Chapter 3:

James grunted and turned on his back, his mouth falling open. He hadn't woken when she reached for her wand and with a light swish, activated a silencing charm. She smiled as she curled back comfortably next to him.

How did she find herself married to James Potter; you might ask? That she remembered well.

At the time, her heartbreak had remained at its peak and she'd been so angry at Severus. Angry at his choices, his behavior the following months, and she'd needed some way, anyway, to ventilate.

She was running late for breakfast at the Great Hall after checking in on a couple of students in the medical wing. James and his ridiculous friends, not including Remus though just as guilty, thought it'd be a gag to mess with first year Slytherins.

As she entered, heads turned in her direction. Lily, involuntarily, had become something of a celebrity at school. James was highly liked and admired and it was hard to believe Lily Evans, an ordinary girl from Cokeworth, had caught his attention. It resulted in several girls shunning her as she never gave him the time of day either. In a desperate attempt to have her life back, she avoided James as much as she could although he didn't make it so easy.

She shrugged off their stares and walked toward her fellow classmates. She cursed under her breath as the remaining vacant seats were across the Marauders. James had his arm draped around a brightly blushing Helena Binns, whispering things in her ear that only reddened her further. He really never learned.

As Lily sat down, she scanned the next table catching a quick glimpse of Severus sitting between Mulciber and Avery. Mulciber seemed to be babbling about Merlin knows what, too absorbed in himself to notice that Severus's thoughts were elsewhere. Without notice, as if Severus sensed her gaze, he looked up and met her eyes. She stared back briefly before turning away as casually as she could. She hadn't wanted to give him the impression that she cared even for a moment, yet here she was getting caught gawking.

"Evans!" The sudden interruption of her thoughts made her flinch in her seat. The irritating voice of James Potter was heard as he finally took notice of her presence. "What in Merlin's name has been keeping you so long? I missed you so."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Save it. Your bloody theatrics have me running all over the castle."

"Forgive me, Evans." He grinned. "I'll grant you my undivided attention this evening, how's that sound?" Pettigrew snickered at his comment.

Lily ignored them as she poured herself a glass of pumpkin juice. Sirius, who'd been sitting next to James and stuffing himself with apple pie, elbowed him beneath the table. So much for discretion.

"We're all heading to the Three Broomsticks later, care to join us?" James asked her.

Unsurprisingly, no one at the table bothered to wonder or wait for her answer. It was such a common thing for James to ask her out and everyone knew how she'd reply. Lily, of course, had grown accustomed to his proposals and refusing was almost involuntary.

"Sure, what time?" She said instead. Jaws dropped near the table upon hearing her and among them, a dumbstruck James. He fixed his composure and cleared his throat. "I suppose..a bit after six."

"Six it is then." She said neutrally. "I trust you won't keep me waiting long."

He cleared his throat a second time. "I'm a busy man, I wouldn't want to guarantee anything, but I'll try my best."

She glanced up to see Severus excusing himself from his peers, though no one paid any mind to his hasty exit as they continued on with their chatter. She bit her lip as she watched him disappear into the corridor, almost regretting it all. When she turned back, Sirius patted James on the back and tossed a delighted thumbs up in her direction.

Oh God. Had she just agreed to a date with James Potter?

Back in their dorms, Mary thread through Lily's hair with a soft brush. "I honestly thought you wouldn't go through with it." She said suddenly.

Lily shrugged. "I really wasn't, Mary. But then I decided I'd do it for me, you know? I've been much too busy with prefect duties; I can't remember the last time I had a Butterbeer. Can you blame me?"

"No, of course. I simply meant you still had feelings for Snape is all, but I see he's long forgotten now." She continued casually.

"Feelings?" Lily whirled around to look at her friend in aghast. "I am not in love with Severus, Mary."

"Obviously not anymore." She assured her.

"No, not ever!" Lily exclaimed. "Please tell me that isn't what you're thinking!"

Mary took Lily's face between her hands and gave her a sorrowful, yet amusing stare. "My dear, dear friend."

Lily stood at once. "There's clearly been a misunderstanding here."

Mary simply sighed and nodded in agreement. "Oh, of course. Because that would be impossible, right?"

"Right." Lily clipped on her earrings and shot her a glare before leaving their room.

James leaned at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her. His usual tousled hair facing her as he fidgeted with his watch.

"You look smashing, Evans." He said when he turned and saw her.

She half-smiled. "Thanks."

She had an unusually good time. A casual date for a butterbeer grew into a pleasant stroll down Hogsmeade. She couldn't believe it, but James actually attempted to be a gentleman. As if his entire arrogant character had all been an act. Maybe it had been and knowing that, it didn't feel so right to use him anymore.

The entire evening was exciting. She laughed a lot; and genuinely. It'd been months since she had such a good time; however, all the sweets may have been to blame. She knew at that moment that James Potter really was a fun guy.

For the rest of the year it went like that. Their dates became frequent, they sat together at breakfast along with his friends, and at times she'd even find herself rooting for him at his quidditch matches. It didn't take much for their friends to catch on at the status of their relationship. Severus, by that time, would have already known and he'd truly think it as a way to spite him.

But he was wrong.

She liked James Potter. More than she'd like to admit.

Two years into their relationship, her mother nagged her constantly about James. As hard as Lily had tried keeping him from her family, her mother tended to meddle too closely on her affairs and soon, had full knowledge of it. Petunia too was very much like her and Lily truly empathized for the misfortunes of her future children.

During her seventh and final year of Hogwarts, when the last day of school was only a week away, her mother begged Lily to bring James home. She just had to meet this mystery boyfriend of two years and it had been long enough. Her mother insisted it as Petunia had a surprise guest of her own. Most likely another stuck up snob from that uptight school of hers, Lily thought. After her rejection from Hogwarts, Petunia made sure their parents placed her in the priciest private school in London. Even though it caused their father a major financial setback, her mother claimed Petunia would've gone mad if she hadn't got in. Times as these, Lily felt as if she and her father were the only sane ones in the family.

And with James, Lily succumbed eventually to her mother's demands and invited him home. He was more than thrilled at the notion and she couldn't help but find it endearing.

As the Hogwarts train stationed at the school, she and James boarded together, and the ride brought her a minor dose of peace. It was all a bit sad too as she realized her time at Hogwarts was no more and all her friends were now moving on to pursue their passions. The first time she was on this train, it'd been with a boy who'd been her closest friend and now she was going home for the last time without the person who'd become nothing more than a stranger.

The ride had also granted her sufficient time to mentally prepare herself for what awaited at home. Her father wasn't so excited about James and her mother was quite the opposite.

The train soon arrived at the station where her mother stood right outside the doors, waving in a frenzy when she caught sight of them among the crowd. "Lilian! Lilian, dear! Right over here!"

Lily took hold of James' hand and approached her. "Mother, we see you. You're making a scene."

Her mother's delicate arms wrapped themselves around her and she pecked her on the cheek lightly. "My Darling, he is striking." She whispered in her ear.

James stepped forward and introduced himself. "Hello, Miss Evans. I've been meaning to meet you for some time."

"Oh, you can call me Marjorie, my dear!" She said in delight and took his hand in hers. "And so have I."

"Where's my father?" Lily asked her.

"He's waiting out by the car, that old grump." She muttered. "Let me help you carry your bags for you."

Lily glanced at her bags. "Thank you, Mum, but I can handle these on my own."

"Lily, I wasn't speaking to you, Dear." Said Marjorie as she picked up one of James' duffel bags.

James only shrugged while Lily rolled her eyes at her mother's ridiculous behavior. When they walked out of the station and her father came into view, a grin spread over his face. He didn't look well, she noticed right away, and he felt far more fragile when she pulled him into an embrace. Lily gave her mother a worried look and made note to ask her father later in private.

On their way home, her mother boasted about Vernon, Petunia's new boyfriend, the entire ride and he already sounded unpleasant. His great grandfather founded a small drilling company in 1867 and like a crown being passed down, it was a tradition in the family for every son to be appointed director of Dursley Enterprises, qualified or not. So, it was safe to assume he was a bit comfortable.

"Try not to appear too intimidated when you meet him." Her mother warned, making Lily snort quietly in response. "I'll do my best, Mum."

Once home, they brought in their luggage and she gave James a quick tour of her childhood home. "My bedroom's upstairs. We should unpack." She said. She pulled out her wand and levitated the bags upstairs. "So, what do you think?"

"It's humble and welcoming." James said as he planted a short kiss on her lips. "I love it."

She shrugged her shoulders and laughed. "Well, it's most definitely not a condo in Kensington, but it's home."

Her mother appeared from the kitchen and slipped into an apron. "You two should go and settle in. I'm going to start dinner and I want no interruptions. Petunia should arrive any minute and I want you girls to behave yourselves, is that clear?" She said sternly.

Lily sighed softly. "Yes, Mum, very clear."

Lily tossed herself on her tiny bed while James watched in amusement. "Your parents are rather interesting."

"My mum's always like that." She said. "You'll adapt soon enough."

He laid on her bed beside her, his head resting on his palm as he looked down at her in endearment. "How were you born so bloody perfect?" He said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

He leaned in to kiss her and she responded in kind until their breathing came in quick pants. In that moment, he tugged at the hem of her skirt, which then felt shorter than she remembered it being. She pushed him slightly away and broke their kiss.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. Lily hated leading him on, but their moments rarely felt right.

"I know." He said adjusting his glasses and straightening up. "Once we're married you won't be able to refuse me. I'll be quite a tempting husband."

"My, smug, are we? Who says you're the one I'm going to marry?" She teased as she sat up.

He laughed and kissed her palms. "If there's one thing I'm sure of, Lily, it's that you're going to be my wife. Since you hopped on the train in first year."

At that moment, she heard her sister's voice downstairs. She gave him a sympathetic look. "I should introduce you."

Dinner went everything but smoothly. Petunia, as always, slid into her customary disgusted attitude although the blush never left her face as James spoke to her.

"Vernon and I actually met at our normal school." She began, as soon as they settled in at the dining room table. "And our first date was awfully romantic. There were candles and wine, wasn't there, Bunny?" She said sweetly as she continued in long detail.

Vernon, nodding along, was well-nigh making love to the food on his plate. He was a chunky young man who seemed decent enough at first but was proving quite trying as the night progressed. "Petunia's told me much of your lot." He said randomly during tea to Lily and James. "Can you really do all this hocus pocus stuff?"

Lily hesitated and forced a polite smile.

"Yes, if you're referring to magic, but we mustn't handle it in front of a muggle I'm afraid. It's illegal." James answered first.

"Tunie shouldn't have even shared that with you." Lily shot daggers at Petunia, but she looked the other way. "That's illegal too."

"Muggle?" Vernon replied in amusement as Petunia chuckled behind him.

James cleared his throat. "It's a term meaning non-magic folk."

"Non-magic folk I see." He said with a cocky smile. "I suppose some of us just have it better in life then."

When the time came for Petunia and Vernon to leave, Lily took her aside discreetly. "Tunie, I know you've never cared much of what I think but you could do so much better than this bloke. You're beautiful, I'm sure you have other options. Vernon is plainly...unpleasant."

Her face broke in a bitter disbelief. "Your nerve still manages to astound me, Lily. Even now." She snarled and turned the doorknob to leave. "You're only angry he put you in your place back there. There are men who won't fall at your feet as soon as they see you, you know. Just because you've got Pretty Boy over there bowing to you night and day doesn't mean Vernon ever would."

Lily was taken aback. "Tunie, I've never said or implied anything like that."

"You've never taken my advice so no thank you, Sister, I don't need yours." Petunia snapped. "And don't call me Tunie! I fucking despise it." She stepped out the door and slammed it on Lily's face, the house shuddered slightly in response.

She was in disbelief. She knew her sister didn't like her, but this was something else. This was disdain. She staggered and tumbled on one of the sofas. She didn't even realize tears streamed down her face until she tasted them in her mouth, and it shocked her that in that moment, she thought of Severus. He was always there after a row with her sister even if Lily knew he himself couldn't stand her.

But she had James now to lean on. He'd listen to her too and that was enough. Or was it? She didn't know. When she returned to the living room in silent distress, her parents were sitting down unusually quiet next to a feverish James. Her mother appeared as if she'd burst into tears at any moment.

"For Merlin's sake! What's happened, Mum?" She asked, alarmed.

James kneaded a small black box in his hand. "Forgive me, it's been my doing. I've just asked your parents for their permission to marry you."

Lily's eyes widened as she looked from her sobbing mother to her smiling father and then finally James. "Pardon?"

He opened the box, revealing a small but enchanting sapphire ring. "What do you reckon, Evans?"

Her mind staggered and her tongue went rigid as she looked over the ring. She went silent too long; her mother felt the need to speak in her place. "Lily, stop this silliness at once and accept already!"

James laughed. "Marjorie, your poor daughter's in shock."

"I am but..." Lily shook her head. "Give me a little time to consider it, James."

He shut the box with one hand and placed it back in his pocket. "Oh. I see. Take all the time you need. I'll still love you whatever you decide, you know that."

"Thank you." She said as she scurried out of the house. Her mother attempted to follow after her, but her father gently held her back.

Marriage? They were only eighteen for Merlin's sake and on the verge of a bloody war! There were talks of Voldemort's rising power, but the Order of Phoenix was yet to be called upon by Dumbledore and a part of her hoped that he would never have to. Many more lives would be taken in this war's wake.

But even with their uncertain circumstances, she and James found themselves thinking of an ordinary future. They'd talk about it for hours on end and their dreams would get the better of them at times. James would write his book, they'd say, and she would get a job at Hogwarts like she'd always planned. At least attempt it anyway. And like that, they'd be each other's support. Never did she think it meant they'd have to get married.

She supposed it would make her mother happy. James was from a good family and, no doubt, had many prospects. Her mother almost fainted when she told her he was working on a novel. Tie it down now, she had said.

Lily found herself on the bank of the river nearby and kicked a pebble in frustration. She couldn't be out long as it was near dark and she had gotten a bit far from home. But, what would she say when she got back? She hadn't wanted to refuse him. He was so good to her so how could she possibly?

As the wind picked up, a hunched figure across the river stood out to her in the distance. She drew near and stumbled on her sneakers as she walked over the gravel for a closer look. She had known who lived on the other side and anticipated his presence.

Sure enough, she was right.

They still weren't on speaking terms, of course. So it was only natural for her to stand behind one of the trees and watch him as his eyes roamed over the soft flow of the stream. He looked miserable. There was a blue tint around one of his eyes and a knot formed in her throat. His father was still giving him trouble, it seemed. He looked nothing like he did at graduation, where he appeared all smiles and laughs with his friends. He huddled his legs closer to his chest and tossed a pebble in the river, sighing as he watched it skip through the water.

Something else bothered him. Although it was no longer her place to worry or ask, she couldn't help herself. She considered making her presence known, but a grim thought passed her mind. Perhaps he was a death eater, after all they never wasted any time after graduation to pledge themselves. She hesitated in walking away and took another glance at him.

But perhaps not.

She stepped out from behind the tree and took a few steps toward him. It didn't take long before he noticed her coming his way and he stilled instantly, almost in a threatened stance. She gave him a small wave but he didn't wave back. Instead, his eyes darkened and he stood to leave.

" Don't go!" The words left her mouth involuntarily.

He came to a standstill and waited for her next words. None came to mind but she shook off her shoes and slipped out of her socks. He gave her a weak laugh as she dipped her feet in the broad river between them, and she felt a gratifying sense of familiarity.

The water dampened the hems of her jeans as she sloshed across, shoes tightly clutched in her right hand. She looked up at him and shrugged her shoulders as he simply watched her.

"Lily!" She turned sharply in the direction of her name. James sprinted up the slope, towards her, deep furrows in his brow. "Darling, that water's filthy." He said as he laid eyes on her. "Get out at once."

"James, I- "She turned back to Severus but by that time he was already hurrying home. Of course, not before inflicting her one last glower as he disappeared into the trees.

"I was cooling my feet, it's nothing to get so worried about." She finally said.

James led her out of the water by hand as he overlooked the river. "Has this always been here?"

She nodded ruefully as she slipped on her shoes. "For as long as I can remember."

He made a grimace and muttered under his breath. "Bloody hazard...".

Never one for subtlety, James wasted no time in enquiring her on their way to her house. He took hold of her hand and pressed it to his lips, leaving them there for a moment before slipping the sapphire ring on her finger. "It looks beautiful on you, doesn't it? And it could be yours, Love."

Lily sprawled her fingers in front of her, admiring the beauty of it. The gem was much too elegant, much too expensive to look this silly on her hand. She breathed in deeply and looked up at James. "Why do you want to marry me, James?" She asked curtly.

He gave a soft laugh. "What?"

She sighed. "I seem to have a flair in making the people in my life absolutely loathe me. So why?"

He gripped her shoulders suddenly, forcing her to look up at him. "Tell me you didn't actually take seriously what that twat of a bloke said at dinner. Or your sister for that matter."

She shook her head. "I'm not ashamed of what we are, James. Not even Petunia's wrath could make me dismiss this life we have so simply." She shrugged off his grip and turned her back on him, hoping he wouldn't see her eyes. "But a sister is a sister and I can tell you with certainty, she used to love me. I remember."

His arms wrapped around her body from behind and his chin rested on her shoulder. "Marry me and I'll love you in her place. Together we can go anywhere. Somewhere far if you'd like."

Fully and irreversibly immersed in a blissful haze, she faced him once again and kissed him.


And leave they did. Seven years ago, and still it remained one of the best decisions of her life. She smiled faintly thinking of their house back home and yawned into her pillow.

It was late.

Her mind cleared and her eyes grew heavy and soon, she was gone.