Author has written 68 stories for Matrix, Batman Beyond, X-Men: The Movie, Mighty Ducks, Book X-overs, Dragon Ball Z, Pirates of the Caribbean, X-overs, Naruto, Sky High, 6teen, Covenant, Misc. Books, Murder by Numbers, Harry Potter, Misc. Movies, Battle Royale, Goonies, Hogan's Heroes, Buffy X-overs, Movie X-overs, Supernatural, Misc. Games, Mortal Instruments, and Push. Who am I? I am a twenty four year old with an Honours degree in English and History, and a Bachelor of Education degree. I am a graduate student, completing my History Masters, and will hopefully be doing a PhD next year as well - I plan to eventually be a University English Professor. (A scary prospect, I know.) I do academic research on fanfiction for school, for the professor I work for, and also for my Masters. Yes, my Masters thesis will be on fanfiction. So I take my fic writing pretty darn seriously. I can never claim to be perfect, but I pride myself of characterization, if nothing else. I am an unrepentant slasher. You'll notice a lot of my old stuff isn't really slashy, but then, I've been posting on this site since I was in grade nine. You can hardly blame my tastes for changing... all of my scandalous stuff is on my account, where you can find me as Closet Skeleton. A lot of my recent work is slash, and as such, if you don't like that, I advise that you read elsewhere. I do not apologize for my slasher tendencies. I've received flames in my years of writing, often for writing about characters who are portrayed as straight in their original texts as being homosexual, or engaging in homosexual activity. I will not apologize for this. I will also not apologize for writing strange fandoms that no one has ever heard of, or for writing unpopular things in the more common fandoms. I don't really read a lot of fanfiction, anymore, so I have no idea what the "fanon" is for any of these fandoms, and I'm not about to adjust what I write in response. I write things as I see them. I have for years, so that's what I'll continue to write. You're more than welcome to express your opinion, if you feel that I have done something that you feel is anti-canonical, or some such, but I reserve the right to maintain my opinions, in spite of your disagreeance, or in spite of the occasional tragically close minded bigot. Remember, folks, you can flame all you want, but this is fiction. Your version of a character I write about may not be the same as mine, but that doesn't matter, because (as I don't write Real People fiction) all of these characters are made up. All of my old stories on here - you know, those over two years old - that I haven't updated are being indefinitely abandoned. I may someday go back to them, but they were old, crappy, and in almost every case, painfully bad. So unless I get request for old stories to be updated, they're abandoned. Sorry, but I don't think anyone was waiting for an update on "The Bats Go Super" anyway. |
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