Author has written 46 stories for Naruto. STATUS: hungry A little about myself: I'm a chick who totally loves anime. I love to write (especially fanfictions : D), and do a bit of drawing, most of the time I'm on Neopets (with the username of hamstergirl004 if you were wondering.) or I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter of Naruto to be released or counting down the days till the KG comes out. Gender: CHICK Age: None of your buisness Loves: Obito-kun, Yondy, chicken ramen, Naruto, One Piece, pirates, ninjas, hamsters, dogs, RIB-A-QUE! Numa Numa, My World by SR-71, strawberry milkshake poptarts, angsty-ness, and Linkin Park music. Miyazaki movies! Dislikes: Spiders, most school lunches, squirrels (on certain occasions) ocilating fans (one tried to kill me last year) Make sure to check out my sister's account: The Kunai Monster, and read some of her sweet poems. Favorite quotes: "In the ninja world, those who don't follow the rules are called 'trash' but those who do not care for their comrades are even worse trash." -Obito Uchiha "Sai's abs have you on speed dial," -Ellen (my sister) "What will the abs say when they call you? They'll be all like "uhn uhn uhn!"" "What's up with Hamtaro, and the hamsters like falling in love?" -Ellen "Hamsters can love too!" -me in response "WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIVING IF YOU CAN'T BE BEAUTIFUL!?!?" -Howl (from Howl's Moving Castle) "Oh, for the love of...!" "FUGAKU!" -Halle, then Ellen. Fave Pairings(yeah there's a lot): HinaNaru SasuSaku ObitoAnko ObitoRin SakuLee InoSai SaiSaku TemaShika InoShika TentenLee most disturbing pairing: SakuOro -twitch- that's just creepy |