Author has written 12 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Rurouni Kenshin, and Twilight. Hi, I'm Baby Shadow, but my friends call me Jeseika. Yep, Jessica except with a k. hehe. I just turned 24 and live in Roswell, Ga. I read a lot and love Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries, plus Top Model. Can't forget Tyra. Writing is fun for me, and I use to never let anyone read my stuff but I guess I got over it and I kinda of like others reading my stuff even though I'm far from being any SM, who I think is an awesome writer. I believe the more you write the better you get at it, but reading is also important. I have to admit that I am a Twihard, even though I'm hella old, but I don't care. I also love Sponge Bob and Disney Movies. Also a Anime fan . Guess I'm a dork at heart. But there is nothing wrong with that, nothing at all. Or so I'll keep telling myself. 6/10/12: Ok so I'm sitting here rereading the Twilight story I'm currently working on and I have to admit that it's not that bad. I'm in no why tooting my own horn I'm just saying that it's better than I as the writer expected. I thought it would be messier and more boring. I hope you guys agree. I also realized I have been working on this story for a long time. Since 2009 I think. Wow it's been a while. I hope you can continue to enjoy it though. Thanks for reading and reviewing! 11-4-11:Hey everyone. Been Awhile. (love that song). Once again I wanted to thank all the readers of TI and all of my works. Thanks to you guys that I have been able to get this far. I have more confidence in what I write and even more in myself. So Thanks!!!! 9-29-10: Hey Guys, how's everyone. I really wnat to thank everyone who has read my story, Totally Irresistable. A Twilght spinoff. Yes I LOVE it. If you like it, don't like it, I don't care, i'm just happy you gave it a chance. I keep writing and getting better because of the many awesome reviews I get on a daily basis. So Thanks again. Please keep them coming, they are the fuel to my creative though process. 10-26-09: Hey everybody, I just wanted to let everyone know I got a new Twilight fic out. I'm stuck on Twilight right now, like so many other people. I can't wait for the movie, New Moon to show, but anyways I'm getting off track. It's called Totally Irresistible, and it's my first all human Twilight fic. Check it out and let me know what you think. Happy Halloween!! 09-28-09: Hey, it's me. I just want to thank everyone who has supported my first Twilight fan-fiction, Starlight. I never thought it would be this well received, since at the time no one really cared for the book Breaking Dawn or Nessie. For some reason a lot of people didn't like either. I did, and I wanted more. But of course the Saga was over so I thought why not write my own continuation. So I did, and I posted and it was liked. That part surprised me. Anyways, thank you guys for your awesome reviews and opinions. I appreciate both. 12-31-08 : Hey Guys, It's almost time for the new year, and I have some good news. I have decided to good a head and start on the sequel to my Gundam Wing FF, A Wager on Love. I have not finished my Twilight FF, Starlight yet but it's coming along so well and flowing so easily that I think I can handle it. Besides it's winter vacation and I have some free time on my hands so... why not. Hope this news makes someone happy. NE ways, I hope everyone has a Happy New Years!! Party on!! Hey, Its Babyshadow. Just telling you to read my new Twilight Fanfiction called Starlight. It's pretty good, but I'm the author so how bout you read it for yourself and find out. HEHEHE. NEWays I have some good news for you die hard Twilight fans out there. So if you didn't already know, Twilight, this years much anticapated movie has been bumped up to Nov 21st, instead of Dec 12th. YES, I know... thats a three week advancment. I'm so excited. But before that, I'll be celebrating my 21st birthday,Oct 29th. There are some many important things happening this year, not to mention the presidental elections also in Nov. I have no idea which I'm more excited about but I'm definitely syked. GOD BLESS 2008! 11-01-08 A/N: So my twilight FF is going well, I finally thought that the end was near, but now it's no where in sight. I'll keep working on that. I really want to start on my sequel to 'A wager on love' but I have so many things going on, I don't to start and not have time to finish either. I'll just keep working on Starlight, and hopefully get that done soon. |
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