A/N: This particular scene was requested. It's combining movie canon and book canon to make a believable scene between Luna and Neville. Cheers!


Through all the cheering, the crying, the injured moans, and the nervous laughter, Neville managed to locate Luna's blonde head of hair on the opposite end of the hall. "Luna!" he called after her, pushing people out of his way as he crossed to her, a radiant smile on his face.

She turned as Neville approached her. "Oh hello, Neville! You fought very well today. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you've been under attack from an Opsmarmium your whole life; bravery and confidence snuffers, aren't they?"

"Yeah sure," Neville said has he waved his hand impatiently in the air.

"But that isn't what you came over to talk to me about," she said in her usual airy, yet knowing tone.

"No. Listen Luna… We just fought V-Voldemort," Neville said, saying the name through it almost made him choke.

Luna nodded and agreed as though it were the first time she'd heard such a thing. "Well, there's no reason to hide from anything anymore—So I'm done hiding. Luna, I'm totally mad about you. I have been since I met you. You're—you're different and—er—it's nice. Refreshing, you know?" Neville was on a roll and he wasn't stopping now. "So I was wondering… Do you want to go out sometime? With me?"

Luna said nothing, but she smiled and took Neville's hand as everyone else began swarming to wring his other and congratulate him on doing his parents proud and beheading the snake and assisting in the downfall of You-Know-Who.

After fifteen or so minutes of Luna quietly clinging to his hand, Neville gaver her a quizzical stare. "Oh, you can take this as a 'yes' if you'd like," Luna chirped calmly, but happily.

Neville grinned from ear to ear, dropping her hand as he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her into the air and spinning her in a circle to which she gleefully responded, "You always hear about people getting hugged like that in stories, but I never thought it actually happened!"

Spotting his grandmother across the Great Hall slowly shuffling in around the wreckage with a look that was both proud and disgusted, he snatched up Luna's hand again and started tugging her across the hall. "Gran! Gran, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Luna!"