Hey guys, It's Goddess InuYasha here. You all probably don't know who I am, although I used to be here under a different name. ^^ Anyway, this fic was inspired by Pretty Woman, one of my favorite movies out there! I hope you guys like it! ^^

*Goddess InuYasha*

Disclaimer: InuYasha and Co. Do not belong to me. They all belong to Takahashi Rumiko. But that doesn't mean I can't play around with them all, right? Hee hee.

*Pretty Kagome*

Chapter one: Ramen Stand

It's not like I wanted my life to be like this.

I never wanted to end up here, on the streets, fighting for my life...

As well as the life of my younger brother.

And it's not like I wanted to do what I do.

I never wanted to be this dirty, my clothes too tight, my lipstick too red....

As well as my body being sold for as much money as I can ask for....

Which, when I think about it, isn't very much at all.

I remember when life was so much better than it is now.

I remember not worrying about feeding myself or my brother.

I remember when I actually went to school and did homework and chores and went to the movies and concerts with friends.....

And now when I look back on those memories, I laugh.

Because I was so fucking naive and innocent and had no idea how the world really worked.

.....But now I do....

And god I wish more than anything that I could pick up my brother from the orphanage where he was placed and carry him back home and lay him down in his warm bed and tell him reassuringly that everything would forevermore be okay. That he'd no longer be hungry and feel pain. That he'd have a place with an actual non-leaky roof and walls to live in, and a fireplace to warm himself by, and a microwave to heat up as many cans of chicken-broth soup as he wanted. That he'd never be beaten and mistreated by the headmistress of the orphanage ever again.

But I understood that none of what I dreamt will ever happen.

Because I knew deep down inside that I'd forevermore be doing what I was doing.

That until I was old and ugly, I'd have to live the life that I lived and hope that my brother found himself a better life away from me...

Because an eleven-year-old shouldn't have to watch his seventeen-year-old sister step into a limo or a fancy sports car and drive off, only to come back a half an hour later with a fist full of cash and a broken spirit.

Not to mention sometimes a broken body....

But still, I continued to walk those streets, on and on and on....

On and on and on and on....

There's a song that my mom used to sing to me....

All I could remember was the tune, though. And one line.... On and on and on and on....

But that was enough to get me though each day.


For you, I'll walk on and on and on and on....


It's not easy being one of the most eligible bachelors in Tokyo, you know.

For one thing, all these ugly, fake, air-headed women keep trying to 'snag' me.

Let me ask you, what the hell do these damn wenches think they're playing at?

Do they really believe that if they show some skin and offer me pleasure they're going to get my money? My house and a few nice cars and a large pool and a set income for life?

Fuck that.

I didn't want to marry anyone.

I liked being single.

Of course, that could be just because I had yet to find a woman with an intelligence level higher than a five-year-old. How sad is that?

I'd courted girls before, of course. There was one time I actually thought I was in love.


That emotion, I later found out, doesn't exist at all.

Being twenty-two and all, my father insisted that I at least find someone new to court so the public didn't think I was gay or had testicular cancer.

Which is ridiculous.

I am nowhere near being gay. But if I even seemed to be gay, my father insisted that it would ruin his reputation.

I disagree.

I believed that his numbers in popularity would grow, since being gay seemed to be plenty popular those days.

But whatever. I'm not gay, and I assure you that I did not have testicular cancer.

Anyway, back to the point. I didn't like women crawling all over me because I happed to look good in spandex. (Or so they said in CosmoGirl.)

Playgirl actually wanted me to be a centerfold in their magazine. Thankfully, that was one thing my father disagreed with.

I was at a party earlier that night, which is why I ended up driving around the slums of Tokyo, trying to find a decent ramen joint. Visiting the slums always calmed me down. Probably because it reminded me that even though my life sucked, I still had a bed to sleep in and all. Which half of the people living in the slums didn't.

It was already dark outside, and the streets were lined with lamps that flickered on and off and neon signs for pubs and strip clubs. And there, on the corner at the end of the street stood a ramen stand.


I had to park a few blocks back, due to those less fortunate sleeping in the gutters. I didn't feel much like running any of them over with my Nisan Skyline GTR, a twenty-first birthday gift from daddy-dear.

I stepped out of my car and into the brisk night air, walking quickly, trying not to look anyone in the eyes. Eye contact makes the homeless think you're willing to give money, so they bother you more.

I should have gone straight home after I left the party. I should have settled for plain, old instant ramen. Because what happened next I never would have expected.

And it definitely changed my life.

"Stop it! Please, just leave me alone!"

"Shut up, slut! You should be used to this by now! You do it for a living, don't you?!"

"Please! Please, I have a younger brother to feed! If you're going to do anything, at least... At least..."

"What? Pay you?"

The voice of the young girl who was being hassled wavered and she let out a sob. "Please!"

Three other voices laughed. "Bitch. Why should we pay you for any of this? You're lucky that you came across us instead of someone who wanted to kill you instead!"

Another male voice. "Yeah. And not all of us have made up our minds to keep you alive." They laughed again.

Well, crap.

Now what?

I probably would have been better off just walking by and letting the guys have their fun. More than likely, the girl was a druggie anyway, and was going to die in a few years whether she was raped and killed or not.

"Fuck." I growled out. I just couldn't let it happen. I turned down the ally way that the voices were coming from, to see a young girl forced to her knees with three thugs standing around her with their jeans unzipped, ready to whip out their packages and have some fun. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? A local gang-bang?"

The three guys all turned their heads to look at me, surprised. I don't think that they were expecting anyone to interrupt them.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

I grinned. "No one you know." I paused. "Probably." Okay, maybe I was having too much fun with all of this, but it had been a while since I had been in a fight. Not since high school, actually, and I had some excess energy I needed to get rid of. My I'm-about-to-have-some-fun-kicking-ass grin faltered when the girl whimpered, still held down by two of the guys.

"Please..." She barely whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. "Please help me..." A new flow of tears slid silently down her cheeks.

Well, fuck. Now it became serious.

"Mister, you've walked into the wrong ally." He turned to his sidekicks. "Kill him."

They ran at me.

I smirked.

From the way they attacked me, it was easy to tell that none of them had been trained like I had, so they were all quite easy to deal with.

They were all unconscious in three seconds flat.

Okay, more like three minuets, but they were dealt with rather quickly either way.

After I was done, I straightened myself and brushed off my five hundred dollar pants. I was about to leave, when the girl who I'd forgotten about in my frenzy of attackers spoke to me.

"Who.... Who are you?"

I raised my eyebrows and turned to her. "That's none of your business." I paused. "Need some help up?" I held out my hand, not really thinking at the time that I could have easily caught whatever disease she might have been carrying, and lifted her onto her feet.

"Th-thank you." She smiled a small smile. "My name is Kagome."


I had been standing outside for who-knows how long before it happened. They had lured me into the ally way, telling me that I'd only have to give a blow job for one hundred dollars. That was easy work for one hundred, so I accepted and followed, which I admit was rather stupid of me. As soon as I was far enough into the ally, two more came out of the shadows and surrounded me.

I was about to be raped.


And then, out of nowhere, he came along, tall and strong, and very brave.

Not to mention rude.

Not that I had any right to complain, since I had just been saved by him.

"Who.... Who are you?" I asked, awed at the power that seemed to be glowing from him.

He raised his eyebrows and turned to glare at me. "That's none of your business." He paused. "Need some help up?" He held out his hand to me, and lifted me onto my feet.

"Th-thank you." I smiled a small smile, a little intimidated at his strength. "My name is Kagome." It was the first time I had gotten a good look at him. He had long, flowing, pure white hair. I would have thought 'albino' but his skin had a slightly tanned tone to it. He also had slightly golden eyes, almost amber-ish. And then I saw the top of his head.

Ears. On his head.

Crap. He was a demon.

What did he want? Did he save me so that he could take me himself? I started to panic, wondering if I would die. Would he rape me and then kill me? And then what if he went after my brother?

I started to shake all over, my throat becoming dry, my eyes moistening with tears. "Please." I started to beg again. "Please just don't hurt me."

The demon looked slightly confused, tilting his head, kind of like a puppy. Then it was as if realization dawned on him. His right hand went self-consciously to his ears, and his eyes narrowed to slits. "Ah." He said, in a deep, silky voice. "I see. Well, I'll be going now." And with that, he turned and left.

I was stunned. It was almost like I had hurt his feelings. But that couldn't be. He was a demon, after all, and demons didn't have feelings to hurt. I had an urge to go after him. Ask him why he hadn't attacked me or hurt or tried to eat me. I'd heard of that happening before, a demon eating a human.

So why hadn't this one eaten me?

The urge was strong, but I really didn't want to push my luck. After all, a demon was a demon and I knew that if I went after him like some kind of puppy, he'd eat me for sure. So no, I wouldn't follow him. I'd stay here, safe.

At least, that's what I had decided until one of my attempt rapers stirred and let out a painful groan. After all, I figured that if the demon had helped me before, he'd help me out again, right?

I wish I would have been more sure, but I rushed out of the ally way as fast as I could on my stilettoes. Those things are really hard to walk on, mush less run on, by the way. I turned around the corner, and my spirits fell, noticing that he was nowhere to be found.

The men were starting to stand now, feeling each broken bone and cursing, not quite understanding what had happened. That was it. I ran off down the street towards a ramen stand. Maybe whoever was working there would help me.

Most likely he wouldn't, though. I was a prostitute, and us sex-sellers weren't good for the ramen business. Nonetheless, I ducked under the curtain flap and jumped, surprised to find the very demon who had saved me.

He turned to glare at me, raising his eyebrow as he had done before. "You again?" He asked, roughly.

I was stunned speechless. He was beautiful. I couldn't really notice his facial features in the dim light of the street lamps, but in the bright lighting of the ramen stand, his chiseled face made me blush. "Uh.." Was the smart word that came from my mouth.

"Listen, I'm not interested, okay? Besides, it seems to me that you're afraid of me."

"I- I'm not." I stuttered out. Which was a complete lie. I was terrified of him. But at the same time, something about him made me feel calm. Almost tranquil. Of course, with that added sense of panic.

He snorted. "Whatever, wench." He paused, looking at my face. My heart sped up, and it took me a few minuets to notice why. He was looking into my eyes. Nowhere else. Not my legs or my crotch, or my breasts. It was the first time in a long time any man had looked at me that way. He sighed, after hearing my stomach grumble. "You hungry?"

"No." I said, on reflex, putting up a defense that now came naturally to me. Of course, my stomach disagreed with me loudly.

He let out a sharp laugh. "Right. Sit down, girl. Eat something."

My cheeks flushed. "Um... Well..." Was all I could manage.

He glared at me again. "Sit."

I sat.

My cheeks were still beat red. What was going on? Why was he being so nice? Was he waiting until my defenses were down so he could strike?

No, that was dumb. I didn't have any defenses to take down.

"What type of ramen do you like? Chicken? Beef? Shrimp?" Although the words were nice enough, his voice was rough and uncaring.

I didn't answer him. I was too scared. Too confused. What was going on? What was I doing sitting in a ramen stand with a demon?

"Okay." He said, obviously irritated at my lack of response. "Hey, Jiji! Gimmie two beef ramen! Make mine extra spicy!"

"Hai, hai." The old man said, turning to us. I could only imagine what we looked like, sitting together, a well-dressed demon boy and a barely-dressed human girl. His eyes fell on me and his face hardened. "You!" He said, pointing at me. "Out!"

I blinked a few times, surprised, then slowly stood to leave. I should have expected it. I would scare away the costumers, plus, it wasn't like I had the money to pay for a bowl of ramen anyway. But it's weird how things work out. The next thing I knew, a clawed hand had closed around my wrist and pulled me roughly back down onto my seat. I turned to look at the demon next to me as he gave the same glare that he had given me to the ramen man.

"She's with me. She stays."

The Jiji shook his head and shook his finger. "No. No, girl is bad for business! She go out!" He said, in his broken Japanese. I hadn't noticed before. He was obviously Chinese. "She can no pay for ramen!"

"I'll be paying for her ramen." The demon said roughly. "And besides, it's four in the morning. What other business are you going to get?"

That shut the ramen man up. He placed two steaming bowls of beef ramen in front of us, and for a moment, I could only stare at the food. How long had it been since I had eaten a nice, warm meal?

Too long.

I grabbed the chopsticks that had been set down next to the bowl, and scarfed down the contents as fast as I could. I could feel the demon's eyes on me, and as I slurped up the last of the broth and set the bowl down, I looked over at him, noticing that he was surprised. He blinked at me a few times, and I blushed. Maybe I had eaten too fast? No sooner than I had though it, a large belch came from my stomach.

I paused, embarrassed as what I had just done. Now what?

And then the strangest thing happened.

He laughed.

The demon threw back his head and let out a laugh that was free of all harshness and roughness. H laughed so hard that I thought he'd start crying.

He didn't. Instead, he settled down and turned to me. "Well, wasn't that feminine."

What was he doing? Joking around with me? Teasing me? He didn't seem to be wanting to kill me and eat me up. Which was good. I still didn't respond to him. I was too confused. Did he want to hurt me or protect me? Laugh with me or be mean to me? I didn't get it. Did he want sex with me after all?

I was still imbedded in my thoughts when he stood and placed money on the counter. What surprised me was that he held out his hand, just like he did right after he had saved me. "Come on." He said, the roughness back in his voice. "Let's get you out of here."

And, not fully trusting him, I took his hand in mine, and let him lead me away from the Ramen stand.


I was intrigued.

She had followed me after being scared to death of me. She had sat next to me in the ramen stand and, although she was frightened, she ate with me. She wasn't much for conversation of course, being that she almost said nothing.

But you know, it was an interesting change from all the air-heads that I had eaten with in the past. And as strange and dumb as it may sound, I absolutely loved it when she burped. I had never heard a girl burp before. It was a nice change of pace.

As I walked her back to my car, I noticed what she was wearing. A sports-bra-looking thing and a black leather skirt stopping right below her ass. She had fishnets on and these extremely high heeled shoe-things on. She wore bright red lipstick that didn't go with her skin tone and bright blue eyeshadow.

Even though it was a warm night out, she was shivering. I slipped of my jacket and placed it around her shoulders. She greedily accepted it, like she had done with the ramen and wrapped herself tightly into the clothing.

We finally reached my car and I walked around to the drivers seat, unlocking the car. The girl stood next to the car for a second, hesitating. I raised my eyebrow. "What are you waiting for?" I asked, a little more harshly than I expected. "Get in."

She immediately did as I told her, hastily slipping into the passengers side. With a sigh, I opened the car door and sat down.

No sooner had I closed the door when the girl was upon me, kissing my shoulder and moving her way up to my neck. I was shocked. What was she doing. "What the hell are you doing, wench?" I asked, gruffly, grabbing onto her shoulders.

"This is what you want, ne?" She asked, still going at my neck and moving her arms to unbutton my shirt.

I pushed her back. "Stop." I commanded her. She thought I had brought her here for sex!

She didn't seem to be upset about my rejection. Instead, she pulled off her top, letting her breasts fall from the binding.

I immediately blushed. "Wha- !!" I blurted out.

She leaned in to kiss my neck again, but I was too fast for her. I grabbed my jacket, which she had discarded behind her, and threw it at her. "Put your fucking top back on!" I almost shouted at her. "I fucking don't want to mate with you!"

She blinked, a little taken back. "What? What do you want then?" Her voice became shaky, scared. "Are you going to eat me?"

I paused, then laughed again. "No. Whores don't taste good."

She winced at the word 'whore' and then seemed to be angry. "Well, then what do you want?"

I shrugged. Why was I bringing her home with me? Maybe because, even though she was a prostitute, she still was the most interesting person that I had ever met. Of course, I had already seen more of her than I wanted to, but I had a strange feeling that I wanted to protect her. Like she was my little sister. And it horrified me that someone as young and pretty as she was, was doing what she was doing.

How old was she, anyway? She didn't look any older than 20, or any younger than 16. I sighed. "How old are you?"

"Why?" She asked suspiciously.

"Because I want to know. Is that a problem?"

She paused. "Seventeen."

Anger coursed throughout my entire body. "What the fuck are you doing selling yourself?"

She winced. "Wha... What's it to you?" She asked, her body shaking.

I was so angry I couldn't even answer her. Instead, I jammed the key into the car ignition and slammed on the gas peddle, tearing out of the slums as fast as I could.

The girl gasped. "What are you doing? Where are you taking me?"

I calmed a bit and paused before answering her.

"Listen." I said. "I need you to do me a favor...."

Well, that's my first chapter! I hope you guys liked it! Please review! I'm going for at least 20 before I post the next chapter!

Oh! And I'm also going to try and finish each fic before I start a new one! Rosefire, you're my idol! XD

*Goddess InuYasha*