Reviews for Zuka Zama
RustyPete12 chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
Nice intro. I liked it.
KagamiPINKAgreste chapter 1 . 2/15/2016
OH MY CHERRY BLOSSOMS! I believe if there was a Bunga origin story it would be this.
As I read it, I felt like I was watching an episode of Lion Guard. (Smile)
Kion intrigued by this crazy no fear (stupid/annoying) acrobatic honey badger Bunga. Bonus, a boy Kion can hang with male having so many female lioness around. (Wicked Smirk)
For the episode "Don't judge a hyena by it's spots" Bunga means well it's just he can't accept when he is WRONG. He got the others so lost, trying to get to flat region rock it was annoying. Than when they finally get there, Bunga comes out "I have been here 100 times when could have taken a short cut". After that I was "Bunga are idiot".
Not to mention, when they meet up with Kion/Jasiri Bunga states the obvious "She is a hyena". Myself I would have hit Bunga for that. Lucky neither Kion/Jasiri took offense to that one. (Sigh)
QueenOfThePrideLands chapter 1 . 2/15/2016
I like it :)
Air-Crafter chapter 1 . 2/15/2016
Like it.
And congrats, your 81's story.