Chapter 22

He was very nervous and excited. Beast Boy didn't know how she felt about this. She hadn't done anything to stop him or even try to slow him down. Her face wore an unmistakable look of apprehension. He wondered briefly if he should feel guilty about feeling excited about this or if it was normal.

It had all started so quickly. They were in her bed before he realized that it had happened. Beast Boy wasn't sure if he had lead them there or if she had. He remembered walking her to her room, remembered her kissing him, then they were wrapped up in the sheets together.

His hand caressed the back of her neck, the feeling of her skin was so incredible. He felt her hair dangling down, brushing against the side of his face as they kissed. She smelled so sweet and perfect. He figured it wasn't perfume or anything like that. Shampoo, or body wash probably. He didn't care what it was, his senses were so alive. Everything seemed so surreal to him.

His hand moved down from the back of her neck to find a zipper. He fumbled his way around it for a moment before, finally, he was able to tug it in proper direction. As the zipper slid down her back he was surprised at noise it made, it seemed oddly loud. As his hand reached the small of her back a part of him expected her to do something to stop him, but she made no attempt to discourage him.

She rolled over on her back as he slowly started to slide her top down over her shoulders he noticed she was trembling slightly. He opened his eyes and brought his lips away from hers slowly. Her eyes were shut tightly as she tucked her head under his chin as he pulled away. Her arms wrapped around him, trying to keep him from moving too far away. He would have like to think it was passion or lust that was making her do this but he knew her too well. She was nervous, self-conscious, trying to hide her body.

He noticed something moving in the room with them. He quickly looked across the room and was shocked at what he saw. Books, papers and an assortment of other objects were levitating around the room. All were encased in a black aura of dark energy. Raven's mind was wondering, her powers reaching out trough the light-less room.

"Uh...Rae..." he said softly.

"What?! Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." She began to apologize compulsively. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked up at him. She followed his gaze to the center of her room. "Oh no!" She gasped. In an instant all the items around the room fell to the floor with a thud. This was accompanied by another, far more direct apology. "I am so sorry. I didn't know I was..." She was clearly very embarrassed and tried to hid her head under his chin again.

"Its ok. Just try to concentrate on us." He whispered.

He began to kiss her neck slowly, not wanting to make her more uncomfortable than she was. He was worried that if he made her feel to uneasy she might want to stop. Or worse, get angry with him, and nothing good ever came out of that.

The sent in the room was unique to her. A smell that had always been associated with her. An unmistakeable blend of a variety incense and a small library's worth of old books. He breathed it in as deep as he could. All of it, the room, her, trying to savor every aspect of this night.

He could feel her heart racing as he moved his lips down over her shoulder. The feeling was matched and soon drowned out by the throbbing of his own heart. Her skin was so soft and warm against his own. It was something he had never experienced before.

He looked down at her, her eyes were still closed, but she seemed more relaxed now.

'My god, you're beautiful.'

She had never been so real. In his eyes, his friend had never looked so amazing. His friend, his best friend. Was this really okay? Was she really okay with this? He felt a wave of nervousness wash over his as he took a deep breath as he moved his hand down over her breast. Gently, he started to pull down on the fabric covering her.

Her hand grasped his wrist slowly, stopping him before he exposed her. He took his hand away instantly.

"Gar I..." Her voice was less than a whisper. It was the first noise she had made since she had apologized earlier.

"I'll stop. I'm sorry." He matched her hushed tone.

"No it's not that. I..." She appeared to searching for the right word for a moment before finally, giving up and shaking her head in response.

"What is it? Tell me." The eagerness in his voice was thick.

"Don't" Her eyes looked directly into his. Into his soul. "Gar, please don't hurt me."

"Rae...I will try not to but if it's your first time."

"No." She said with a sharp sigh. "That's not what I was talking about," She whispered out in a frustrated tone.

He looked at her blankly for a moment, trying to figure out what was wrong. What did he do wrong? He began to feel helpless and lost.

Then it hit him. This girl, this powerful, fearless, amazing girl that he fell in love with, was afraid. Not of pain, but of him. Raven had spent her entire life trying to maintain control of her powers, trying to maintain control of her emotions. Keeping everyone at an arm's-length. To keep them safe, but also to protect herself.

"We can stop."

"No. Damn it Gar. can't you, for once just..." Her eyes closed again as her voice trailed off.

"Rae I...I'm not sure what you want from me." His words were soft and apologetic. "I don't know what to do."

She placed her hand on the back of his neck, softly tracing her fingers in a circle. She opened her mouth to say something but after a few seconds closed it again. She simply smiled at the bewildered look on his face.

She moved her hand to the back of his head as she pulled him into a deep kiss. It was passionate and

intense. He had never experienced anything like it with her before. With anyone before. It was as if both of the were only alive for one another.

She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him off of her. She gracefully slid out of her black leotard and tossed aside. He looked down at her, quiet and motionless.

He wasn't sure how exactly he was able to get his shirt off and slip out of his pants as fast as he did. If they were on fire he couldn't have removed them faster. In just a few short seconds his clothes were heaped in the corner of her room.

He didn't want to take his lips away from hers as his hands explored her body. He ran his down her leg before slowly tracing his fingers up the inside of her thigh. Everything he touched was so exquisite and exhilarating. Her heart started racing as she reacted to his touch.

After a few minutes he was hovering over her. He felt her hands clench and her nails dig into his back as he made his first thrust. She inhaled sharply followed by a small whimper. Her eyes were wide open, meeting his gaze. After a moment she began to move with him, softly moaning as they continued.

A/N: Yeah so I've never wrote anything like this before. Was going to just do an implied sex scene like I did with Robin and Starfire. But I decided to give it a shot. I am so sorry if it came across too cringe worthy.