Here we go again. -laughs malicously-

Please read and review do to my disease as I formerly mentioned. Also because you never know when Sai's abs are in a bad mood and just need to beat on someone. They could ring YOUR doorbell.

Note: I don't own Naruto, if I did Obito would never have died


The Lesser Uchiha

Sasuke walked slowly. His feet hurt like heck and he was exhausted. A sheen of sweat covered his skin and drenching the undershirt he was wearing and there was a small smile on his face. The last four hours had been the best in recent days due to the fact Sai was not there. A cool night breeze sifted the air in the darkening nightime.

As he began to distantly get near to the Uchiha district Sasuke could hear the faint pounding of music. Sasuke's eye twitched. I have this feeling in my abs….NO! My gut, not abs, that this won't be a good thing. The nearer he got the louder and closer the music became. As Sasuke passed the Hyuga residence, Hiashi and Hanabi were standing outside, and Hiashi was complaining angrily about the music which was loud now.

"You, Uchiha-sama!" yelled the old Hyuga at Sasuke as he walked past. Sasuke stopped and turned around. "What the hell's going on down at your house?" he demanded. Sasuke blinked.

"My house?" he repeated.

"Do I hear an echo? Yes!"

Sasuke wavered a minute before running off down the street. Sure enough as his house came into view, it was the source of the pounding music. Lights gleamed from every window illuminating the house like a beacon. Angrily the older Uchiha stalked up the steps and into his house. The instant he entered the sound waves practically threw him to the ground. There were people everywhere, dancing and eating, talking and drinking. Where is that jerk, Sai! Sasuke pushed his way through the mass of people.

Here he saw Chouji taking up the entire space of the couch, eating potato chips. Then he saw Naruto in the distance dancing like psycho. Suddenly someone caught his arm. Sasuke turned, eyes burning with rage.

It was only Hinata. She looked scared. Quietly he allowed himself to be pulled back out of the house. There he could actually hear himself think. Hinata poked her fingers together.

"D…don't you think the m…music's a little loud?" she asked softly. "B…because, m…my father, he won't l…like it," she practically whispered. An idea hit Sasuke like a ton of bricks.

"I'll fix that," he said laughing maliciously. He walked off around the side of the house.

Sai was dancing in the middle of the living room, Ino on one side, Sakura on the other.

"ARE YOU SURE SASUKE WON'T MIND THIS?" yelled Ino over the pounding music.

"WHAT?" yelled back Sakura.

"ARE YOU SURE SASUKE WON'T MIND THIS?" demanded the blond elbowing Sai. The Ab Master raised a hand to his ear.

"WHAT?" he yelled.

"OH NEVERMIND!" shouted back Ino. At that instant, all the lights went out and the stereo as well. Ino screamed then suddenly there was a flashlight at the door.

"Everybody out!" yelled Sasuke from the door. The herd began to move for the door.

"No everybody stay!" yelled Sasuke up by the speakers also bearing a flashlight. The herd looked from one Sasuke to the other Sasuke.

"Which one is the real Uchiha?" asked Lee looking back and forth. Even Sakura was confused.

"Bring them up here!" she called and without a say the two Sasukes were dragged to the center of the floor. Sakura looked from one to the other. Both were sweaty, both looked angsty…

"Hmmm…" murmured Sakura. They had both crossed their arms and were looking annoyed.

"How are we going to tell them apart?" asked Tenten from the back of the mob.

"If one is the real Sasuke, who is the other one?" called Naruto. There was murmuring at that.

"What a drag. You really don't see who the faker is, how lame…" said Shikamaru.

"Well if you know, why don't you tell us, genius," said Kiba.

"It's Sai," replied Shikamaru. The crowd looked around but there was no Sai to deny it.

"Ok," said Sakura. "To discover the real Sasuke I want you each to draw a picture of…me," she said.

"We need paper," said one of the Sasukes.

"I've got paper!" called Lee to Sakura. He brought the notepad forward. He tore out one sheet for Sasuke #1 and another sheet for Sasuke #2. Sasuke #2 looked oddly at his paper.

"'Gai-sensei's ways for impressing Sakura-chan…'" he read. Lee, blushing, snatched the paper away from Sasuke #2 and handed him another.

"Pens?" asked Sasuke #1. Someone threw pens into the middle. As they shone flashlights down at the two, they started to draw.

Sasuke #1 seemed to be having lots of trouble. He put the pen on the paper and drew a jagged line. Wincing he tried again, but nothing he seemed to do was right. The other Sasuke was attempting to capture Sakura in his paper. But what he got was a sorta messed up looking stick person with a big smile.

Ino shook her head. "They're both pitiful," she said to Sakura. "What kind of stupid way to tell which is the real Sasuke is that?"

"The real Sasuke," whispered Sakura. "can't draw to save his life."

"Who told you that?" asked Ino incredulously.


Sakura confiscated the pictures from the two and she and Ino inspected them.

"Sasuke #1's doesn't even look like anything," said Ino. Sakura nodded.

"It's him, #1 is the real Sasuke," she announced. Sasuke #1 with a fake sort of smile got up and led his crowd of followers out into the night. In their wake they left paper cups all over the floor and mess everywhere. Slowly the real Sasuke got up, with a depressed sort of sigh. He unplugged the stereo went back outside and turned the power on and then he proceeded to pick up his trashed house.

Sai is such a loser.

Sasuke wondered if there was some other place he could live or some terrible way he could get rid of Sai and his abs.

"I'll get you Sai! And your little abs too!" laughed Sasuke maliciously into the empty night.

Probably not. Who's the lesser Uchiha now? The one who can fake anything or the one cleaning up the house, who has the Sharingan?

Sasuke knew the answer because he was the one cleaning up the house.


Doom doom doom! Is this the ending? I'm not quite sure at the moment.

Please review and tell me what you think. Is this the end?

-Hammy Uchiha