Author has written 36 stories for Farscape, Book X-overs, Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Parodies and Spoofs, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, X-Men: The Movie, Crucible, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Myst/Riven, Kingdom of Heaven, Homer, Last Exile, Pirates of the Caribbean, Bleach, Heroes, X-overs, and Supernatural. UPDATES (As of July 1, 2006) -I post all my work on my LiveJournal first these days. Forgive me if I forget to post something here immediately. I've pretty much set up shop on my LJ, so if you want to read my writings -- fic or otherwise -- I recommend going there. Also, I've signed up for an LJ challenge called Fanfic100, with the claim of Last Exile: General Series. I will therefore be writing 100 fics in the Last Exile anime fandom, each based on one of 100 prompts. For the prompt table with all the links in one place, go here: http:///49228.html (There's also a table for my Fanart50 challenge, for which I have a Trigun: General Series claim.) -Work is going slowly on Earth to Earth, but it is going. Don't expect any kind of coherent schedule, 'cause that'd kill my brain. But even when it doesn't seem to be updating, it is being written. Some bits go slower than others. LOST IN TRANSLATION (Unfinished and In-Progress Fics) Let Others Follow -- (LotR/HP crossover) DISCONTINUED. Yes, I still like this story. Yes, I appreciate all your kind reviews and support; they kept me going for a long time after the inspiration began to wane. But, unfortunately, it did wane - and so, no, I probably won't be continuing LOF, at least not anytime soon. If I do continue it, it'll probably be with a major rewrite, since the longwindedness of the older chapters makes my head hurt when I go back to reread them. Face Value -- (X-Men) EXTENDED HIATUS. I love this fic, I love the idea of it, and I love the characters in it, but unfortunately I have to be an EXTREMELY X-Men-oriented headspace to write it, since there are so many details to keep track of. I watched the movie 5 times in a row just to keep going as long as I did. I want to finish this one very badly, though, so don't despair completely (just don't hold your breath, either). To Speak and to be Silent -- (HP) BACKBURNER. I like the idea behind this one. I'm fiddling with the idea of a major rewrite. The rating may be bumped up again as the new changes lean towards the strong-languaged and violent... I seriously think I may continue this one, just not soon. (Possible shift to Remus/Severus slash? But the slash won't be the main plotline. It's just an idea for now.) Earth to Earth -- (Trigun) WIP. Long multi-chapter fic set after the end of the anime, in which Knives wakes up to a case of severe amnesia -- so severe he can't even remember how to speak. Heavily inspired by Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath" and Robert Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." R-rated (or M by the new system) for violence, language, and mild flashback yaoi. Of Human Bondage (HP) -- CHALLENGE WIP. Remus/Severus slash for the Master and the Wolf Fuh-Q-Fest. Obviously won't be posted here until the current wave is over (sometime in the fall), but it should be up in the archive at the Fest site as soon as I get it finished. Which'll be a while yet, so. It's a combination of challenge #'s 14 and 26:"Snape needs a werewolf "part" (i.e. fur, spit, semen...) for a very challenging potion that could win him great renown. The only thing is, the part must be willingly contributed" and "All werewolves must have an owner." The slash probably won't be very graphic when I get around to it. OTHER (randomnesshy goodness) -Okay, first off I would like to say that I AM A SLOW, METICULOUS WRITER. I don't do this whole daily/weekly update thing some people can do. Sometimes it takes me a day to write a chapter, sometimes an hour, sometimes a month or more. I am unreliable, and I regret that. Please bear with me -- I have been known to update years-old fics that I was simply perfecting a new chapter of. I recommend putting me on your author alert list if you're really interested in my stuff, because coming back to check on me every day is just not worth the effort. -Secondly (and lastly for now, until something else comes up that I feel I must address), I WRITE SLASH. Or yaoi, shounen-ai, m/m, boylove, whatever you want to call it. I write it, and I tell my readers that I write it, and if you read it and hate it and flame it anyway -- well, then, all I've got to say to you is NYEH. You were warned. You don't have to read it, fer cryin' out loud. -- My Livejournal: My homepage (follow Raven's Path): Two AOL Instant Messenger screennames: |
Alphie (33) GatewayGirl (3) Jay Kirkpatrick (1) Lilithisbitter (17) Luthien Tinuviel (4) | millyfan (0) Orionna Aurora (1) skippingstones (0) SpamWarrior (4) | Tazo (31) Terion (90) Vara (5) Yma (36) |