Disclaimer: I do not own Hikaru no Go.

KK: This is a little poem Sai says about Hikaru right before he disappears.

It Was Fun
By Kyuuketsuki Kitsune

Shindo, Hikaru
Was it fate
That I would teach you
To become so great?

In every game
With all his moves
He becomes better
That, he proves

I've loved teaching him
Every trick up his sleeve
But as he gets better
I know I have to leave

As he chases Akira
As the years slip by
Like last time, I'll fade away
But this time, I know why

It's to continue the long path
I know this may sound odd
But this eternal chain of go players
Will lead to the Hand of God

And so, my growing Hikaru
Soon I will be gone
No more need to play for me
No need to be my pawn

After I disappear
I hope, again, we'll meet
And perhaps the next time we play
I'll be the one you beat

Like me, you'll follow the Hand of God
And shine in go like the sun
Hikaru, can you hear my voice?
Hikaru, it was fu-.