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![]() Author has written 71 stories for Naruto, +Anima, Soul Eater, Lord of the Flies, Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird, Young Justice, Sonic the Hedgehog, Giver, and Pokémon. Hiya! 8D (Avatar by Comickpro on DeviantART) "Even the most primitive societies have an innate respect for the insane." Motorcycle Boy - Rumble Fish by S. E. Hinton "Happiness is a warm Puppy." Rerun - Peanuts "I was absent the day they taught graceful." Ralph Macchio - The Karate Kid Part II "OH! DOG-SLAP!" Me :3 Hello! And welcome to the grill of Grace! ;D I’ve been writing forever and needed a place to store and share it all! Reviews are very much appreciated! :3 Now for some basic info. Name: Grace, but you can call me Gray :3 Age: 20 :D Gender: Girl. Female. Dudette. CHICK. :) Country: USA! USA! USA! 8'D Ten Pairings Shuffle Challenge MINE Kk! I’ll do my best! ;D FIC UPDATES I've been kind of flustered lately, so my fic updates will be a bit sporadic. Sadly, college is knocking me down a peg as well, so stories may be limited. HOWEVER, I am trying to continue writing. And what better way than oneshots? Thus, I am going to write just a few chapter/oneshot collection fics to keep me in practice. So be on the lookout for these! Amazing, Lovely Blue: Shikamaru-Sensei: Atypical Ratio: An Amber Hue: My Favorite Shippings, if You’re Interested: Bold couples in long lists are my absolute faves. :) Naruto: NejiTen, NaruHina, ShikaIno, ShikaTema, SasuSaku, KakaRin, ObiRin, ObiAnko, AsuKure, MinaKushi, KibaIno, SaiIno, LeeTen, and others! I just can't list them all! XD DC: RobStar (Dick/Kori), BBRae, CyBee, Damian/Irey (IT'S TOO CUTE, DUDE.), Robin3/Robin4 (Tim/Steph. Haha, cute :3), Batman/Catwoman, Joker/Harley, KF/Jinx, Wally/Linda, Jai/Lian, Jai/Milagro, Colin/Lian, Tim Drake/Stephanie Brown, Cedrian/Nell, Impulse/Cissie, Impluse/Secret, Superboy/Wonder Girl, Lobo/Secret, Lobo/Anita, Robin/Secret...a LOT more. XD InuYasha: InuKag, Miroku/Sango Pokemon: PokeShipping, ContestShipping, BreederShipping, PenguinShipping. SpecialShipping, OldRivalShipping, MangaQuestShipping, Franticshipping...and a few others. XD Anima: HuskyNana (ADORABLE!!!), SenriRose, CooroFranny (LOL it's cute), CooroNana, Little!Cooro/Little!Lyra, Cooro/OC, Pinion/Franny (sounds cute xD) Soul Eater: SoulMaka, Black*StarTsubaki, KidPatty, KidLiz To Kill a Mockingbird: Scout/Dill, Jem/FC, Cecil/Scout, Atticus/Mrs. Finch, Cecil/FC, Walter/FC, and Walter/Scout (I don't like it much, but it looks a lil cute. XD) FullMetal Alchemist: Ed/Winry, Al/Mei, Roy/Riza, Ling/Lang Fan Little House on the Prairie: Almanzo/Laura (They make me laugh XD), Adam/Mary, Charles/Caroline, Albert/Sylvia (I was rooting for them ALL THE WAY THROUGH. LOL I just about bawled my eyes out at the second part! XD), Carl/Laura (they're funny XD), John/Mary (they were so cute :3) Harry Potter: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, (SOMETIMES) Harry/Luna, (OTP HERE) Neville/Luna (so cute!) Sonic: SonAmy, SonSal (YES, I LIKE SALLY. I also like Amy. :D) , Taismo, Knuxonia (Knuckles/Sonia), Manina (Manic/Mina), Silvaze, ShadSal (Dunno why, actually. XD), Shadouge, Knuxouge, Emerl/Cream, AshSal, Antoine/Bunnie (They're truly adorable :)), Antoine/Sally, SonBun (Sonic/Bunnie. LOL dunno why, but they make me laugh XD), and last, but certainly not least, Ray/Cream (So cute! x3). Dude, I like just about ANY Sonic couple as long as it's not yaoi, yuri, or incest. :) The Giver Series: Jonas/Kira, Matt/Jean, Matt/Jo, Christopher/Katrina, Gabe/FC, Gabe/Deirdre, Einar/Claire, Benedykt/Alys The Outsiders: Ok, so I'm NOT a slash fan, but here are some major RC/OC character pairs that are adorable: Ponyboy/Alex ("Not Another Cinderella Story" by cristlay), Johnny/Allison ("Allison Curtis" by rec-writer) (I also feel you should know I have a slight Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb obsession…as well as a very vocal KFC and McNuggets obsession. Just so you know) God bless you all and thank you! :) Other Sites I’m On: DeviantART as Hyperbunnyzz, and Tumblr as Hyperbunnyzz (my main) Lolz, love you guys! READ AND REVIEW!! 8D DO YOU WANT TO FIND THE "COPY AND PASTE" STUFF THAT WAS HERE??? It's on THIS account now! :3 http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/3147629/DWZZtheBackup DWZZtheBackup |