She sat at the table in her kitchen waiting patiently for the new arrival. Taking in a foreign exchange student from America is a big step for Kagome Hagirashi. An 'A' student in her high school Kagome had taken the initiative to accept the responsibility of a foreign exchange student. Her friend Hojo Origami sat next to her watching her intently. Kagome couldn't stop talking about 'her' the foreign exchange student. She used to live in Japan but moved to America, and she has the weirdest name. Kagome grabbed her bottle of water off of the table chugging it down. She slammed the bottle on the table nervously as the time count down to the end of the wait. 'Ten more minutes.'

Hojo smiled at the girl across the table from him. The angel who caught his eye the first day he met her. He shook his head of those thoughts, kicking himself. His 'girlfriend' needed him here.

"Kagome!" a not so excited Mrs. Hagirashi yelled.

"She's here!" Kagome screamed as she jumped from the table almost flipping it up right. Hojo shook his head as the girl shot passed him like a bat out of hell. He smiled never the less as he followed her. "Oh my god."

Hojo followed the sound of Kagome's voice. He stopped when he saw her form and her face covered in shock. He then stepped a little closer to her side and saw the person standing at the door. He felt his heart skip a beat at the figure. "There has to be a mistake."

"Keh." The figure stepped further into the room. The silver hair swayed as the figure took every step. Kagome felt her heart stop just staring at 'him'. He stepped towards Mrs. Higurashi a stuck out his hand. "I wanted to thank you for taking me in to your home Mrs. Higurashi."

She reluctantly took his hand shaking it very lightly. "No problem…"

"Inuyasha." The two talking at the moment, turned to face Kagome. Inuyasha felt his heart constrict at the girl standing before him.

Inuyasha nodded before walking towards her and stopping infront of her. "You must be Kagome."


"There has to be a mistake."

"Hojo, we already went through with this. I called Mrs. Onitomo and she told me that it was a boy all along." Kagome said grabbing some blankets from the closet. "There is nothing I can do." She said as they both turned and headed towards her room 'There's nothing I want to do about it.'. she almost stopped wen the thought passed through her mind. A light blush stained her face as she entered her room. "Hopefully Rin is doing better Sesshoumaru. She and Rin almost have a lot in common."

"You mean he." Kagome turned around to look at her doorway. Inuyasha was leaning on the door frame staring at her with his Blue eyes locking with her brown. She felt her heart skip just thinking about him. She smiled at that then at him. He shifted his movement.

"What do you mean he?" Hojo asked glaring at Inuyasha when he caught the kid staring at his 'Girlfriend'. Kagome was disappointed when Inuyasha's Blue eyes left her gaze to glare at Hojo.

"Well Homo, Sess is a guy. How I know this is because Sess is my older half brother." Kagome laughed as she thought about the situation Rin and her were in. 'I wonder if he is as hot as Inuyasha?' she smiled as she watched Inuyasha leave. She turned to Hojo to see him staring at her.

She waved her hands infront of his face. Hojo blinked a couple of times. Kagome always wondered why Hojo always hung around her. Yuki, Emi, and Ayame say it's because he liked her, Sango said he's just a retard, and Rin doesn't say anything on the matter. "Well I should get going." Hojo said grabbing her hand then kissing the back of it. Kagome's face turned to shades of red as she stared at her hand. She had always liked Hojo as a crush and now he was showing her that he might feel the same way. Kagome wanted to jump up and down and squeal. Hojo bowed before her and left.

Inuyasha sat on the steps of the Higurashi shrine. Finally able to think without any kind of interruption. He looked down at his right middle finger that wore his concealment charm. The stupid thin barley worked, since it was made for youkai and him being hanyou didn't help the matter. The stupid thing didn't work on a full moon, and guess what tonight was. he shook his head, and guess what tonight was going to be. He shook his head trying to get the thoughts out of his weak hanyou blood. He stood slowly as the sun began to set. He looked down at his hand, watching the human finger nails turn to claws. "Inuyasha?" His eyed grew wide as he turned to face Kagome as he hid his hands behind his back.

"Hey." He set scooting towards the well house he had spotted over at he other corner of the place. He closed his mouth tight as he felt his fangs start to push against his bottom lip. He was getting ready to run when she grabbed his arm and starred into his eyes.

"Inuyasha are you o-?" she stopped dead when his eyes changed infront of her. His once Blue eyes were now like a golden sea begging her to take a dive. "Your eyes?"

"They change in the sun." he heard her gasp and point to his mouth. "Shit." He then watched her gaze shift to the top of his head as his ears pushed their way threw his silver locks.

Inuyasha headed towards the house. "Wh-Where are you going?"

Inuyasha stopped at her voice and turned to face her. "Leaving."


"Keh," he looked back up at the sky eyeing the full moon and cursing it, "Because you now have a hanyou, a half-breed, a mutt in your house." He said before he picked up his feet to move again.

Only to be stopped by Kagome who now stood infront of him arms stretched out. "That's what I came to talk to you about." He looked at her puzzled before tilting his head to the side. "Well before I saw you um change. I came to tell you that there will be demons at our school."

Inuyasha looked at her dumb founded "Not under concealments?" Inuyasha looked utterly confused. He shifted in his wait the looked at Kagome with a concerned look on his face. "And you don't care." He pointed to his ears on the top of his head while is gaze stayed on her waiting for a response.

"I think there cute." She said reaching for his ears.

"Oi! Wench don't touch the ears!" Inuyasha bellowed receiving a giggle from Kagome. Who ignored his plea and began to rub them.

"Any who, I used to date a demon." Inuyasha ripped his ears from Kagome before taking a sniff of her a couple of times. "What?"

"Uh, nothing." 'He didn't mark her who ever he was. Good.' Inuyasha caught himself before his thoughts got the better of him.

"It's getting late."

Inuyasha looked at the sky seeing the stars in the sky shine like never before. He smiled at that and nodded at Kagome then frowned. "Where do I sleep?"

A light shade of pink came across her face. "Um, on the floor i-in my room."

"Are you sure?" Inuyasha asked instead of answering she grabbed his arm and dragged him into the house. She led him up stairs as she yelled good night to her mother. She threw her bedroom door open and threw him inside. He looked around eyeing the place it wasn't the normal girl's rooms that he saw in many movies, it was different. He looked at the corner of her room seeing the bunch of covers in the corner. He grabbed them and looked at Kagome. She waved her hand for him to face the wall and he did. Then when he heard her say it was okay to look he turned around and his jaw almost dropped.

Kagome was in her night gown that showed all of her curves. Inuyasha shook his head and giving his infamous 'Keh' before pulling off his shirt and leaning against her bed. "Good night Inuyasha." Kagome said as she turned towards the wall.

"Keh." He shifted to set his self in a conformable position, "Good night wench."

"I have a name!" she yelled

Inuyasha chuckled to himself. "Good night Kagome."