Author has written 22 stories for Card Captor Sakura. Okay, I would like to take this time to apologize for lack of updates. Believe me, I have been reading your PM's, your reviews, etc. And I've been taking notice of anyone who have favourite me or my stories. But, you know what? I don't think I can update a lot of these stories anymore. Because what happens almost every time is that I'll get story block on one fic, and I'll leave it to hang rather than figure out what's wrong with the story (because usually when you have writer's block, there's something wrong with the story, and you need to review it until you figure out what's wrong). So a lot of stories are going to be on hiatus until I can figure out what I'm unhappy about. Here's the list: A Second Chance to Choose Fate's Journey My Mobile Romance One Wish The Gateau Affairs I strongly believe that Fate's Journey and The Gateau Affairs are going to be deleted. Now, here's a list of all the stories I'm going to FIX UP ASAP AND THEN POST AN UPDATE A Preschool Prank Romance Belated Love And, here's the list of stories I'm going to UPDATE WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS Fortunate Of Diaries Secret and Letters Seriously. Some of these need a lot of rewriting. But no worries, I'm not going to delete the original. So please keep an eye out! Thanks~ |