Disclaimer: I don't own House or any of its characters, but I wish I did :)

A/N: A big thanks to ca choel for looking over my story and fixing my spelling and punctuation mistakes. You allowed me to finally post my story after such a long hiatus.

Chapter 9: Awakening

He felt like he was floating, it was almost as if he was wondering somewhere amidst a deep fog. His body was frozen, his mind sluggish but aware. Half asleep, half awake. It was a strange sensation, one he had felt on several occasions before. In the distance he could hear soft noises that where gradually growing louder with time. The continuous, ever present beep of a heart monitor was drawing him forward, luring him from the haze he was presently lost in. Then it happened. All at once his senses returned, and his body was slowly beginning to obey. He could feel his mind still clearing, trying to comprehend the sensations of the dull ache that pulsed through his chest. 'Odd' he thought to himself.

Amongst the other feelings was a soft warmth that was enveloping his left hand. He tried to flex his fingers, but they only twitched in response, feeling weak and restrained. He rolled his head in the direction of his new found curiosity; carefully he began to lift his lids.

The force of the light striking his sensitive and darkness accustomed eyes caused his pupils to contract, and his lids to slam shut. He groaned in irritation, shifting uncomfortably in the small bed.

At his movement the warmth on his hand disappeared suddenly, and he mourned the loss for the phenomenon was strangely comforting.

"House?" a voice called to him questioningly. The voice was familiar, though it was laced with concern, and worn with exhaustion.

The diagnostician tilted his head toward the sound once again. He let his lashes lift from their resting place, hovering only high enough to reveal a burst of pale blue trapped behind small slits.

Wilson couldn't help but let the air that he had trapped inside himself, expel in a relieved rush. His brown eyes looked for any sign of recognition amidst his friend's unfocused gaze, his heart hastening its beating with unconfirmed fears. He was afraid to know what affects the oxygen deprivation may have had on his friend's brilliant mind.

"J…Jimmy?" House's hoarse and gravelly voice queried from beneath the oxygen mask. Wilson couldn't help but smile at the recognition that he saw flash through the older man's weary eyes, but even more excitement came from House's use of his nickname. A huge weight lifted off his shoulders momentarily, and he slid his hand back down to grasp a hold of the motionless palm in front of him. 'Boundaries be damned' he thought as he waited for the snarky comment that would never come. He was so lost in his own excitement that he missed the contented expression that momentarily flashed across House's face.

House's eyes were mixed with justifiable confusion as they flitted around the small space that had been curtained off for him in the CCU. "W…what happened?" he asked becoming more alert.

"You're in the hospital. You don't remember?"

House shook his head, brows furrowing in thought. If you looked closely you might even imagine little wheels turning in his head. Moments later revelation dawned over his features, and he locked eyes with Wilson once again. "Chest hurt" he replied roughly. "Thought it was psychosomatic."

Wilson flinched at the hidden implications of the statement, quickly averting his eyes. "It was a heart attack" he stated factually.

House nodded and closed his eyes. "Figured that out…How bad?"

Wilson looked suddenly even more uncomfortable. He didn't really want to relive the earlier hours of this whole chaotic evening. "It was pretty bad…You went into v-fib. The EMT's had to use a portable defibrillator to restore normal sinus rhythm and revive you."


"What do you mean how? How what?"

"How'd the EMT's find me? I…I was alone." He whispered. "Phone broke."

The younger man closed his eyes in an attempt to hide his emotions, but it failed because the waver in his voice betrayed him anyway. "I know… I came back." When Wilson opened his eyes again House was watching him intently. "I found you on the bathroom floor. I called the ambulance, and started CPR."

"That explains it."

"Explains what?"

"Why my chest hurt's…its sore."

Wilson blushed slightly, and mumbled an "I'm sorry" but was silenced by a soft squeeze to his hand. He had almost forgotten that he had been grasping it, and blushed even deeper at the gesture.

"S'ok" House slurred tiredly. "Saved me, thanks."

"Prognosis?" House queried after a small bout of silence.

Wilson smiled softly and released his hand to motion towards his friend's chest, finding this the best time to try and break free of the uncomfortable tension he'd been feeling. "You are the proud new owner of three top of the line stents. Congratulations!"

House quirked an eyebrow lazily "Stents?" he questioned confused.

"You were at risk of having another heart attack. Your doctor thought it was best to schedule you for an Angioplasty to remove the blockages. I'm your medical proxy, so I agreed and signed the consent forms." Wilson waited nervously for House to reply. He knew he had nothing to worry about, but he still found it a relief when the man in front of him nodded in understanding.

"Good call. Who did the Operation?"

"It was a Dr. McIntire, with some assistance from Chase."

"Never heard of him." House mumbled closing his eyes.

"That's because he just transferred here from Dallas a month ago. I've heard he's quite good, not to mention he doesn't have a personal vendetta against you." Wilson paused before mumbling a "Yet" at the end, which drew a small almost inaudible snort from his friend.

Wilson could tell that House was ready to sleep, hell he was exhausted too. The older man's lids had pried themselves open again in attempt to stay awake. "You should rest. You're tired."

House was trying to focus on something interesting, but seemed only to manage a quick study of his friend. He took in the dark smudges beneath his eyes and his rumpled dress shirt that had stains from an unknown substance smeared across the front of him. In his mind he couldn't help but still feel surprised to see him standing there. Hours earlier he had resigned to his fate, fully accepting the fact that he was going to die. Now, he was alive and laying in the CCU at PPTH, and Wilson was standing there beside him. Maybe, things would be ok after all.

"Go to sleep House." Wilson urged again.

"What about you?" the older man mumbled.

"I'll be here when you wake up."


Hearing the underlying hope in man's voice; Wilson nodded and murmured a soft yet confident "yeah."

"Pathetic." House whispered faintly, but Wilson knew the word was void of any malice, and a small smile turned up the corners of his mouth. "Yes, yes I am" He agreed, slightly hesitating "… but I'm also sorry."

"Hmmm" House responded, his eyes gazing up at Wilson through half-lidded slits.

"I didn't mean what I said earlier, and I need you to know that I'm sorry."

"S'ok." House lamented.

"So…." Wilson drew out awkwardly "I'll just forget about it then."

"Always do" the older man commented. "That's why you're still here."

Wilson sighed. "Am I really that pathetic?"

"We both are" House admitted uncharacteristically "…and that's why I stay too."

"So you're saying we're kind of meant for each other?" Wilson grinned.


"You just don't want to admit that you need me." Wilson boasted.

House eyed him pseudo skeptically "With friends like you who need enemies."

"So says the pompous, self-absorbed ass." Wilson quipped.

"Humph!" House responded, closing his eyes tiredly. Moments later House evened his breathing out into feigned sleep, causing his gullible best friend to expel an extended sigh.

Wilson let his fingers brush a strand of unruly hair off House's face, before turning to sit in the chair he had set nearby. Reaching down he grasped his pager typing a brief message to Cuddy, before leaning back and rubbing his hands across his face roughly. Wilson yawned loudly, stretching out his arms with a groan, before crossing his legs out in front of him. He closed his eyes, and let the beeping of the heart monitor begin to lull him to sleep.

A few minutes passed by before House cracked an eye open to investigate. Soon both of his blue irises were gazing at the younger man beside him. "Do need you" He murmured in confession, unable to stop the fondness that entered his voice. "N…m'sorry too" He mumbled hesitantly. With a deep breath, he turned his head back up to look at the ceiling, lying silent as the drugs pulled him under.

Though his eyes didn't open, a small satisfied smile played on Wilson's lips.

Things would definitely be alright, because they were meant for each other. Nothing they could say or do to one another could change that.


A/N: Sorry if the ending seems abrupt, but I thought it was better than leaving this story incomplete on chapter 5. I'm sorry to everyone who had to wait so long for this to end. This story originally went on with Foreman, then House's parents arriving, Arguments with John (Houses Dad), and complication arising, but I got serious writers blocked over 2 years ago and so I removed the 4 chapters after this. At least now it won't be hanging over my head that I left this story incomplete. This makes me happy, even though I was not able to turn the story into the dramatic multi-chapter it was meant to be :)