Author has written 38 stories for Anime X-overs, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Card Captor Sakura, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Vampire Knight, Misc. Anime/Manga, Naruto, Bleach, Final Fantasy VII, Gundam Wing/AC, Legend of Zelda, Ergo Proxy, Millenium Snow/千年の雪, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Expelled from Paradise/楽園追放, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Code Geass. Wow, the last time I edited my profile was November 2011 . . . That was a long time ago. So, after spending nearly five years almost solely in the Spuffy fandom, I have finally returned to my first love. I've started writing anime fics again, and . . . almost anime fics? Ummm . . . Avatar the Last Air Bender is kind of anime, right? That's what we all told ourselves when it was airing at any rate, and the artists are all Korean (judging by their names). As usual, I'm late to the fandom party, but I don't care. I have several Zutara fic in progress, and my brother and I have two sort of crack-fic! ideas we might work on this summer. (And, wow, I haven't written humor since way back in my first few fanfics.) I've alos got a Code Geass fic finished, which I'll start posting soon, and I'm continuing to work on my Expelled From Paradise oneshot series. Anyway, if and when I finish those I might actually go back and finish some of my old in progress stuff for Yu Yu Hakusho, Card Captor Sakura, and maybe even Naruto. We'll see. I think OCs may be even less in vogue now than they were back then, so maybe not. Anyway, I'm sorry to all the people who actually try to follow me that I skip around from fandom to fandom so much. I really don't mean to, it's just that once I get a fic or two out I've fixed everything I wanted to fix in canon and I get bored. Thanks for anyone who's stuck with me all these years! |
Aitwo (1) Alena S. Anigor (57) Anjiru (3) Firebird-X (6) iris dreamer (6) Jaded Kismet (8) Kasumi Rose (28) | Lavender Valentine (15) LuvinAniManga (18) Lynni Kaiba (9) MoshiMoshiQueen (86) MysticBluAngel (30) Ongaku Neko (20) Patchcat (18) | Philyra (38) SEP (0) Setine (0) Sherkoni (9) silent wanderer (6) Silver Excel Fox (7) Yami no Aeris (0) |