Author has written 12 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, and Jurassic Park.
Hello! Thank you for dropping by (:
“Reading is escape, and the opposite of escape.”
- Nora Ephron
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
- Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
Update, 2/19/18: I'm slowly getting back to writing. I made minor edits in my old, completed stories and in some chapters of Chasing Time. I'm currently under a TON of stress from school, but I promise I will try to publish new stories and update Chasing Time. Writing gives me respite from stress and anxiety, so I don't think I'll stop writing any time soon.
The slightly revised outline for Chasing Time is finished. I also started writing Chapter 8, but I am uncertain when I can complete it for posting due to my hectic schedule. However, I will not be abandoning this story... I just need more time to finish it. For those who are still waiting for an update, thank you for your patience (:
To my fellow Claire/Owen fans, I need some ideas for new stories for one of my favorite movie pairings. Please feel free to PM me with suggestions. Thank you in advance!
Yours truly, HG