"Snorlax use body slam." Red simply commanded.

"Dodge it Garchomp." Ash commanded, "Use dragon claw."

"Counter that with Ice Punch Snorlax." Red calmly spoke.

Both Pokémon collided with Garchomp coming out worse for wear after the hit.

"What, damn I didn't think his Snorlax knew Ice Punch. Okay Garchomp use flamethrower quickly." Ash yelled in fear of his Pokémon getting hurt.

"Snorlax use body slam through the flamethrower." Red said not even batting an eye.

The massive Pokémon took the attack as if it was nothing and hit Garchomp with so much force that the dragon was sent flying back.

"Damn, Garchomp you okay?" Ash asked concerned about the well being of his Pokémon.

"Gar." Garchomp replied feeling as if he was letting down his trainer.

"We got this don't worry. Use earthquake!' Ash told his Pokémon.

"Snorlax jump in the air and use body slam." Red commanded.

"Good, now use Draco Meteor Garchomp." Ash said quickly

'Damn, smart kid good at battling.' Red thought as his Snorlax received the attack head on unable to dodge it.

"Well played, but no more playing around." Red said while smiling. "Use Ice Beam Snorlax and finish off the Garchomp."

"Garchomp use flamethrower to counter it." Ash yelled fearing that his Pokémon would not last after the attack.

Both attacks met in the middle of the battle field, but the Ice Beam overpowered the flamethrower.

"Garchomp is unable to battle please send out your next Pokémon."

"Damn, nice job Garchomp you did your best out there." Ash said while recalling his Garchomp.

"Okay Lucario your up next." Ash said while calling out his Pokémon.

'Master, I am ready.' Lucario spoke to Ash in his thoughts.

'Good, and Lucario stop calling me Master.' Ash replied while smiling.

"Okay Lucario use aura sphere then bullet punch." Ash said aloud.

"Snorlax use Ice Beam to slow the attack." Red said confident that his Pokémon would be fine.

"Now use extreme speed Lucario to dodge and get in close." Ash said hoping his plan would work. Just as the ice was about to hit Lucario, he was able to use his speed to dodge and struck the other Pokémon with such force that Snorlax was sent flying back into the wall of the arena.

"Snorlax is unable to battle, trainer please send out your next Pokémon."

"Nice one Ash didn't expect such quick thinking, but you're going to need a lot more for my next Pokémon." Red said returning snorlax to his poke ball.

"Come on out, Venasaur." Red called out the giant grass type.

"Should be a tough battle okay Lucario use extreme speed to get in close." Ash looked on thinking of ways to win this battle.

"Venasaur use vine whip." Red said looking on.

Lucario was stopped in his tracks as he was grabbed onto by the vines then repeatedly whipped by them.

"Good now use leaf storm."

"Lucario try to get out of there." Ash said not able to think of anything to get his Pokémon out.

"Keep him there Venasaur and charge up for solar beam." Red said looking on.

"Damn if he hits solar beam Lucarios done. Wait, Lucario use Aura Sphere on the ground under you." Ash told his Pokémon.

"What in the world." Red said aloud.

The dog like Pokémon used the ability propelling him into the air higher eventually out of the grip of the vines.

"Use extreme speed again. Then into Bullet Punch." Ash said hoping to stall out the time for the solar beam.

Both attacks landed on the grass Pokémon but the solar beam was charged up and Lucario was directly in front of it.

"Use dragon pulse on Venasaur." Ash said hoping that it would stop the attack.

"Venasaur use Solar Beam!" Red yelled out worried about his Pokémon.

Both Pokémon almost directly in front of each other unleashed their attacks cause an explosion.

"Both Venasaur and Lucario are unable to battle, please send out your next Pokémon."

"Nice work Lucario you did well out there." Ash said as he returned his Pokémon.

"Well done Ash, I never expected someone would think of that to get their Pokémon out of a situation like that." Red said impressed with his sons ability.

"Clearly I got it from you." Ash replied with a smile on his face. As the battle progressed Ash felt more and more connected to his father.

Time skip to their last Pokémon each.

"Well folks I can't say anyone would have predicted this. after the initial battle each trainer has lost a Pokémon in the same round both fainting at the same time. The last Pokémon for each trainer."

"Come on out Charizard," Ash said while summoning his faithful dragon looking Pokémon.

"Okay it's time to battle Metagross." Red said while summoning his Pokémon.


"Interesting." Paul said looking on.

"Red must be confident that he's going to win with a type disadvantage." Dawn said looking on hoping that Ash would win.

"I don't think so Dawn, he has a plan and obviously that metagross is stronger than it looks." Paul said.

"It is, it was Red's first Pokémon." A voice from behind them said.

They turned around to see Professor Birch.

"I'm sorry? I thought Professor Oak gave Red his first Pokémon, wasn't he from Kanto?" Dawn asked confused.

"He was born in Kanto but moved to Hoenn when he was little, he came back to Kanto and won the League here first before traveling elsewhere." Professor Birch said looking on with interest. "Red has confidence that Metagross will win like how Ash would have confidence to beat a Blastoise with Charizard."

Back to the Battle

"Go use flamethrower Charizard." Ash said thinking that this battle would end quickly.

"Take it Metagross." Red said no even fazed by the oncoming attack.

The fire engulfed the metal Pokémon who stood his ground.

"What? That did nothing to Metagross." Ash said confused and shocked at how that had happened.

"You see Ash my Metagross has been with me since the beginning and it can endure anything you throw at it." Red said while smiling at his Pokémon.

"Damn, well I trust my Charizard to win this battle." Ash replied while smiling at his father.

"Go use fire punch Charizard."

"Counter it with Hammer Arm Metagross."

Both Pokémon collided in the center with smoke billowing out of the center. As the dust settled the Pokémon were seen attempting to overpower one another.

"Use meteor mash Metagross."

"Charizard use Seismic Toss and take Metagross into the middle of the attack."

Charizard gripped the metal Pokémon and took them into the sky.

"Metagross use hammer arm to get out. Make sure you hold onto Charizard no matter what." Red said panicked.

Metagross repeatedly struck Charizard who was hit every time but flew higher and higher. As they reached the top Charizard began to free fall, but was unable to release Metagross in time. Both Pokémon from the impact of the Meteor Mash, attacking each other and the landing got up slowly.

"Charizard are you okay?" Ash asked concerned for his Pokémon. Charizard turned around smiled and gave Ash a thumbs up.

"Metagross can you continue?" Red asked looking on. Metagross nodded curtly.

"Well then Ash looks like it's come down to this. One final attack will determine who is better father or son." Red said while smiling happy about the battle that was taking place.

"Yeah, you're right but I'm going to win I made a promise not only to myself but my Pokémon and my friends. I wasn't going home till I won the Kanto League." Ash said looking his father straight in the eye.

"Very well, shall we finish this battle?" Red asked while gesturing to the Pokémon waiting for the final command.

"Charizard use Flamethrower!" Ash yelled out with all his energy.

"Metagross use Zap Canon!" Red said a smile on his face.

The attacks neared each other with a cloud of smoke covering the entire battlefield.

2 Weeks Later

"Come on Dawn, we gotta get there quickly, they made a welcome back dinner for us." Ash said while walking briskly his fiancée following slowly.

"Okay hold on, I just want to take in the view of the area again. Its been a while since we've last been here." Dawn said taking in the view.

"Well we can live here now remember." Ash said while walking back and holding her hand.

"Yah, I know, but it's still surreal everything that's happened over all this time. From Meowth going back to travel with Jessie and James and everything else from all our friends going back to their homes." Dawn said sighing.

'We're going to see them all again soon. They're coming to our wedding remember." Ash said while kissing Dawn on the head and giving her a hug. "Come on let's go!"

Ash walked down the road to his home, Pallet Town and he didn't look back at all as he headed towards tomorrow.

Finally the end of the story. I left the ending of the battle up in the air for you the reader to decide if he wins or not. It's been 2 years since I started this story and finally finishing it makes me proud. I couldn't give you guys the best ending. If you have any comments post them, if you're angry about anything let me know and please leave a review so I know what to work on for future stories and anything else you wanna tell me.
