It was just a Normal Day in the pridelands for the young prince Kion,who is the leader of the lion was hanging out with Bunga when suddenly he hears Nala runs over to Nala.
''What's wrong,Mom?'' Kion asked Nala
''...nothing's wrong,just a bad dream.'' Nala told Kion,who simply frowned.
''What was it about?'' Kion asked.
''id rather not tell.'' Nala said.
''Mom..please.'' Kion said to Nala.
''...Very was a Nightmare about your older brother.'' Nala told Kion,who froze.
''I-I h-have an older brother?'' Kion stuttered
''Yes...He died at the hands of Zira..'' Nala began crying again.
''Tell me more about him..'' Kion told Nala
''fine…'' Nala nodded.
15 months earlier…
''MOM!DAD!HELP ME!'' Nala and Simba heared a cub scream
''KOPA!?'' Nala yelled,then ran out of the den,only to see zira chasing after Kopa,''ZIRA,WAIT!''.
''GET BACK HERE,BRAT!'' Zira yelled at Kopa
''MOTHER,STOP!'' another cub was heard behind Zira.
''HUSH,VITANI,THIS IS WHAT MUST BE DONE!'' Zira yelled before pouncing on Kopa as Nala and Simba arrive,''Well Simba...This is where this has taken us...your son shall die because of what you did to scar!'' Zira yelled at Simba.
''Zira,if you want to kill someone...go after me,not kopa.'' Simba told Zira.
''oh Simba,we both know Im weak after giving birth to Kovu,so surely I wouldn't go after you...yet.'' Zira quietly said to simba,before throwing Kopa off the cliff
''NOOO!'' Simba and Nala ran to the cliff and looked down to see kopa on the ground,then burst into tears.
''Zira,you are pathetic!Going after Defenseless cubs!'' Simba yelled at Zira in rage.
''Simba,we both knew this would come sooner or later...kill me...i can reunite with Scar and be queen of Hell!'' Zira cackled.
''Im not killing you because that would leave Vitani,Nuka and Kovu without a mother..instead im banishing you for what you have done..'' Simba told Zira while growling.
''Very well…'' Zira said,before taking Vitani,Nuka and Kovu with her to the outlands,followed by any lioness loyal to her.
Simba then walked to nala and started crying.
Kion just stood there speechless..he had a brother and noone told him until now.
''he was so full of Fun and life,he could have been a great king!'' Nala said while just nuzzled her.
''It wasn't your fault,mom..'' Kion whispered to nala.
''But we weren't there in time to save him!'' Nala continued wailing.
''the past is in the past,Mom..focus on the future'' Kion told Nala.
Little do they know that the Prince that 'Died' is not as dead as they think..