Author has written 4 stories for Twilight, and Harry Potter. Hello and welcome to my profile! Since you have taken the time to come here: Thank you! I love the Harry Potter books as well as Inheritance, Hunger Games, Shiver Trilogy, Phantom of the Opera (movie/musical) & Love Never Dies, Beauty and the Beast, The Last Airbender (TV) and many others. I love reading and want to try my hand at writing something, so go ahead and read some of my stories. Review please! Since this is a profile I'll tell you a little bit about myself: -I'm a girl, that much should be obvious -I have brown, curly hair that always frizzes and never behaves -5'1 and hating it -I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! -I'm a triplet! Favorite bands: Taylor Swift, Bon Jovi, Mumford & Sons, My Chemical Romance, John Mayer and any band that plays good music. I like songs with meaningful lyrics, really don't like heavy metal and think Lady GaGa is good but overrated. I also enjoy Disney soundtracks! Favorite quotes: "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"- Edmund Burke "It's not what I am on the inside, but what I do that defines me" "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." "Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them." Thou shalt not whine "You're telling me to do the right thing while climbing out the window??"- House Beast: "I want to do something for her... but what?" "As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?" (at this point I squeal "Belle can!") :D Favorite pairs: Severus/Lily Neville/Luna Hermione/Viktor Hermione/Draco Christine/Erik Zuko/Katara Eragon/Arya Beast/Belle In the Lion's Den is my current project, where Severus Snape is sent back to re-live his life and is sorted into Gryffindor. This story will be finished at the end of fifth year, and there will be a sequel if there's enough interest. The following stories are utterly amazing. They are my absolute favorites and are pieces of outstanding writing that I think everyone on this site should read: Into Your Gravity by sockyferret: Luna/Tom Riddle, the pairing is unusual but it's fantastic and well done! Take My Heart Away by hatusu: Hermione/Tom Riddle, i'm not a fan of riddle stories, but both this and Into Your Gravity were amazing! Heart With No Companion by Michmak: Sev/Hermione, this is the most beautiful story I have ever read. The Moment it Began: Sev/Lily, another time traveling fic. Dumbledore's Army by Bobmin: A novel length story, in which Harry distrusts Dumbledore and transforms DA In the Words of Ginevra Molly Potter: book 1 through 7 in Ginny's POV Hermione's New Life: Hermione/Viktor, the best of the hermione/viktor pairing! For other great stories (at least I think they're great, you may disagree but that's just a difference of opinion) see my favorites. |
gbeanz (12) Hatusu (4) julie xoxo (1) | Kelsey Goode (21) Michmak (101) Sindie (38) smartNblond (0) | Suneh (2) vjgm (6) |