Chapter One- Accidental Perfection
This is my first Fanfic I hope you enjoy and thanks to my beautiful editor Futurstar81
There was a tumultuous storm raging outside the little house on Spinner's End. Severus glanced outside the window watching the rain trail down his window. The events of the night played through his mind in a terrible cycle. His eyes slowly went to his arm where the freshly seared mark was glaring back at him. He took the dark lords mark in an effort to feel better but it only managed to make him feel sick. What were you thinking Severus? Lily wouldn't approve of this…Lily? You fool she is happy with Potter she isn't your friend she made that very clear….she isn't coming back…she loves him not you.
Just as he thought that there was a soft knock at the door. Severus spun at the noise; who could that possibly be at the door? He looked at the clock it was eleven forty seven p.m. whoever it was it couldn't be good. He put up his Occlumency shields and rolled down his sleeve so it covered his mark and unlocked the door his heart caught in his throat when he saw who was behind the doors. The person at the door's red hair shone brightly but her eyes caught his attention the most they were watery and puffy and swollen, like she had been crying. "Lily? What's wrong?" she stifled another sob and launched herself at Severus. He was stunned but slowly wrapped his arms around her like he used to. He felt like he was finally home. "Oh Sev….I didn't know who to talk to and and I know we haven't spoken but but I thought I thought th." He rubbed her back gently "It's ok what is it Lily?" she sniffled a bit but pulled out of the embrace wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "It's it's just James…we had a big fight and I just I wanted to talk to someone." He watched her, his cold demeanor gone at the sight of her. He motioned for her to follow him into the living room area. She silently followed, closing the door behind her, despite them being best friends she had never actually entered his house before. She felt happy that although it had been years he still let her in he could have said no. "Would you like some tea?" he asked as he turned to face her. "That would be lovely, thank you Severus." He nodded and silently went to the kitchen to prepare some tea. While he was gone Lily made herself comfortable looking around the room. His living room had a lit fire place and bookshelves lined the walls filled to the brim with books of all sorts and some were even stacked on the floor. She was reading the spines of the books when Severus came back into the room. She jumped a bit when he stated "Those are the oldest in my collection…sorry I didn't startle you" he held out the tea to her. She grabbed it slowly "Thank you again Sev for everything." She sat on the couch and took a sip of the tea, it was soothing and relaxing. "I put some calming draught in it I hope you don't mind" he took a sip from his own cup watching her intently. "Its fine I needed it… James wants to get married… I was thinking of saying yes Sev… but he he is driving me insane and then he went out for drinks with Sirius and and" she started sobbing again. He hesitated but put an arm around her. "He was snogging another woman Sev and and then he wants me to marry him! I don't know what to do anymore, I'm confused…Sev." She slowly looks up to his face tears silently falling. He looked at her softly wiping the tears away. "Lily he is an imbecile for hurting you in that way…you are so beautiful and shouldn't shed a tear for him." His thumb brushed over her cheeks until the tears stopped she was looking at him curiously she never looked at him like that. His eyes drifted to her lips for a second. She notice and looked to his and before he knew it he was kissing her. Oh how long he waited for this moment he relished the kiss, his hands cupping her face. He kissed her sweetly but she deepened it.
Lily woke up and search the room where was she? The last thing she remembered was…oh merlin's beard she kissed Severus…wait she didn't only kiss him she she slept with him! She slept with her best friend! Are you mental Lily Evans? Severus Snape….but oh merlin it was amazing he was so sweet. She turned to look at his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful. Was he dreaming of her? No no he couldn't possibly it was just an accident there was no way Severus felt any type of way for her. But it didn't stop her from wondering…what if? She touched his hair softly, it wasn't greasy, it was surprisingly soft maybe too much conditioner. She looked at him again he was mostly covered. She blushed at the thought of what they did, when something on his left arm caught her gaze. She gently moved his arm and gasped softly. Severus was a…. he was a…death eater. She couldn't believe it! Why would he do such a thing? She was so stupid to fall for it. Fresh tears sprang to her eyes and she got up, writing a note hastily while getting dressed silently and ran off into the storm.
Severus slept that night better than he ever had. He made love to the most beautiful woman. He made love to the woman he loved more than anything in the world. He opened his eyes expecting to see her but in her place was a small scrap of paper with what was obviously her handwriting. He had a horrible feeling about that small piece of parchment and slowly reached out to grab it. It read:
"I've forgiven you for a lot of things but I can't forgive you for taking HIS mark. I'm sorry for saying this in a letter but you'd try to stop me and I've decided I'm going to marry James Don't try to contact me.
Best Wishes, Lily."
His heart shattered. She was going to marry Potter. After what happened last night she was still going to marry James Bloody Potter. He read the note over an over his mind not processing it. She left she slept with him and left, Lily left for good this time. He sank to the floor and for the first time in a long time he cried.
James sat in the living room his head in his hands, how could he be so thick he shouldn't have drank so much. Merlin knows if he didn't he would have been ready for that lecherous old maid who forced herself on him. James swore to himself once Lily came back he would never drink again. He was a terrible drunk…that cougar was the least of his worries. Sirius was upstairs in his and Lily's bed, he couldn't believe he slept with his best mate. Merlin this was going to be hard to explain.
9 months later (After Marriage):
James, Lily, Sirius and Remus sat around the Television watching one of Lily's favorite muggle movie Beauty and the Beast she watched it leaning against James. James had his arms around her and gently stroked her stomach. Lily's mind wandered to Severus. How was he? Did he miss her? Did he regret that stupid mark on his arm? Would he want to know he was a father? At that she thought of James, sweet James he was there for her all these months though he acted a bit strange. Did he know the kids weren't his? Would he leave her once he found out?
James continued to stroke Lily's stomach but his eyes wandered from the T.V. screen to Sirius who met his gaze. He smiled softly and Sirius smiled back cheekily. James looked away what the hell was wrong with him. Ever since that night he caught himself doing that every once and awhile and it was wrong he loves Lily he is with Lily. What happened between him and Sirius was a mistake and would never happen again.
Lily looked up at James "Hey James can I tell you something." He turned to her smiling and just before he could respond she gasped, her water was breaking. Immediately she was rushed to St. Mungo's where she went into labor. Her first child was born Harry…Harry Potter he was beautiful his black hair lay flat on his head and his beautiful green eyes brought tears to her eyes. "He is so perfect," James practically beamed at her proudly when she felt like she was going into labor again. This baby was harder to give birth to but then a beautiful little girl came out, her Auburn hair matching her mother's. She smiled as she held her close, as well as Harry. James and Lily Decided to name her Sapphira Asphodel Potter. When James first held her she almost cried. James watched her softly, happily smiling until she opened her eyes and Hazel met Onyx. "Lily…do you have something you have to tell me." Lily was oblivious to his shock watching her son "What do you mean?" James felt betrayed "I want to know why this isn't my daughter." As if on cue Sapphira cried loudly and Lily froze.