Chapter 3: Ryoma's clothes!
Momo looked at his wardrobe.
Large pants. Large shirts. Large shorts.
Momo sighed. He looked at Ryoma.
Ryoma wore a blanket.
His blanket.
'Oh man! Why me?!' Momo asked himself. Ryoma looked at him, scowling.
"What's the matter, Momo-kun? Is Ryo-chan a nuisance?" Ryoma asked. Momo panicked.
"Of course no!" Momo answered. He pulled a lagge t-shirt and measured it at Ryoma's body. The persecom looked at the foreign object.
"What is that?" Ryoma asked, pointing cutely at the t-shirt. Momo smiled.
"This is called a t-shirt. People wears it to cover their body." The older man explained.
"Oh." Ryoma simply answered. Momo sighed as he grabbed his bag and wallet. He ruffled Ryoma's hair.
"I'll be back tonight. If you're hungry, go eat something at the ref. If there's anything." He thought at the last part. He smiled at his persecom. "Understood?"
Ryoma nodded. "Hai!"
Momo leaved the apartment. Ryoma stares at the door. A thin white light passed through his eyes.
At the university, freshman classroom (1)
Momo looked outside the window, staring at the big blue sky.
'What's Ryoma doing now? I wonder...' He smiled softly. 'I missed him..."
Suddenly, Momo's head jerked.
'What did I just said?!' He asked himself, panicking a bit. 'Don't tell me...'
"Mr. Momoshiro! If you don't one to listen to my class you can go out now!" The teacher shouted in front of him. Momo blushed when his classmates laughed at him.
The class went on, tearchers teaching, students listening, someone thinking about someone.
'Life is so boring, oba-chan.'
Night arrived quickly, Momo entered a clothes store, hoping to find something for his persecom.
"I wonder what kind of clothes will fit to Ryoma?" He asked himself, browsing at the men's dress.
"Well, first I could buy him underwears." Momo said as he walked at the underwear area.
He blushed when he saw the design of the underwears.
"What the hell is this?!" Momo asked himself gazing at the boxers in front of him. Some are hot blue, dark pink with glitters, etc.
"Can I help you sir?" The shop clerk asked. Momo snapped from his thoughts and looked at the man in front of him.
"Um...can you find me some underwears for kids?" Momo asked, smiling at the clerk. The man smiled back.
"Of course sir, follow me."
The man lead Momo to a shelves full of kids boxers.
"Hmmm..." The college student mumbled, rubbing his chin.
All of a sudden, he accidentally gazed at a particular underwear that took his breathe away.
It was a tight, purple boxers that can barely see what's inside. (Don't ask)
Momo blushed as he ran outside the store leaving a confuse man.
At the apartment
"Tadaima." Momo greeted as he took off his shoes and placed it on the shelves. He looked inside the room.
"Ryoma?..." Suddenly, Ryoma appeared in front of him, looking happy.
"Momo-chan!" He exclaimed happily, jumping at the university student. They both landed in loud 'oof'.
"Itai!...Ryoma, what're you doing?" Momo asked his persecom. He looked at the boy as blood rise up from his face.
"Why are you not wearing anything?!" Momo asked, looking from side to side trying not to look at his persecom. Ryoma innocently looked at his master.
"Is something the matter? Did Ryoma did something wrong?" Ryoma asked, as he loose his grip from Momo. Momo frantically nodded.
"YES! You're not wearing anything!" Momo shouted, blush never leaving his face.
"Is that bad?" Ryoma asked again. Momo stood up, making Ryoma stand.
Momo walked pass Ryoma and grabbed the white blanket, he placed it on Ryoma's shoulder, wrapping it protectively around him.
"Tomorrow morning, we're going to buy you some clothes." Momo informed. Ryoma looked confused.
Momo sighed. "Don't worry about it, Ryoma." He said as he changed to his night clothes.
The two of them slept together, smiling at each others warmness.
Well, we can't wait till tomorrow, right?!
Next chapter on Chobits
Ryoma: What's that?
Momo: That is called a polo.
Ryoma: What's that?
Momo: That's a pants.
Ryoma: What's that?
Momo: blushes Stop asking question Ryoma!
Ryoma: Next on Chobits...
Momo: Ryoma's shopping!
Ryoma/Momo: See yah!
So, how was that? It was suppose to be published yesterday but something happened, so I published it today. Hope you'll like that!
Don' worry! I'm going to update sooner, you know, exams, assignments, activities, boys...did I say that?! Nevermind!
Ja mata ne!