When the Plane Went Down

Chapter 1: Realization

((Okay, so this is a fanfic that I have to thank my english teacher for. We're currently reading Lord of The Flies in english, and I just fell in love. This story follows closely with the 1990 version of the LOTF movie. The first chapter might be a bit confusing since the point of view that this part is being seen from is my OC for LOTF. But in the next chapter, which will be seen from Jacks POV, will explain a bit more and then as the story goes on, you'll be able to understand the plotline in this. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well as the chapters that will be coming soon))

"Who knows we're here? Nobody knows we're here."

When Piggy said those words, my heart froze. I didn't want my fellow cadets to think such things. He asked if anyone wanted the conch. I raised my hand, wanting to speak. He shifted over and handed it to me. I took it and cleared my throat.

"That's not true Piggy," I began, looking around. "I mean, if our parents knew where we were going, then they must be waiting for us at the airport" I finished. I handed him the conch and waited for him to start speaking again.

"But how can they know where we are if we didn't have any contact with them, as well as the fact that we never got to where we were going" he continued.

"Well, where were we going?" a younger cadet asked him.

Piggy fixed his glasses. "We were going home" he replied.

My heart sank even lower. My parents and sister were looking forward to my homecoming for a while now. And I was eager to see them, as well as the new puppy they apparently bought. The colonel, Ralph, took the conch from Piggy.

"Okay cadets, now listen up. For us to be able to survive, we need to work together. We're going to have to have rules. And also…we need some kind of signal. Like a fire…"

I loved listening to Ralph. He was my best friend after all. He was a very good speaker, listener, and leader. He and I made a connection on the bus ride to the academy. He had been there longer than me; but he made me feel very welcome there.

After he spoke, Jack, another cadet with the rank of lieutenant, stepped up to the platform. He requested the conch and Ralph handed it to him.

"Yes, Ralphs right. We're going to need to build a fire if we want to get rescued from this island" he told us, looking over at Ralph briefly.

Now, my feelings about Jack were totally different compared to my feelings about Ralph. Ralph was like a brother to me, and I loved him like one. But Jack was a totally different story.

He and I, in my opinion, had such great chemistry. The first time I saw him I thought he was totally gorgeous. Everything about him just enticed me. From his crystal blue eyes that always had a look of mischief in them; to his signature half smirk when he was up to no good. But when I got the chance to hang out with him, I discovered the true side of Jack Merridew; the side of him that only the other cadets saw. He was a self centered, bossy, all around asshole. For a fifteen year old boy, he sure talked about sex a lot. I guess that's why I stuck with Ralph. He's much nicer to his friends, as well as being less of a pervert. But even though he was a jerk, I couldn't help but smile each time Jack spoke.

"Sir, are you the leader?" someone asked.

"Jack's the oldest" one boy pointed out.

"But Ralph's the colonel."

Everyone came to an agreement that, because of his rank, Ralph should be the leader. I looked towards Jack and I saw the discomfort lined on his face when he was not chosen. He pulled on a small smile and turned to Ralph.

"I guess you just won the election" he told him.

Ralph looked around at all the faces.

"It doesn't matter who's in charge. We just have to work together to survive" he told us all.

Oh dear. How he'd regret saying those words sooner or later.