Author has written 17 stories for Hoshin Engi, D N Angel, Trigun, X/1999, Megami Kouhosei, Jhonen Vasquez, Invader Zim, and Harry Potter. "Steal not this book, my worthy friendFor fear the gallows will be your end; Up the ladder, and down the rope, There you'll hang until you choke; Then I'll come along and say - 'Where's that book you stole away?'" -- a medieval book curse Hullo thar. There's not too much to say about me other than I enjoy Odd Things, well written fanfiction in various series. For those curious, my pen name was stolen from an amazing band. One day, I suspect I'll get sued -- but hopefully not today; I only have two cents. 07/12/03 - No, I haven't added anything (yet, yet!) but, yes, I did remove my multichapter DNAngel fic. It seemed to be relatively popular, so I'm sorry if removing it disappoints anyone, but it's put up a nasty fight every time I try to continue it and I'm tired of having just five chapters of an unfinished story sitting around. Besides, after re-reading it a few times, I decided that I strongly disliked a number of points in it. Maybe it'll show up in a new, better form some time in the future. |