post it. Enjoy!


White Day. Kaidoh Kaoru had been asking himself why he even bothered to acknowledge the day for some time now. Had wondered about his reasons for even waking up on the accursed day since he'd gotten the chocolates a week ago. Of course he knew why he put up with Momoshiro's teasing about his having brought the candy to school.

Said reason was scribbling furiously in a notebook off to the side of a match between Echizen and Kikumaru. He fidgeted a bit nervously with the rectangular box before steeling his nerves and making his way over. The other boy didn't look up as Kaidoh came to stand beside hi bench "Can I sit here Inui-senpai?"

Of course he was given permission to do so. A small thermos of some new Inui Juice was moved so he could settle on the strip of wood. He fiddled with the box a little more while watching two of the eight people he could tolerate play against each other. What if Inui said he'd calculated Kaidoh's present? What if he refused it?

The snake shot user could barely stop himself from leaving right then. Practice had been canceled for most of the tennis club that day. To many girls showed up for any of the members to get anything done, but the regulars. Technically they didn't have to be there, but what else was there to do? Certainly not hang out with the love sick people that cooed at each other like it was valentines day again.

Steeling his nerve, Kaidoh shifted slightly toward Inui "Fshhhh, senpai?" The glasses flashed as Inui looked up at him. The sun was reflecting off of them so he couldn't really see the eyes hidden beneath.

"Yes Kaidoh? What is it?" The second year took a deep breath before bringing the blue box up so Inui could see. The data specialist seemed to stare at it for a long time before gingerly bringing a hand up to take the box. Carefully setting it on his notebook, Inui lifted the lid and read the little card that listed what flavors all the chocolates were.

Peach, mango, caramel, salmon, lemon, and asparagus were just a few. A barely there smile eased the intense anxiety Kaidoh had been feeling since he'd sat down. Closing the box with the care of someone diffusing a bomb, Inui hid it away in his tennis bag and straightened back up with a box of his own. This one was green and had little animals drawn all over it.

It was held out to the blushing Kaidoh who took it and lifted the lid to get a little peak. Inside were turtle shaped hard candies. The blush spread as he realized all of them were probably watermelon flavor. It was his favorite candy flavor, but he'd made sure no one found out because that wasn't very manly. Momoshiro would probably laugh at him if he ever knew.

"Thank you Inui-senpai." He muttered. It would figure that Inui knew about his like of the little watermelon turtles.

The third year didn't look up from where he'd started to scribble in his book again. Despite this Kaidoh heard the quiet "Happy anniversary Kaoru."

And answered with his own "Happy anniversary Sadaharu."


Let me know what you think guys!
