Author has written 19 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Ouran High School Host Club, Prince of Tennis, and Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!. ~Yaoiness is a very whimsical writer~ ~Therefore, this is a page of irregularly updated fanfiction that are written and posted depending on inspiration and motivation.~ ~THANK YOU for reading, hope you enjoy the fics~ News: 24/09/2010 - currently have lost interest in Prince of Tennis, so the updates will be sparce, if there are any updates at all. I would like to finish the fics, since I like finishing things, but at the same time I don't want to rush the story. We shall see how it goes. Thank you for all of you who've been reading and reviewing the fics. I really really appreciate it. Cheers~ 1/6/2010 - Yes, it has been forever but thank you for all the lovely reviews. Exams will be over soon, so hopefully posting updates for various fics in the near future. Wish me luck~ |