Poll: In honor of how my next multichapter story to be posted on this website is going to be a Teen Titans fanfiction, what is your personal #1 favorite pairing among the following choices (warning: this will not influence the pairings that will serve as endgame in my Teen Titans stories)? Vote Now!
Author has written 13 stories for Glee, Teen Titans, and One Piece. Hello fellow fan-fiction writers. I am one of the newest fledgling fan fiction authors to join your ranks here on this site, and I am very happy to tell you that I very much hope that any veterans, fellow newbies, or guests find what I have to offer enjoyable. Just so you know, I am a big fan of a large variety of topics, many of which have stories here on this website. I will be very happy to see what you and any guests have to say about my work in reviews and PMs. If I have the time, I'll definitely make sure to answer any questions. :) In case my pen name and avatar wasn't enough of a dead giveaway, Glee and The Lion King are among the things I am a major fan of. In fact, I enjoy a vast majority of anything involved with Disney. To give you an idea of how many things I find interest in, you're free to view the following lists: Favorite Movies: Lion King How to Train Your Dragon Kung Fu Panda Etc. Favorite Books: Percy Jackson & the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus Alex Rider Ranger's Apprentice The Kane Chronicles Kingdom Keepers The Inheritance Cycle (As in Eragon) The Mortal Instruments Harry Potter Etc. Favorite Video Games The Legend of Spyro Trilogy Kingdom Hearts Pokemon Spectrobes A Large majority of the other video games I own Favorite TV shows Teen Titans Glee Grimm Supernatural Ben 10/Similar Ben 10 related shows Doctor Who And a few others :) Believe me, my list of interests is huge! :) My top 10 Imaginary Characters 1. Simba 2. Spyro 3. Bambi 4. Stitch 5. Percy Jackson 6. Alex Rider 7. Will Treaty 8. Hiccup 9. Sora 10. Beast Boy Glee Romance Ships I Love 1. Finchel :) 2. Quoe 3. Samcedes 4. Klaine 5. Brittana 6. Ryley 7. Tike 8. Wemma 9. Barole Glee Romance Ships I Like 1. Quick 2. Fabrevans 3. Pam/Samny (Whatever the pairing between Sam and Penny is named) 4. Dantana 5. Jarley 6. Kartie 7. Kyder 8. Sugory 9. Sugartie 10. Bartie 11. Tartie/Artina 12. Samchel 13. Pizes 14. Niff 15. Huntbastian 16. Karofstian 17. Karofsford (Karofsky/Adam - Personal Crackship) 18. Bertie (Artie/Betty) Glee Romance Ships I'm Unsure what to Think of 1. Brake (Jake/Bree) 2. Bram 3. Kadam 4. Sebtana 5. Wildehart 6. Mikecedes 7. Blam (Though I do like their friendship) 8. Samtina (I kind'a think that ship's a little weird) 9. Starkurt 10. Pucktana 11. Brocass Glee Romance Ships I Abhore/Hate 1. Brochel (@$#%&*@&@%$@$@@$#%#@$!) 2. St. Berry (Grrrrrr. . . . . . . . . . . ) 3. Fuinn (Only acceptable in stories in which this pairing is balanced out by Samchel) 4. Puckleberry (Only acceptable in stories in which Finn is dead, Quinn is with Joe, and Sam is with Mercedes) 5. Seblaine (Never. . . . .) 6. Kurtofsky (Forget it, do not accept) 7. Kurtbastian (Not gonna happen) 8. Quinntana (No. . . just . . . . no) 9. Faberry (I do like the friendship, but not the romance ship) 10. Pinn (Finn/Puck) (Though their friendship is awesome) 11. Karley (See above for view on friendship) 12. Jyder (See above for view on friendship) 13. Rynigue (So wrong, so wrong) 14. Finntana (RACHEL SHOULD HAVE BEEN HIS FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 15. Pezberry (Far more believable as friends than as lovers) 16. Blaine/Tina (Honestly, was Tina on Crack?) 17. Kemma (So glad that relationship failed) 18. Werri (I'll accept that pairing the day God and Lucifer become Facebook Friends) Other Ships I Ship 1. Simbala (Simba/Nala) 2. Spynder (Spyro/Cynder) 3. Bambaline (Bambi/Faline) 4. Stingel (Stitch/Angel) 5. Percabeth 6. Sablex (Alex/Sabina) 7. Willys (Will and Alyss) 8. Hicstrid/Kamikup (Hiccup/Astrid, Hiccup/Kamikazi) 9. Kaiora (Sora/Kairi) 10. BBRae 11. Robstar 12. Peetniss/Everlark (Katniss/Peeta) 13. Edward/Bella (Twilight) (let's face it, with how TERRIBLE this story and these characters are, they deserve each other in all their horribility) 14. Clace (Clary/Jace) 15. Erya (Eragon/Arya) 16. Dash (Dawn/Ash) 17. Finnmanda (Finn/Amanda from Kingdom Keepers) 18. Harry/Ginny (From Harry Potter) 19. Lara/Maruke (Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade) 20. Kataang (Aang/Katara) 21. Gregor/Luxa (Underland Chronicles) 22. Auslly (Austin and Ally for those of you who don't know) 23. Po/Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) 24. 10th Doctor/Rose 25. Numbuh 3 (Kuki)/Numbuh 4 (Wally) (Codename: Kids Next Door) 26. Leif/Jasmine (Deltora) 27. Naruhina (Naruto/Hinata) 28. Sasusaku (Sasuke/Sakura) 29. Shikatema (Shikamaru/Temari) 30. SaiIno (Sai/Ino) 31. NejiTen (Neji/Tenten) 32. GaaMatsu (Gaara/Matsuri) 33. Ichihime (Ichigo/Orihime) 34. LuNa (Luffy/Nami; I know that the author says he's not planning to have any romance in One Piece, but a fan can dream can't he?) 35. NaLu (Natsu/Lucy) 36. Kirasu (Kirito/Asuna from Sword Art Online) STORY A teenage girl about 17 named Diane had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her." Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98 of teenagers will not stand up for God, and 93 of the people that read this won’t repost it? Repost this if you truly believe in God. PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what, The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you'reGREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away... Dear bullies, See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he talked his friend out of suicide. See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself. See that old man you made fun of because of his ugly scars? He fought for our country. See that young boy you just made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow because his family is too poor. See that girl you made fun of for wearing too much makeup? You made fun of her for not wearing it too. See that boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. He doesn't need more at school. See that guy you just made fun of for crying? He found out that his mother is terminally ill. See that boy you just called stupid? He has disabilities and studies for hours and hours every night. See that girl you just called ugly? She spends every cent of her money on clothes and makeup, just so people will like her. There's a lot more to people than you see on the outside. Post this on your profile if you're against bullying, anywhere and everywhere. If you dislike stereotypes post this on your profile. If you have a stereotype to add to the list, add it on and put it in bold. I'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic. I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists. I'm a NEGRO so I MUST carry a gun. I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a ditz I'm JAMAICAN so I MUST smoke weed. I'm HAITIAN so I MUST eat cat. I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be sexy. I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy. I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS. I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape. I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist. I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch. I'm a GAY RIGHTS SUPPORTER, so I WILL go to hell. I'm a CHRISTAN, so I MUST think gay people should go to hell. I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat. I'm ATHEIST so I MUST hate the world I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals. I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible. I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash. I TAKE (or used to take) ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, so I MUST be crazy I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants. I'm IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem. I'm NATIVE AMERICAN, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage I'm a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a whore... I'm a DANCER, So I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore I wear SKIRTS a lot, so I MUST be a slut. I'm a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs. I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob. I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo. I'm CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars. I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy. I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore. I'm a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut. I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life. I DYE MY HAIR CRAZY COLORS, so I MUST be looking for attention. I DRESS IN UNUSUAL WAYS so I MUST be looking for attention. I'm INTO THEATER & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist. I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be fucking them all. I HAVE A BUNCH OF GIRLS WHO ARE FRIENDS, so I MUST be a player. I'm COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer. I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser. I'm RUSSIAN, so I MUST be cool and thats how Russians roll. I'm GERMAN, so I must be a Nazi I hang out with GAYS, so I must be GAY TOO I'm BRAZILIAN, so I MUST have a BIG BUTT I'm PUERTO RICAN, so I MUST look good and be conceited I'm SALVADORIAN, so I MUST be in MS 13 I'm POLISH, so I MUST be greedy I'm HAWAIIAN so I MUST be lazy I'm PERUVIAN, so I MUST like llamas I'm a STONER so I MUST be going in the wrong direction Im a VIRGIN so I MUST be a prude Im STRAIGHT EDGE so I must be violent. I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly I'm BLACK so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid. I'm a GIRL who actually EATS LUNCH, so I MUST be fat. I'm a SKATER so I must do weed and steal stuff I'm a PUNK so I must only wear black and date only other punks I'm ASIAN so I must be a NERD that does HOMEWORK 24/7 I'm CHRISTIAN so I MUST hate homosexuals. I'm MIXED so I must be screwed up. I'm MUSLIM so I MUST be a terrorist. I'm in ORCHESTRA, so I MUST be a dork. I'm MORMON so I MUST be perfect I'm HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty I'm NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, so I MUST be a loser. I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control. I'm PREPPY, so I MUST shun those who don't wear Abercrombie & Hollister I'm on a DANCE team, so I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore. I'm MEXICAN, so I MUST have hopped the border. I GOT A CAR FOR MY BIRTHDAY, so I MUST be a spoiled brat. I'm BI, so I MUST think every person I see is hot. I'm an ASIAN GUY, so I MUST have a small penis. I'm a GUY CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be gay. I wear tight PANTS and I'm a guy, so I MUST be emo. I hang out with teenage drinkers and smokers, so I MUST smoke and drink too I have ARTISTIC TALENT, so I MUST think little of those who don't. I don't like to be in a BIG GROUP, so I MUST be anti-social. My hair gets GREASY a lot, so I MUST have no hygiene skills. I'm DEFENSIVE, so I MUST be over controlling and a bitch. I read Comics, so I MUST be a loser. I hang out with a FORMER PROSTITUTE.. So I MUST be a whore myself. I'm TEXAN so I MUST ride a horse I’m a GOTH, so I MUST be a Satanist I’m a CROSSDRESSER, so I must be homosexual. I draw ANIME so I MUST be a freak. I am a FANGIRL so I MUST be a crazy, obsessed stalker. I WATCH PORN so I MUST be perverted. I'm an ONLY CHILD so I MUST be spoiled I am AMERICAN so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant. I'm WELSH so I MUST love sheep I’m a YOUNG WRITER, so I MUST be emo. I’m CANADIAN, so I MUST talk with a funny accent. I'm a GUY, so I MUST ditch my pregnant girlfriend. I'm DISABLED, so I MUST be on Welfare. I'm FEMINIST, so I MUST have a problem with sexuality and I want to castrate every man on the earth. I'm a TEENAGER, so I MUST have a STEREOTYPE. I WEAR A BIG SUNHAT when I go outside, so I MUST be stupid. I like BLOOD, so I must be a VAMPIRE. I don't like YAOI or YURI, so I must be a HOMOPHOBE I’m not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser I care about the ENVIRONMENT...I MUST be a tree hugging hippy I'm PAGAN so I MUST sacrifice babies and drink the blood of virgins I'm PAGAN so I MUST worship Satan I'm CONSERVATIVE, so I MUST be against Abortion I'm SWEDISH so I MUST be a tall blond blue-eyed lesbian. I like CARTOONS, so I MUST be IRRESPONSIBLE. I like READING, so I MUST be a LONER. I have my OWN spiritual ideology; therefore I MUST be WRONG or MISGUIDED. I am WICCAN, so I MUST be a SATANIST. I DISAGREE with my government, so I MUST be a TERRORIST. I love YAOI, so I MUST be GAY. I like GAMES, ANIME and COMICS, so I MUST be childish I'm SWEDISH, therefore I MUST be WHITE. I'm Australian so I MUST hunt crocodiles and talk to kangaroo’s I go to RENFAIRES, so I MUST talk weird, be a loser, and not be up with the times I’m GAY so I’m after EVERY straight guy around. I don't want a BOYFRIEND so I MUST be Lesbian. I'm NOT CHRISTIAN so I MUST just need converting. I love marching band, so I MUST be a friendless freak. I am friends with a CUTTER, so I MUST be a CUTTER too. I cry easily, so I MUST be a wimp. I'm YOUNG so I MUST have no clue about the hardships around me. I'm DIFFERENT so I MUST have been raised wrong. I'm a PERSON, so I MUST be LABELED *I'm AUTISTIC, so I MUST be a RETARD* I don't care if you're gay or straight, everybody needs love. Do you watch Teen Titans? WELL THEN, LET'S SEE IF YOU ARE A BBxRAE SUPER FAN by using this quiz from LinzerJ on DeviantArt!!! 1. You count how many BBxRae moments you can find in each episode = Yes (as of a month or so ago) P.S: I answered yes to 18 of the questions, so I, am now definitely a BBRae superfan! :D (Hip, hip, hooray!) Feel free to try this quiz out yourself and see where you stand! BBRae fans unite! :) If you can read this message, you are blessed because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile Oh yees! I read that! *Dances* When you carry a Bible, the devil gets a headache. When you open it, he collapses. When he sees you reading it, he faints. When he sees you living it, he flees. Just when you're about to re-post this, he will try to discourage you. I just defeated him. Copy and paste this to your profile if you're in God's army and strong enough to pick up a sword. :) FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food. FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr./Mrs. FAKE FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. FAKE FRIENDS: Never seen you cry. FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. FAKE FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. FAKE FRIENDS: Will knock on your front door. FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile. FAKE FRIENDS: Say they are too busy to listen to your problems, but when it FAKE FRIENDS: Make you say sorry when you want to talk to them at odd hours FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore this. This is for you who are against child abuse! I know I am! Her dad was a drunk She always talked to it Until her parents A bruise on her leg But she grabs her bear She sits in the corner Such a bad life Then one night Then her mom suddenly She thrust the blade The mom walked out Police showed up One officer slowly It must have been bad Copy and paste this onto your profile if you have a heart. Mommy...Johnny brought a gun to school Now you have two choices Realism Alone Vicious Empathic No-Nonsense Teen Titans! Sweetness Thoughtful Astonishing Reasonable Fair Incomparable Righteous Elative Teen Titans! Rash Orderly Brave Intelligent Noble Teen Titans! Bold Easy-going Alert Silly Truthful Beastly Overeactive Youthful Teen Titans! Cool Yo! Brave Optimistic Ridiculous Generous Teen Titans! Truth Endless Exciting Never-ending Talented Indescribable True Awesome Never forgotten Supportive Teen Titans! Raven: Do I ever cross your mind? And just like that, you can view an ideal moment for an OTP. Feel free to copy and paste this on your profile if you share the same views on BBRae as I do, and whether or not you do, feel free to put in on your profile nonetheless and make it fit your own personal OTP :) For those of you who would like to know what sort of stuff I have planned, take a look at the following story ideas of mine: Teen Titans - Season Six Night of the Cursed: When the titans finally return home from Tokyo, it seems that things will for once be relatively peaceful for the team. However, when they receive an unwanted welcome home visit from Slade's minions, they soon find out that not all as been peaceful in Jump City. With an army of demons scheduled to invade Jump City (and the world) in three days, the five young heroes find themselves in a desperate race against time to find and destroy a mysterious crystal called Dante's key, which has the power to open a portal to the realm of the dead, or to be more specific, Hell, before Slade does. Can the titans prevent Slade from causing a second Judgment Day? Or has their luck finally run out? (Complete) Geo-Force: Terra is back on the team. Unfortunately, for some odd reason, she is unable to use her powers. Unfortunately, that soon turns out to be the least of the titans' problems when a mysterious new teenage villain named Geo-Force begins a series of literally earthshaking attacks on Silver City. With the majority of Titans East now captured, Aqualad, eager to rescue his teammates, teams up with Terra and the titans. But when Terra discovers a disturbing family connection between her and Geo-Force, she soon learns that the fate of Titans East is not the only thing at stake if Geo-Force wins. With Jump City next on Geo-Force's sights, the only hope for both Terra and her friends is Terra regaining her powers. But will she be able to restore her abilities in time to still be able to take a stand against her own brother? (Complete) Shadows of Love: With Valentine’s Day soon to take place, the titans are eager to celebrate and have a break from their recent adventures. Robin and Starfire are especially looking forward to this day since it is not only their first Valentine’s Day as an official romantic couple, but also one of their last chances to romantically enjoy themselves now that Robin has his demonic deal hovering over his head. Unfortunately, their romantic plans (as well as those of many of the honorary titans) leave Raven feeling lonely; that is, until she finds herself becoming attracted to a goth boy who seems to share both her interests, and her personality. Unfortunately, the obvious romantic attraction between Raven and this boy soon causes Beast Boy to feel suspiciously jealous; which raises an interesting question. Does Beast Boy like Raven? (Complete) Black Star: Blackfire is back, and she wants revenge on Starfire. She wants it so much in fact, that she's willing to commit crimes across the universe worthy of causing galaxy wide warfare just to spite her sister. With tensions rising at an alarming rate between the alien races, only an unlikely union between the Teen Titans and the Gordanians can save the universe, but can this partnership last long enough for the two forces to eliminate their ruthless common enemy? (Complete) The Enemy Below: When the titans receive word that Trident is on the loose, they travel under the sea with Aqualad to put a stop to the villain's latest plan. However, when an underwater battle sends the heroes drifting off course, the titans soon find themselves inside a strange underwater civilization that Aqualad seems to recognize. Have the Titans discovered Atlantis? Or have they just wandered into another trap? (Complete) Tropic Thunder: When Professor Chang creates a devastatingly lethal genetically enhanced virus, the Titans travel to Africa alongside Wildebeest in order to find the evil professor's new lab and destroy the virus. However, things begin to go downhill when Beast Boy ends up getting infected with a gaseous form of the sickness. Good news, Beast Boy turns out to be immune to the lethal effects of the disease. Bad news, his shape shifting powers soon begin to go haywire. With his beastly side becoming increasingly difficult to keep under control, Beast Boy and Wildebeest split off from the rest of the Titans in order to prevent them from getting hurt; but when the other four Titans end up getting captured by Chang, their only hope is Beast Boy, Wildebeest, and a pair of teenage mutant beasts. Can Beast Boy keep his beastly nature in check long enough to rescue his friends, stop Chang, and find an antidote for himself? And even if he does, will Beast Boy be able to come to terms with the family member he never wanted to see alive again that is lying in wait for him? (In progress) Azarath: In a battle with Red X, the Titans finally find out the identity of the villain who now wears the mask. Much to the Titans' (particularly Raven's) horror, it turns out to be the goth boy. Soon afterward, it turns out that Rex X has a message for Raven. Back in her home world of Azarath, Prince Zavac, an Azarathian prince that had formerly been betrothed to Raven has subjugated Azarath and the neighboring realms, and now rules over his new empire with an iron fist. Desperate to save her home, Raven travels to Azarath with her friends close behind her. When the Titans finally encounter Zavac, it doesn't take long for them to find out that he is cruel, brutal, and a complete opposite of Raven in every way. As if that weren't enough, Raven is still quite shaken by how her former friend (the goth boy) has so brutally betrayed her. Beast Boy knows exactly how Raven feels, but is that enough for him to be able to cheer her up? Even more importantly, can the Titans stop Zavac and save Azarath? Devil's Sorcery: When Mad Mod and Mumbo team up and begin rampaging through Jump City together, the Titans are quick to come to their city's rescue. However, when the two villains cast a powerful combined spell that causes Robin to be haunted by what appears to be Bat Man's ghost, it isn't long before the combined stress of the phantoms haunting him and his deal causes Robin to start to doubt himself. Will Robin be able to get over his doubts in time to help his friends save Jump City? Beauty and the Beast Boy: When Raven is attacked by Malchior, Beast Boy turns into a dragon in order to protect her. However, when Malchior casts a sinister spell that leaves Beast Boy stuck in his new dragon form, Beast Boy soon finds himself getting hunted down by his own friends. In order to break the spell, Beast Boy must find his true love and earn her love in return before midnight at the end of seven days; but is there anyone out there that Beast Boy truly loves? And even if there is, would any girl possibly be able to love him as a dragon? Then again, Raven is with him, and ever since Raven's being dumped by the goth boy combined with Beast Boy being placed under the spell, the two have become extremely close in their friendship. Could Raven possibly be Beast Boy's true love? Can the spell be broken? Or is Beast Boy doomed to remain a dragon forever? Dungeons and Dragons: With the spell on Beast Boy broken, and only half a year left before Robin's deadline comes to pass, the Titans find great reason for hope when Robin discovers a possible lead to preventing him from having to go to Hell after the time limit given to him runs out. However, this later puts the team at odds with each other when Cyborg receives a call from Sarah about how visiting couples to her god parents’ hometown, which just so happens to be not that far away from Cyborg's own hometown of Mariana Butte, are mysteriously disappearing, and ends with Cyborg splitting up from the others to help Sarah. But in the midst of Cyborg’s investigation, he and Sarah soon discover the hard way how the couples going missing are in fact being given away to be eaten by a dragon as blood sacrifices. Meanwhile, when the supposed lead ends with Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven falling right into a demon’s trap, can they fight their way out and prevent themselves from dying an early death in time to save Cyborg and Sarah? All Dogs go to Heaven: A local Jump City urban legend takes on dangerous new life when the titans are called to investigate a mysterious animal attack that occurred in a supposedly abandoned house nearby the forest. However, when the titans actually meet the subject of the urban legend and receive the full story, they soon find out that the line between good and evil might not be as clear in this case as it originally appeared. On Death's Door: Robin has only one day left before his time runs out, and he has to be taken to Hell. With the time ticking away, the titans soon find themselves ready to go to any lengths necessary to save their leader. But with numerous demons and other obstacles now in the way of the one demon that can spare Robin, will the titans have any hope of saving Robin from his undeserved damnation? The Not so Divine Comedy: It’s been nearly 27 days since Robin died and went to Hell, but the titans soon discover reason for great happiness when they figure out a way to enter the depths of Hell itself and to bring back Robin’s soul. With this information having been obtained, and with guidance from angels, the titans soon embark straight to the entrance of Hell and enter its horrifying depths. However, when they discover the immense time difference between the realm of the living and Hell, the titans soon find that they really need to hurry. If they don’t find Robin in time, he might not be the same Robin that they once knew while he was alive. Can the titans find their fallen leader and save him before his time in Hell transforms him irrevocably into a monster no better than the villains they’ve encountered in the past? Teen Titans - Season Seven A New Threat: When a mysterious new villain named Malvolio sends a giant monster to attack Jump City, the Titans, with Robin alive and well and back from Hell, immediately find themselves working to put an end to whatever plans he has. However, when they discover just how powerful Malvolio and his underlings are, and that the honorary Titans are also being attacked by the villain's forces, the Titans realize that they desperately need more honorary members to add to their ranks. As a result the Titans soon embark on an epic journey to find the world's undiscovered teenage heroes. Ravaged: The Titans' search for new members seems to strike gold yet again when they meet a girl named the Ravager. Although she doesn't appear to have any extra special abilities, she is very skilled at sword fighting, and has such great skill at martial arts that even Robin finds himself impressed by her natural talents. Unfortunately, this only makes Starfire extremely jealous. However, when some of the other Titans begin to get wind of suspicious activities that Ravager is taking part in, they all begin to wonder whether or not there's something she isn't telling them. Is Ravager truly as trustworthy as she claims to be? Or is she hiding something evil from the Titans? Clash of the Titans: When a battle with the H.I.V.E. results in the five core titans getting sucked into an inter-dimensional portal, they find themselves inside a parallel universe in which the titans are a team of villains called the Teen Tyrants and the Brotherhood of Evil is a league of do-gooders called the Brotherhood of Justice. Fortunately, the titans are soon able to get back to their home dimension. However, they soon discover the hard way that their troubles from the tyrant dimension are far from over when they receive word that the Teen Tyrants have followed them home and are now committing crimes in their city. A Matter of Perspective: Things get immensely awkward when Beast Boy and Raven suddenly wake up after an intense battle and find themselves in a world where everyone’s gender, including their own, has been swapped. This situation only continues to get weird when they learn that not only are they the only ones who appear to have noticed anything wrong, but they also appear to have somehow also traveled back in time to a week before the battle they fought before waking up in this crazy world. Will Beast Boy and Raven be able to get used to their unexpected new forms and figure out what’s going on in time to figure out how to get back home? Lost in Time: Warp has returned; and this time, he has plotted to travel back into the past and prevent the Teen Titans from ever existing. Fortunately, the Titans manage to stop the evil time traveler from doing so, but in the process, they end up finding themselves on a wild journey through different time periods in order to find their way home. Worse, Warp still intends to find his way to the year the Titans first met each other so that he can still succeed in his daring plan. Can the Titans successfully make it past all the obstacles that history has to throw at them and still stop Warp without ending up causing a devastating change in history? Revenge of the Brotherhood: The Brotherhood of Evil has been thawed out, and they are not about to forgive the Titans for their defeat. Eager to get their revenge, the Brotherhood of Evil joins forces with Malvolio and his team of teenage villains. With their new allies, the Brotherhood intends to do whatever they can to finish the job they started. And this time, instead of freezing the Titans, they intend to kill them. The only Titans that manage to successfully avoid getting captured are Beast Boy and Raven. However, while they are on the run, the daring duo soon find out that the Brain is planning on using their Titan allies as sacrificial offerings in a ritual that could end up resurrecting Trigon. With the minutes ticking away, and an army of monsters hunting them down, can Beast Boy and Raven save their friends and stop the Brotherhood? Life as we could've Known It: When the titans come on the case of a carnivorous spirit, Robin soon finds out a possible silver lining to the creature’s powers when it attacks him and he suddenly wakes up in what appears to be an alternate reality in which his parents never died. Before long, he soon discovers other perks and possible hints to the creature not truly being evil when Robin discovers how, in this life, Beast Boy’s parents never died, he never got his powers, and he got engaged to Raven (a normal human known as Rachel Roth in this world), Cyborg’s mother was never killed and Cyborg got to become an NFL football player, Raven was born a human and never had to fulfill her prophecy, and Starfire is now the empress of Tamaran and is married to a noble Tamaranean warrior named Phyzzon. However, Robin soon finds this alternate reality not quite so appealing when he discovers how, with the absence of the titans, many people that they saved have now ended up dead in this alternate timeline. Before long, Robin is left with an earthshaking moral dilemma, whether or not to forsake the people who could still be saved by him and his titan allies in order to live his life in what would otherwise be eternal happiness, or to sacrifice what could have been a second time in order to return to his home timeline. Season of the Werebeast: With many months having passed since Beast Boy’s unwanted reunion with Galtry at Professor Chang’s lab in Africa, and with Malvolio and the rest of team Maleficent still at large and due to wage war with the Titans at any day, Beast Boy had hoped that he’d seen the last of his villainous uncle. Unfortunately, the young changeling and his friends soon find out that their experiences with Galtry are far from over in the worst way possible when a seemingly routine mission to stop a bank robbery turns into a merciless confrontation with Galtry. Even worse, when Galtry severely injures Raven, Beast Boy, blinded by rage, promptly finds himself embarking on a wild quest for revenge. Unfortunately, ever since their last encounter, Galtry has grown stronger and has even developed powerful new abilities that could easily send some of the most battle hardened warriors running for their mommies. Will the rest of the titans be able to get through to their enraged friend in time to prevent him from getting himself killed? And even if they can, do they stand any chance at all of preventing the birth of the empire of the beast? Maelstrom: While his time with the Doom Patrol wasn’t always as wonderful as his time with his new family, the Teen Titans, Beast Boy always did enjoy the adventures he went on with the Doom Patrol at least part of the time. However, there are still secrets that the Doom Patrol never quite told him, and now, one particularly unusual secret is about to reveal itself from inside televisions of all things after a century’s worth of hibernation. To make matters worse, this secret is hungry, and not just for revenge. With the election of a new president coming up about to coincide with the evil plan of this mysterious entity that has now awoken and begun to prey on innocent people, or more accurately, their electrical pulses, while they are watching their televisions, can the Teen Titans erase this terrible monster before it zombifies the entire nation’s worth of people? A Deal with the Devil: When the Titans receive a distress call from an expedition on a mysterious planet that is curiously in orbit dangerously close to a black hole, the five core titans almost immediately blast off to the rescue. However, after catching a glimpse of what’s actually happening at the expedition’s base camp, they soon realize that the black hole may very well be the least of their problems. In fact, the titans find very good reason for worry indeed when they find themselves the witnesses of a mysterious unseen entity possessing numerous members of the personnel at the base camp and causing seemingly organized natural disasters and other accidents. What is the true nature of this mysterious entity, what connection does it have with this mysterious planet orbiting a black hole, and, most importantly, why do Beast Boy and Raven have a bad feeling that all Hell is about to quite literally break loose from its prison? Invasion: The time has come, and Malvolio and Slade are ready to unleash their devastating master plan. With countless powerful honorary members in their arsenal to fight alongside them, the Teen Titan army is stronger than ever. But even with their countless allies, and incredible abilities, can the Titans successfully save Jump City from being destroyed by Malvolio's vicious monsters? (Continued in War) War: The Teen Titans have won their first great battle against Team Maleficent, but the war has only just begun. Although the Titans have successfully defeated the evil league's most powerful monsters, Slade and Malvolio's army of teenage villains is like nothing that the Titans have ever fought before; and with each passing day, the two villains' evil power continues to grow. With the entire world now in danger of being enshrouded in everlasting darkness, the stakes have never been higher for the teenage heroes as they fight furiously to save the world once again. With only nine days to defeat Team Maleficent, the Titans will truly be put to the test. Will the united strength of all the Titans be enough to foil the plans of the most villainous organization of villains that they've ever fought? (Continued in Malvolio) Malvolio: Despite all the odds against them, the Teen Titans have successfully defeated Team Maleficent. However, despite the fact that their army of teenage villains has been completely vanquished, Slade and Malvolio still intend to leave their mark on the world in the most evil way possible, no matter what the cost. With the two villains more powerful than ever, the five core Titans set out to duel their toughest opponents yet. Can the world's greatest teenage heroes successfully defeat the most powerful villains that the world has ever seen? Or have the Titans finally met their match? Other Teen Titans Stories (Aka. Specials and Crossovers) Merry Mayhem: It will soon be Christmas, and in spite of how its Robin’s last Christmas before his deal is fulfilled, all the Titans are eager to celebrate together at Titans Tower. However when an old enemy of Robin's gives an unwanted early present (in the form of revealing his latest plan), the five core Titans soon find themselves traveling to the north pole of all places in order to prevent this dangerous foe from ruining Christmas for the entire world. When Generations Collide: In spite of the Ravager debacle, the titans are all still eager to put the incident behind them and do whatever necessary to bring Slade and his evil compatriot Malvolio to justice. However, things get awkward when, in the midst of attempting to capture Red-X and Ravager, their plans are unexpectedly foiled by the sudden arrival of the Justice League. Turns out, Malvolio and Slade’s army of teenage villains has also been causing trouble in the Justice League’s territory, and the adult superhero league now wants to join forces with the Teen Titans in their efforts to bring their common enemy to justice. Unfortunately, it isn’t long before several elements cause tensions to rise between the two teams, and in particular, between Batman and Robin. Can the two different generations of crime fighters find common ground in time to put a stop to the villains’ devious plans? Power Play: A battle against Malvolio and his cohorts goes awry when, not too long after successfully winning the battle and sending the villainous mastermind fleeing, they end up sucked into a portal to another dimension. The good news is, not too long after arrival, it turns out that not only were the Titans lucky enough to end up in a dimension capable of supporting life, but this same dimension (particularly the city in which they end up landing) just so happens to be home to its own unique heroes that prove more than willing to join forces in the time it takes for the Titans to go home. Unfortunately, the local villains soon make it clear that, over the course of this visit, getting back home will soon prove the least of the Titans' immediate problems. Of Titans and Justice: At least half a year has passed since the Titans defeated the villainous Malvolio and forced Slade back into hiding. However, even in spite of how the Titans have managed to save the world from the horror Malvolio had planned for it, their adventures are far from over. Meanwhile, in the alternate universe of the Young Justice League, a year has passed since they managed to overturn the apocalypse brought about by Trigon and vanquish the powerful demon altogether. However, just like with their independent inter-dimensional equivalent, their work is far from over. However, things get very interesting when a battle against members of the Light leads to the entire Young Justice team being sent hurtling through an inter-dimensional portal that leads to them being jettisoned out into the universe of the Teen Titans. Fortunately, in spite of a few small elements of tension, the teams soon prove capable of getting along, working together, and being very friendly to each other in spite of having literal dimensions of differences between them. And before long, when they end up discovering a horrific fail-safe conspiracy that Malvolio has managed to have set up from beyond the grave that could lead to both world subjugation and the practical death of all heroes, the two teams find themselves teaming up in the most epic mash-up of teen justice possible to save the world once again from the villainous machinations of Malvolio and his sinister S.H.A.D.O.W organization. The Titans Next Door: Only two months have passed since the Titans' epic adventure alongside their inter-dimensional equivalent, the Young Justice League. However, in spite of how such a relatively short amount of time has passed since then, their adventures as crime fighters are far from over. Meanwhile, in the universe that serves as home for the Kids Next Door, several months have passed since Sector V's fearless leader, Nigel Uno (aka Numbuh 1), left Earth to serve as Earth's representative for the Galactic KND. However, these two teams that serve as such polar opposites in regard to age range are about to come together in a way that not one of them would have ever expected when the efforts of the DCFDTL to reclaim Father's pipe result in Numbuh 1, the rest of Sector V, and the KND supreme leader Numbuh 362 being sent hurtling through the multiverse all the way into the universe of the Teen Titans. And to make matters even more topsy-turvy, when Father and the DCFDTL end up coming to pay a visit to the Teen Titans' universe as well days after the arrival of the visiting KND agents, the team of teenage crime fighters and the team of children who've previously always viewed all teenagers and adults apart from their parents as their mortal enemies must team up together in order to both save Jump City from their now common enemy and find a way to send the visitors back home. Rise of the Titans: It has been a week since they saved Jump City from the Gordanians, the tower has been built, the city has formed the proper documents and legal registrations for them, and the titans are now officially ready to get the job started as the official heroes of Jump City. However, just what sort of adventures could end up coming their way to test how truly prepared this newly born team of teenage superheroes is to protect Jump City? In fact, the answer could prove far more difficult than the titans think; for a mysterious villain wearing a one-eyed mask dwells in the shadows, and he has big plans for Jump City, and the world beyond. And the first step in what could become a lifelong game, involves a very dangerous threat indeed. Can the newly born team of heroes find common ground, shake off the shadows of their respective pasts and backstories, and successfully truly evolve into a team of heroes in time to save Jump City from annihilation and prove themselves as heroes? Titans Forever: It's been ten years since the epic battle against Slade and Malvolio. The Teen Titans are now adults, and are willing to continue to protect their great city from evil all the way to the grave. Fortunately, none of the former teenage heroes (particularly the five core Titans) intends to live their lives alone. Sure enough, when Robin and Beast Boy end up proposing to Starfire and Raven (respectively), their lovers almost instantly say yes. However, when the coming nuptials are only a week away, Slade suddenly returns with a whole new evil plan up his sleeve. In the years since his humiliating defeat, the Titans' #1 enemy has vowed that he will never die without taking his hated arch-enemies with him. In the final chapter of the epic story that has filled the hearts of people worldwide, can the titans defeat their greatest nemesis once and for all and gain the happily ever after they deserve? Or will Slade end the Titans' story in his own evil way? Sweet Dreams Invasion (Teen Titans Multi-Chapter Story): One fine day, each and every one of the Titans (both among the Jump City founding branch and otherwise) find themselves randomly waking up and seemingly living their ideal dreams. But like they always say, if it's too good to be true, odds are it's false. And for that matter, what happened before to cause the Titans to be stuck in these dreams? And is there any possibility that it might have anything to do with the aliens that just happen to be planning to engineer an invasion of Earth while the Titans are 'asleep?' Game of Shadows: A good couple years or so after the weddings of the founding Titans, the Titans soon find themselves unexpectedly teaming up with the newly engaged Batman, plus the rest of the Justice League, in order to put an end to a truly sinister and surprisingly grandscale plot by the Dark Knight's most dangerous foe, Ra's al Ghul. But the leader of the League of Shadows is far from an easy foe to defeat, and has plenty of tricks up his sleeve; one of which, could yet very well prove a giant wrench in the heroes' plans. Lucifer Rising (Teen Titans Multi-Chapter Story): It's been multiple years since the Titans' last few epic adventures, and as adults, they now not only finally have the respect of all the adult heroes from the Justice League and other segments of the hero generation that came before them, but they now also have children of their own to serve as a brand new generation of Titans. And at the ready to take the reigns of leader is young Damian Wayne, biological son of of Batman. But even in spite of all this glory to come, the young caped crusader, and even a large number of the Titans' own children, find it very hard to see any purpose behind serving as heroes anymore after all the work that their parents have done to put a more or less decisive end to all the big ticket villainy that occurred before their time, plus having never experienced the hardships and other drama their parents and other elders had to go through. And before long, Damien soon reaches the point that he only views his 'training' for becoming a hero as an excuse to fool around and play with his friends among the newly christened 'Future Titans', and in particular, with his especially close friend Mar'i Grayson, eldest daughter (not to mention eldest child, period) of Nightwing and Starfire. However, what Damian and the other 'Future Titans' don't know, is that a villain far more sinister than any criminal they've ever known, who has proven himself the most dangerous villain for all heroes throughout time, and even now still continues to work to bring his depraved goals to fruition, is at work once more. And this time, he is confident that nothing will stop him, not even the Titans. And before long, with the world rapidly transforming from a world so peaceful that it's almost boring to inches or so away from destruction, and their parents' lives on the line, can the 'Future Titans' successfully rise to the challenge and prove themselves just as much heroes as their predecessors? Or will their generation of heroes be the last? Glee Stories Glee: We are Family - It’s been quite a few years since Finn, Rachel, and all their friends in the New Directions graduated from William McKinley High School. Since then, they have all moved on with their lives, each one in a different way. Finn himself couldn’t be happier as the teacher he’s become since graduating at the top of his class from the University of Lima. However, after giving some important advice to one of his students over the summer inspired by his time in Glee Club combined with a near brush with death, Finn realizes once again how much all his friends in New Directions still feel like family to him and promptly decides that the time has come for them all to come together for a long needed New Directions reunion. Meanwhile, back at McKinley High, Mr. Schuester has found himself teaching a brand new generation of New Directions. However, when he realizes just how much each of his newest glee club students reminds him somehow of his old friends among his former students, it isn’t long before he eagerly accepts the chance for his old students to meet up with his new gang of gleeks while preparing them for competition at the same time. As for the new members of the glee club, they soon begin to realize themselves what glee club truly means as they to go through their own wild ride of emotions and friendship. With old friends and romances resurfacing as well as new ones sprouting up, join in the fun as both old and new generations of Glee come together and learn once more how friendship and family truly are one and the same (Complete). A Gleeful Holiday Story: With the New Directions having successfully scored another victory at Sectionals and one week left before the winter break, it isn’t long before the glee club decides to immediately get into the spirit of Christmas. Things get especially cheerful when news of a grand winter ball reaches the students of McKinley High. Then again, why is Diana feeling as if something’s missing from this merry holiday picture? Meanwhile, what are all the alumni gleeks up to this holiday season? Will this Christmas be just the occasion to get them in the happy mood needed for their upcoming reunion? Or will the drama of the season turn this merry Christmas into a holiday horror? Find out in this gleeful gift that will put smiles on the faces of all gleeks and warm the heart of even the grouchiest of Grinches. The Gleeful Ole Opry: When one of Mr. Schuester’s own lessons in his American History class inspires him to make the New Directions’ assignment of the week country oriented, the resident generation of gleeks soon gets their Wild West groove on. But is Country music and the inspiration for the assignment really as closely related as they think they are? At the same time, with all the New Directions alumni from the 2011-2012 era finally together again for the first time in years, they soon begin a whoop-di-do celebration of their own to show their pride as McKinley High New Directions alumni. But just how far down will they have to go in their hoedown hullabaloo before they realize the true meaning of patriotism themselves? Wish Upon a Song: With one week left before Regionals, the New Directions are so nervous about their chances of winning that Will and the alumni decide to use the power of Disney music to get the club into just the right upbeat mood they need to be in to truly be confident about their ability to win. Within days, magic is in the air as the gleeks all start joining in to show their support of the masterful studio where magic truly exists. But will it be enough to restore their faith in their chances of winning? All Mashed Up: While the New Directions have done plenty of mash-up competitions in the past, the time has now come for them to have an entire week’s glee club assignment devoted to mash-ups. This soon proves to be an excellent training assignment on the week directly after the New Directions alumni leave Lima to go to New York. That being said, will the current generation of New Directions members prove that they can still believably train for the Nationals performance later this year even though they are now once again solely under the leadership of Mr. Schuester without their older generation fellow New Directions members there to help out? And what about the New Directions alumni? What are they up to now while waiting for the day that the younger generation comes to join them in New York? A New Generation is Born: It’s the first official week of glee club sessions for the thirteen new members of the New Directions. The assignment; doing a song that they believe their idols among the New Directions alumni would have done. But with drama popping up at every opportunity, this test of worth for the club will be far more difficult than some might think. Can the gleeks handle all the drama thrown at them and show that they have what it takes? (Complete) It Takes Two: On the week after Valentine’s day, all the gleeks haven’t quite yet reached the point where they have withdrawn from their overly romance-centric mentality that comes with Valentine’s Day week. With this in mind, and with both his former and current students stuck in that mindset (particularly with Quinn and Joe now engaged), Mr. Schuester decides to let them all get the last of their Valentine’s Week mentality out of their system by having them all do duets for the week’s assignment. But will this plan truly get the Valentine’s mentality out of everyone’s system? Or will it only make it stronger? A Gleefully Spooky Halloween: Halloween is almost upon McKinley High, and the New Directions are especially excited when they receive an appropriately spooky assignment for the week. However, things begin to get frustrating when Charlotte not only begins to intensify her efforts to sink her hooks into Daniel, but also plots to try to bring down the glee club in a very daring way. This soon leads to Zack and the other gleeks coming up with a powerful plan to foil her, but will their twist on the annual McKinley High Haunted House be enough to scare Charlotte into submission? The Championship of a Lifetime: Nationals has finally come, and the New Directions are ready to fight their way through the intense three-round competition to come out on top. However, so are the equally powerful Vocal Adrenaline, Throat Explosion, and multiple other skilled glee clubs. And assuming that the New Directions make it to the top 10, and thus to the showcase round, just how much adversity will they have to go through to make it into the top 3 in spite of the efforts of Vocal Adrenaline and, in particular, Throat Explosion to beat them? Glee Oneshots and Short Stories First Love Isn't Always Forever: A couple months or so after the wedding of Finn and Rachel, Jake is the best man at Ryder and Marley's wedding. But even in the midst of his developing 'relationship' with Bree, he still can't help but feel a lingering sense of regret as to his actions that caused Marley to break up with him in the first place. In fact, he very nearly didn't come to the wedding, but then again, maybe it was better that he did come. After all, as he thinks to himself, perhaps this is just what he needs to do to finally put his lingering regret to rest and allow himself to fully accept Ryder and Marley's fully blossomed romance and matrimony. After all, a person's first love doesn't necessarily have to be that person's last, and it is always perfectly possible for their to be a big difference between a person's first love, and the love of that person's life. Oneshot request by Chubby4567. Ryley and Jake/Bree (onesided lingering Jarley) (Complete). The Obscure Woes of Being Drunk: The New Directions have been given permission by Figgins and Mr. Schuester to take part in the festivities at a beginning of the school year celebration. However, things get crazy when Charlotte attempts one of her newest plots to get Daniel wrapped around her finger as her unwilling lover. Fortunately, the antics of her unwilling accomplice Zack, plus a drunk Daniel and even more drunk Calvin that results from Zack's antics equals a very interesting night for the New Directions and everyone else involved at this party. Le Jazz Hot Mess: Charlotte makes yet another attempt at sinking her hooks into Daniel by trying to have him come to see her and the cheerios perform her personal take on the song, Le Jazz Hot. But just who will she and the cheerios end up actually performing for? The Birth of Naolap and Ambren: We all saw how the relationships between Diana and Daniel, Calvin and Susan, and Zack and Charlotte first came to be. We also saw the birth of the relationships/romance between Cody and Bailey, Raj and Kimberly, and several other couples. But just how did the romance between the Dunlap and Naomi and Darren and Amber pairings first come out of the bag to the people of McKinley High? Find out the answers to this question in this oneshot. A Peek in the Lives of the Villains: We've focused so much on the lives of the New Directions, but what about some of the glee clubs that serve antagonistic roles in the lives of the New Directions members? How did their major members (in other words, their leads) end up where they are? Find out how Ryan Smythe-Clarington managed to convince his two fathers that he belonged in the Warblers, how Dylan St. James convinced Micaela Nottingham to overcome her stage fright and join alongside him as co captain of Vocal Adrenaline, how Charlie Baptiste learned just how worthwhile a membership in Throat Explosion and a career in vocal/musical arts could make his life, and how Chareena Romero was able to prove to her peers in her mother's club just how capable she was of following in her mother's footsteps as captain/female lead of the Hoosierdaddies, in this epic four chapter collection of oneshots. Still Not a Thing I Would Change: At the reception for Finn and Rachel's wedding, none of the gleeks could be happier. And of course, Finn and Rachel's lives couldn't be more perfect at that particular moment. But of course, it wouldn't be a New Directions event without some music, and near the end, Finn has just the song to prove once again how even now there's still nothing he would change about Rachel. A Year to Remember: The last day of school has come, and graduation is on its way for the seniors at McKinley High, which this year includes Raj Patel. Fortunately, despite how yet another school year is coming to an end, the New Directions are not about to let it end on an unmemorable note, especially not with one of their own about to graduate. Find out how the New Directions leave their mark on this epic last day of school in this oneshot! A Generation Packed with Potential: Two years before Will Schuester accepted the thirteen gleeks who made up the New Directions current roster at the time of the fateful New Directions reunion, Emma Schuester had already gotten a sneak peak at just how much potential they had as possible members of her husband's club. How did this event unfold you may ask? Find out, in this oneshot! (Complete) Young Justice - Post Invasion Resurrection: It’s been nearly two months since the tragic death of Kid Flash and the team has worked its hardest to move on. But even with Bart Allen filling in the empty shoes of the late Wally West, the members of the Young Justice, particularly Artemis still feel his death very hard indeed. And as if the team Wally left behind isn’t suffering enough, Nightwing is also finding it difficult to let go of his old friend’s death, which makes his duties in Gotham City that he’s attempting to take care of in the midst of his self-imposed leave of absence far more difficult than they already are. But right when things seem their bleakest, the team finds great reason for joy and hope when they make an earthshaking discovery; that it might very well be possible for them to bring Kid Flash back from the dead. But in spite of the potential outcome from such an occurrence, is this opportunity to good to be true? And to make matters even more difficult, not only are the local villains beginning to set yet more evil plans in motion, but demons are now beginning to rise from Hell and walk the Earth as both sides of good and evil draw closer to completing their efforts at their own respective goals. With old team members returning once again and new ones joining the ranks, the team has never been in better shape for the epic series of adventures to come their way. But with both new and old villains also on the rise, a whole new series of questions now arises as well. Can the team save Kid Flash and bring him back to the realm of the living? Will Nightwing be able to get his act together in time to come back when his friends need him most? And what about the new members? Can they prove themselves as true heroes and members of the team in time for the good of all? And in the case of one particular new member, just whose side is she on? That of the team, and therefore Beast Boy and one other new member that he’s grown very close to, or that of the villains, and thus Deathstroke himself? Apocalypse: It has been three years since the Young Justice League’s epic quest to resurrect Kid Flash. Kid Flash has been successfully resurrected from death and happily reunited with his friends, especially Artemis. However, even though the ordeal they had to go through to bring Kid Flash back to life is now far behind them, the team now has even bigger problems to deal with, some of which will leave a particularly powerful blow on Raven, a now full-fledged member, and an extremely close friend of Beast Boy’s. Trigon the Terrible, a powerful inter-dimensional demon from Raven’s home dimension of Azarath trapped in a limbo between worlds, and also Raven’s own father, is showing signs of stirring in his imprisonment, and is now conspiring with Deathstroke, Vandal Savage, and several other top-notch villains in an effort to come to Earth and bring about its destruction through use of a portal between dimensions that can only be unlocked by Raven herself. With the clock ticking away, can Beast Boy and the rest of the team successfully help Raven overturn her destiny and prevent Trigon from rising? Vanguard: Ever since their experiences with Trigon combined with an unintended inter-dimensional vacation (long story), the Young Justice League has now begun to wonder what it would be like for them to attempt to have their team operate independently from Justice League supervision. In spite of intense initial reluctance and protest, the adult heroes eventually allow their teenage equivalent to be given a chance to prove whether or not they truly have what it takes to work on the same level of independence as their inter-dimensional equivalent from the alternate universe they visited. Before long, however, the Young Justice League soon finds themselves having to take part in a powerful unexpected test of how capable they are when an unexpected new threat comes on the horizon. Former Light Executive, the Brain, having long since defected from the Light during their efforts to allow Trigon to come to Earth, has now formed a villainous organization of his own that consists of himself, his longtime gorilla ally Monsieur Mallah, the unbelievably slow to age General Immortus, and the devious Madame Rouge plus countless robotic warriors and several other villains with a bone to pick with members of Justice League and Young Justice team. This new organization of rogues, christened the Brotherhood of Evil, has now chosen to take the original mission of the Light to a level far more bold and villainous than even the Light has dared try by going so far as to attempt to actively eradicate all heroes, starting with the Justice League and then moving onto any other heroes both individual and in teams who dare stand in their way. With their longtime mentors lives and the entire world at risk, can the Young Justice League prove themselves in the best way possible by rising up to defeat this dangerous new enemy? Or have they finally encountered the challenge that they can not hope to overcome? Salvation: Much time has passed since the defeat of the Brotherhood of Evil, and the Team and League couldn't be happier with how things have unfolded since. But unfortunately, their trials as heroes are far from over. The spells that Lucifer cast to both expel the Apokoliptans from Earth and keep them barred from entry are finally starting to wear off, and Savage has managed to convince his former fellow Light executives to join back up with him now that he's finally gotten his original plans properly back on track. What's more, due to how long he's been kept waiting, Darkseid is now impatient to get his long delayed invasion of Earth done and over with as he continues his relentless quest for the anti-life equation. And as if to make matters worse, as later revealed over the course of a time traveling quest the Team ends up undergoing to stop a seemingly unrelated minor villain, unless the Team ends up seriously getting their act together, then Darkseid's victory could be all but guaranteed. With multiple villains and obstacles out to make life difficult, the Light finally getting their original plans back on track, Darkseid himself finally making war on Earth after years of being delayed, and a ghastly future that the Team was work to prevent from happening at all costs at the same time, can the Team finally thoroughly defeat the Light once and for all and save the world from such a villain as the ruler of Apokolips himself? Naruto Story Naruto - The Last (Ultimate Alternate Edition): The main manga series of Naruto has come to an end, and the epic movie The Last has been released. And boy have fans both enjoyed it and felt bittersweet sorrow in it as well. However, what could it have been like if a certain large series of false leaked spoilers for The Last had had more truth in them then they actually turned out to have? How much more epic and powerful, for better or for worse, could the story have been then? Find out in this epic fan-based re-imagining of The Last in which far more characters have their deserved time in the spotlight, far more closure is brought to a larger number of issues that remain, and of course, in the end, Naruto and Hinata still get their long awaited happy ending (created with combined elements from the false leaked spoilers, the theorized plot summary created by Deviantart's VergilX based upon said spoilers, and the canon movie story-line). (Discarded - Wouldn't really be all that relevant anymore) Ideas of Lower Priority An Unwilling Union (Glee Short Story/Potentially Oneshot?): A full week has now passed since the New Directions alumni ended the Lima phase of their reunion and left for New York City, and the current members are managing to get by without their elder generation allies around to help Mr. Schuester with their training for the upcoming Nationals competition. However, as of this week, Charlotte has an additional problem to deal with . . . and a very big one at that. Turns out, Coach Sue Sylvester has noticed how, despite Charlotte clearly acting as if she has truly changed and become different from the way she was before Valentine's Day, the majority of her peers in the glee club are still behaving in ways that would suggest otherwise. And now, having finally reached her limit, Sue has now given Charlotte a big ultimatum. She now has one last chance to prove that she's truly worthy of remaining head cheerio or even remaining a member of the cheerios at all. And in order to prove herself worthy, she must somehow arrange for the jocks and the gleeks to be present and get along with each other over the course of the week's cheerio performance training exhibition. And to further spice things up, if she goes down, then so do her 2nd and 3rd in command. Charlotte knows that she can't afford to lose her position as a cheerio, especially now that it means dragging her fellow cheerios that are far less deserving of being ousted down with her, and she also knows that Zach and the other jocks aren't too keen on this idea either. But how is she to avoid exactly that when all the other gleeks apart from Zach and herself are all to happy with the idea of her no longer being a cheerio and still view her as their sworn enemy? A Gleeful Collection of Ways to Tie a Knot (Glee Short Story of Multiple Chapters): We saw how things unfolded with the great Finchel Wedding we were all looking forward to, but sadly never saw outside of the universe of GWAF and other fanfictions. And we all know who ended up with who in regards to the gleeks of the new generation introduced in the universe of GWAF. But just how did things actually unfold in regard to when those specific pairings finally took that one big step in their relationships? Well in this small anthology, the answers shall now become clear as day! GWAF - The Blank Period (Glee Multi-Chapter Story): One years after the fateful New Directions reunion, Finn and Rachel finally married. However, between those two chapters, there was a considerably large hole left behind. What happened during the year that unfolded between the New Directions' 2036 Nationals victory and Finn and Rachel's wedding? The answers to these questions and more shall finally be revealed in this epic final installment to the GWAF chronicles. With Raj now having graduated and over half the remaining new New Directions members a single year away from following, the time has come for McKinley High's beloved glee club to really get their game on if they can even hope to continue to leave the lasting impression they've always left in the world of show choir. And with old friends teaming up together and brand new ones joining in the mix, it doesn't take long for the year to welcome yet another batch of hilarious adventures for the New Directions. However, with the new year, comes several new challenges, and one of these very challenges soon proves to be a far worse adversary than Sue Sylvester ever could have hoped. And before long, our favorite glee club soon finds itself fighting not only for a new string of show choir season victories, but for the fate of all glee clubs nationwide. Calvin and Hobbes: Champion of Imagination (Calvin and Hobbes Multi-Chapter Story): It's been 9 years since the lovely winter day that ended It's a Magical World, and the now 15-year old Calvin Watterson has never yet spent a single day without his overactive imagination, let alone his faithful tiger buddy Hobbes, by his side. Of course, many things have changed since that fateful winter's day, some for the better, and some for the worst. And when one particularly dark and ominous figment of Calvin's adventures from when when he was still the 6-year old kid menace rears its ugly head, Calvin soon finds himself having to go on one of his biggest adventures yet with both Hobbes, as well as a very unexpected additional ally from his childhood in order to figure out both just how powerful his imagination truly is, and how to put a stop to the living nightmare that is now on the verge of arising. (TBD) Calvin and Hobbes: Rise of Imagination (Calvin and Hobbes Multi-Chapter Story): When Calvin Watterson was young, his imagination protected him and kept him sane. He didn't have any friends, and so he created one. And even now, that friend has always been there for him when no one else could. Of course, no one can biologically stay a child forever, and as Calvin grew older, he slowly started trying to leave childish things behind. His imagination, however, had other plans. It knows that Calvin is growing up, and it knows that its time could very well be limited as a result. And so, it is now willing to do anything to prevent Calvin from ever letting go of it and fully transitioning into adulthood . . . even if it means having innocent lives hang in the balance. The time always comes for a child to grow up, and such times are always difficult, but with an imagination that will now go to any length to put a stop to it, and is making things increasingly dangerous for Calvin, Hobbes, and everyone and everything else around them, can our now college-age favorite master imagineer find a way to regain control of his imagination and convince it to let him go before it destroys its own master's life beyond hope of repair? (TBD) Calvin and Hobbes: Heir of Imagination (Calvin and Hobbes Multi-Chapter Story): Nine years after his epic adventure in which he was forced to do battle with his own imagination, Calvin has lived a happy life alongside his good friend Hobbes and his unexpected good friend Susan 'Susie' Derkins. In fact, Calvin and Susie are actually now happily married with a child of their own, a rather rambunctious and hyperactive daughter named Becky (and affectionately nicknamed Bacon), who seems to have inherited her father's otherworldly powerful imagination. And before long, Hobbes soon finds himself getting the reigns of his imaginary guardianship passed down from his longtime best friend to a brand new charge. And within days, things couldn't be happier for Hobbes and his brand new child friend. However, when Bacon's imagination inevitably leads to a brand new peril awakening, will our beloved master imagineer's daughter and longtime 'imaginary' best friend be able to handle the pressure now upon her to save a world that has already now been twice saved by her father from a threat that is now on the verge of endangering both her parents and the world? (TBD) Calvin and Hobbes: Carriers of Imagination (Calvin and Hobbes Multi-Chapter Story): Ten years after Becky "Bacon" Watterson's epic adventure, the Watterson family has expanded yet again with Becky's two brand new younger twin siblings, Camus and Simone. And of course, like the rest of their family, it doesn't take long at all for the 6-year old twin brother and sister to become very good friends with our favorite ambiguously imaginary tiger Hobbes. But even with all the chaos that has unfolded over the past few years, there is still more weirdness for the Watterson family to experience. And this time, the stakes are higher than ever. For in spite of how long Hobbes has continued to exist for Calvin and his family, the time may have now come to the point where Hobbes and several other elements of the Watterson family imagination have been kept alive for too long, and are now at risk of fading away. With an entire lifetime of adventure, plus one of their closest family friends, at risk of slipping from their fingertips, can the two newest additions to the Watterson family, alongside their parents and elder sister, successfully figure out a way to restore life to one of their greatest treasures before the one thing that brought them all together in the first place vanishes forever? (TBD) Adventure World Online (Sword Art Online/SAO Multi-Chapter Story): It's been multiple years since Kirito's last epic adventure; and now, he is not only happily married to his longtime love Asuna, but is also a major important player in a business involving virtual reality games, and has a son named Karuba, who is just as fascinated in video games as both of his parents. However, when a brand new video game that his father has designed unexpectedly leaves history repeating itself in a dangerous way for Karuba and several other players as a result of sinister behind the scenes tampering, it soon falls up to Karuba and a group of his closest friends among the next generation of virtual world game players to fight their way out and survive the terrors and adventures unintentionally thrust upon them in time to escape just like Karuba's own father and mother have done time and time again. But can this new generation hope to survive the peril and wonder that lies within this new game that far rivals any game that Kirito and Asuna ever played in their own adventures? Find out, in the epic new story, of Adventure World Online. (TBD) The Journey Begins (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): Young Walt Ketchem, being the son of the great Pokémon trainer Ash Ketchem, has always dreamed of going on great adventures just like his father. However, when his parents, Ash and Dawn Ketchem, are captured by the evil Team Rocket, and his elder sister Dorothy is forced to put her own journey on hold in order to help make sure that he is well cared for, his dreams soon take on a far more personal level than he ever originally intended or thought possible. And on the day of his 10th birthday, he is all to eager to set off on his journey to not only become the Pokemon world's newest Pokemon master, but also to rescue his parents and set things right; and all with his best friend and virtually foster brother Calvin Oak following him every step of the way. And before long, they soon also become very close friends with fellow next generation adventurers Rocky Harrison, and Gilda Sketchit. But later, when they learn later about how Team Rocket now plans to set off on a daring plan of world domination far more sinister then ever before known, the journey takes on a whole new meaning for Walt, who is now eager to both save his family and the world. However, in order to truly begin this great voyage, he must first travel through the Kanto Region and successfully gain the region's gym badges. However, the gym leaders, common Pokémon trainers, and wild Pokémon that naturally inhabit the Kanto Region aren't the only obstacles that Walt will have to worry about. Soon after his first few victories in gym battles, it isn't long before he begins to draw the attention of Team Rocket. And what's worse, the nefarious league of villains has also managed to coerce Mewtwo into working alongside them! Can Walt and his Pokémon successfully outwit the ruthless league of villainous Pokémon trainers and successfully complete the first leg of his journey? (TBD) A World of Adventure (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): It has been a year since Walt first began his great journey. Over the course of this year, he has successfully gained all the badges and awards of the Kanto Region, forged close bonds with all his current pokemon, gained strong allies in Calvin Oak, Rocky Harrison, and Gilda Sketchit, and even managed to take a brief vacation to the Orange Islands; all before his 11th birthday. However, even after all he has done so far, his journey has only just begun. For the next step of his journey, the now 11-year old Walt must travel to the Johto Region and successfully accomplish all the challenges that it has to throw at him. This is the first time that Walt has ever left the comforting boundaries of his home region, and now he has the opportunity to get one step further in his quest for becoming a Pokémon master and rescuing his captured parents. However, with new territory comes new rules, new challenges, and new enemies. Team Rocket is equally active in the Johto Region, and it will take a great deal of skill and caution in order to foil their plans in this region. Will Walt be able to successfully prove his mettle as a Pokémon trainer in the Johto Region, or will he be forced to turn back home when his journey has barely even begun? (TBD) The Power Inside (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): With two regions out of the way, it is now time for Walt to continue his journey to become a Pokémon master by traveling to the Hoenn Region, and after that, the Battle Frontier. However, in the third leg of his great voyage, things are about to get seriously difficult for our young master-to-be. For starters, his journey into the Hoenn Region will be the first time he's ever gone traveled overseas long distance to a completely different continent. Also, this time, Walt and Calvin are traveling without Rocky and Gilda by their sides, but instead alongside brand new friends Susan Birch, Gerald Maple, his sister Claire Maple, and their cousin Scott Maple. And to make things more difficult, not only are the natural obstacles that Walt has to face as an aspiring master Pokémon trainer becoming more challenging to overcome, but Team Rocket is trying harder than ever to get him in their custody so that they can eliminate him from the equation in order to prevent him from ruining their plans. And what's worse, Calvin's older brother Richard has joined forces with them! However, when Walt learns about a mysterious prophecy that he might very well be involved in, he begins to wonder just how far he wants to travel in his father's mighty footsteps. (TBD) Following the Path (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): Ever since he first set out on his journey to become a Pokémon master and rescue his parents from the clutches of Team Rocket at age 10, Walt Ketchem has gone through quite an ordeal. He has forged strong friendships with his Pokémon and human allies, won countless badges and awards, fought numerous battles against the forces of the evil Team Rocket, and has successfully accomplished all challenges that have awaited him in the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn Regions; not to mention earned a full set of award symbols from the Battle Frontier, all before his thirteenth birthday. However, even now Walt's voyage is not even halfway over, for he and Calvin must now travel to the Sinnoh Region and complete the tasks that lie in wait for them there. And of course, traveling alongside them are brand new friends Mallory Coalwood, Jake Mayfleet, and Walt's own second cousin Sam Rustboro. Little do they know, however, that their lives are about to get more difficult than ever in this region. Not only is Team Rocket continuing its relentless attempts at capturing the two young trainers and forcing them into their cause, but Walt's own godfather, his mother's old friend Kenny Dreyfus, has both been working alongside the villainous team for the last few years and was instrumental in their capturing his parents. To make matters even worse, Giovanni, the merciless leader of Team Rocket, and his even more brutal colleague, Mark Berlitz, is now beginning to put a truly evil plan into motion that could very well leave the fate of the world in the balance. With countless innocent people and Pokémon depending on Walt, the now thirteen-year old son of the great Ash Ketchem has become more determined than ever to complete his great mission. Can he successfully survive the Sinnoh Region and all that it has to throw at him? (TBD) Heart of a Hero (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): In his epic voyage through the world of Pokémon, the now 14-year old Walt Ketchem, alongside his close friend Calvin Oak, several other allies, and all their Pokémon, has achieved far more than he has ever dared hope to achieve before as the son of the world famous Ash Ketchem. Not only has he fought his way to full victory in four of the eight regions and two battle frontiers, but he has also saved these very same regions from falling under the tyrannical shadow of the evil Team Rocket and has gained the support and friendship of countless people and Pokémon. Now, the time has come for Walt to travel to one of the most unique regions ever known to the world of Pokemon, the Unova Region. Now that he is finally reached the halfway point in his journey to becoming a Pokemon master like his father and gaining the power he needs to vanquish the evil leagues that took his parents hostage and forced his sister to turn her back on her own dreams, Walt is eager to set foot in the Unova Region so that he can show this newest region what he is truly made of. But even with Walt now still raring to go on this next leg of his voyage, and brand new allies Charlie and Olivia joining in alongside him and Calvin, this newest set of adventures will be far from peaceful. Even now, Team Rocket still continues to work inhumanly hard to further their nefarious agenda of attempts at subjugating the entire Pokemon world. And this time, they intend to try to forcibly fuse local legendaries Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem back into the impossibly powerful ancient Pokemon that they used to be. Can Walt and his friends successfully brave their way through the Unova Region and prevent Team Rocket from forcing a potentially world-ending ancient Pokemon under their control? And as if Walt's own adventures weren't exciting enough, what about his parents themselves? Even in spite of having managed to escape from captivity not too long after their son's victory in the Sinnoh League, they still are very much on the run and attempting to find their son and friends while trying to avoid recapture at the same time. Will our favorite Pokemon master and top coordinator still have enough adventure left in them to live to see the day they see their son again after all this time? (TBD) To Catch And Train (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): After a long series of trials and similarly difficult adventures, Walt Ketchem has successfully mastered the Unova Region, and his now one step closer to becoming a Pokemon master. And to make it all the sweeter, for the first time in several years, the now 15-year old Walt finally has his full family reunited with him once again. And thus, buoyed by this powerful double success, Walt soon sets out, with his family's blessings, and his best friend Calvin at his side, to the next stop on his quest to become the new Pokemon master; the Kalos Region. And soon after arrival, it isn't long before the son of our favorite Pokemon master leaps headfirst into new adventures, and even teams up with two brand new allies, Ramsay and Karen, both of whom already happen to be old childhood friends of Walt. But over time, Walt finds himself developing a considerably stronger bond with Karen that he's never before felt for her, or any of his other companions, not even for Calvin. And when Calvin himself makes note of this, uncomfortable tensions begin to rise between the two friends. And even without these newfound personal dramas, Walt still has plenty of problems to deal with in his journey through the Kalos Region, particularly in the form of Team Rocket. Even after the epic failure of their last plot, the villainous league is still working their butts off to attempt to achieve world domination, and are now getting even more daring then ever before. With an entire region's worth of lives at stake at the very least once more, and potentially the entire world at stake at the very most (yet again), can Walt, Calvin, and Karen successfully work things out and set aside their differences for the common good? (TBD) A Hero Rising (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): (Summary to be added) (TBD) The Ultimate Test (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): Many years have passed since Walt Ketchem began his epic journey to become a Pokemon master like his famous father Ash; and in those years, he has not only successfully triumphed his way through seven regions, but has also formed a sizable team of pokemon, made multiple friends, foiled multiple nefarious plots of Team Rocket's, and united almost the entire world into a powerful army that could yet send the villainous league of criminal pokemon trainers packing. But now, only one region remains in the path for Walt to prove his mettle in for the sake of becoming a Pokemon master; the Deltarios Region. And it isn't long before the now 16-year old Walt, Calvin, and Karen set off on their way through this final region. And of course, they also do not take long at all to both find brand new Pokemon and make new friends. However, even with their new allies, this final region will be Walt's biggest challenge yet; for not only are the gym leaders and trainers he has to battle here among the most skilled he has ever encountered, but Team Rocket has now quadrupled its efforts to summon the evil apocalyptic legendary Pokémon, Doomageddon, and rule the world. To make matters even worse, with all hope the evil pokemon trainer team has had of turning Walt to the side of evil brutally destroyed, it is now highly eager to stop Walt Ketchem literally dead in his tracks. With the fate of the world now on his shoulders, can Walt achieve victory in the Deltaros Region and finally fulfill his greatest dream? Or will he finally be forced by the villainous Team Rocket to end his journey when it is now so close to being completed? (TBD) A Master is Born (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): Throughout the last few years, Walt Ketchem has gone on the greatest adventure of his life. He has fought his way through all eight regions, foiled numerous plots of evil pokemon trainers, won countless awards, and made numerous friends. Now, having become a full-fledged pokemon master and reached age 17, the time has come for the son of the great Ash Ketchem to save the world from being destroyed by Doomageddon, put a stop to Team Rocket once and for all, and save the world. However, many challenges now stand in his way. Team Rocket has grown immensely strong, just like Walt, and is now more powerful than ever. To make matters even more complicated, Walt is also finding himself the victim of a more personal problem. Having gone through so much alongside his now very good friend, Karen Xavier, since his journey through the Kalos Region, the two have such a close relationship now that Walt has fallen in love with her. However, now that he is a pokemon master, he can't help but worry that Karen will now only see the master trainer that he is on the outside without seeing the true friend he has always been to her that he still is on the inside. Karen, meanwhile, has fallen in love with Walt, but fears that he will no longer feel like he has any need for her company now that he is a pokemon master and couldn't possibly want to marry a girl like herself. Finally, to make matters even more dangerously complicated for the young trainers, Doomageddon is on the verge of awakening, and according to the ancient legends, he is so powerful that the only hope of defeating him is summoning his six siblings; Pyragon, Hydronami, Seismoceras, Ventravius, Electrigar, and Noctomaru; the first six pokemon ever created by Arceus, older than even Mew, who have since gone into hiding ever since the aftermath of a terrible battle against their villainous younger brother that almost destroyed the world before Arceus had even finished creating it in the first place. But where could these six powerful legendary pokemon possibly be hiding? Can Walt find the six benevolent primordial pokemon and save the world from being destroyed by the relentless Doomageddon? Or has Walt Ketchem finally reached the battle that he cannot win? (TBD) The Final Frontier (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): It's been several years now since the now 16-year old Ash Ketchem traveled through the 7 known regions, and he's spent the last few months or so training his butt off to make sure that he's finally capable of taking a second round through those very regions in his efforts at finally becoming the Pokemon master he's dreamed so long of becoming. And to make things even better, just a week before he plans on setting off on his second take at his global journey, every friend he's made over the course of his travels drops by at his house to celebrate. And among them, is one special companion in particular that Ash has now found himself feeling very different around lately in a way that he's never quite been able to understand until now. The companion in question? Dawn Berlitz. But then things go completely crazier then ever when an unexpected guest is found washed up on a nearby shore and apparently quite unfamiliar with both where he is and any other familiar place that Ash and his friends mention; not to mention with a team of extremely unfamiliar pokemon. As it turns out, this unexpected castaway is from a region long hidden from the rest of the Pokemon world; the Deltarios Region. And before long, Ash decides that the absolute best way to test whether or not he's truly ready at making a second attempt at taking on the previous league championships he's gone up against is to go on a brand new journey through this newly discovered region, and it isn't long before he takes off alongside the mysterious castaway, but not without his faithful Pikachu and, much to his surprise, Dawn. And over the course of the resulting adventures that come from traveling through this new region, it doesn't take long at all for Ash to capture various new pokemon and befriend various new allies. However, like always, the adventures of our favorite future Pokemon master are fraught with danger. Not only are the Pokemon and other elements of this region very dangerous in their unfamiliarity to Ash himself, but he also has to deal with not only the continued efforts of Team Rocket to steal his Pikachu, but also the considerably more sinister plots of the local villainous league, Team Apocalypse, whose leader shares a dark connection with Dawn. Can Ash successfully brave his way through this unfamiliar new region alongside his friends and finally achieve the lifelong dream that he has spent so many years pursuing? (TBD) Rise of a Master (Pokemon Multi-Chapter Story): At long last, Ash Ketchem has finally become a Pokemon master, just like he's always dreamed. And he has never felt more proud and joyous of himself. And his friends, pokemon, and mother likewise couldn't be happier. But even though the now 17-year old trainer has finally become a master, his life is still going to be far from easy. And he soon finds himself going on an adventure far more difficult than any of his quests through the regions ever were when he finds himself having to deal with two serious situations. In spite of having foiled Team Rocket's plans time and time again, Team Rocket is still hard at work on their nefarious agenda. And to make matters even worse, they have managed to team up with none other than Mark Berlitz, the former leader of the now very much fallen apart and disbanded Team Apocalypse, and father of Ash's dearest friend Dawn. And speaking of Dawn, as serious as the situation with Team Rocket is, Ash must also at the same time deal with another situation that strikes him on a considerably more personal level. Over the course of the years that have followed since his journey through the seven regions that he traveled through before his adventures in the Deltarios Region, he has developed a close friendship with Dawn that has only been strengthened further by their adventures together in the Deltarios Region. In fact, it's even reached the point that the young Pokemon Master and Coordinator have fallen truly, madly, crazily, deeply, irrevocably in love. But Dawn isn't the only companion Ash has traveled with who has ever had designs on his heart. His other close female companions Misty Waterflower and Serena Yvonne have also developed feelings for him at some point or other. But while Serena has managed to move on with her long lost old friend Calem Xavier, who Ash actually helped her reunite with, Misty has not quite let go of her own feelings for Ash, and she's not about to let Dawn have him without a fight. With both the world and his heart heavily depending on him to do what's right, can our favorite Pokemon trainer both save the world and gain the happily ever after he's now found himself yearning to have with Dawn? And even if he does succeed this time, could the fate that befell the long lost father he never knew possibly have any hold on how his own future unfolds? But regardless of what happens or is to happen, Ash must make a decision, and quick. For the 17-year old Pokemon master that has now undergone so much, the time to grow up is now. (TBD) A New Age (Spyro the Dragon Multi-Chapter Story): Malefor has been vanquished, the world has been saved, and Spyro has fulfilled his great prophecy. But has the story of our favorite purple dragon truly ended? Turns out, it hasn't; for soon after Spyro and Cynder return from their climactic duel against Malefor, the daring dragon duo find out that the world is still far from peaceful. Although Malefor is now dead, tensions between the numerous tribes of the Dragon Realms have violently erupted into war, and Spyro is the dragons' only hope of bringing peace to the tribes. However, in order to do so, he must follow in the footsteps of the father he never knew and become the king of the dragon tribe. However, despite Spyro's undeniable potential, does he truly have what it takes to be a king? For the young dragon who was raised by dragonflies, the time has come, to grow up. Can this mighty hero unite the tribes, bring peace to the world, and prove himself as king of all dragons? (Likely discarded) Heart of a King (Spyro the Dragon Multi-Chapter Story): It has been nine years since Spyro first became king of Warfang, the dragon tribe's kingdom. Admittedly, being king has proven to be a very wonderful experience for our favorite purple dragon. However, being a king is no easy task, whether you are a respected hero or not, and the trials to come could very well prove to be very trying indeed. With the position of fire guardian having been vacant for too long since the death of Ignitus, and Terrador, Volteer, and Cyril having now reached the age in which they have no choice but to retire, the task of appointing new guardian dragons has fallen on Spyro's shoulders. However, with the memories of Ignitus still painfully clear in Spyro's mind, the young king soon finds himself facing great difficulty in choosing a candidate worthy of taking his beloved mentor's place, difficulty that soon begins to spread to his making similar decisions regarding the other elemental guardian positions. As if that weren't enough, things begin to get even more difficult when Spyro learns that all dragons and dragonesses are required by law to have a mate by their twenty-seventh birthday, which means that in Spyro's case, he must now either find a mate, or abdicate the throne. Although there are many dragonesses who would love more than anything to have Spyro for a mate, Spyro is head over paws in love with Cynder. However, when Cynder first admitted her love for him, Spyro wasn't a king, and the young dragon soon finds himself wondering whether or not Cynder could possibly still love him now that he is a king. To make matters even worse, Spyro soon finds himself being plagued by visits from a phantom dragoness in his mind named Ember, who claims that she has known Spyro from a very young age despite Spyro's having absolutely no memory of her whatsoever. Before long, the pressure on him as king, combined with the pressures of completing his duties, and the added burden of relentless encounters with Ember leave Spyro on the verge of going insane. Will Spyro be able to pull himself together and prove his true worth as king? (Likely discarded) Malefor's Return (Spyro the Dragon Multi-Chapter Story): Malefor is back, and he's stronger than ever. With desire for revenge burning in his mind, it isn't long before the evil dragon declares war on all who stand on the side of good. With his queen, Cynder, and numerous allies at his side, Spyro proudly enters willingly into the battle to save his kingdom and all the others from destruction at the paws of Malefor and his villainous cohorts. However, Malefor and his villains have control over an evil power so ancient that it has long since been forgotten that could prove to be a dangerous weapon against Spyro's army of heroes. Even worse, Malefor also has a son named Ulkna, who will gladly go to any length to help his father vanquish the dragon and dragoness who first killed his father. With the dragon realms now in greater peril than ever before, will Spyro be able to defeat his greatest nemesis once and for all for a second time? Or has he finally encountered a challenge that he can't win? (Likely discarded) The Pride Lands Restored (Lion King Multi-Chapter Story): At long last, the rightful king, Simba himself, has returned and reclaimed the throne at Pride Rock. And now, with his villainous uncle Scar dead and the hyenas outside the Pridelands' borders once more, the son of Mufasa is ready to set things right and dispel the terrible shadow that has been cast upon his homeland over the course of Scar's tyrannical rule. However, as our favorite lion will soon discover the hard way, the task of restoring the Pride Lands to their former glory is far easier said than done. Even with plenty of water having come from the rejuvenating rains that came after Scar's death, there is still little food available in the time that it will take for the plants to regrow. And all the other animals that lived in the Pride Lands that have since managed to successfully leave the Pride Lands entirely without having to worry about Scar sending search parties after them still have a long way to go both physically and mentally before they return. And to make matters worse, Simba's vicious Aunt Zira is enraged at the death of her mate, and is now obsessed with getting revenge on her nephew. And she's even got a small group of followers, and a single biological son of her's and Scar's name Nuka, that are willing to stand with her. And as if things weren't difficult enough, Simba himself is finding great difficulty in getting used to having to deal with the pressures and responsibilities of being a king that he's managed to spend a large portion of his life avoiding during his time with Timon and Pumbaa. And within days, all these problems, plus the stress that naturally comes with them, soon leads to both Simba and the majority of the lionesses loyal to him feeling very worried if whether or not the Pride Lands truly have any hope left of being restored. Can Simba successfully rise to the challenge and get his act together in time to save his home? Or has his return only delayed an inevitable end of all hope that had already been set in motion by Scar? (TBD) The Lost Prince (Lion King Multi-Chapter Story): A full year has passed since Simba finally returned from his self imposed exile and reclaimed his throne as king of the Pridelands with his faithful queen Nala by his side. And now, both the rulers and the subjects have never been happier now that the royal couple has now successfully had their first born child, a delightful young boy named Kopa. And needless to say, Kopa doesn't take long at all to worm his way into the hearts of virtually everyone who lives in the Pride Lands and become the royal family's pride and joy. Even Simba's biological cousin Nuka and supposedly "adopted" cousin Vitani like him alot, with Vitani in particular taking quite a shine to the young prince, a shine that the prince in question quite sweetly reciprocates. But Zira has some words of her own to say about Kopa, and some claws to grind with them. What fate will befall the young prince Kopa? A happy one with Vitani and his family? Or one far darker than the Pride Lands has ever known? (TBD) Rising Hope (Lion King Multi-Chapter Story): It has been several months now since the tragic loss of Kopa, and the resulting exile of Zira and her followers still retaining loyalty to Scar. In spite of the grief that has come from Kopa's tragic disappearance, the Pridelands have tried their best to move on and look forward to the future. And in fact, Zira's vile effort at disrupting the Circle of Life has already been overturned thanks to Simba and Nala now having not only a daughter named Kiara, but also a second son named Kion. And in the months that follow their births and presentations, the two young cubs soon prove to be quite the adventurous duo. And over time, they soon reach the point where they both could provide brand new hope the likes of which the Pridelands now couldn't possibly need any more than they do now. With Kiara, hope comes from a telling encounter with a young outsider cub named Kovu, the second "adopted" cub of the princess's savage great aunt Zira. And with Kion, there comes the restoration of the Lion Guard, an ancient Pridelands defense force long disbanded since the time of Ahadi's rule; just in time to combat an epic return of the pridelands' oldest enemies; the hyenas. And as for Kopa himself, in spite of Zira's best efforts, he is still alive and kicking, waiting for the right time to return home, and willing to give his treacherous great aunt quite a few gray hairs in the process alongside his new friends Asante the hyena, Jino the crocodile, Kivuli the jackal, Mgumu the rhino, and Matunda the gorilla. Get ready Pridelands. The children of Simba have come to make their mark. (TBD) A Roar From the Heart (Lion King Multi-Chapter Story): It's been many months since Kion restored the Lion Guard, and longer still since Kiara's encounter with Kovu. Now, the two known surviving royal heirs, plus their friends, have reached adolescence, and are greatly looking forward to the day that Kiara takes part in her first hunt, one of the biggest rites of passage a lioness can ever go on. However, deep in the shadows of the Outlands, Zira is still up to her vicious plotting to force her nephew from his throne and placing Kovu in his place. And Janja the hyena and his pack are likewise still doing everything they can to rearrange the Circle of Life so that they are on top. But what soon makes the whole situation considerably worse is that, not only are Zira and Janja now in the midst of forming an alliance, but they also soon begin to receive aid from an unscrupulous young lion named Amri, who wields strange magical powers that have not been seen used by any mere mortal, and he has just the spell that could allow the dreams of Zira and Janja to come true in a triumphant fiery blaze within a single night. Naturally, it's up to Kion and his guard to put a stop to this. But at the same time he and his friends among the guard work to save the Pridelands, he must also deal with a very personal matter. For over the many months he's lived so far, he has slowly found himself falling in love with one of his sister's best friends, a beautiful young lioness named Tiifu. But sadly, even though Tiifu and Kion unknowingly reciprocate each other's feelings, they have both felt too nervous to tell each other. And when Amri and the outsiders end up making things especially personal for Tiifu by abducting her twin sister Zuri, the mission takes on a whole new meaning for Kion. And what's worse, Amri himself has his sights set on Tiifu as well. With the fate of the Pridelands and his own happiness lying in the balance, can Kion foil Amri's sinister schemes and win Tiifu's heart, or will both his home and his heart be doomed to go down in flames? (TBD) A Pride United (Lion King Multi-Chapter Story): Months after the battle against Amri, Kiara and Kion are finally adults, and Kiara is ready to undergo her first hunt. However, Kovu has also grown up, and Zira is eager to finally set her big plan into motion against her nephew. And what's worse yet, Janja and his hyenas are still working alongside Zira and have daring plans to even further destabilize the Pridelands while the royal pride is in the midst of the epic battle against the Outsiders soon to come. Meanwhile, after all the months that Kopa has spent outside his home alongside his new friends, the time has finally come for the lost prince to come home. And to make things further complicated for the outsiders' plans, not only is Kion and his guard at the ready to go on a vision quest that will allow them the opportunity to effectively buffer the hyenas from invading the Pridelands, but Kiara holds a valuable key to Kovu's heart, which could yet contain the power and light needed to mend the longstanding rift that has formed between Simba's pride. With Kion more prepared then ever to prove himself and his guard when they are needed most, Kiara and Kovu forming a bond that could save both their prides, and the long lost Kopa finally coming home, will Simba's pride finally be united? (TBD) Kopa's Return (Lion King Multi-Chapter Story): The war against the Outsiders has finally ended, and Simba's pride is united once more. And both the Royal Pride, and the other inhabitants of the Pridelands have never been happier or more relieved. And to make matters sweeter, not only are Kovu and Kiara mated and set to be the next rulers of Pride Rock, but Kion has also married Tiifu and has all the glory and prestige that he and his guard have worked so hard for. But then things become both happier as well as slightly awkward when Kopa, the long thought dead first born child of Simba and Nala, finally arrives back home. As happy as his family, the rest of the Pridelanders, and especially Vitani, are to see him back, and as much as he claims that he's perfectly fine with abdicating his birthright to the throne for the sake of his younger sister, the awkward tension still remains clear as day, and the unannounced presence of his five friends from the Outlands aren't making things any easier. But things are about to get worse from there, because Zira's elder brother Kikatili has gotten wind of his sister's death, and he's all too eager to claw his way to achieving vengeance against the Royal Pride for this. Can the Royal Pride, and in particular, the three royal heirs, successfully put aside their differences long enough to take down this deadly new threat against the Circle of Life? (TBD) Together as One (Lion King Multi-Chapter Story): Several years have passed since Kopa's glorious return. And now, not only are Kovu and Kopa now serving as partners in Kingship alongside Kiara and Vitani and their cubs, but Kion and Tiifu also have cubs of their own that could yet have a promising future ahead of them as leaders of the next Lion Guard alongside the offspring of Kion's fellow guard mates. However, even with all the happiness going on in the Pridelands, there are still many trials to come. Deep in the territory of the Mountain Pride, Damu, the savage king of the Mountain Pride, and father of Zira and Kikatili, is blazing with grief and fury over the death of his eldest son and daughter, and is willing to bathe the entirety of the Pridelands and Outlands alike in the blood of those he views as responsible. And with Simba and Nala having already managed to peacefully escape from him to the grave, he has decided that taking his revenge out on their children will have to do, even if it means cutting down both his two adoptive grandchildren, Tiifu, and all their cubs as well. Never has the Pridelands fate depended more heavily on the combined strength of all three of Simba and Nala's children. But can they possibly hope to take down the evil Damu and save the Circle of Life once and for all? (TBD) A Fallen Dream (Dennis the Menace Oneshot): Ever since very early in their childhood, Margaret Wade has had herself quite convinced that she would marry Dennis Mitchell when they became adults. She's so convinced about this idea, in fact, that she's never once considered the possibility of it not happening. But sometimes, the dream you keep with you in your sleep is a world away from the reality that you find when you wake up. And this lesson is driven home cruelly hard to Margaret when she discovers on the day of Dennis's graduation from high school that she has been soundly beaten in the race to win his heart by his very good friend, and her longtime rival, Gina Gillotti long before the race ever even began. And as the years go by, Margaret's heart only continues to break as she watches their love continue to blossom helplessly from the sidelines. But even with the one dream that she's held onto longer than any other now hopelessly fallen and broken, can she still somehow rise up and find a new path to walk down for the sake of finding an even better future then the one she dreamed? Could such a thing truly be possible? (TBD) Titans Roster (in my Stories) (could yet be subject to change) Core Titans/Founding Members/Titans West Robin Starfire Beast Boy Raven Cyborg Titans East Aqualad Terra Speedy Bumblebee Mas y Menos Titans North Hotspot Argent Wildebeest Jericho Kole Gnark Red Star Titans South Kilowatt Pantha Bushido Thunder Lightning Cheshire Melvin, Timmy Tantrum, Teether, and Bobby Titans Central Kid Flash Jinx Herald Superboy Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark Zachary Zatarra Artemis Titans Nature Jungle Cat Ambush Toxodile Night Howler Rhinestone Grizzly Girl Titans Down Under Blaze Deluge Avalanche Cyclone Thunderbolt Nightshade Euro-Titans Chrono-Twister Astro-Girl Grimm Flora Arch Angel Hell-Raiser Titans Transylvania Bloodfang Moonclaw Revenant Apparition Titans Washington Golem Charm Growth Boy Cactus Uproar Light Show The Outsiders Sparks Ash Rex Mole Frostbite Saber Swamp Boy Sahara Elementra Osiris* (Deceased before end of series) Solor Luna Tortoise Jack Rabbit Phobios Monster Boy Black Hand Kid Devil Salvation Blade Runner Freelancers Kung Fu Kid Ninja Girl Diablo* (Deceased before end of series) Hydra* (Deceased before end of series) Wonder Girl/Donna Troy Static Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes Night Shadow Chi-Girl Kaldur'ahm/Monsoon/Jackson Hyde Tula/Aquagirl Lagoon Boy Tim Drake/Red Robin Stephanie Brown/Batgirl/Spoiler Miss Martian Wanderer Risk Young Justice Roster (in my stories) Founding Members Nightwing/Richard "Dick" Grayson Kaldur'ahm/Aqualad Kid Flash/Wally West Superboy/Connor Kent Tigress/Artemis Crock Miss Martian/M'gann Morzz/Megan Morse Members since Invasion Batgirl/Oracle/Barbara Gordon Impulse/Bart Allen Robin/Tim Drake Wondergirl/Cassie Sandsmark Guardian/Mal Duncan Bumblebee/Karen Beecher Static/Vergil Hawkins Lagoon Boy/La'gaan Beast Boy/Garfield Logan Blue Beetle/Jamie Reyes Brand New Members Cyborg/Victor Stone Starfire/Kori'andr/Kori Anders Raven/Rachel Roth Kid Devil/Eddie Bloomberg Jericho/Joseph Wilson Kole/Colby Weathers Gnark Red Star/Leonid Kovar Pantha Baby Wildebeest Terra/Tara Markov (Traitor/Later Redeemed Heroine) Tempest/Garth (returns to the team) Supergirl/Kara Zor-El Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner Arrowette/Cissie King Jones Spoiler/Stephanie Brown Troia/Donna Troy Hotspot/Isiah Crockett Argent/Antonia 'Toni' Monetti Ravager/Rose Wilson Jesse Quick Lilith Clay Thunder Lightning Black Bat/Cassandra Cain |