
I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS! That sole right belongs to JK Rowling.

Chapter 22: The Warning

~A/N Sorry guys for taking so long to update. I've just been really busy.
~AU fanfiction


As Lily and I trailed behind the others we waited until it was safe to head into the direction of our hidden room. I said the necessary words to get us through the different entrances. As Lily and I were going through the last entrance, I heard her softly say, "I wonder why the death eaters are here?" Her voice was shaking, but not as bad as before. Looking at her I breathed, "I honestly have no idea love."

Potters POV

The impossible had happened as I stared up at the giant hole at the backend of my tiny dark cell. For there stood Voldermort hovering like a dark mass outside my cell where the gaping hole was now. As he slowly lowered himself onto the cold wet floor. His smile of greeting held anything but warmth. I gulped.

"Hello my dear boy," He croaked.

For the first time in my life I couldn't talk. I sat there frozen staring at this malevolent…creature? I say creature because there was not much in his face that revealed him as a "man".

He started to circle me "Ah according to Bellatrix I thought you would be a little more…well bigger in size. Especially to attempt rape on someone."

I swallowed, as he chuckled darkly, and when he came to a halt he raised his wand at me, and that's all I remember before I passed out and was succumbed into the darkness.

Lilys POV

As we sat there at the window we could see the Dementors circling Hogwarts castle.

I don't know what Dumbledore did to that window, but it seemed to not just keep them invisible to just the naked eye, but to all the other senses too, I thought to myself. Sense the Dementors never even stopped to peer at the window at which Sev and I was staring out of.

I heard a small squeak of the floorboards which alerted me to an intruder. Sev must of heard it too because they peered behind them at the same time. Only to sigh in relief.

"Blimey Dumbledore you could at least knock we thought you were.."I gulped and didn't really want to voice that I thought he might have been a dementor.

"A dementor?" Dumbledore questioned.

I nodded.

Sighing Dumbledore said, "I have been to all of the houses to tell them why the dementors are here, and to pass a warning."

I waited with baited breath, as Dumbledore conjured up a seat to sit on. As he sat he sighed again, "It seems Potter has escaped Azkaban, and the dementors are looking here for him. I just got word from the Ministry of Magic about it." Dumbledores face grew dark. "I had a few choice words to say to the Minister sending them here without even so much as a patronus, but they seem to believe that Potter must be involved with Voldermort, because how could an underage wizard escape the prison without someone of that caliber…"

As soon as he mentioned Potter escaped I froze and I began to shake even harder and when Voldermorts name was mentioned I absolutely couldn't breathe. As Dumbledore trailed off I realized I was holding my breath and began to breathe again in short breaths.

"Are you ok Ms. Evans?"

I nodded and waved my hand for him to continue. He searched my face and I suppose found nothing because he stopped staring at me and continued. "Until they know for sure dementors will be on the grounds a couple of weeks. Now let myself be clear. You are to stay away from them. The moment they sense your happiness they will try to suck it out of you…literally."

I jerked my head in agreeing to these rules and I felt Sev nod as well.

"Good…and please be more discreet then you already are about your room arrangements and be sure to pass that to your sister as well Lily. If Voldermort is behind this I don't want him getting to either one of you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Headmaster" I said softly.

He looked at Sev, "Of course Dumbledore," Sev said.

He looked at both of us and bowed. "Good day to both of you." And apparated out of their room.

~~Thank you for your time! Reviews are much appreciated! ^-^ ~~

So sorry for the short chapter! So many bad things kept happening! I will try to make the next chapter much longer!