Why is Love so complicated?

Disclaimer: I do not own gakuen alice.

Chapter 1

It's been four years after the incident where Natsume took Mikan's first kiss. They are all 14 years old, studying at the middle school of the institute. Though Mikan has become a bit more intelligent and now a two star, she's still as dense and clumsy as ever. Everything is as usual, Hotaru still greets Mikan every so often with her baka gun; and Natsume's still the cold bastard, checking out Mikan's pants every other time. But one thing did change; it's that Ruka doesn't have any feelings towards Mikan anymore.

Ruka asked Mikan to be his girlfriend about two years ago but she rejected him nicely. He admitted defeat and instead of being her boyfriends that he wanted so much before, he now finds himself as one of her best friend. He admits that he feels more comfortable this way actually, and secretly he's developing feelings for Mikan's other best friend- Hotaru.

Our clumsy Mikan have actually stop being late to class all the time and developed a habit such as coming early to class and have a nap till the teachers come. That way, she won't be late, plus she can still get her beauty sleep at the same time.

While she was having a nice nap on her desk, Natsume was busy pretending reading his manga while he is actually studying Mikan's features. He has hidden his feelings towards the so-called-idiot over the years ever since she joined the school. He was doing fine at hiding the feelings from others, even from her, but as he hits his puberty, his hormone starts to go all weird and now he has problem controlling his sexual urges towards the polka dots. He finds himself staring at her without knowing it more and more often, he even got caught a few times by his best friend Ruka and the polka dots herself. Thank god she's so dense that she still hasn't find out why he always get caught staring at her yet.

Mikan has grown into a beauty that no one in the whole campus can match, due to her happy-go-lucky attitude and the glow she always carries around her. Natsume starts looking at her full, soft and luscious lips, totally kissable, Natsume thought, he unconsciously licked his own lips. His eyes then travels upwards to her cute button nose, then to her closed eyelids that hides away her large innocent hazel eyes which frames with long thick curl lashes. His next target was her waist length silk-soft brunette locks, he often have trouble keeping his hands off them. He got caught a few times while he ran his fingers through them. Every time he gets caught, he will cover it by pulling her hair like that was his original intention. It's lucky that he only does that when they're alone, so no one else apart from Ruka and possibly Hotaru knows his feelings toward that polka dots.

She always let her hair down now, there're always a few strand of hair shorter than the rest that frames around her beautiful face. His eyes traveled down her har to her back, then attracted to her long flawless legs. Damn that girl, when the hell did she develop those curves and legs. The last time I checked, she was still the flat-chested annoying little girl. Though Mikan's not very tall, only 5'0" in height, she has a petite figure with all the right curves in the right places. No man in their right mind will say no to her. I wonder what panties she got on today; hopefully it's cherry/ strawberry.

"Mikan, Mikan!!!" Anna and Nonoko rush towards Mikan's desk, shaking Mikan's shoulder and arm, disturbing her beauty sleep and Natsume's once peaceful inspection.

"Is it true? Is it true?" they yelled out, wanting to get the first-hand answer from Mikan about the rumor that's been flying around in the academy since this morning.

Mikan looked up from her disturbed sleep, "huh? What is true?" rubbing her eyes, yawning, stretching out her tired body. While she was doing that, her top lifted up a bit showing her flat delicious looking tummy to Natsume who had been staring at her lustfully.

Anna and Nonoko signed, "What we mean it's is it true that Tsubasa-sempai's courting you?!" they looked at Mikan with hope in their eyes, obviously wanting some hot-juicy gossip to entertain their morning. The lust in natsume quickly vanished and replaced by total anger and jealousy.

"NO! Of-f course not. We're just really good friends, he helps to tutor me for my science. There's nothing going on between us, plus we all know who he really likes, right?" how could they ask me this stupid question, Andou-kun's like a brother to me, plus, isn't it obvious that he's been falling for Misaki-sempai since we were kids? "Sorry for ruining your fun girlies." Mikan giggled at the disappointed look on their face, completely missing the jealous or hater look in her best friend, Ruka and Natsume's eyes. Ruka had came into the classroom just in time to hear the conversation.

She looked around the classroom to see what time it is, she wants to find out how long she had been sleeping. When she glances over to her right side, she couldn't help but think how fast time passes by. Ruka has lost his feminine looks, there's no way you can mistaken him as a girl anymore even if you put him in that snow-white costume, he also teases or flirt with her more often. His fan clubs hates her for being so lucky, having the chance to flirt around with him all the time. With his blonde spiky hair and ocean-blue eyes, he can easily make any girl faint with his smile.

They often go out for dates; they will have fun flirting around and just talking about absolutely everything. Ruka is the only guy that Mikan will ever flirts back because she knows that Ruka doesn't held any romantic feelings towards her anymore, but direct it to Hotaru instead. They both enjoy flirting to each other, but there're also other intentions in their little flirting game. Ruka tries to get his best friend Natsuma jealous and hopefully make a move on Mikan while Mikan flirts to try get Hotaru's attention on Ruka. If they flirt, she has more chances to bring Ruka's name into the conversation she has daily with Hotaru.

Without realizing she's been staring at Ruka for like...three minutes, she woke up with his teasing, "What's wrong? Finally realize that you have fallen for me?" he smirked cheekily, pulling her towards him with his arm snaked around her slim waist.

Mikan slapped his arm lightly, unwinding herself from his arm. "Sorry Ruka, I wasn't staring at you because I've fallen for you, but cause I was merely imagining what you would look like with make-up and a dress on." She stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Hey tiny, you better put that back inside your mouth before I do something with it." he gave her an arrogant smirk.

Even though they're fourteen already, Mikan's still really naive, "Like what?" a little confuse and really wanna know what he would do, she stuck her tongue out again.

Ruka quickly moved his head towards her face with only an inch apart, "You sure you wanna know?"

oh my god, his face is so close to mine. I can feel his breathe on me, my heart is beating so fast and I bet my face is as dark as Natsume's eyes. Mikan couldn't move, she only had her eyes widen, surprise and shock by his move and the distance between them. Ruka smirked, happy with her shock expression. He moved back and decides to mess her hair up a little chuckling at her expression.

"Hey!" Mikan woken from her shock and start hitting Ruka's hand away from her messed hair. She smoothen her hair out, running her fingers through them, completely obvious from the loving glaze from a few boys e.g. Ruka and the ones that are outside the classroom, looking through the open doorway.


"#$$$" Mikan yelling something out from the floor, guessing it's something like what was that for Hotaru?!! Since Hotaru somehow understood what Mikan had just said, "Stop flirting in front of me, baka. I don't feel like throwing up my breakfast." Hotaru said coldly, glaring at Ruka before turning back towards the board. Ruka couldn't help but sweated a little, Hotaru still have her ways to blackmail him. Just thinking what would happen if he dare kiss Mikan in one of the dates, Hotaru would definitely chop him in pieces and sell his body parts to make a profit. She's still extremely protective of Mikan and she scared off a few guys that were trying to make moves on Mikan. It's funny how she allows to hit Mikan but nobody else can or else will end up dead the next day.

"Mor, Hotaru, we weren't flirting, we were just talking." Mikan managed to pick herself back up and start hugging her stotic friend from the side. Was she jealous? I hope so, can't wait to get Ruka-pyon and Hotaru together. "Whatever, and stop with your tears. If you get my uniform wet, I will kill you with my latest invention, you hear me." Mikan quickly backed off from her friend with the others who happened who have heard it.

Hotaru has always been clever, pretty and mature. She has gone even more beautiful over the last six years though her personality hasn't changed much. She still reject everyone who were brave enough to propose to her, still breaking their hearts into tiny pieces in the cruelest way if possible without knowing she's doing it.

"Ne, Mikan. You're getting better and better with your alice. I couldn't read your mind anymore, not even when you're all over Hotaru-san crying or spacing out, not even when you're sleeping." Kokoryomi said.

"oh, really? Thanks for the compliment." Mikan smiled, happy knowing her control over her alice has gone better but she think over what he just said again, "HEY! You were trying to read into my dreams." She started chasing the now laughing Koko.

While they were chasing around in the classroom with Mikan trying to throw chalks at Koko. Natsume is reading his comic as usual, though he's quite pissed about what happened between Ruka and Mikan awhile ago. "Hey, you're not jealous, are you Natsume?" Ruka whispered to his best friend's ear. "Of course not, don't be stupid, I don't care what happens between you two." Natsume said quietly, eyes still glued onto his comic. Ruka signed, leaning back in his seat taking a nap. Baka Natsume, why can't he just admit he likes her and make a move already?!! and Mikan, though you're one of my best friend, why are you so dense?

While everyone was doing their own things, Mikan was about to jump onto Koko though she had long forgotten why she was chasing Koko around in the first place, Koko moved just in time to avoid been tackle to the ground. BUMP! Mikan was expecting to tackle nothing but air and meet the cold floor with pain, but when she opened her eyes from her fall, she found herself falling into Natsume's lap. For a few seconds, everything seemed to have frozen over until Natsume broke the ice, "How long do you want to stay on my lap for, polka dots?" he glared at Mikan for ruining his reading. "..sor...SORRY!" Mikan quickly get off his lap, but accidentally putting one of her hands too close to his male part on his thigh without knowing it. After she pushed herself off him, she quickly hit Koko on his head for dogging her attack than ran back into her own seat, just in time for Mr. Jinno to come in and start the lesson.

Ruka saw what happened and leaned close to his best friend, "Lucky you, need to go to the bathroom?" he leaned back into his own seat giggling, teasing Natsume. "Shut up!" Natsume whispered back harshly, using all his will power to force the blush down. What's wrong with the polka dots!!! Does she know how close her hand was to my dxxx, and what the hell is wrong with me? Why the hell did I nearly blushed, I DON'T blush. Talking about male and their pride.

-----------------------5th lesson, just before lunch-----------------------

"Wow, they look delicious. Who are you going to share it with?" Anna asked.

They're currently in their fifth lesson, cooking class. Anna and Nonoko baked cookies for you know who (clue-Narumi's best friend, also a teacher).

"Thank you. I think I'm going to share it with -" Mikan were about to say Hotaru's name but got interrupted by none other than Hotaru. "Don't even bother; I don't want to die yet." She said coldly though teasing her, she knows Mikan can actually cook something decent now. She puts the last finishing touches on her gigantic, three stories multi-flavored cake, seems to be very proud of herself. The top layer it's white chocolate and strawberry, the middle-layer it's chocolate and the bottom layer it's just a normal cake with different colored fruits on it. It looks so nice and it smells really good too.

"How did you do that in just two lessons???" Mikan shouted, her eyes practically falling out, as well as the other classmates.

"Because I'm God." She replied coldly, cutting some pieces out for the others to eat not wanting to get a stomached by eating the whole thing. Mikan and the others started digging in, complimenting on how good the cakes tasted. After they finished and cleared up, Mikan packed her freshly made lunch-box up with her lunchbox cloth. They all went back to their classroom to have their lunch there and get their lunchbox then go outside.

"Mikan, are you going to eat with us today?" Nonoko asked seeing Mikan was holding her own lunchbox and the lunchbox she made last lesson. That seemed to attract some attention from the group. Seeing everyone looking at her, wanting an answer. She was just about to answer, she saw even Natsume was looking at her from behind his comic. She suddenly lost her voice, why do I feel guilty? I'm just going to have lunch wit-

"Mikan?" a husky voice called out from the doorway.

Everyone turned their attention towards the voice, only to find an extremely HOT senior, probably one or two years older than them standing there. He has messy dark hair and a bit spiked with the help of gel. He has the most seductive onyx eyes and he wears loose pants with his sleeves rolled up, tie undone, giving him a bad-boy imagine.

"ah, sumimaseh, Tsubasa-kun. I was just about to go find you." Mikan walked towards him with the lunchboxes. Now everyone knows who the spare lunchbox is for, while Ruka glared at him, Natsume was fuming mad, giving out murderous-aura.

"Daijoubu, I got let out early and thought might as well come and get you. Who knows if you can even move a single step with all your fan-boys blocking your way when you set one step into my corridor." giving her a gentle smile which can melt any girls' heart. Yep, he's the Andou Tsubasa. He was pretty good looking boy a few years back then, but now, he's the hottest senior in high school.

Mikan giggled, finally reaching him. He led them out to have their lunch, but before Mikan followed out, she turned around, "Ja ne, see you guys later. " giving a bow then ran after Tsubasa.

"Was that ANDOU TSUBASA SEMPAI?!!!!" Sumire shouted out. Her eyes looked like they were going to pop out any second. "He looks sooooooo HOT!" having heart shapes in her eyes.

"I knew it, they're going out!" Anna yelled.

"Mikan lied! " Nonoko pouted.

While the class was busy whispering stuff to each other and some betting on if they're really going out or not already.

"Ne, Natsume. What are you going to do about it?" Ruka whispered to Natsume, putting another mouthful of his lunch into his mouth.

"Nothing, it's none of my business." He said with his comic over his face, ready to take a nap.

"Liar. You were jealous that Mikan HANDMADE a lunchbox for that shadow bastard. Don't try lying to me; I'm not your best-friend for nothing." Ruka snorted, obviously proud to call himself his best friend.

Though Natsume said he didn't care, but he's actually thinking what to do with that shadow guy. It's alright when Ruka flirts with the baka because he knows when to stop and will never take advantage of her. But this shadow guy probably won't, he seems serious about the polka dots and will make moves on her, sign, what am I gonna do? Natsume frowned under his comic over his face.

My very first Gakuen Alice Fanfiction.

Please review guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!