Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Gundam Wing.

Ch1- Love on a Stormy Night

Heero's pace quickened as the rain droplets fell faster. He walked on wondering where he was going. He was now soaked and his clothes clung to every muscle in his body. He shoved his cold, wet hands into his coat pockets and kept moving. Now and then a car would drive by splashing drops of water his way. His head hung low and his body shivered as the wind began to pick up. He had known there was going to be a storm but he still ventured out of his lonely apartment, and he still had no idea where his tired feet where taking him.

After a few minutes Heero found himself in front of a large black iron gate and on the gate in big italic letters was printed Peacecraft. Here, at her house. He thought. Out of all the house, it had to be hers. He stood there looking at the large brick mansion. Thoughts crossed his mind like horses running across an open field. Should he go see her? Should he sneak in or knock at her door. Why not, he had come all this way and he knew that it was his heart that led him here. He sighed and pushed open the gate. He walked slowly toward the mansion even though he was very cold. When he reached her front door, he reached up to ring her door bell then stopped. What in the world am I thinking, I just can't just knock on her after not contacting her after three years. She must hate me. I can't do this. He replaced his hand in his pockets and turned to leave.


Relena had just sat down on her couch with her cup of tea in hand and thick wool blanket tucked around her. She took up the remote and turned the TV on. It automatically turned itself to the news. She paid close attention, occasionally sipping her lemon and honey tea. She jumped slightly as the light flickered. She looked out the window into the storm. It was suppose to last all night. She glanced back at the TV then outside again. Heero. She placed the cup down and threw the blanket off of her. She grabbed her umbrella and a pair of shoes that sat by the door. She opened the umbrella and ran into the stromy night calling out his name. Oh how she wanted to see him.

She called after him again and still no answer. He was about to step out of the yard when she called him again. He heard her this time. He turned around, his face dripping with water. She could tell he had been out her a while. She stopped in front of him and began caught her breathe all the while looking at him. His white t-shirt clung to his chest as so did his jeans to his legs. His face still looked the same. She wanted to say something but the words would not come. So...... she just stared.


Heero was half way out the gate when he heard a faint cry in the back of his mind, at first he ignored it but when he heard it again louder he knew who it was. He turned slightly to see a graceful figure approaching him, with a large blue umbrella bobbing above her head. She stopped only a few feet away from him. She said nothing as she tried to catch her breathe. He could do nothing more than look at the women she had become. Her long hair was plastered to one side of her face as the wind blew heavily upon them. Trees swayed back and front in the back ground.

Before he knew what he was doing he was moving slowly toward her. He didn't stop until he was entirely under the umbrella. He towered over her at least 2 inches, but he knew she had grown taller since they had last met. At this point he could tell she was cold. He frail body shivered and her cheeks were turning bright pink. He smiled slightly as he took the umbrella from her, brushing his hand against hers.

"Let's go in side, you look cold" She didn't refuse, instead she nodded her head and walked silently next to him to her house.


I hope you liked it. Ch 2 will only be updated if and only if I get at least 10 Reviews for Ch 1. So Review.