Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Hi, I'm Snily3838, I think the first five characters is enough to suggest what I'll write about. I'm no good person, but I like to think I'm a good writer. I hope to demonstrate this with a fanfic I am planning named The Four Options, a very short story, and then it will be followed by the longer story named Severus' Lily. I would like to make one thing Very clear. I will not tolerate any negative reviews from Jily supporters. If you don't like Snily, don't read a Snily story. As much as I deeply disdain that swine of an excuse of a man, James Potter, I will try to make his character as positive as possible to appeal to all readers, as I have done in the past on my account on Wattpad, where I wrote the Afterlife Series. All that being said, I have one long-standing rule: I WILL NEVER ACCEPT, FORGIVE OR STAND WITH JAMES POTTER! I have decided to write these new ideas on due to the fact I have enough projects on Wattpad and was encouraged to turn to this site to find more readers. I hope my stories will be to fellow HP fans' liking. Sorry if I end up quoting from the films, books or even other movies as I write. Enjoy, I suppose. |