Reminder: This runs concurrently with You Must Believe in Spring.


Bonfire Nights
Chapter Four


*The Check-In*

Friday, March 27th 4:45 PM KST
Konoha, The Five Kages

They'd made it as far as the coat check before his grandfather had been stopped to speak with someone. Konohamaru quietly took both of their outer coats and handed them to the attendant who promised to be right back.

He took the moment alone to tug on the collar of his shirt, and wonder why anyone willingly wore a tie. As soon as the attendant returned with his tickets, he tucked them in the inside pocket of his jacket, and turned to find his grandfather still engaged in conversation.

When he spotted Tenten, he nodded to her, and she motioned for him to step into the coat check area with her. Once they were out of sight of the others, she nodded to the woman who was hanging up the coats (which told him she was at the very least an ASF agent) and waited for her to go back out to the front to look him over.

"Not bad, kid. Kurenai take you shopping?"

"Yeah," he winced as he adjusted his tie. "She said this wasn't the super formal one, and Genma wanted me to be able to be more mobile, so no traditional attire."

"Are you going to pull at that thing all night?"


"Then take it off and unbutton the top button. Go for 'up-and-coming-collegiate' rather than 'my-mom-made-me-wear-a-tie."

"Thanks," he sighed in relief and undid the tie and stuffed into his coat – which he spotted hanging on a nearby rack separate from the other guests.

"Much better," she nodded. "Just needs one last thing."

He stood still while she fastened the pin to his lapel, which he realized would identify him to other members of the security team, and handed him the tiny wireless earbud that would vanish from sight as soon as he fit it snugly into his ear. They did a quick sound check and she made sure his phone was showing up in the ASF and ANBU tracking systems.

"Everything is set," she handed back his phone with a smile. "You alright?"

He shrugged. "I've navigated people with Gramps loads of times. I think I'll be ok. How about you?" he looked her over. "You ok being unarmed?"

"I'm never unarmed," she snorted. "I'm just better at hiding my weapons."

"Now that I believe," he chuckled.

"Now for the details," she checked her watch for the time. "Genma is running the show, but Kakashi's team minus Naruto is here. Sai is mixed in with the serving staff, but we don't want to tap the other two unless there is a bona fide emergency. As far as anyone knows, they are on the guest list and nothing else. I'm here as 'a friend of the family,' so I'm expected to be on the periphery and helping, especially if the girls need me. As a fellow guest you can approach me at any time without worry or consequence."

"Got it, Ms. Sato," he saluted, using the surname she had adopted in civilian life. "What are my marching orders?"

"Glad you asked," Genma's voice appeared in their ears, making Konohamaru startle, and Tenten roll her eyes. "Your job is primarily to stay with your Grandfather since we have plenty of eyes on Hanabi. Your main reason to be here is to establish that you have grounds to know Hanabi outside of KU and have similar social circles so that when you are seen other places it won't seem out of place. Master Sarutobi will take the lead with the cocktail hour. Dinner should be uneventful but the crowd will be more liquid after the meal. We've narrowed the accessible areas to the mezzanine, the 5th floor, and the observation area. Anyone that exits those areas has to check back in at a host stand to reenter. Once he decides to retire to the cigar room, you can move on your own. Any questions?"

"Not yet," Konohamaru shrugged.

"Good. Tenten, take the Sarutobis up to the mezzanine. Master Sarutobi is about three paces from where you last saw him, and could use an assist to escape boring conversation."

"Roger," Tenten grinned. Genma signed off, and they slipped back through the sea of oncoming guests to find Master Sarutobi. Once they extricated him from his conversation and into the elevator, he sighed in relief. "Thank you," he rubbed his forehead. "I was beginning to think I'd be spending the party three meters from the coat check."

"We would have brought you a plate," Konohamaru nudged him with his elbow, as they stepped out from the elevator onto the wide landing of the mezzanine. Tenten led them to a corner where they could either stand or sit in the comfortable chairs, and motioned to one of the circulating attendants who brought them water and promised to return with hors d'oeuvres "I think that's it for me," she smiled. "Genma will check in with the two of you shortly. I'm going to go check on the girls."

"Thank you, Tenten," Master Sarutobi smiled. "Excellent work as always."

"Thank you, sir," she bowed, and slipped into the crowd.

Konohamaru waited until she was out of earshot to ask "You need something stronger than water?"


*The Hour Before*

5:00 PM KST

The Five Kages was not only a restaurant, it had many amenities for its guests. A popular venue for parties and weddings, Hanabi was currently seated in a suite on the 5th floor where she'd been since earlier that day. She and Hinata had spent the morning together, and had followed Ino's advice and gone to an out-of-the way spa where no one had thought to look for them.

"Today was nice," Hanabi sighed happily, wiggling her painted toes. "I almost hate to ruin it by going to the party."

"I understand," Hinata laughed lightly. "But I think you will enjoy it. It is an important day, after all."

"I guess," Hanabi shrugged one shoulder. "At least I'm not coming straight from a week of ceremonial spars."

"True. Which is why that party is at the end of the week – and not all in one day."

"In case I fail?"

"To give everyone else time to recover."

"You think so, huh?" Hanabi leaned into her sister to nudge her.

"I know so," Hinata nudged back. "I am quite happy to exercise my right as Clan Mother to recuse myself from the spars."

"I dunno," Hanabi eyed her slyly. "I think it would be interesting to go full out – now that we are older."

"True," Hinata's smile twitched. "But only if I am your only opponent that day. It would hardly be a good fight if I had to face you at anything other than full strength."

"True. And after two years of trying to figure out how to bypass Neji when I am exhausted, I really don't want to go through that level of thought for an opponent that isn't trying to kill me."

Hinata raised her eyebrows. "And have you found a way to face Neji?"

"I think I'm on to something," she said vaguely. "Any chance we can evade certain guests?"

"I'll let you in on a little secret," Hinata whispered, and Hanabi leaned in. "The trick is not to evade certain guests. It is to greet them on your terms, and then redirect them politely so that they think it was all their idea."

Hanabi's eyes grew wide. "Are you telling me," she asked, her voice barely a breath, "That all this time I thought you were super polite, and you were Devious. The. Whole. Time?!"

Hinata nodded gravely.

Hanabi shook her head. "Just when you think you know someone."

The girls held their gazes for about a second longer before erupting into giggles.

"Come on," Hinata stood, holding her hand out to Hanabi. "We should finish getting ready."

"Only if you tell me more secret ways to get rid of people."

Hinata smiled.


*The Reminder*

5:20 PM KST

Sasuke didn't particularly care for social obligations, but that hardly meant he didn't know how to navigate them. He'd shown up twenty minutes after the cocktail party started to make sure others saw him arriving. He was dressed in an expensive suit, and was spotted checking his coat as well as a gift for the heir to he Hyūga dynasty before making his way to the mezzanine to greet Master Sarutobi and several other prominent figures in Konoha's society.

Everyone who was anyone was there, but there was an unspoken rule with people like Sasuke and the Hyūga. Don't approach unless approached. Therefore, Sasuke pretended to ignore the mothers that might want to introduce him to a daughter, and even took time to greet Ino, knowing someone other than the official photographer had snapped a photo of them both.

"A few attempts at pictures," Ino murmured as they sipped on their respective beverages. "But the Hyūga have a tight lid on whatever press can enter. There might be a Ninstagram or Chirp photo or two, but no one publishes anything without Hiashi's say-so."

"That's alright," Sasuke gave a hint of a shrug. "They only see what we let them."

She hummed her agreement as she sipped her beverage. She slid him a glance before offering, "I heard Naruto's flight landed safely. Everyone is settled in Suna."

"The dobe let me know," Sasuke studied her. "But… It is nice to hear."

"Quarter turn toward me," she murmured, and he complied.

"Amateur photographer?"

She nodded.

A hint of a smile played across his lips.

"Did you just help me?"

"Nothing of the sort," she scoffed. "I'd just prefer if they catch my good side."

"And here I remember you saying you don't have a bad one. At least when it comes to pictures."

"Don't press your luck, Uchiha. I meant what I said in the locker room."

"I never doubted that for a second."


He studied her for a moment before stepping toward her as if to let someone pass by.

"Another photographer," he said before sipping his drink. "I'd hate to see anyone catch your bad side."

Ino took the olive branch with a "Good call," before smiling at someone behind him who had obviously beckoned her. "See you around, Sasuke."

"Ino," he lifted his glass as she moved on to socialize, leaving him to navigate the crowd as he saw fit.

*The Trouble With Guests*

5:25 PM KST

Neji calmly observed the throng of guests as they moved about the wide mezzanine, their voices a hum that echoed over the balcony and drifted into the main atrium below. Had the restaurant not been closed for their use only, Neji might have had concerns about disturbing other patrons, but the Hyūgas had the entire venue to themselves.

As to the crowd, It wasn't surprising, really to see so many people of note gathered to honor his cousin and his clan. It would be nothing compared to the formal installation of Hanabi as heir – that event would be truly massive. Still, her seijin-shiki was not to be overlooked. Because Hanabi was now of age in the clan, she was automatically included more in family matters – particularly ones pertaining to the business. Even if she wasn't the heir apparent, her voice would carry more weight as Hiashi's daughter, and the business world would listen. Many of the people attending that evening were business associates more than anything else. Most of them would return for the formal ceremony in June, eager to find themselves at the same event as foreign diplomats, national leaders, and other prestigious persons.

Because of those expectations, Neji knew that Uchiha would be invited to the event – he just assumed he would send his regrets as usual. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't still irritated from the stunt he'd pulled earlier in the week, but Genma had reminded him that there was a known threat to dōjutsu users, and his cousins were targets.

"If we have him at the birthday party, it will make more sense if he is at the big to-do in the summer," Genma had shrugged. "With that many people there, we will need someone like him, and it affords the girls some extra security."

Neji wasn't totally convinced that was the whole of the matter – especially since his Uncle had been making remarks about Uchihas in general lately – but he could not deny that Sasuke would be a deterrent to all but the most stupid of criminals.

To that end, Neji was just about to discretely activated his Byakugan and to do a quick security sweep when Sai's voice appeared in his ear.

"I've identified a member of the staff that might be a person of interest. He is trying to be one of the ones to bring refreshments to the family-only area. How would you like me to proceed?"

"Keep an eye on him for now, Sai," Kakashi's voice chimed in. "Tenten?"

"If he makes it to my sector, I will intercept. Send me a picture, Sai."

*The First Hint of Trouble*

5:32 PM KST

Kakashi had excused himself from another conversation, and was ostensibly talking to Master Sarutobi, even though he was actually speaking to the security team in his ear piece.

Genma had joined them, and he was the one to check his phone for the updates from headquarters.

"I was afraid of that," he sighed. "It's a match."

Kakashi arched an eyebrow. "Recognize him?"

"Remember that mission in Iwa six months ago – the assassination investigation? You and Sai were on surveillance while Tenten and I were undercover in that crappy bar."

"Is that where we saw him?"

"It's the only place we saw him," Genma affirmed. "He didn't appear to be a member of the core group planning the assassination. He was hired in. He got out before we rounded up everyone else."

Konohamaru frowned. "So what's he doing here?"

"That I couldn't tell you," Genma said frankly. "I can't even tell you for sure what his role was in Iwa, but I can tell you that you might want to have a medic on standby. You remember the brawl that you and Sai helped us break up that led to the gang's capture?"

"Clearly," Kakashi said dryly. "I also clearly remember that you were never particularly forthcoming on how the brawl started."

"Well…about that…This guy started it."

"Him?" Kakashi asked, eyebrows raised. "Why?"

"Well…" Genma rubbed the back of his head. "He didn't exactly start it, but he is why it started."

"This oughtta be good," Konohamaru snorted, but Kakashi just raised his eyebrows and waited for him to continue.

"He may or may not have done something that led to someone else retaliating, and another someone else trying to redirect the retaliation, and then the fight broke out."

"Quite the conjecture," Kakashi narrowed his eyes. "So, which someone was you, and which someone was Tenten?"

Genma grimaced. "Both."


"The guy stalked Tenten all night," Genma sighed. "She was the only girl in there not behind the bar. We were at the bar getting drinks when he started hanging all over her. She kept her cover right until he left… unfortunately right before he walked away he sort of… grabbed her ass."


"She may or may not have rounded on him, and I may or may not have tried to stop her, and that may or may not have caused her to slam into someone else, who thought it was the guy behind him, which may or may not have started the fight."

"And you may or may not have decided to share this with me before now because…?"

Genma offered with a shrug and Kakashi sighed, "What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing that you need to know in the next few hours… or possibly years."

"Kakashi," Sai's voice interrupted, "It appears we might have a complication. It seems that Elder Hyūga will intercept our friend first."

"I'm on my way," Neji chimed in, but a sigh slid over the line.

"I'm closest," Tenten muttered. "I'll make sure the Elder is alright. The other guy though? No promises."

Genma and Kakashi exchanged glances.

Genma cleared his throat. "About that medic…?"

Elder Hyūga
*The Opportunity to be Miserable*

5:33 PM KST

It is a well-known fact: some people are at their genetic level, miserable. Their base nature in life is irascible, irritated, and irrationally pessimistic. Their misery loves company solely in the sense that they feel all others should be at any given time just as miserable as they are.

Elder Hyūga was a miserable person.

He was a mean, miserable, irritable, petulant, stubborn, Old Man.

He wasn't a bad person, necessarily; he did have the clan's best interests in his scrawny little heart. He was even a knowledgeable person, but the wisdom of his years had a snide, twisted bend to them that hadn't been earned by a life of hardship or betrayal, but just by observing life through his own warped kaleidoscopic view of the world. It could even be argued that Elder Hyūga didn't consciously try to make others miserable and that it was simply his natural state of being, and therefore out of his control.

There was however, a glaring exception to this rule.

He absolutely delighted in hating that kunoichi on Neji's team. She was a thorn in his side, and he made it a point to be one in hers. It wasn't bad enough that she was a nobody with no clan; she was neither the least bit ashamed of her lack of pedigree nor respectful of Neji's impressive one. She delighted in defying convention -and therefore him- at every turn. Oddly enough, he had no ire to spend on Lee; Lee was harmless enough, and a dedicated shinobi. But that girl on his grandson's team was insolent in the extreme. She was willful and stubborn, and petulant, and was obviously the kind of cunning kunoichi that distracted others away from their family dealings.

When he had activated his Byakugan to check that everything was moving smoothly, he saw her sitting at the small, unattended bar just outside of the restricted area, and playing on her phone when she should have been tending to Hinata and Hanabi.

It was with a mix of spite and smug satisfaction that he noted Neji was also headed to the restricted areas, and he thus excused himself from his conversation, determined to catch her in a flagrant flouting of duty, and perhaps ridding himself of her for once and for all. With a wicked smile, he altered his trajectory to make sure he intercepted with Neji and her simultaneously.

Misery loves company, and he was absolutely going to make sure he had a witness to what he had planned.

*The Uninvited Guest*

5:35 PM KST

Sumashi looked around as the elevator door closed behind him. He'd come on board with the Five Kages about four months ago with glowing references and a fabricated identity, ensuring he would be selected to work this event. His objective was fairly simple, but it was a high risk situation if he got caught. That was why he'd secured half of his pay up front, and it was now waiting for him elsewhere. The rest would be deposited once he finished up tonight. He smiled at the thought of how he intended to spend that money, and the smile sharpened when he noticed the woman outside of the restricted area.

She was sitting at the small bar, flicking idly through her phone. He allowed himself a thorough look from the floor up, taking in the view of the long, shapely legs, the curve of the waist, the swell of the breast, the bored hint of a smile, and the glitter of gold in the chestnut coils of her hair.

With an impatient huff she put her phone face down on the bar, pouting prettily as she leaned over the counter to see if anyone was there.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," he offered, coming forward with a heavily laden tray of pitchers full of ice, "but the ice maker up here was down, so I had to go get some more."

"Oh!" her eyes widened as she noticed him. "Do you need help?"

"I've got it," he smiled, going for affable.

"Those look heavy!"

"Awkward more than anything," he expertly swiveled the tray onto the bar before opening up the small door that let him step into the serving area behind it.

Once there, he brought the pitchers through to the bar and placed them in the ice chest of the ostensibly non-working ice maker. He watched her out of the corner of his eye with a subtle smirk.

He didn't know who she was, but if she was on this floor, she was connected to the family in some way. If he had to bet, she was one of the girls that management said would be coming in to personally cater to the Hyūga sisters. That meant she was both related to and not part of his mission, and therefore useful but expendable.

That was his favorite kind of woman.

"Now then," he turned and smiled at her. "What can I get you?"

5:41 PM KST

Neji could not have just rushed out from the cocktail hour without looking suspicious. When he had managed to extricate himself, he took the precaution of proceeding at an unsuspicious pace, checking in with the Five Kage staff as he entered the lounge area of the fifth floor. It would be open to others later, but for now, only one guest was at the small bar, and (so far) there was no indication that she had attempted to forcibly subdue the suspect.

In fact, she was sitting swiveled in her chair, poking at a drink with a cocktail straw.

She pretended not to see him, even as she lowered one hand out of the bartender's view and made a few, quick signals. The man said something, and she smiled, placing her drink back on the bar. It wasn't until he was closer that Tenten acknowledged him.

"Lord Neji!" she gasped, her eyes round, and her expression surprised. "I.. I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Sato-san," he nodded. "Shouldn't you be with Lady Hinata and Lady Hanabi?"

"Lady Hinata asked me to give them a moment," she shrugged, managing to look both guilty and helpless at the same time.

"It's my fault," the bartender offered. "I offered her a spritzer in addition to the glass of water she asked for."

"Then I'd switch to that glass of water, if I were you," Neji noted dryly before turning to the bartender. "And I'll take a scotch on the rocks."

"Right away, sir," the bartender nodded, and readied their drinks. While his back was turned, Tenten quietly grabbed a second cocktail napkin and placed it in her lap. Meeting is eyes, she drummed her fingers on the table and he nodded.

When the bartender handed her the water, she took it with the appropriate amount of chagrin, while Neji took his drinks with just the right note of arrogance.

"So," Tenten cleared her throat. "What do you think of –"

"So there you are!"

Neji and Tenten turned to see Elder Hyūga eyeing Tenten with a smug sneer.

"Shirking your duties, are you?"

There was a flicker of fire in her eyes that Neji hoped the bartender missed as Tenten swallowed her immediate retort for the sake of their current ruse.

"No, Elder," she said as evenly as she could. "Lady Hinata asked for a moment with her sister."

"That's no excuse for you to have exited the restricted area," Elder Hyūga crossed his arms. "Is that not right, Neji?"

"I was addressing it, Grandfather," he said calmly, flicking his eyes from his grandfather to the bartender.

He knew that Elder Hyūga would happily harangue his teammate, but he had issue with doing such things in front of "the help."

"Well then," he narrowed his eyes at her. "See that you do. A glass of water, please," he directed to the bartender. "With ice."

"Grandfather, we should-"

"Nevermind," he took the untouched glass on the bar. "I see you already ordered me one, Neji. Must've seen me coming, I take it?"

Before Neji could reply, the old man drank half of the glass, and paused to consume an icecube he'd gulped by drinking so quickly. After that, he finished the glass and intentionally ate one of the pieces of ice.

"Much better," he said with satisfaction. "Most refreshing."

He put the glass back down on the bar, but his hand was slightly unsteady.

"Perhaps a seat, Grandfather," Neji offered, noticing the armchair not far from the bar.

"Yes… yes perhaps that is wise," the old man agreed, a confused look on his face. "I think I am more tired today than I thought. Perhaps.. perhaps a nice cup of tea."

Neji looked to the bartender with raised eyebrows.

"I don't have any right here," the bartender grimaced. "I'll just go to the kitchen and get some."

"I'll go with you," Tenten offered. "I might need to grab his doctor while I do."

"Probably better if you stay here," the bartender said a little too quickly. "Just in case."

"Just in case what, Sumashi?" Tenten blinked at him. "In case you drug him again?"

Sumashi's eyes widened, and he froze in place.

"No way out from there," Tenten continued. "Why don't you join us out here, and we'll chat."

Cornered, Sumashi jumped over the half door that separated the bar area from the lounge, and raced toward the stairwell.

In less than five seconds, he was flat on the ground.

Tenten wandered over to the prone figure of and nudged him with the toe of her high-heeled shoe as her lips quirked into a smile.


She gingerly plucked three gold senbon out of the crook of the man's neck with a cocktail napkin, careful to avoid the no-doubt poisoned ends.

"You're going to want to get him a glass of water," she flicked her eyes to his grandfather. "No ice."

Neji hurried behind the bar, notifying Genma as he did so.

"Someone is on the way to grab him," he said as he brought a fresh bottle of water to his Grandfather, who was beginning to look dazed. "Why did he spike your water and not your drink?"

"He probably spiked all the drinks," she sighed, taking her original cup from the small table next to Neji's grandfather. She carefully took out an ice cube and let it drip onto her polished nails. The pale pink turned black on contact, indicating the presence of drugs. "It's something with the ice."

"Clever," Neji mused, "but how would that have been effective when the other guests arrived?"

"He prepped three pitchers of ice and put them in the chest of the ice maker – which wasn't broken. He would have given normal ice to everyone else."

"Were you a target?"

"Probably a potential diversion," she shrugged. "You, and the girls were probably targets, though."

Neji barely had time to digest that before the elevator pinged and Genma, Sai stepped out, followed by several of Ibiki's chunin.

Akamaru came bounding from the door to the restricted area, followed by Kiba.

"Wow," he grinned at Tenten. "Look at you all dressed up and taking out bad guys!"

"All in a day's work," she grinned.

"It appears you didn't need backup," Sai noted.

"Told you I had it handled," she shrugged.

They all started at the dull thud of Elder Hyūga sliding out of his chair to fall on the floor. The chunin medic hurried over to help Neji while Sai turned to Tenten.

"Did you handle him, too?"

Kiba sat on his haunches and sniffed at him and then at his glass. "I think something he drank didn't agree with him."

He sniffed the air again and then looked at Tenten in puzzlement. He blinked and his grin became wicked. "Do you seriously have poisoned weaponry as a hair accessory?"

"Doesn't everybody?"

"Man, I knew I liked you," he stood with a laugh before turning to Neji.

"You alright, Hyūga?"

"Fine," he replied, "Which is more than I can say for my Grandfather."

"Don't suppose we could leave him like that," Tenten muttered crossing her arms.

Kiba offered "Want Akamaru to wake him up?"

Tenten looked up at Neji hopefully.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "No."



They all looked down at Neji's grandfather who was sitting with the help of the medic and rubbing his head.

"What happened?" he asked groggily.

"We identified an intruder," Neji said in clipped tones. "Ibiki's men have come to take him away."

"Oh," he nodded. "Good. That's good." He looked up at them all, and his eyes fixed on Tenten. To her shock, and possibly horror, a smile suddenly split his normally sullen features. "Well don't you look lovely?"

"Who?" Tenten asked incredulously. "Me?"

"Of course, you, my dear, you look absolutely stunning! Doesn't she, Neji?"

"She sure does," Kiba interjected impishly. "Right, Neji?"

Neji turned to his Grandfather, dumbfounded by the expectant look on his face. Speechless, he and Tenten flicked glances at each other and then back to his Grandfather.

"What's the matter boy, cat got your tongue?" he laughed heartily. "Oh!" his face lit up. "A doggie!"

"A what?" Neji stared at his grandfather, who was now reaching out to Akamaru.

"You're my favorite of Hinata's teammates," the old man said, happily scratching the dog's ears.

"Uh, thanks?" Kiba ventured.

"I think he's talking to Akamaru," Genma offered.

"Oh my god, he's dying," Tenten breathed. She looked up at Neji. "We broke your Grandfather."

"We'd better have Lady Tsunade take a look at him," Genma sighed. "Kotetsu. Izumo. Get the party crasher out of here. Kiba - we can take Elder Hyūga back to the restricted area."

"I want the pretty girl to come, too!" The Grandfather said happily.

"Sorry!" Tenten stepped back. "I have to get back to help Hinata and Hanabi get ready for the party."

"There's a party?!" The Elder asked with excitement. "I love parties!

Neji stared at his Grandfather. "She's right," he muttered. "You're dying."

"You can't stay?" Elder Hyūga asked, mournfully.

"No, sorry," she shrugged. "Don't worry. Neji is here."

The Hyūga Elder frowned. "Why don't you leave," he narrowed his eyes at Neji. "Then she can stay."

"She can't stay," Neji said, to Tenten's visible relief.

"Fine, fine," the Elder interrupted, "but the dog stays. Neji, come pet the doggie!"

"Looks like I'm staying, too," Kiba smirked.

"Now can you leave?" Elder Hyūga asked Neji. "Then she could stay!"

"Good news," Genma interrupted, hand to ear. "Lady Tsunade is on her way."

"Oh thank god," Tenten breathed.

"Well, there's not so good news," Genma added.

Tenten glared at him.

"Someone has to stay with Elder Hyūga that can access the restricted areas."

"Fine. I vote Neji."

"I second," Kiba chimed in.

"I object!" Elder Hyūga cried out standing up quickly before falling back down onto his bottom.

"So do I," Neji muttered.

"Tenten," Genma warned.

"His Grandfather, his problem."

"You have to stay, Tenten," Kakashi's voice echoed apologetically in all of their earpieces. "Just until Lady Tsunade gets there. Ibiki is coming for Sumashi, and Genma and the team have to make sure he was acting alone. Neji is going to be needed out here."

"You can't be serious."

"Who is she talking to?" Elder Hyūga whispered loudly to Neji.

"Ghosts," Kiba deadpanned.

"It won't be long, Tenten," he assured her. "Kiba - I will need you and Akamaru, but I have Pakkun helping right now. Stay until Tsunade comes."

"Alright," Tenten sighed, "but so help me, if -!" She froze mid-threat, and slowly looked over her shoulder to find Elder Hyūga tugging on her sleeve.

"Are you talking to ghosts?" he whispered. "Don't worry," he assured her activating his Byakugan and taking a hold of her wrist. "I'll keep an eye out for them. Neji, you watch out, too."

Tenten's eyes widened in horror as the old man went back to the couch and plopped down, yanking her after him. She perched on the very end of the sofa and looked at Neji helplessly. Kiba nodded to Akamaru who went to sit at the old man's feet, and looked over at them all expectantly.

"Looks like they're waiting in the lounge for now," Genma swallowed a smile. "I'll as Ko and one of the others to come out and help." When the elder began to pat Tenten's hand murmuring 'No ghosts so far,' he added, "I'll hurry."

I confess I liked the original YMBiS scene with Elder Hyūga so much, that I had to include it here, self indulgent as it may be. Coming soon: the YMBiS universe drabble series, for all of those scenes that happen, but slow down the reader. Thank you for reading!