A Cross-dressing Fetish?

Disclaimer: For your information, I don't own any xxxHolic/ Tsubasa characters.

(A.N.: Yaoi. Cross dressing, duh. DouxWata. Don't like Don't read. For the rest, R&R!! :3 )

Shit. Shit. Shit. Why did he have to lose a bet against Yuuko, of all people!? Why did that horse on that race on TV have to fall at the last moment!? And lose to that sissy pony Yuuko bet on?! ARGH!

"Come out, Watanuki-chan!" Yuuko called out, right outside the dressing room.

"Don't '-chan' me!!" Watanuki yelled, flailing his arms.

"Hurry…" Yuuko said in a cutesy voice.

"Yeah, Wata-chan!" the black Mokona said.

"GRAGH!" Watanuki roared, as he pushed aside the curtain roughly, stepping out in front of Yuuko, the black Mokona, Maru and Moro.

The bespectacled teenager blushed heavily as he looked at his attire. It was a maroon maid outfit, complete with lacey handcuffs, bib, ribbons and Mary Janes.

"Wahhh…" Yuuko crooned. "So pretty…"

"Too pretty!" Maru crooned as well.

"Too pretty!" Moro echoed.

"Shut up," Watanuki grumbled. "Oi. Mokona! Who told you to take pictures!!" The teenager scrambled, chasing a gleeful Mokona with a digicam in hand.

"Wata-chan! Wata-chan!" he chanted as he bounced away from Watanuki's every attempt to grab the camera from him.

At one attempt, Mokona bounced quickly off a drawer and Watanuki tripped on his new shoes and fell, collapsing on the drawer. "Tehe!" Mokona giggled.

Watanuki got up and rubbed his sore head. "Yuuko-san, please tell me you were only joking when you told me I'd spend the day in this ridiculous outfit…"

Yuuko smirked at her part-time worker. "Sorry, but, no," she said bluntly.

The teenager groaned. "No way… How am I supposed to do housework in this?"

"Oh, don't you know? That's a maid's uniform." Yuuko replied.

"Maid's uniform!" echoed Maru and Moro.

Watanuki gripped his frilly 7-layered skirt in an attempt to push it lower to cover his pale thighs. "This outfit's impossible!" he whined.

"Get to work now, Watanuki-chan. I want sake and snacks!" Yuuko said. She didn't react even when Watanuki shot her a deathly glare and stomped off to the kitchen. When he was out of the room, Yuuko grinned at Mokona. "Wait till he finds out Doumeki-kun's coming over!"

"Tehe!" Mokona and Yuuko's evil grins were worse than Kurogane's vampire smile.

Watanuki arrived at the kitchen. No need to worry here. He was in his element. He closed his eyes and took a couple deep breaths. Calm down. Ignore the outfit. You are in your school uniform, apron and bandanna, not a frilly, maroon, maid outfit that looks like cosplay. School uniform, apron and bandanna…

"Alright! Let's do this! Go, Watanuki-sama!!"

Doumeki was walking by Yuuko's fence. No, not waiting for his crush--er, friend, Watanuki. No, not pretending to be walking by coincidentally when Watanuki comes out and spots him. And, definitely not stalking Watanuki and waiting to see him or even just hear his voice. Nope.

He was just pacing when suddenly; Yuuko comes out and grabs his forearm. "Ah, Doumeki-kun! Come in! Come in! Have some tea with us, won't you?" Before the shock registers, he found himself being pulled in her shop, with Yuuko humming "Hitsuzen. Hitsuzen. It's just Hitsuzen. Lalala!".

"Uh, Yuuko-san…" he said finally when Yuuko tossed him onto the sofa.

"Ohoho!" she said. "Think nothing of it! For today, I would just simply adore your presence! Now, wait here while I get Watanuki—ahem-- -chan to serve us some sake and snacks!"

Before Doumeki could reply, Yuuko was out of the room. He just blinked, then leaned back. Oh well. At least he could see Watanuki, that cute idiot.

The bespectacled teenager was just placing the snacks on plates when Yuuko poked her head in the doorway. "Watanuki-chan, could you take those snacks to the living room? Maru and Moro here will help with the sake." She pushed the two little girls through the doorway and left.

Watanuki rolled his eyes. What is with Yuuko-san today? Really.

He took the bottles of sake and placed them in Maru and Moro's arms, along with the glasses. "Here you go."

Maru giggled then faced her sister. "Aren't surprises just fun?"

"Yes!" Moro faced Watanuki and repeated the question. "Aren't they fun: surprises?"

"Uh, yeah," Watanuki replied absentmindedly as he picked up two trays of snacks. "Let's go, girls." They walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway.

"And then," Yuuko was blabbing to Doumeki. "When white Mokona, Syaoran and Sakura walked in, Kuro-rin had Fai pinned against the wall! And he was just about to kiss him!!" She paused for dramatic effect, yet gaining no violent reaction from her audience.

Yuuko perked her ears when she heard the familiar clatter of utensils against trays. Watanuki was coming.

"Really, Yuuko-san," the teenager's voice drifted from the corridor as he approached. "It wouldn't kill you to lend a hand." He walked in, not noticing Doumeki gaping at his attire from the couch as he set the food on the coffee table. When he looked up at his employer, she was grinning evilly. "Yuuko-san…?"

"My, Watanuki-chan, where are your manners? Greet our guest."

Watanuki looked up at Doumeki. His eyes widened and his mouth was prepared to scream. He tried to run, but his body seemed glued to the spot.

"Ah, cosplay." Doumeki observed.

Watanuki blinked, then stood up straight, glaring indignantly at the stoic man sitting on the couch. "Cosplay?! That's all you can say!?"

"A cross-dressing fetish?" he tried.

"Heck no!!"

Yuuko giggled. "Watanuki-chan, you're blushing!"

"ARGH!!" The bespectacled teen clawed at his face in frustration. "That's it!" He stomped his foot. "I've had enough of you humiliating me today, Yuuko-san!!" He ran out of the room, headed for the kitchen.

"Ah. Watanuki." Doumeki stood up and followed him.

"Mokona," Yuuko called out, sounding for the entire world like a giddy schoolgirl. "Get the video camera!"


Watanuki was doubled over above the sink, splashing his flushed face with cold water. No. No. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening…

He felt a tight grip on his elbow. The hand turned him around and soon; he was face to face with Doumeki. He tried pushing the archer's hand off, to no avail. "Let go," he squealed, sounding girlier than he would have liked.

Doumeki pressed his body against the smaller boy's, trapping him in between the kitchen sink and himself. "Why are you so angry?" he asked.

Watanuki glared at him with sapphire eyes. "Have you no idea?!" After a pause, he shook is head. "It's fucking humiliating, dammit."

The archer's eyes widened slightly. Hearing those dirty words tumble from Watanuki's lips was such an unexpected turn on.

"Now will you please get off m—mff!"

Doumeki pressed his lips upon Watanuki's. The smaller boy's sapphire eyes widened. A while passed and Doumeki was still on him. His eyelids fluttered closed and he leaned into the kiss.

Doumeki pulled off slowly, with Watanuki gazing at him through heavy-lidded eyes. "What are you talking about?" the stoic man said. "You look really cute."

"We. Caught. It. On. Tape." Mokona crowed. "Tehehe!!"

"AH!" Watanuki stood up straight and smoothed his blouse hastily, then ran after Mokona. "GIVE IT TO ME, YOU FREAK OF NATURE!"

"Wah! Wata-chan wants to watch it over, and over, and over again!" Mokona squealed as he bounced off the walls.

"GET BACK HERE!" the boy roared.

Doumeki heaved a sigh and leaned on the counter. He lightly placed his fingers on his lips and smiled. That was the best.


(A.N.: Hitsuzen! Hitsuzen!! :DD Tehehe! REVIEWS, ONEGAI?)