Chapter 17: I guess we're two peas in a pod.



"They were both like little children fighting over a new toy. It was totally degrading! I ended up leaving them yelling at each other on the front lawn and walking to school in the middle of a rain shower. I think Heero finally drug in during second period and if the busted lip he was sporting is any indication, Trowa and him ended up fighting. I can't believe they did such a childish thing!"

"So I guess this isn't the best time to ask you what your favorite flower is so Heero can try to apologize, huh?" Relena looked up to find Duo standing a few feet away with a sheepish grin on his face.

"No, Duo this would not be a good time. But you can tell him that I don't want to see his face for at least another day, or I swear I just might give him an eye to match his lip." Hilde cringed at the anger in her friends voice and looked helplessly around.

"Your that mad, huh?" Duo asked hesitantly.

"I'm that mad." Relena assured him.

"Alright-y then. I'll see that he gets that message." Duo hurried away to break the bad news to his friend, but on the way he thought better of it.

'Knowing Heero, he just might decide to kill the messenger. I think I'll go see what business there is to be done in the Library. After all those six- week test are coming up!'


Relena breathed a sigh of relief. It was 7:30 on Monday night and Heero hadn't called or dropped by. She was beginning to relax with the knowledge that he must have gotten her message. Although deep down inside she was a little sad that he hadn't even tired to get a hold of her. Even though she would have hung up on him or slammed the door in his face, it would have been nice to know he tried.

'Oh well, I guess I can't complain about it now.'

She was about to flop back onto her bed when her eyes caught a long neglected, dust covered volume peeking out from under her bedside table. Relena reached for it out of curiosity and was surprised to find her journal.

"I don't think I've even thought of writing in this since this summer. But with everything that's happened in the last week maybe I should writing it down. Not that I'm likely to forget."

{Let me start out by saying that this has been the most stressful week in my life, but I don't think it's all been bad. Maybe.

Okay, lets see, everything was fine last Friday. School went fine. I even got Wufei as a partner for the big history project. My troubles didn't start until I went to meet Milli before 5th period. That's when I ran right over Heero Yuy.

After that things just get worse. In the resulting fall I managed to pick up one of his papers and he somehow got my library book. He calls me Sunday and we fight over the phone. We meet Monday to exchange our stuff and I fall on him again (although one could argue that he saved me from a broken arm when he caught me as I plummeted from that chair. Well maybe it wasn't technically a plummet, but it was close.) That was fall number two.then came fall number three, which had nothing to do with Heero. It was just some prank that had to do with the uniform thing going on at school now. I got a bruised shoulder and a concussion from tripping over fishing line. Get this, though, all three falls happened in the library. I'm not going in there anytime soon.

Heero and his friend Duo desided to follow me around after that to keep me safe. That lead to Heero's jealous girl friend cleaning out my locker, and getting one of her lackey's to pour bleach on my clothes.

But all that bad stuff lead up to the good parts, Heero took me home so that I could change. At this time we had fight number.I don't know 60? But it ended with him kissing me. After that we went out a couple of times, and I really like him in spite of how rude, cold, and arrogant he can be.

But my nightmare week didn't have a happy ending. Trowa, Cathy's brother desided that he had unrequited feelings for me. Why Cathy never clued me in on this I don't know. I wish I had known before he and Heero got into that fight on my lawn.

So there you have it.a little over a week living in the Twilight Zone.}

She let the pen drop from her bed as she contemplated her entry. Relena could barely believe that all the crap written there had happened to her, and this was just the stuff that happened with Heero, not counting Milli and Lu deciding to get married or babysitting Sylvie.

"I don't want to think about this right now." Relena spoke to herself with determination, "I'm going to go watch some TV to take my mind off all of this."


The house was quiet. Heero sat in the shadows across the street and planed his next course of action in mission 'Get Relena to Forgive Me.' Mr. Peacecraft's SUV was parked outside of the house, so just walking up to the door was out of the question. After this morning Heero was pretty sure that Milliardo wouldn't be too happy to let him in to see Relena.

Moving on to plan B.

The only light on in the house was Relena's upstairs bedroom. Heero checked his watch. 9:00. That sounded a little too early for his teacher to be asleep so throwing rocks at the window to get her attention was a bust. Plus, if Heero broke the window.he didn't even want to think about what would happen.

Moving on to plan C.

Relena's window was right above the porch. Heero could climb on top of said porch with little effort. He could also talk Relena into coming out onto the roof with him. Plan C provided them with privacy and if she started yelling at him (which was highly possible) hopefully her brother wouldn't hear.

Plan C in operation.

Heero stood under the edge of the porch and looked up. It was much higher than it looked from across the street. Then he noticed the railing around the porch. If he could climb up on that and somehow swing out and grab the lip of the roof.

'Relena, I will not give up.'

So up on to the railing he went, and then using gymnastic skills even Cathy would envy he managed to pull up onto the roof.

'Step on accomplished, one more to go.'

He approached the window with feelings of dread beginning to swim around in his stomach. What if she rejected him? What if she was still mad? But the most troubling of all: What if she Liked Trowa better?

"Well, hear goes nothing?" He whispered to himself as he prepared to lightly knock on the glass pane.

*************** ***************

Relena was half-heartedly flipping through the channels as she sat on the couch in the dark.

"500 channels and nothing worth watching is on." She remarked to herself, "I wonder when Milli will get back from where ever he and Lu had gone.

"I guess this is going to be the story of my life from now on. Sitting in the dark with the stupid TV will they do their own thing."

She was just about to go get one of those pint sized ice cream thingies that She'd hidden in the freezer from her brother so that she could wallow in self-pity in style when she heard a loud crash coming from her room. At first she was frightened that some prev might be sneaking in, then she remembered that her window had been left open.

" I bet the neighbors stupid cat desided to come for a visit. I'll go see." Without another thought she rushed up the stairs, hoping to reach it before Ms. Kitty got any ideas about Mr. Fluffy the teddy bear.

"Kitty if you're in hear and making moves on my bear again I swear I'll shave you bald." She went into her room prepared to chase down the offending feline, only to find Heero Yuy standing in the middle of her room with his back to her. He was hastily trying to sit her bookshelf back up while hurling dire curses at the small desk lamp that was tangled around his feet. Her eyes went to the window, yep, the curtains had also felt his abuse.

"Heero, didn't your mother ever tell you that untied shoes make you trip?" She spoke from her place at the door. Some part of her recognized that she should be mad at him for trying to sneak into her window, but the utter ridiculousness of Heero Yuy falling into her window effectively killed any ire before it could rise.

Heero looked up at her and sighed. He gave up on putting the shelf back up. Relena came forward to help him untangle himself from the lamp.

"Well, she wasn't around very much when I was learning to tie my shoes." He sat down on the floor and watched as she righted her room.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Heero." She told him softly.

"It's nothing major." He commented uncomfortable. Relena took that as a sign to find something else to talk about.

"Why are you here, Heero? Didn't Duo give you the message?" She looked over her shoulder at him. He returned her gaze with a bit of confusion.

"You sent me a message through Duo?"

Relena sighed, " Yes I think it went something like this 'You tell him that I don't want to see his face for at least another day, or I swear I just might give him an eye to match his lip.'

"Wow, you were that mad?"

"I was that mad." She confirmed.

"But your not now?" He asked to make sure.

"No, I find it hard to be mad at you when you put such effort into coming to see me. Although I don't know why you didn't just come to the front door." She put the last of the books onto the shelf then started fixing the lamp.

"Well, I thought your brother was home."

"And my light was the only one on, right?" She guessed.

"Yeah, the plan was to get you to come outside and sit on the roof with me so we could talk without your brother interrupting us." Heero looked down at his hands as he waited for her reaction, his plan could crash and burn with her next response.

"We could still go out and talk if you want too, but just so you know Milli is out with Lu." Relena began to struggle with the curtains, trying to get them back up.

"I think we need to talk about us." Heero reached around her to put the curtain up. Relena felt his chest brush against her back and she drew in a breath.

"I agree with you." She bent over and crawled threw the open window. She looked back at him to make sure he was following. She saw that he was in fact following her out onto the roof, just very slowly. Relena smirked.

"Don't want to trip again?"

"Hey, I thought the window was shut and I leaned against it. It's not my fault." He defended himself.

"Sure, your natural grace was never in question." Relena told him as he sat down beside her.

"Okay, as long as you don't ever tell anyone about it." Relena just sent him a mischievous grin and shook her head.

They sat for a moment in silence, both not knowing where to begin. Finally Relena nudged Heero in his side.

"I'll ask you again Heero, why are you hear?" She didn't look over at him; instead she focused on the starry sky above them.

He sighed aloud and mimicked her poster, "I came to see how you felt about me or if you liked Trowa better." He glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

"Well, before I answer an questions, I wont you to know that I'm not happy about the fight. It was a bit degrading---"

"I know, I know and I'm sorry reall-"

"BUT!" She raised one figure in the air for silence, "I want you to know that I've always liked you. Not Trowa, you." His face registered his shock at her words a moment before he grinned and reached for her. Before he could pull her into his arms he stopped himself.

"Are you sure that you mean that?" He questioned her. Relena rolled her eyes.

"Of course I'm sure---" The he kissed her. Relena felt as if she was lighter then air and a lot more mushy stuff.

'Maybe the week from hell was worth this.No it was defiantly worth this.'

Heero broke the kiss after what could have been hours instead of moments and tucked her into his lap, "So I guess this means we're going steady or whatever?"

"I guess, but just so you know my brother won't like this."

"I think I can handle your brother." Heero assured her as he leaned in for another kiss. Just as their lips met a car pulled into the driveway ant the two of them were blinded for a moment by its headlights. There was a screech of tires and then a brutal door slam.


"I think your bluff is about to be called."

The End of Life at Cinq High.

Yes, this is not on of those jokes some authors seem to love playing. LACH is over. But never fear, the exploits and misadventures of Heero, Relena and the rest are slated for a series of side stories I'm planning. But be warned it might be awhile before I can produce those.

I want to thank everyone who has ever reviewed my stories. You are the light of my life!!!

I also want to wish every one of my American readers a happy 4th!!

I hope I fixed the problem with people forgetting what had happened by the time I updated!! She wrote it all down in her journal!!

Also, I'll explain the Trowa/Cathy/Merimia thing. Okay Trowa and Cathy were raised by different family members. Not just raised but adopted. So Trowa's niece would be his adopted sisters child. Cathy wouldn't be blood kin to her at all.

Well, I guess this ends a year and a half's work.

Hitomi Lei AKA The Purple Ghost.

PS For those that want a chapter-by-chapter recount of what's happened in this story look below. But I have to warn you that it's in my short hand so it might be hard to understand.

Chapter -1- Heero and Relena bump into each other and the paper/book are exchanged.

Chapter -2- Relena baby-sits

Chapter -3/4- Heero calls Relena about the paper/book problem. Words are exchanged. Next day the library fall happens.this is their second body clash.

Chapter -5- Relena falls because of a prank. She bruises her shoulder and has a mild concussion.

Chapter -6- Heero and Duo decide to go on guard duty. Heero gives Relena Advil.

Chapter -7- Relena meets Lu and finds out about Milli and her and faints dinner gets burnt.

Chapter -8- Relena's locker gets junked, she fights with Heero.

Chapter -9- Heero follows her even though she makes it clear that she hates it. She skips out of class leaving him behind; she gets water/bleach dumps on her.

Chapter -10- yet another fight, and a kiss.

Chapter -11- shopping trip, Heero breaks up with Dotty,

Chapter -12/13/14- the date. And the second kiss.

Chapter -15- Milli's getting married. Heero takes Relena to the park.

Chapter -16- The rivalry is revealed.