Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! We're back with the forth story in the Titans Knights series. Book 1. Demon.

First off a HUGE thank you to those who have given advice and helped me along with these stories. Who have supported me and provided great feedback. You guys make it all possible. Especially A-LionGleek, Adrisanne, QueenXCaramel, ZadArchie, Foamsatthmouth just to name a few.

Go ahead and read review let me know what you think, I love feedback just like everyone else on this site so don't be shy.

Summary of last time: Starfire decides to throw a Slumber Party after Raven, along with the Dragon Knight Drake, lose their powers. Everything is fine until one of the Seven Sins, Lust, crashes the party making the girls go crazy for the guys. Come to find out Lust was walking around looking like Jinx while the real Jinx lay dying. Later Raven is kidnapped and forced into a situation where she would have been attacked and defiled by Adonis. Thanks to some unlikely heroes, Raven is saved and Adonis captured.

Real fast, the OC's.

Drake Daniels: Can change into a dragon but lost his powers when he took Raven's. Main love interest for Kole Weathers.

Landon: King of Demons.

Carnus Valogneus: Demon torturer and killer. Has killed Aqualad (Garth), Hotspot, Argent, Jericho, and Herald.

Anyways hope you enjoy.

On with the show

Chapter 1: Sparring


Queen Hippolyta sat in the silence of her chambers reading a book and enjoying the warm afternoon sun shining through her white curtains. She sat sprawled out on her Chaise Lounging couch listening to the soothing sounds of nature coming from the outside. Well most of the sounds were from nature. In the distance she could hear the sounds of metal clashing, and women yelling and grunting as they trained to become better Amazon warriars for the defence of their city. She was deffinitely enjoying the quiet and peace that Themyscira had to offer.

Well sort of quiet.

From outside her chambers she could hear the sounds of shouting back and forth between her Amazonian guards and a younger familiar female voice, a rebellious voice she knew all too well. Queen Hippolyta took a deep breath, marked the place in her book, and prepared herself for what she had been dreading for the last three years.

Her chamber doors flung open and in stomped a young women with raven black hair, fair skin, and a warriors physique covered by a sleveless Chiton style white dress. Her sky blue eyes burning with anger that was focused on her mother figure.

"You've been intercepting my letters?!" The young girl shrieked waving a scrap of paper in her hand.

One of the guards ran after the girl. "I'm sorry your highness, we tried-"

"It's alright." Hippolyta held up a hand to silence her guard. "Please excuse us." The guard looked at her puzzled for a moment, but gave a short bow and exited the room leaving the two women alone. Hippolyta calmly turned to the raging girl. "Now Donna. What are you accusing me of?"

Donna seethed. "Don't act like you have no idea what I'm talking about!" She shoved a worn piece of paper that was slightly burned into the queens face. "You've been intercepting letters addressed to me. I found this one by the incenerater."

Hippolyta kept her calm composure, and took a deep breath. "I wont lie to you. Yes I have been taking your letters and burning them."

Donna gawked at her mother figure. She knew it was true, but to hear her say it out loud only seemed to make her angrier. "How could you do this?" her voice came out as a whisper but still held the sting of betrayal.

Hippolyta remained calm. "I wanted to keep you safe from the that world. I apologize for the need to decieve you, but I will not apologize for keeping you safe."

If Donna wasn't angry before she was now. "Keeping me safe?! Do you have any idea what it's been like for me!? My friends have been on the front lines of battle, while I have been 'safe'!"

Hippolyta stood up now, but was still held her elegant calm composure keeping her chin high. "I know what has been going on out there, my child-"

"But do you know what has been happening with the people I care about the most? My friends?!" The queen silently met the gaze of the young amazon breathing evenly and giving no evidence of speaking. This of course gave Donna her answer. "You did, didn't you? You knew? YOU KNEW MY FRIENDS WERE DYING!"

"I'm sorry-"

"NO, YOU DON'T GET TO BE SORRY! One of my best friends was murdered in ice cold blood and you didn't tell me!" Donna felt hot tears sting the corners of her eyes.

The queen's expression seemed to soften slightly seeing the girl begin to break down. "Donna, this is what I have been protecting you from, I've been protecting you from the creature that took your friends life." Donna looked puzzled for a moment so the queen continued. "A demon from Hell. Not the Underworld, but Hell, and it spit out one of the most terrifying hellspawns this world has ever seen." She took a deep breath in an attempt to keep her mind and her breathing calm. "I couldn't live with myself if I let you go and something were to happen to you."

Donna wanted to scream again, to tell her she had no right to keep her from the people she cared about and leaving them alone to die. But hearing the sincerity of the old womens words she began to calm and see the reason her mother had. As if she was her real mother she just wanted to keep her safe, and alive, just as she had for her adoptive sister, Diana. It was Donna's turn to take a deep breath to center herself before she addressed the queen. "My queen. You have nothing to fear by my leaving."

Hippolyta tensed. "I have everything to fear, my child. Those...toxic sprits are not of this world and will stop at nothing until this it is as black as they are."

Donna approached the queen, taking the her hands gently. "Then isn't it up to me to make sure that doesn't happen?"

The old queen looked down at the young girl she came to except as her daughter, then she did something that Donna had never seen her do, not even to her surrogate sister, Diana. She wrapped the young girl in a hug and began to bathe the crook of Donna's neck with her tears.


Titans Tower.

The Titan resident Mistriss of Magic felt a slight chill run across her body. Sleep still heavy over her eyes she grumbled while reaching out for a blanket to wrap around her. Her pale hand met something that was familiar, but wasn't her usual blanket. She began to fiddle with the fabric between her fingers and found that it felt oddly like spandex.


Hesitantly she cracked her eyes open and was met by a purple and black spandex uniform. She stopped breathing momentarily as her eyes slowly moved up to see what, or who owned the particular fabric. Her eyes found a boyishly handsome face nuzzled just above her forehead, a very green boyishly handsome face. Her mind picked through the files in her memory and remembered asking the green boy to stay the night with her until she fell asleep. Although she could have sworn he was in the form of a cat, and supposed to leave. Why was he human? Why was he still here? And more importantly...why did she not care?

Examining her situtation further she found that her right hand was on his chest while her other hand was tucked under her chin. His chin was nestled just above her Chakra gemstone and his arms wrapped tenderly around her waist. She had never in her life been held like this, or thought she would ever be held like this and it gave her a sense of safety and...arousal.

Her eyes snapped open at the thought, filling her skull with a headache inducing dose of sunlight. Yet with this foreign feeling swarming in her mind and body she couldn't find it in herself to pull away. She felt comfortable, content, safe, and more importantly desired. Man what do I have to do to feel like this all the time? And that's when she was struck by an interesting thought.

Was she... falling for him?

Beast Boy?! Not possible right? I mean, he's Beast Boy? The immature, stupid, cute, sweet...

She thought back, as far back as she could. The first instance that came to mind though was how last night he saved her life by catching her before she fell. She let out a small laugh at the thought. He had always been catching her. Catching her before she fell into lonliness by inviting her to do pointless, and stupid activities. Catching her before she fell into heartbreak by reminding her she wasn't alone. Catching her before she fell into hopelessness by giving her something as worthless as a tiny penny. Catching her before she fell to her own fear when he helped her face her father not once, but twice. Catching her from the belief that she hated children only to find one the of purest joys she had ever known being with "her" kids. This man in front of her will always be there to catch her before she fell.

Yup...It's true...damn it.

Beast Boy shifted slightly which caused him to pull her closer to himself. She stared with wide violet eyes as his chest came closer to her face until her nose rested centimeters from his heart. She could hear his heart beat like a metronome helping to lull her back to sleep.

She let out a sigh, and one word.

"Meh." and went back to sleep.

A couple hours later there was a loud knocking on her door.

In one panicked motion she pushed against the changelings chest until he was off of her queen sized bed. He hit the floor with a thud and a grunt, but she ignored it and turned to the door.

"What? Who is it? What do you want?" Damn, she had forgotten she didn't have her powers (1) so her words came out more panicky then normal.

"Raven?" On the other side of the door came the voice of her team leader Robin, the Boy Wonder. She sighed a sigh of relief. If there was anyone she would rather have stumble on her cuddling with Beast Boy, it was him. Starfire would never have stopped squealing about it, and Cyborg would never stop teasing her about it. Robin would at least be somewhat of an adult about this. Still she didn't want him to find out.

"Uh...I was hoping to work with you the training room before dinner to work on your hand to hand skills." Robin said from the other side of the door. Beast Boy moaned from his spot on the floor and was loud enough for Robin to hear. "Raven...what was that?"

"Squeaky floorboard." she answered quickly her eyes darting back and forth.

"...Raven we don't have floorboards-"

"Time of the month Robin!" Her eyes popped at what she had just confessed to. It wasn't true, but it was a sure way to get a male to drop any subject.

Robin cleared his throat. "Well 'nough said...so uh are you able to train later-"

"Yes yes, I'll meet you there, you can go now!" Another moan came from Beast Boy as he pulled his upper body onto her bed. Raven flew over to his mouth slapping her hand over it.

"..Okay..uh...see you there..."

"Cramps! Cramps! Arrrrrrrrhhhh." Raven remained frozen in place, with her hand still over the shape shifters mouth. His eyes were red from sleep and confusion, but she ignored him for the moment listening intently towards the door. When she didn't hear anything coming from the other side she relaxed letting her hand drop from his mouth. Her head slumped onto her bed with her hand dangling off the edge.

Beast Boy felt dizzy and groggy. "What happened?" he said holding his head.

Raven groaned, but pulled her head up and put her chin in the palm of her hand leaning on her elbow. "You fell asleep as a cat and woke up as a human. Care to explain?" She glared at him, hoping the fact that she enjoyed his human embrace didn't show on her face.

Beast Boy looked around confused. She could see it start to click in his mind that he wasn't in his room causing him to get a slight look of fear in his eyes. She pulled herself up so that she sat on her knees and folded her arms over her chest. She raised a brow slightly, amused by the look on his face, but she had to stay mad.

"Ra-Rave-Raven I have...I don't know...Why am I..." He stuttered as more wakefullness came over him, mixed with fear.

She bit her tounge trying not to laugh, he clearly didn't remember how he got there and was too tired to try and focus on last night. At least for now, she was sure it would come back to him eventually, so she decided to play with him.

"Tell you what. You try to figure it out, but go figure it out in your room."

Beast Boy looked up at her with more confusion. "You mean your not going to kill me?" Raven rolled her eyes and headed for her closet beginning to grab her workout clothes for her training with Robin.

"Just go to your room now, and I'll explain later if you still haven't figured it out." She looked back at the changeling before she left her room. He was groggily on her bed with his head on his crossed arms. She made sure he didn't see her smile as she went to get ready.

Sparring with Robin...yaaaaaaaay...


Over the years a lot of different modifications had been made to the Titans Tower, but nothing was more controversial then added security cameras to the individual Titans rooms. It was a tense subject regardless of how well the Titans trusted each other, the idea of cameras in each room was not ideal for any of them. After about a week of discussing it they finally had cameras inserted into the bedrooms, but a lot of contingencies had to be put in place. For starters the cameras were not on the moniters in the security room, but had to be specifically accessed with a password only Robin and Cyborg Knew. Secondly and it went without saying the camera would only be used in case of an emergency.

If anyone had been watching the cameras in Raven's room they would have noticed something odd happening with the resident shape shifter.

In the middle of the night you could see a small green cat perk up its head and wander to the large window of her room. She visibly shivered once the green Tabby Cat had left, but she just curled into a tighter ball and continued on with sleep. Once at the window, Beast Boy shifted back into his human form and began to stare out the window towards Jump City, and there he stayed until the wee hours of the morning. Once the first bit of sunlight began to tickle the horizan, the changeling turned and went back to the bed, taking his position next to the demoness. He wrapped his arms around her which she responded by snuggling closer to him, a wide smile on her face.


Cyborg and Bumblee Bee stood off to the side looking over their unconscious friend. The surgical team that had been working on her for the past few hours had just recently left and the sorceress wasn't any better. To be honest there was nothing that they could do for her at this point but keep her alive. She had tubes and wires coming in and out of her body, her chest rising and falling as a machine did her breathing for her while another one fed her body nurtients. Various equipment beeped, lit up, and hummed as they fought to keep the young girl alive, but in all honesty it wasn't the machines doing the work. (2)

Once the doctors left with their equipment, and leaving behind the bad news, Bumble Bee and Cyborg went with a less scientific approach. Immediately they grabbed the red-headed witch and the daughter of the Justice League member, Zatanna, and brought them both into the Medical wing. Currently they were standing back as the two spellcasters went about their work.

Cyborg paced slightly with his massive arms crossed across his chest, Bumble Bee seemed to be struggling with something in the corners of her mind. Noticing her inner turmoil Cyborg addressed her.

"You alright Bee?"

She shrugged. Over the years since Jinx had switched sides she had grown to like the sorceress, she even thought her and Wally were cute together at some point. She was quite shocked hearing they were on a break.

"I'm debating whether or not to tell my team about Jinx." she said finally.

"Well don't you think they should know? At least Wally? Kole already contacted Red Star about Jinx and they'll be on their way tomorrow morning."

Bumble Bee nodded taking a deep breath. "In that case I'll call my team and have them come by in the morning as well. Once they get here Terra and I will go back to Steele City."

Cyborg stopped pacing. "Terra? Why?"

Bumble Bee turned to face him. "Rob and I spoke this morning once he got back from the hospital about her. She wants to become a Titan again, but Robin is afraid the bias your team has against her will cloud your judgement about her true intentions." Cyborg gave a half shrug indicating she was right. Terra simply had to much history with them and they would probably not give her a fair chance. "So Rob, Terra and I decided to let her stay with us in Steele City and she'll be working with us."

Cyborg gave a satisfied nod. "That's actually a pretty good idea. Being with us would be setting her up to fail anyways. At least this way she has a chance."

"Yeah. Don't get me wrong I know all about what she did to you guys and so on, but I don't have as bad a history."

Before either of them could speak again their attention was drawn to the spellcasters as they finished looking over their unconscious friend. Cyborg always thought of magic as something beautiful to watch, much like watching a light show, and the same could be said about the spectical that the red headed witch put on. Her hands were glowing an ice blue, much like Raven's healing power, along with the Chakra in the center of her forehead glowing a soft fuschia. Her power subsided into the recesses of her mind and she stepped away from Jinx.

Zatanna stood next to her and wore the same solemn expression.

"Judging by the looks on your faces, you don't have good news." Cyborg deduced.

Malundra was the first to speak. "Unfortunately the surgeon wasn't exagerating in his diagnosis. There is no reason Jinx should be alive right now. Her insides are ribbons, her organs are being held together by duct tape and paper clips," she stopped for a moment, "I give her a few days at most, and that's being generous."

Bumble Bee gasped while Cyborg gave the witch a blank stare. Looking over to Zatanna she gave a mournfull nod showing that she agreed with what the elder enchantress had said.

"Is there nothing?" Cyborg asked barely above a whisper. "No healing magic or anything?"

Malundra shook her head. "My healing magic is conditional. If I were to try to heal this girl I would have to take her injuries upon myself. That being the case I would be dead long before I would have a chance to finish."

"The same could be said about my healing power." said Zatanna. "Though not as extensive as Malundra here, but I wouldn't be able to."

"What if you tried it together?" Bumble Bee asked.

Zatanna looked to Malundra with a hopeful expression. Malundra only shook her head. "Our magic is to dissimilar. If we tried a combined effert we could kill her and ourselves in the process, and that's not including her magic. All three of ours combined could have dire consequences."

Cyborg wasn't going to give up just yet. "What about Raven? Yeah she's powerless now, but maybe she has a spellbook or something that might work?"

Malundra thought for a moment, this giving them some hope. "Maybe. We can go ask, but I'm not aware of any magic that could be poweful enough. At this point the most I can do is heal her in stages, but even then it's a long shot."

Both Titans glanced at each other, at this point it was the only option they had. "Alright then, lets go see Raven. Hopefully she has something we can use." With hopeful spirits they left the medical bay leaving Jinx alone waiting to be awakened.


Beast Boy paced his bedroom as he tried to focus on the mornings events. He remembered going to bed with Raven in the form of a cat, and yet when he woke up this morning he was human. Granted their were occasions were he went to sleep and woke up as a different animal, or vica versa, but this was just embarressing. However thinking back on it, Raven didn't seem mad or anything, rather she seemed more flustered and just as embarressed as he was.

But what did this mean?

She told him a while back she just wanted to be friends, but friends didn't cuddle with each other right? (3) He remembered taking in the scent of jasmine, and lavender and it was heaven for him, and only seemed to further fan the flames of his undying...care? Friendship? Love? Did he love her? To be honest he didn't even know what love was? He thought he did once upon a time.

He thought back at his relationship with the demoness. After everthing they have been through, did he love her? He remembered when she said he was "kind of" funny. No one ever said he was funny before, ever, true she hadn't said it since but at least she said it and that was all that mattered. Of course the pink Raven in her mind said he was funny, did that count. He remembered how she wanted to fight off her father in her mind alone and he and Cyborg wouldn't have it. She was there friend, and whether she liked it or not they were going to help her, he had to.

He learened how to read people early on and he knew that Raven was a beautiful person both inside and out, regardless if she was born half demon. He never saw a demon, a gem, or a portal to let in the worlds worst evil, he always just saw an introverted girl who secretly didn't want to be alone. Over the years he fell for her, and he fell hard. A small smile came to his face. Sure he fell for her, but did he love her?

He sat in his bottom bunk putting his head in his hands in frustration, he never knew the love for another person before. Well he felt the love of family members, but not a lovers love.

A knock at the door brought him from his thoughts. "Come in." The door swished open and with a woosh Starfire entered his dwellings, with a disoriented Kole in tow.

"Friend Beast Boy, you must occompany us to the room of training."

Beast Boy looked quizically at the two girls, Kole looking just as confused as he did. "Uh...why?"

"It is customery on earth for those to watch their prospective mates engage in physical activity. I have done this before watching friend Robin as he works himself out so that I may have the feeling of little insects in my nine stomachs. Since Robin is with friends Drake and Raven I have brought Kole along so that she may gaze upon Drake working out. I suggest you do the same."

Kole was blusing horribly trying to wriggle out of the aliens grasp, but she held firm. "Star, I don't want to go ogle Drake while he works out." she said timidly.

Beast Boy however was torn between his two brains. His upstairs brain told him that he should stay in his room, play video games and don't go anywhere near the gym. However his downstairs brain told him to get the hell over there!

"Um...well...Star...I..." Starfire grabbed his hand before he could say or do anything else...just like his downstairs brain planned.

"Starfire, I'm not comfortable just watching him work out." Kole whined in a pleaded tone of voice.

Starfire slowed down as the training room came into view. They could hear a familiar echo of gloved hands being thrown against focus pads as they came closer. "Believe me friend Kole, you are going to want to watch Drake working out." she said with a michevious grin.

Starfire flew through the open door of the training room. "Starfire I don't waaa..." Stepping into the gym area they saw it was only occupied by three individuals inside of a sparring area. Robin stood in the corner of the sparring ring dressed in a white wife beater and black workout pants. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the the two inside the ring. Drake Daniels was dress in a black wife beater that hugged his muscular frame tightly. His hands were up and gloved in focus pads which were being pummeled by the protected hands of the powerless demoness.

Kole's mouth dropped slightly, even though Drake still wore a shirt she could still make out the muscle underneath, but at least she could see his bare arms in all their muscular glory. Each punch from Raven was met by a solid wall of biceps and triceps that Kole couldn't help but let her inner schoolgirl squeal at the sight. Starfire may have been proud of herself for suggesting this, but she was to busy watching the quiet calm of the Boy Wonder as his arms crossed his firm chest. He wasn't as muscular as Cyborg or Drake, but Starfire could easily imagine herself safe in those arms.

Starfire and Kole may have been staring at the two men, but Beast Boy couldn't take his eyes off the demoness.

She was dressed in black basketball shorts and a black training bra...Yup, just a black training bra. Beast Boy glanced over to one of the ropes around the ring and saw a big black t-shirt he assumed was hers. Beast Boy couldn't help but watch the girl throw jab after jab, her muscles tensing with each strike, her tight stomach riplling with muscle as she twisted from side to side. The changeling could see her face clearly as her hair-which had gotten longer by the way-was tied back in a ponytail, but the most alluring of this sight, was the sweat dripping down her body. The little droplets of salty water gave her pale skin a silver shimmer to her that Beast Boy couldn't look away from.

It wasn't until the slapping finally ended that the three onlockers were brought from their stuper and were brought back to earth. Although Beast Boy was immediately distracted again when the exertion of Raven's workout caused her chest to rise and fall as she tried to get air into her lungs. The black training bra hugging her breasts nicely giving them a full shape, once again shimmering a soft silver from the sweat.

Beast Boy felt like falling to his knees and thanking God he was a man.

Raven removed her gloves tossing them to the side. "Nice job Raven, your form looked good from my angle." Only Robin could say things like that and not have it meant as a double entendre.

"She has a problem using all of her force on each strike though." Drake said removing the focus pads.

Raven grabbed her shirt that was hanging over the rope. "So what do I need to work on?"

"Well, we'll get to that later. Were probably going to work on teaching you some basic kickboxing along with some Tai Chi." Robin said.

Raven perked at the Tai Chi part. She had actually been meaning to try Tai Chi or some form of Yoga as a means of meditation so there was a double use that she was excited for.

Throughout there workout though they failed to notice they had an audience, at least until out of the corner of his eye Drake could see the young pinket watching them.

"Looks like we have guests." Drake sent a smile to Kole making her face reden slightly. Drake finally admitted to himself that he was ready to try and make a connection with someone outside of the usual fighting, and battle planning. He seemed to like Kole. She was sweet, kind, innocent, and everything he didn't see in himself.

Robin turned and met the gaze of the alien princess who sent him a soft caring smile. Robin wasn't the flashy type, but he unconsciously found himself puffing out his chest slightly hoping she would notice. And she did.

Raven however, once she turned around, hurridly used the shirt in her hands to cover herself, a blush forming from her colloarbone and creeping up her face. She hadn't planned on removing her shirt to spar, she was just getting so warm and uncomfortable that she took it off to be more flexible. For some reason she trusted Robin and Drake not to make a big deal about it, but Beast Boy and Starfire were a different story. Starfire would gush that she was finally showing some skin, and Beast Boy...hmmmmm, NO! She quickly put her shirt on much to Beast Boys dissapointment.

She exited the ring and stomped over to her unwanted audience. "What are you doing here?" she growled, more to Beast Boy, she knew why the other two were there.

Before Beast Boy could answer they were interrupted by a loud, "YO RAE!" Cyborg, Bumble Bee, Malundra and Zatanna entered into the training room and headed for the demoness. "Hey we have a question for ya?" he asked.

"SHHHHHH!" Starfire put a finger to her lips and was looking at the sparring ring. Everyone forgot the reasons they were there to stare at the two in the ring. Robin and Drake were doing various stretches while simultaniously sizing each other up. Robin turned to Beast Boy.

"Beast Boy, since you love ringing the bell could you ring it for us?"

Beast Boy stared at his team leader confused for a moment, then over to the powerless Dragon Knight, when slowly it started coming to him. "...Dude..."

Cyborg was by his side, apparently deducing the same thing his best friend just figured out. "...Dude..."

"...Dragon Knight, Badass Warrior..." Beast Boy started

"...Versus Robin, Boy Wonder, and Protege to the Batman..." Cyborg continued, he and the shape shifter getting more and more excited.

"IN A SPARRING MATCH!" Both Teens shouted in unison. Beast Boy headed for the bell while the two in the ring continued to circle each other.

"Dude! The match of the century! Whose got a camera!?" Beast Boy shouted. Cyborg was by his side just as fanboyish at the possible epic showdown about to take place.

Ignoring the two, Robin smirked at his opponent. "You think you can handle sparring without your powers?"

Drake shrugged. "I guess we'll have to see. Hopefully I paid enough attention to those days my teachers made me train without my powers for a day. Sometimes a whole week." They stopped moving and faced each other.

"Well may the best man win." Robin said narrowing his eyes and smirking widely.

"Or half man." Drake began to lower himself in anticipation of the bell.

Beast Boy, and Cyborg grabbed the string to the bell as the girls stood back, a mixture of feelings flowing through them. It didn't matter though as the two boys pulled on the bell with all of their might.


If you were a citizen in Jump City you were used to odd things on a regular basis. Giant stone men rampaging through the city. A washed up magician using magic to rob various jewelry stores and banks. Giant moths, and different rampaging monsters. Yup status quo for the citizens of Jump. Even if these things were strange to some it was still expected to a certain degree.

What wasn't expected was enjoying a meal with your wife and it being interrupted by a round half naked man, with greassy orange hair, bleeding from different slashes, cuts, and stab wounds all over his body. People screamed calling 911 asking for an ambulance to help a man who was bleeding and was begging for help. Amongst his ramblings it sounded like he was asking to be saved from a man with white eyes, before passing out from his injuries.

1. Slumber Party. Chapter 4: Uh Oh.

2. Slumber Party. Chapter 10: Lust

3. Temptation. Chapter 5: Teaching the Titans

Hope you all read and review, it makes my heart feel good after all.

Next time we'll see who our mystery victim is as well as see who won the sparring match between Robin, Boy Wonder, and Drake Daniels the Dragon Knight.

See ya then :)