Author has written 35 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, and Card Captor Sakura.
Heh! heh! I haven't updated my bio for such a long time. Anyway, I'm still a non-yaoi writer but this time not only that I write Heero and Relena fanfics but also Syaoran and Sakura!
So, please enjoy my new CCS and GW fics ^_^
I would also like to mention some very special people:
Iria, DeathAngelHell, AmiAmiNSusu, Waltz195
wingsoflove, Perfect Soldier 01, ML of Gryffindor,
Sugar Baby, Flame1218, Yue Lover, Poetina, Ti'ana,
Kyoudan, Shadow Raven, stinky, Minako-hime, Jenma, Ryuke-chan, no stories no more, fantasiacrystals,
Aislin Oriel, Kitani, Daphne Li, Prinder, Umeko and , Flying-Wings, EmeraldRose, brittney, SakurasBubbles, icy-natsu85, Innocent Sake, SilverDragon0207, lonely-angel-gurl, Glenn Rentholen/Katina Ashton, theinsaneone, lil-syoaron-gurl, lil-flower, HeeroYuy195, Tomoyo Hiiragazawa, BV friends, SailorJamie, Sei-chanPo and sakurablossom star, Lilove4eva, Hikaki, Ryken, poizon-cali, Ying-Fa,Idiot1988, innocent-penguin, fantasycraze, AnimeFreak-TrunksPan-luver4evr, KawaiiCherryBlossomWarior, hermionepotter, Mistress of the Night ^_^
I am truly honored to be in your Favorite Authors' List. You just don't know how happy I am to be included in your list. Thank you very much and may the Lord Almighty bless you ^_^.