![]() Author has written 63 stories for Naruto, Vampire Knight, D.Gray-Man, Fullmetal Alchemist, Prince of Tennis, Death Note, Vampire Academy, and Glee. Athazagoraphobia-- Fear of Being Forgotten iUpdate: So my muse doesn't like me. And I am not at all impressed by Naruto anymore. Therefore, all of my stories are on indefinite hiatus. My bad, guys. If you want to yell at someone, go yell at Kishimoto. iWas: HPBabe91. Stupid penname, I know, but it was back when I was WAY obsessed with Harry Potter and everything associated to him. iAm: Missa. Duh? Eighteen. Sarcastic. Friendly. A New York Mets fangirl. Sports lover in general. Tomboy-ish. Cynical. An insomniac. A text-a-holic. A born and raised Jersey girl. Clearly female, thanks. Woefully short. iHave: Currently six piercings and two tattoos, with more to come, because I must be a sucker for pain. Some really awesome friends. A dirty mouth and an even dirtier mind. And a crapload of books that kind of pile up everywhere. iFriend: Annie is the only one to call me by stupid nicknames and get away with it. If the rest of you do it I'll shank you via internet. No, seriously. iLike: the rain. Falling asleep to it. Being lazy. Summer. Looking up at the stars. Canon!OTP's. Books. Chocolate. Food in general, actually. Pictures. Grey's Anatomy. Weekends. Sunsets, especially set over water. Summer vacation. Shirts with cool sayings. Pretty boys. S'mores. Crime novels. Horror movies. Romantic comedies. Lying in bed. iHate: thunder. Homework. Waking up early. Writers block. The Philadelphia Phillies and their players. Having to pack/unpack. The majority of classic books. Tests. DBQ's. Fire drills in winter. Winter in general. My stepmother. Teachers who assign homework thirty seconds before the bell rings. Summer homework. Research papers. iLove: The New York Mets (most of the time). David Wright. Mike Piazza. My friends. My family. iTaken: Christine is my official LJ wife. Julia is my unofficial LJ wife. Becca is my FFN wife. Kiki is my goingtobe!real life wife. Rissa is my AIM wife. Kiera is my girlfriend. They're just stand-in's, however, for when David Wright proposes to me in RL. It's gonna happen, guys, just you wait. iFriends: iLinks: |