"That feels so nice, Luna! Why don't we use Muggle ideas more often?" said Ginny Weasley. Her and Luna Lovegood were sitting on her bed, Luna behind her, braiding her hair. Ginny had tried at least three times to get it right with magic, but it never seemed to look good enough. Luna suggested that she do it, the Muggle way, with her hands.

The two were getting ready for Ginny's brother, Bill's wedding. The Burrow was buzzing with energy – more-so than its normal magical vibe. Mrs. Weasley had been rushing around organizing, planting, cleaning, etc. for the last month it seemed, and today was when everything would come together. Luna kept Ginny's long, fiery hair in one hand and peered out the window. Sunshine was flooding everything. The boys – Ron, Fred, George, Harry, and Mr. Weasley were conjuring a lilac colored tent in the backyard.

"It looks so lovely," said Luna dreamily, eventually getting back to her work on Ginny's hair. She was nearly finished, and even from the back, her best girlfriend looked stunning. She was wearing a light green dress with spectacular beading on the waist and cap sleeves. Ginny looked beautiful, and if Luna knew Harry like she thought she did, she pictured him just baffled at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Are you almost ready? Molly's calling—Ginny! Look at your hair, that's unbelievable!" Hermione rushed in, obviously impressed by Luna's work.

"Luna did it herself, without magic. Isn't it wonderful?" Hermione walked over to Ginny in awe, staring at her intricately braided hair, as if she were trying to figure out just how it was possible to create that without magic.

"Luna," Hermione laughed, still impressed. "How on earth – oh look at you! You look so lovely as well!"

She was wearing a bright yellow dress with small tiered ruffles. Her pale blonde hair was tied back behind her ears and the rest was left to flow beautifully down her back – it almost reached her hips! Ginny put just a hint of light gold shimmer on her eyelids and it made her big blue eyes look even bigger and even bluer. She looked like sunshine. "Thank you, Hermione. As do you!" Luna was so excited; things were heavy lately. The war was only just starting, yet so much had happened. She was ready to put all that aside, even for just a few hours.

"Anyways, I was saying, Molly's calling us down, she wants pictures!"

Hermione and Ginny went down the stairs carefully, not to trip in their heels over their beautiful dresses. But Luna was behind them, skipping down flights, twirling in her dress, barefoot except for an abundance of toe rings. She didn't like shoes. She felt as if they were unnecessary and anyways, bare feet were a natural Nargle repellent.

Fleur was in the kitchen, looking absolutely stunning. Her dress was just off-white and had the most remarkable pattern covering the bottom half. She held a bouquet of lilacs and deep purple roses that matched the bracelet she was wearing. She looked purely magical. Luna couldn't help but think how much effort everyone else had put into their outfits, and that maybe hers was not up to par. What she didn't seem to notice was that her effortlessness was part of her beauty.

Mrs. Weasley was sobbing, grasping the sink with one hand and Fleur with the other. "Girls," she managed to squeak out. "Gather round for pictures! I want all of you with Fleur and then we can have some of just you three, and oh dear this isn't actually happening is it? Is my son really getting married today? I never thought I'd see the day – no offense to you Fleur, love! Oh, I need some air!"

After everyone was finished, Luna separated from them and went outside, welcomed by a still-warm sun that was low in the sky. The wedding was happening at sunset and the reception to follow under the stars. She could only think of one thing as guests filtered in and grabbed seats. Where was Neville? She was excited to see him, having last interacted with him at Hogwarts, where they spent an entire afternoon by the lake together. She'd wanted to see him, badly, since. She just thought he was so lovely…

She trailed along the edge of the house, stepping in and out of flower bushes, and eventually picked a small indigo daisy to put in her hair. Only in the wizarding world would one find such beautiful things. And there was a Flutterby bush! Mrs. Weasley did a wonderful job with this garden, she thought, just as she felt a tap on her shoulder.


She could hardly contain her excitement, but then she took a good look at him and had to take a step back. He was at least four inches taller (making him much taller than her now. She was starting to see the good in heels), his hair cut nicely and was that a jawline? Luna was never one to notice the physical attributes of someone before their personality, but he just looked so much…older. She shook herself out of the unfamiliar state she was in and gave him a hug, tip-toeing to peck him on the cheek.

"I've been meaning to –" he started, but suddenly the tent lit up with light and music all at once. The ceremony was starting. "I'll talk to you later!" Neville said, walking away. "I'm sitting with Gran, she'll be mad I'm not there by now. Come join us if you'd like!"

Luna wished so badly that she could, but she skipped over to her father where he had saved a seat for her, not near Neville or his gran at all. The wedding music started and Luna was happy she could count on getting her mind lost in the décor, the outfits, the pure beauty of what surrounded her at the moment. She needed that distraction, especially with him in the back corner of that very tent…